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The Magna Carta is an English document created by the barons during King John’s rule in 1215.

Up until this point, English kings had been able to rule without limitations, as they claimed to have been given absolute power by God.

This document forced the King to follow the same laws as their subjects, which was a huge step towards equality for all citizens under the law.

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Details The Magna Carta is a collaboration that includes 37 old English laws.

However, many new laws were created to show the new limitations of the power of the king.

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REASONS Unlike most past English kings, King

John was extremely unsuccessful in his military campaigns.

In order to pay for the wars, John raised taxes without consulting his barons, against common custom.

In response, the barons rebelled and forced John to sign the Magna Carta, and give up some of his power.

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The Magna Carta stands for freedom, that the people have certain rights that cannot be taken away by anyone, and it stands for the only real true rule of law; that no one, not even a king, is above the law.

It still has major influence on our legal system today, and has ensured equality for all citizens under the law.

“Magna Carta” is Latin for “Great Charter”.

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WHO WAS INVOLVED? A total of 25 barons, 13 bishops, and 20

abbots were party to the signing of the Magna Carta.

The barons accepted the responsibility of ensuring that King John followed the clauses of the Magna Carta.

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WHAT IT INCLUDED John was required to be less harsh on

the barons. All people would have access to courts,

regardless of wealth. No one could be imprisoned without

first going through the legal system. John was forced to put his seal on the

document, so that it would be taken more seriously.

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SURVIVING CLAUSES Only three clauses of the original

Magna Carta are still in effect today. 1. The Church of England shall be free

and maintain all of its rights and liberties.

2. The City of London shall keep all of its old customs and liberties.

3. No one shall be imprisoned or have their rights taken away without a trial.

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