Download - MakatiMed’s Battle Against the COVID-19 Pandemic Beat COVID-19... · 2020. 9. 25. · MakatiMed’s Battle Against the COVID-19 Pandemic January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April

  • TheMakatiMed Infection Prevention andControl(IPC) Department was informed of the recent casesof pneumonia of unknown origin inWuhan, China

    ED set up a tent at the ERentrance as an isolationarea for suspected casesof the virus

    Outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus (former namefor COVID-19) inWuhan, Chinawas discussed inInfectionControl Committee (ICC)meeting

    • IPC alerted the EmergencyDepartment (ED) onthe thenWuhanPneumoniaOutbreak• MakatiMed got in touchwith theDepartment ofHealth (DOH)andWorldHealthOrganization(WHO)• EDwas advised to screen patients for history oftravel toWuhan, China

    IPC attended ameetingwith theDOHEmergingandRe-emerging InfectiousDisease (EREID) andWHOandwas instructed to follow theMERS-CoVprotocol and use the SevereAcute RespiratoryInfection (SARI) Case Investigation Form

    First positive case ofCOVID-19 inMakatiMedwas recorded: aTaiwanese patient whowas eventually transferredto Research Institute forTropical Medicine (RITM)on the same day

    TheEmployeeWell-beingClinic (EWC)opened a COVID-19swabbing area forMakatiMed staff

    • Memo on 2019 novel coronavirus, process flow,and case investigation formswere sent to allMakatiMed users

    • Requested Department of Pathology &Laboratories to increase buffer stocks of swaband Viral Transport Media (VTM)

    • Requested Procurement Department to increasebuffer stocks of N95mask

    MakatiMed official socialmedia pages released theCOVID-19 guidelines onsymptoms based on theDOHalgorithm

    MakatiMed, throughtheMedilinxMo-lecular Laboratory,began offeringRealTime-PolymeraseChain Reaction(RT-PCR) testing forCOVID-19

    1st Pandemic Influenza andEmergingDiseasesEmergencyResponse (PEDER)meetingwascalled to discuss the outbreak inWuhan

    MakatiMed declared thatit has reached its fullcapacity to admit patientssuspected to haveCOVID-19 as it attendedtomore than 700 patientssince the local outbreak

    TheDela Rosaswabbing areawasopened for KidneyUnit patients and staff

    MakatiMedgradually ushered inthe “new normal” asdiagnostic andoutpatient centerswere re-openedwithnew service hours

    MakatiMed, through its official social mediaplatforms, issued an advisory addressing thepreventivemeasures against the 2019 novelcoronavirus

    MakatiMed released astatement denouncingSenatorAquilinoMartin D.Pimentel III’s breach ofinfection and containmentprotocol of the hospital

    Webinar forMakatiMedemployeeswasarranged by IPCandEWC

    MakatiMed’s Battle Against the COVID-19 PandemicJanuary 2020 February 2020

    March 2020

    April 2020

    May 2020

    3 1













  • Total # of COVID-19 Cases

    Total # of SuspectCOVID-19 Cases seen

    Total # of AdmittedConfirmed COVID-19

    Total # of COVID-19Tests Done in



    25,217 2,878 20,519




    ~ 290




    70,387 2,426Total # of Recoveries

    Total # of COVID-19Positive Cases Detected

    Total # of DischargedCOVID-19 Positive Patients

    Average Daily # ofCOVID-19 Tests

    Done in MakatiMed


    Total # of Deaths

    Total # of COVID-19Negative Cases


    Total # of Deaths

    Daily PositivityRate in MakatiMed

    Other healthcareworkers

    COVID-19 by theNumbers

    As ofAugust 13, 2020, Makati Medical Center hasseen a total of 13,877 suspect COVID-19 individuals.

    Of these, 11,284 turned out to be negativewhile 966 turned out to be positive.

    Updates from the Office of the Medical Director – as of August 13, 2020

    *Data from the Department of Health COVID-19 Tracker


    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124NEWS

    Address: 2 Amorsolo Street, LegaspiVillage, Makati City, Philippines

    Contact Number: +632 8888 8999Website: Arlyn L. SongcoEditorial Team: Shieyl L. Aranas; Mary Joy

    L. Fernandez

    MAKATIMED BEAT is a monthly newsletterof the Makati Medical Center

    editorial Employee Well-being Clinic(EWC) Teleconsultation for

    MakatiMed employees

    Viber number:09617216291

    Clinic number:(+632) 8888-8999

    local 2170 and 2182

    MakatiMed offers free mental healthteleconsultation to employees

    The Section of Psychiatry of the Department ofNeurosciences partnered with the Employee Well-beingClinic (EWC) to offer free teleconsultation to thehealthcare workers of Makati Medical Center.The new service was offered in light of the COVID-19pandemic that made its way to the country.MakatiMed, one of the hospitals inMetroManila that receiveda bulk of COVID-19 patients in the region, was hampered bythe surge of cases being attended to. As a result, healthcareworkers are constantly exposed to high volume of COVID-19cases, most of which have deteriorating conditions; whilesome frontliners witness death among patients and

    colleagues. The sudden change in the working environmentof those working from home, on the other hand, may alsohave psychological impact on non-frontliner staff.In order to check up on the mental health of frontliners andsupport staff, the Section of Psychiatry decided to offerteleconsultation to residents, fellows, consultants,security and elevator personnel, and other workers.MakatiMed employees and third-party service providersmay register and schedule a teleconsultation appointmentthrough the contact details provided by EWC. For otherhealth-related concerns, employees may also opt for ateleconsultation with the clinic.

    Philippines (January 30 to August 13, 2020)

    MakatiMed (March 8 to August 13, 2020)

    COVID-19 Tests (April 13 to August 15, 2020)*

    COVID-19 Positive MakatiMed Healthcare Workers (March 1 to August 13 2020)TOTAL: 564


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    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124 NEWS

    MakatiMed certified as COVID-19 testing centerThe Department of Health (DOH) certified Makati MedicalCenter as a testing center for COVID-19 on April 11, 2020,one of the first 16 institutions to be authorized to offer thetest after satisfying the requirements set by thedepartment.

    MakatiMed Medilinx Molecular Laboratory beganperforming independent testing for COVID-19 by RealTime-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) onApril 15. Asof June 24, the Laboratory can process 210 to 287 tests perday.

    The RT-PCR test, the gold standard for detecting thecausative agent of COVID-19, is performed using theNasopharyngeal swab (NPS) and Oropharyngeal swab(OPS). Through an appointment, patient must firstaccomplish the Case Investigative Form (CIF) beforeundergoing the actual swab test. The Laboratory thenanalyzes the swab samples using RT-PCR and release theresults within 24 to 48 hours.

    MakatiMed also uses Convalescent Plasma Therapy to treatCOVID-19 patients. The plasma from the blood of patientswho recovered from the infection is administered to peoplewhose bodies are currently fighting COVID-19 to help theirimmune system reject the virus more efficiently. TheMakatiMed Blood Bank uses Apharesis to separate theplasma, which contains antibodies, from the other bloodcomponents.

    Makati Medical Center tested 11,694 swab samples as of August 3, 2020. Data from the Department of Health COVID-19 Tracker.


  • Makati Medical Center, one of the first hospitals that responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, honors its doctors, nurses, al-lied health professionals, hospital staff, and support groups who tirelessly work for the recovery of MakatiMed patients.

    Our warrior heroes, you shine in our hearts!

    You shine in our hearts:Healthcare warriors in action


    Billing ED and Inpatient Delivery Room

    Emergency Department (ED)

    Pathology & Laboratories

    Nursing & Patient Care Services

    Radiology Department


  • Water and Siren Salute for frontliners by the Makati Fire and Rescue Volunteers

    Food provision from generous donors for the MakatiMed frontlinersMAKATIMED


  • Trending: MakatiMedDenounces

    Breach of ProtocolsMakati Medical Center released a statement on its social mediapages on March 24, 2020 denouncing the violation of SenatorAquilino Martin D. Pimentel III as he breached the hospital’sinfection and containment control during his visit.

    The statement, penned by Medical Director Saturnino P. Javier,MD, was widely shared across major social media platforms as thepublic expressed their support to MakatiMed’s stand on theincident.

    On Facebook, the post reached 10 million users as it was sharedmore than 155,200 times, earning close to 495,000 reactions.

    The Twitter post of the statement, on the other hand, was seen byTwitter users 2.2 million times on the platformwith 35,000 likes and15,800 retweets.


    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124NEWS


    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124NEWS

    MakatiMed provides support to workforce duringECQ, COVID-19 battle

    Makati Medical Center continues toexert every effort to support itshealthcare workers and staff to keepthem healthy and well-equipped in thebattle against COVID-19.

    The Human Resource Managementand Development Division (HRMDD)distributed Safety Shield Packs to allemployees of the hospital to aid in theprevention of acquiring the infection.Each pack contains a digitalthermometer, hand sanitizer, wet wipes,and a card of appreciation.

    The hospital also provided freetransportation service to its workerssince March 18, 2020 after theEnhanced Community Quarantine wasimplemented by the Philippine

    government in the whole island ofLuzon. In order to assist employees,especially the frontliners, vans andbuses were designated in various pick-up and drop-off points inside andoutside the metro. With the help of thedivision, along with some doctors, staff,and private individuals, temporaryaccommodations were also offered tofrontliners whose homes are located faraway from the hospital.

    MakatiMed also packed and distributeda total of 4,000 Family Grocery CareBags to its employees across differentdepartments and units on April 8, 2020.About a hundred volunteer employeesfrom Controllership, Pricing andAnalytics, Treasury, and InventoryManagement helped repack the goods.

    Each of the MakatiMed Family GroceryCare Bags contains rice, cannedgoods, milk, biscuits, noodles and otheressential goods.

    The distribution of the Safety ShieldPacks, Family Grocery Care Bags, andthe provision of free transport serviceand accommodations are part of thehospital’s effort to support and ease theburden and challenges faced by thestaff in the fight against the COVID-19pandemic especially during the ECQperiod.

    Employees hop on the shuttle vehicles provided by MakatiMed for dailytransportation to the hospital.

    Updates from Saturnino P. Javier, MD (Medical Director)

    Volunteer workers repack care bags for4,000 employees in the hospital.


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    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124 NEWS


    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124 NEWS

    MakatiMed participates in WHO Solidarity TrialIn a race to develop an effective treatment forthe COVID-19 pandemic, Makati MedicalCenter joined other hospitals in thePhilippines for a worldwide Solidarity Trial bythe World Health Organization (WHO). ThePhilippines is one of the more than 100participating countries after the Departmentof Health (DOH) announced its inclusion inthe international randomized clinical trial.

    The study will measure the effectiveness offour (4) treatment options: the antiviral Rem-desivir, antimalarial drugs Chloroquine orHydroxychloroquine, antiretroviral drugsLopinavir/Ritonavir, and the multiple sclerosistreatment Interferon beta-1a.

    A total of 24 hospitals in the country arealready participating in the trial: 9 aregovernment hospitals and 15 are privatehospitals. These include University of thePhilippines – Philippine General Hospital,Asian Hospital Medical Center, CardinalSantos Medical Center, Baguio GeneralHospital, Diliman Doctors Hospital, Fe delMundo Medical Center, Manila DoctorsHospital, Research Institute for TropicalMedicine, and San Juan de Dios MedicalCenter among others.

    MakatiMed, through the efforts of theDepartment of Infectious Disease,Emergency Department, and PharmacyDepartment, is now one of the top recruitingcenters for the clinical trials.

    MakatiMed leads private Philippine hospitals in the number of enrolledparticipants in the trial.

    Solidarity Trial: Top 10 countries representing > 90% of patients enrolled (as of June 23, 2020)


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    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124NEWS

    MakatiMedonce againreaches full


    MakatiMed actionsagainst COVID-19

    Four (4) months after declaring thatMakati Medical Center reached itsmaximum capacity for COVID-19patients, the hospital released a newadvisory in July announcing that itsfacilities and manpower cannotaccommodatemore COVID-19 cases.

    The latest advisory, released on July13, 2020, stated that regular wards,critical care units, and the EmergencyDepartment are now full even afteraugmenting physical and manpowerresources.

    DearValued Patients,

    We regret to inform you that after athorough review of our bed utilization[particularly the Critical Care Units] andmanpower, and in consultation with ourCOVID-19 medical teams, Makati MedicalCenter [MMC] has now reached FULLCAPACITY. This is insofar as our capabilityto handle patients suspected andconfirmed to have COVID-19 is concerned.

    Your hospital, Makati Medical Center, hasattended to tens of thousands ofpatients suspected to have COVID-19since the outbreak of this viral infectionin our country in February. To cope withthe surge, MMC has augmented itsphysical and manpower resources toaccommodate more patients, hired newrecruits, and closed some areas tosupplement workforce in other vitalunits. The COVID-19 zones of MMC, boththe regular wards and the Critical CareUnits, and especially the EmergencyRoom, are now full.

    Much as we would want to extend thesame degree of care and attention to anyadditional admission for COVID-19, MMChas reached its threshold in its capacity torespond to more COVID-19 patients. Wewill exert every effort to find you anotherhealthcare facility of your choice [or ours].As we manage the overflow of COVID-19patients, we assure our admitted non-COVID patients that their safety and well-being remain a priority as well.

    Our sincerest apologies.




    ( (

    Have been in contact with a person suspected to beinfected with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?




    Have you traveled to China (including Hong Kong and Macau)Japan, Italy, Iran & South Korea within the last 14 days?



    Source: World Health Organization

    Various departments and units held meetings and trainings when theoutbreak in Wuhan, China was first reported.

    The Emergency Department set up a COVID-19 tent and triage outside ED.

    Cough etiquette and travel advisory posters wereposted on elevators.

    Cleaning and disinfectionof hospital facilities are

    regularly done.

    Proper waste segregation areas and handrub dispensers weredesignated in the hospital.


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    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124 NEWS

    MakatiMed implements contactlesspatient scheduling

    Before visiting the hospital for a consultation with a doctor, patients are nowrequired to accomplish the screening form and confirm an appointment. This isin line with Makati Medical Center’s stringent protocols to prevent the spreadof infection among patients, guests, and employees in the hospital facilities.There are two ways by which a patient may schedule his or her visit toMakatiMed. The patient may opt to accomplish the Screening Form onlinewhich can be found in the MakatiMed website. If the patient has a companion,the companion is also required to go through the same screening process.Once they pass the screening, patient may now set an appointment with thedoctor by calling the clinic secretary.Patient may also start the process by calling the Clinic Secretary to set anappointment, and the latter will send the screening form to the patient. TheClinic Secretary will send a confirmation of the consultation schedule once thepatient and/or companion pass the screening process.


    COVID-19Crisis TeamThe Metro Pacific HospitalHoldings, Inc. (MPHHI), inwhich Makati Medical Center isa part of, established a COVID-19 Crisis Team to address thecoronavirus pandemic.

    Since March this year, the groupwas developed to centralize theefforts of the 16-strong MPHHIhospitals in Luzon, Visayas, andMindanao in the fight againstCOVID-19. The task force aimsto provide support to thegovernment through healthcareand data provision, as well as toaddress the concerns onworkforce, infection preventionand control, laboratory services,and death care managementamong others.

    The group consists of hospitalrepresentatives with expertiseon medical case management,infection control, supply chainand logistics, andcommunications. Experts oninformation technology, legal,human resources, biomedicalengineering, finance, andfacilities were also sought.

    The team also established aCentral Data Gathering Unit toconsolidate relevant data andbest practices in the hospitals. AStrategic Communications Unitwas tasked to effectivelydisseminate internal andexternal communication amongthe concerned organizations,including relevant governmentagencies. To boost themanpower of the hospitals andactivate the role of the HumanResource Council, theManpower Engagement andVolunteerism unit wasestablished.


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    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124NEWS

    MakatiMed implements guidelinesfor patients, visitors, companions

    Makati Medical Center implemented a set of guidelines for patients, visitors, andcompanions when visiting the hospital. The enforcement of the guidelines is in

    line with the hospital’s safety and infection prevention protocols.

    Patients, visitors, and companions are advised to set an appointment first fortheir consultation or medical procedures. Once confirmed, they are required toanswer the patient screening formwhich can be accomplished online, throughtheMakatiMedOn-Call, or through the clinic secretary. Proof of screeningmust

    be presented upon entry of the hospital.

    Everyone is also required to wear a facemask andmaintain a 6 ft. distance fromeach other for proper physical distancing. Visitors and companionsmay claimtheir ID Passes at the Information Desk at theMain Lobby or at theAdmitting

    Office respectively.

    MakatiMed launchesLaboratory Drive-

    Thru ServicesPatients now have easy and convenientoptions for their laboratory andvaccination procedures.AsMakatiMed-ical Center continues to promotemeasures against the spread of theCoViD-19 pandemic, the hospitallaunched services that patients canavail of in the comfort of their vehicles ortheir homes.For laboratory procedures that would re-quire blood extractions, the hospitaloffers the Laboratory Drive-Thru Service.Patients may opt to pass by thehospital’s Main Driveway (right side) forthe drive-thru service.The following laboratory tests, however,areNOToffered in the drive-thru service:• BleedingTime,ClottingTime• Blood culture• Catheter specimen collection• CoViD-19PCRSwabTest• DrugTest• Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus(HIV)

    • Oral GlucoseTolerant Test (OGTT),OralGlucoseChallengeTest (OGCT)

    • Othermicrobiological culture• Specimen scrapping

    To avail of the services, the patientmust first set an appointment at leasttwo (2) days before their preferredschedule by calling (+632) 8888 8999local 3012 or 7061.


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    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124 NEWS

    MakatiMed re-opensoutpatient centers, clinics

    AsMetro Manila transitioned to modified enhanced community quarantine(MECQ) and eventually to general community quarantine (GCQ) in June, MakatiMedical Center also gradually opened its doors to its non- COVID-19 patients.

    MakatiMed announced that Outpatient Centers and doctors’ clinics are back inoperationmonths after themetro had been put into total lockdown due to the


    Patients are also required to follow the post-ECQ guidelines implemented byMakatiMed for the prevention of the spread of the virus. These include

    accomplishing a pre-screening process, wearing of facemask, undergoingthermal scanning, limiting the number of patient companions, andmaintaining

    physical distancing.

    HAIRoes from ResCute Operation visitMakatiMed to provide free haircut to frontliners.

    Frontliners receivefree haircut

    Makati Medical Center, through theHuman Resource Management andDevelopment Division (HRMDD),teamed up with a non-profitorganization to give free haircut tofrontliners during the enhancedcommunity quarantine.A total of 101 clinical and non-clinicalstaff received free haircut service fromResCute Operation’s skilledhairstylists on May 7, 2020. Physicaldistancing, wearing of disposablemasks and personal protectiveequipment (PPE), hand hygiene andsanitizing of all reusable materials(scissors, combs, and trimmers) wereall observed.The “HAIRoes” of the organization visitvarious hospitals and healthcarefacilities to help the CoViD-19frontliners with their long-hairdilemmas, especially when salons andbarber shops were closed during thequarantine period.


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    MakatiMed Beat • CoVid-19 SPECIAL ISSUE • Volume 11 Issue 124NEWSIn the Spotlight

    MakatiMed warns use of FaceMasks with Exhalation Valve

    MakatiMed requiresRT-PCR testing forpatient admissions

    Makati Medical Center’s Medical Director,Saturnino P. Javier, MDwas interviewed in CNNConnect theWorld onMarch 18, 2020 to explainthe COVID-19 situation in the Philippines. Dr.Javier talked about how the local hospitals were

    responding to the pandemic.

    The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)Department released an advisory on July 17, 2020disallowing the use of respirators and masks withexhalation valve among patients, visitors,outsourced service providers, employees, andhealthcareworkers.The advisory cited the US Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC), saying that theserespirators and masks with exhalation valve allowsthe escape of unfiltered exhaled air from a person.Thus, creating a huge risk for people in closecontact with a person who has potentially infectiverespiratory droplets.To reduce the risk of transmission, especially in thecontext of theCOVID-19 pandemic,Makati MedicalCenter will not allow anyone in the hospital to userespirators or facemaskswith exhalation valve.

    Makati Medical Center has implemented anew policy that requires patients for admissionto undergo an RT-PCR testing. This is in lightof the increased community transmission ofCOVID-19 and the incidence of presumedasymptomatic or pre-symptomatic COVID-19individuals.The RT-PCR test result of patients for direct or“pre-arranged” admission is valid for two (2)weeks provided the following are strictlydetermined and established, as declared inthe Patient Screening Form:1. There was no recent exposure with a

    COVID-19 case.2. There are no symptoms or condition,

    suspicious or confirmed, suggestive ofCOVID-19.