Download - ''MahaDharma'' --the eternal religion of human being

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-the Religion of human being (humanity)

Page 2: ''MahaDharma'' --the eternal religion of human being

MahaDharma 'MahaDharma' is the Religion of human being (humanity). It is made by human beings and made for human welfare. That is 'MahaDharma' which helps to

bloom the Mind and also consciousness, that which is free from all bad sides like superstition, malice,

hatred, cruelty, malpractice, and which do not gives us any false promise. 

That is true religion.

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Humanitarianism is our 'ism', it is 'MahaVad' --the great doctrine of

the modern times, taught by MahaManas alias MahaAnand. 

 The main theme of the new religious doctrine –'MahaVad' –is unveiling the real truth of life, humanitarianism,

make  know the target of life and true self-development.

Originally Humanitarianism  is our Religion, our Devotion to human interests.

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The main subject of the true religion is, true self-development (Maha Atma-Vikash) -that which directly helps to develop our mind, that which teaches the method of better living and that which helps and incite or insist to get true knowledge.

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   Now, the new religion named 'MahaDharma' is formed by some students and devotees of MahaManas alias MahaAnand.     MahaDharma is formed on the base of 'MahaVad'. 'MahaVad' is a true spiritual and true self-developmental doctrine & teachings of MahaManas.    Making us proper human being –Is the chief object of this New Religion 'MahaDharma'

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More about MahaDharma:  'MahaDharma' is not like other religions. Worship of God is not main object of this religion. The object of this religion is to make us proper human being. Development of mind and also blooming of consciousness is the fundamental tune of 'MahaDharma' –and that is the natural quality of human beings.

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In reality, 'MahaDharma'' is our natural–fundamental religion, that which we forgot so long. We –self-oblivious men, forgetting our aim of life, are living in an ecstatic state. By practicing that which religion with great devotion, one can become a proper human being, is MahaDharma.  'MahaDharma' – this religion is not adoptable, because it is your own religion–natural religion. When you will be aware or conscious about it –about aim of life, and also will be desirous to practice it –to be advanced towards the aim of life, then you will be initiated in your own religion– ‘MahaDharma’.  

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Now in this extreme critical time, only true-spiritual revolutionary movement can save us. Also a true- spiritual high-flow-tide is growing up behind the screen. Just we have to welcome it immediately for our own interest.    

  Lac of consciousness –ignorance and illness are main cause of most distresses and problems. Science –technology –politics and widely practiced religions are not able to solve it. It can be solved by true spiritualism (with true spiritual self-developmental method) ––‘MahaVad’.

  ‘MahaVad’ –taught by ––originated by the MahaManas (MahaAnand), ––the great sage of the modern age. To know about ‘MahaVad’ 'MahaDharma' and MahaAnand, you can search through Yahoo and Google.

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This new Religion chiefly consists with virtues and duties of human beings, not with any blind-faith and inhuman activities. Our chief Religious duty is to belong to the true self-development education of 'Mahavad'.    The bounden duty of human beings is our Religious practice. The main duty is to advance to be complete human being –to get true development of conscious mind. The continuous study of that is our Worship.

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MahaVad -the way of better life!

MahaVad –the mine book of true spiritual knowledge.  The veil of mysterious spiritual world has been uncovered in this extraordinary book (scripture).  The real state of life and the great (God) life has been revealed here. The honest reply of eternal self-inquiry has been gotten after so long.  

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‘MahaVad’ is your acquaintance with yourself (your own reality)

Another great wealth of this book is– ‘Maha AtmaVikash Yoga’  –that is true self- development education, that which is a incomparable practical course of education for universal development of one’s own self, with the art of better living and Maha-Yoga treatments.

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‘MahaVad’ is the naked truth of the spiritual world and cosmic life.

Who am I – why am I, where I came from –what is the ultimate state of ‘I’ existence, how and why the great universe came into existence, how the creatures came into existence and what is the end of all– ???? In reality –what is happened after death, what is the God’s own reality, is it possible to pay a visit of God, is God really become incarnated –????  –True answers of these questions are obtainable in ‘MahaVad’.

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Let us travel from ‘I’ to Supreme ‘I’ –through the journey by the divine boat of 'MahaVad'.     MahaVad is a true spiritual science with spiritual psychology.

'MahaVad' is a wonderful experience of inner truth and the way of a better life. 'MahaVad' is the true spiritualism –great teachings and great ‘ism’ of MahaManas –the great sage of the modern age.

‘MahaVad’ is the main scripture of ‘MahaDharma’

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