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Page 1: Make your communications count:  Effective UC, a wrap up

Make your communications count: Effective UC, a wrap up

Page 2: Make your communications count:  Effective UC, a wrap up

Strategic communication is the result of

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86% of employees say agile working improves productivity.

But for your people to be content and productive they need to be able to communicate effectively.

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Effective communication improves how your people collaborate by breaking down departmental silos and building relationships between key senior figures.

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The key to an engaged, contented workforce that communicate, collaborate and are aligned to top level business goals is Connected Innovation - enabled through unified communications.

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81.5%of respondents in Arkadin’s 2015 survey ‘UC: Where are you on the journey’ agreed that one of the top three benefits to implementing UC was an ‘increase in productivity’.

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75.3%of respondents agreed that two of the main benefits to implementing UC were ‘increasing employee engagement’ or ‘improving support for mobile workers’.

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Discover the advantages of unified communications and unlock the full potential of your people in this series of blog posts from our collaboration experts at Arkadin.

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The IT department is the engine that keeps a company running smoothly and manages the data that drives growth, but it is still often seen as a cost centre. Discover how to

prove the real value of your IT department.

Prove IT! 10 ways to show the real value of IT to your organisation

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Avoid communication disasters by implementing internal communication across your business, improving interdepartmental collaboration as a result.

Internal communications dos, don’ts and disasters (A HR manager’s best practice guide)

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Discover how Dr Martens implemented unified communications, dramatically reducing its costs, reversing its failing fortunes and enabling global communication.

Hell for leather: How unified communications kick-started Dr Martens

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Marketing used to be about gut feelings but today it is all about data. The one person who can help the CMO generate, interrogate and act on that data is the CIO.

Why the best CIOs partner with their CMOs (it’s all about alignment in a

digital world)

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Employees want flexibility at work and enabling this flexibility starts with HR policy. Here’s how to enable flexible employee schemes while boosting productivity.

Flexible employee schemes: Get the flex-appeal your company needs

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Marketing is not always as smooth as it could be, below are some humorous examples of seemingly harmless marketing campaigns that quickly turned into nightmares.

Marketing nightmares - losing control of the funnel

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Learn how to enable collaboration through technology and harness the collective power of your workforce to spark innovation across your enterprise, in our free series of eGuides.

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User adoption, or lack of it, can lead to the failure of the most well planned project roll out. Discover how to ensure user adoption with the help of strategic business

allies and boost ROI.

The connected business: ROI=(user adoption + strategic allies)

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As remote working becomes mainstream and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) continues to rise, HR policies need to keep up. Here’s what you need to know.

The connected business: The rise of remote working and your HR policy,

what you need to know...

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Learn how breaking down silos through collaboration can spark innovation in your business, improving levels of workforce engagement and driving productivity.

The connected business: Bust a silo! Collaborate to innovate

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Over the coming eight weeks, our communications experts at Arkadin will be exploring how enabling flexible communication between your people not

only meets the changing demands of your workforce but also enables a culture of truly seamless



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Discover the business benefits of strategic, effective and flexible


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