Download - Make Positive Changes with Self Hypnosis

Page 1: Make Positive Changes with Self Hypnosis

Christa Davies C Ht

Page 2: Make Positive Changes with Self Hypnosis

Outline How to write Positive Action Suggestions.

3-steps of Self-Hypnosis, we will practice each

stage as we go.

Pre sleep technique.


Programmed suggestion.


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your every

goal for a

better life”

Christa Davis C Ht

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Am I going to be running around the room clucking like a chicken?

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Very Telling Studies!Multiple independent studies consistently show

9 out of 10 people say they

believe in Hypnosis,

they just don’t think it will work for them.

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Accessing the Subconscious Mind

Every time you watch a TV commercial your hypnotized to some degree.

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Brilliance of the Sub-Conscious

The sub-conscious is responsible for 93% of our actions on a daily basis

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A Safe way for Positive Change Hypnosis provides a safe environment

to access the subconscious mind and make the positive changes you desire once and for all.

Patterns and habits can be altered by addressing them directly so the changes feel more natural and easier than ever before.

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Hypnosis WorksA survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates:












Psychoanalysis(600 sessions)

Behavior Therapy(22 sessions)

Hypnotherapy(6 sessions)

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And get going on make positive changes in our lives.

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Positive Action SuggestionsMeet the following criteria:

Positive in tone

Simply stated in sentence form



In present tense


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Positive Action SuggestionsMeet the following criteria:

Positive in tone

Simply stated in sentence form



In present tense


“Every day at 7am I ride

my bike for 20 minutes

and feel healthy and


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Pre –Sleep Technique (practice for 7 days)

Induction (practice for 7 days)

Programmed Suggestion (practice for 2 weeks)

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1.Pre-Sleep Technique1. For 7 days, just before you go to sleep – give yourself the

following suggestions 10 times

“Every day in every way, I get better and better”

Vividly imagine yourself reaching all your goals.

2. Count by pressing down with each finger as you say it.

3. The following day you will find yourself reacting very positively to that suggestion.

4. You must do it 10 times before sleep.

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2. Induction week 2

1. Continue doing step 1

2. 2 x day practice hypnosis for 2-3 mins and then wake yourself up

a) Sit comfortably and supported

b) Effortlessly focus your attention on a spot opposite you and slightly above eye level

c) Slowly take 3 deep breaths

d) Close your eyes…..exhale…and RELAX as you allow yourself to go into a deep, sound, hypnotic rest

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Induction continued…3. You are to remain in hypnosis for approximately 2-3

minutes by counting down slowly from 25 – 1.

4. To awaken, just count forward from 1-3 – and you will awaken refreshed and alert, ready to go about your business in an energetic way.

5. Do this exercise twice a day for 7 days, after which you will be ready to give yourself beneficial suggestions using Self- Hypnosis step 3.

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It gets easier and easier every time you practice

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Stand up and StretchLets shake it up before we go into the next stage.

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3. Programmed Suggestion.1. Write your Positive Action Suggestion on a 3x5 note


2. Sit down and choose a spot opposite you and slightly above eye level. Hold the card out in front of the spot and read the suggestion to yourself 3 times

Important: Make full use of vivid imagination of what you have

written down.

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3. Programmed Suggestions continued3. Return your hand to your lap.

Take your first deep breath…exhale.

Take your second deep breath…exhale

Take you third deep breath… hold it…close your eyes… count backward “3…2…1”…then exhale and go deep into hypnosis.

4. At this point, instead of counting backward from 25-1, allow the suggestion to repeat over and over in your subconscious mind. At the same time, VIVIDLY IMAGINE that you are carrying out the suggestion.


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3. Programmed Suggestions continued5. In approximately 2-3 minutes you’ll have a feeling

that it’s time to stop and wake up (this was set when you established a habit pattern in step#2). At this point just count forward: “1…2…3”… open your eyes and go about your business feeling refreshed and relaxed in every way.

*Give yourself time to allow the suggestions to take hold. It can take up to two weeks to start getting the benefits related to your suggestion.

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Close your eyes relax and exhale

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