Download - Make Money at Home by Posting Links! 3 Ways To Generates $1000's Weekly

Page 1: Make Money at Home by Posting Links! 3 Ways To Generates $1000's Weekly

3 Ways To Make Money At Home By Posting Links

Hello World

Many people are looking to make money at home and need some quick advice on how to achieve

their goal. The truth is a lot of people prey on your need to want to make money at home by selling

you some type of information or software that will make you $1000’s overnight. If you are like me I

have fell victim to this for much to long. Now to be honest some things I bought have worked out and

some didn’t, the reason I am posting this document because I want to people to pay it forward. If you

have a idea that works give it away that way we all can make money.

Below I will give you 3 Methods that I use to make money at home by posting links.

First before we proceed you will need and offer or product to promote. There are many offers and

products online to promote from dog training to teeth whitener. The biggest niche to promote would

be the make money at home niche. The reason I say that is that everyone is looking for a way to make

more money from the poor people to the people who already have money. So if you can show a

person how to make money you will have their attention for a brief moment. In that moment it up to

you to get your point across. In this niche everyone has heard the old “You will become rich tomorrow

if you buy this” routine. The best way to avoid this is by having a work at home business opp that

really works, doesn’t cost anything or very little if it does, it has been time proven ,and it has a lot

people who are already making money with their product or opportunity.

Out of the above criteria the main product I recommend to promote would be Project Payday

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They have a couple of different ways to make money. The method I use to make money is their

referral program. With this program you will get paid for people who create a free account through

your website that is provided free of charge. For every person who creates a free account you will get

paid $1.50 - $5.00 per account. That might not seem like a lot but if you can get 20-30 people to create

an account daily you will be making $1000-$2000 monthly. I am pretty sure that can change your

financial situation. Project Payday pays out weekly either by check or company debit card( I use the

debit card)

So if you need a product to promote that is reliable create your free account with Project Payday


Now that you have a product promote let me explain my 3 methods that I use to make money at

home by posting links. These are the same methods that I use to generate over $1000 weekly with

Project Payday

Method 1: Craigslist

For this method I promote to people who are looking to make money at home.

The best way to promote would be by posting your link in the gigs section. This section is free to place

ads and its gets a lot of traffic. The funny thing about craigslist is if you post to many times with your

link it will not show up. The best way to get around this is by removing the (http://) part of your

website address. This is done so the link is not clickable. The reason you want to do this is because

craigslist will let your ad show if it does not have a clickable link. You can post as many ads as you like.

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If your ad is good enough your prospect will copy and paste your link into their browser or they will

type it in. The main point is to get them to your site. You will accomplish this by writing a ad that is

short and sweet with your website address at the bottom

Exp> We Are Looking For People To Work From Home

We pay weekly!

Training provided!

No Sales

To Start Visit:

If you do not know how to post ad on craigslist it is very simple. On every page the is a button on the

right hand side at the top that says “POST”. Click that and then design your ad in the city of your


Method 2: Facebook Groups

Everyone has facebook so need to give a long spill about why you should get your links on facebook.

But the method I would like to talk about is so easy a kid could do it.

Facebook has groups of people online that are focused on certain interests. Such groups could be like

weight training groups, dog training groups etc… Wherever there are people there are people looking

to make money. Just type in your search where you would look for your friends. Type in a keyword

like “Earn money at home” when you see the groups come up join those groups and begin interacting.

A lot of these groups have thousands of members looking for ways to make money at home by

posting links. Once you have established yourself and given some good advice the member of your

group will be receptive to your products or opportunities that you have available. At that point you

want to point them towards your Project Payday link and tell them to create a free account.

Depending on your influence you can make a lot of money with this method.


Method 3: Youtube

Youtube Is my personal favorite method because if done right you will get traffic which in turn means

money for years to come with the right video.

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This method is very simple!

You can make a video from your phone or laptop. The reason this is a viable method is because

people like to see people. It is much easier to get a feel from a honest review that from a well written


Videos do not have to be long maybe 30 seconds to a minute.

Content of video: Just basically give a honest update on what is happening with you and your business

opportunity. Talk about different methods you use to make money. Once your video is made upload it

to youtube and share it on your facebook and twitter accounts so you can get some views.

The main point of getting views is so that people can see your website link. So to make this method

work in the description part of your youtube video make sure you put your website link so that people

can click it and visit your site. If this method is done right you will make a lot of money for years to

come with this traffic because google loves youtube!!

So above I have given you 3 methods that I use everyday to make money. The key is consistency, if

you do these methods everyday you will make money guaranteed. The methods I have listed above

are just a general outline of the methods to get you started. If you need more training on the

particular procedures with those methods just google it!!


If you do not have a product to promote or you would like to know more about Project Payday visit

the link below.