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Main Genres In Film

Comedy Sci-Fi Action-Adventure

Horror Romance Rom-Com

‘Ted’ is an example of a comedy, it fits the genre of comedy through the clear conventions it’s contains that is commonly found within comedy films. For example the main character John is rather accident prone, he behaves in an immature and child like manor such as hiding under the duvets when thunder strikes and not conveying traits expected of an adult.

Star Wars is a classic example of a Sci-Fi film, it is flooded with Sci-Fi conventions that make it fit into this genre of film. The saga is set in a ‘galaxy far far away’ with further advanced technology than current times and all of this is set in space. All three are main conventions of Sci-Fi films. Star Trek and Avatar are also examples of Sci-Fi films.

Die Hard is an example of action adventure films. Conventions that make action adventure films such as the use of weapons, snappy dialogue and protagonists/antagonists and more are all present in the die hard films such as the use of guns, the sarcasm and of course plenty of action are what make this an action adventure film.

Horror is an increasingly popular genre, ‘Insidious’ is an example of the Horror genre as it consists of the conventions such as being set in an urban area and the antagonist being an unnatural being.

Friends With Benefits is an example of a romantic comedy with conventions such as a love story that usually ends happily. This is clear within this film as the two finally become a couple.

Titanic is one of the most popular and well known romantic films of current times. Although there is also action elements to the film the film is mainly focused on the blossoming romance between the characters of Jack and Rose. Titanic uses the most common of romantic conventions such as the ‘boy meets girl’ scenario such as when Jack meets the character of Rose on the titanic. The film is also aimed at appealing to the female audience another convention of romance films.