Download - Mahatma gandhi presentation 1

  2. 2. WHO HE WAS AND WHAT HE DID Born 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, British Indian Empire Earned law degree in London in 1891 Gave up law in 1893 to pursue a life of standing up for Indians rights in both South Africa and India Became the preeminent leader of the Indian Independence Movement, attempting to detach India from British rule Throughout his leadership, Gandhi stood for the rights of a suppressed people, preaching equality and advocating non- violence
  3. 3. THE TEN CHARACTERISTICS OF A SERVANT LEADER Identified by Spears through review of Greenleafs writings Showcase the developmental necessities of Servant Leaders The first conceptualized model of Servant Leadership
  4. 4. 1. LISTENING Gandhi engaged others by listening and understanding their message first, then communicating a receipt of knowledge through engaging conversation. His belief in Hinduism led to peaceful and understanding communication with others.
  5. 5. 2. EMPATHY Empathy is standing in the shoes of another person and attempting to see the world from that persons point of view. Lived in South Africa for 21 years standing up for the rights of those whom were being discriminated against.
  6. 6. 3. HEALING Servant Leaders support followers by helping them overcome personal problems. Gandhi stood with, next to, and for his followers.
  7. 7. 4. AWARENESS Spiritual and holistic leader Understood life, death, and recourse with nature Live as the image of God, for the embodiment of all Truth Knowledge Bliss
  8. 8. 5. PRESUASION Persuasion is clear and persistent communication that convinces others to change. Mahatma Gandhi stood for others for 55 consecutive years, until being assassinated in 1948.
  9. 9. 6. CONCEPTUALIZATION Observe, experience, reflect Satyagraha = Hold firmly to the truth Truth-force Love-force
  10. 10. 7. FORESIGHT Foresight encompasses a servant leaders ability to know the future. Gandhi believed that we could reach our destination in the future, if only we strived for it today.
  11. 11. 8. STEWARDSHIP Servant leaders accept the responsibility to carefully manage the people they have been given to lead. While most leaders identify with symbols of power to elevate themselves above the people they lead, Gandhi symbolized the people he was trying to serve.
  12. 12. 9. COMMITMENT TO THE GROWTH OF PEOPLE Servant leadership places a premium on treating each follower as a unique person with intrinsic value. Each of his followers was individually important to the cause of Indias independence and discontinuance of discrimination
  13. 13. 10. BUILDING COMMUNITY Servant leadership fosters the development of community. In attempting to build a co-existing Hindu- Muslim community, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in 1948.
  14. 14. REFERENCES Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory and Practice. 6th Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2013. Barnabas, Annette and Paul Sundararajan Clifford. Mahatma Gandhi: An Indian Model of Servant Leadership. International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol. 7 Iss. 2, 2012 Mahatma Gandhi Biography. Web. Accessed, 1 Mar 2015. Mahatma Gandhi. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. Accessed, 1 Mar 2015. Life and Work of Mahatma Gandhi. The University of Amsterdam. Servant-Leadership Across Histories Symposium, 26 Apr 2012