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Magic Overload


In the fog there was a man walking through the mud on a stormy night. As the lighting struck, the man looked up to the sky. He clicked his fingers and suddenly a bright strong light appeared on his thumb. He used

his other hand to block the rain from the fire. “I need to hurry or the lighting might kill the children.” Then he continued his journey to the castle.

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As the man entered the hall, a student shouted out “Mr Matt you finally return we were waiting for you”

Matt replied “okay I’m coming’

Matt went in the classroom with the students. He slammed down a science book on the table ‘let’s start learning.’ As he open the science book he told the student ‘section 8 page 65’

However he used forceful power to open everyone’s science books to section 8 page 65. The students started to talk. ‘Can you please be quiet, I don’t want to use up all my voice before the end of the lesson.’ Screeched Mr Matt. the kids ignored the speech and continued the disaster. Matt looked into Jeremy’s eye, who is a role model student. He immediately stared back in to Mr Matt’s eyes. He stood up as if he had been ordered and clicked his fingers. The room suddenly went dark. For a second the place became quiet, no one even dared to breath. ‘Thanks Jeremy. How many times did Jeremy need to do that?’

‘Six times Mr Matt.’ a student answer annoyingly. Mr matt uses his hand and drag him up with forceful power. Then he dropped the student and put him in the bin.


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‘That will be your seat from now on,’ Mr Matt said with a smile. ‘Now concentrate.’

After the class Mr Matt called Jeremy to his room. To teach him the process of moving shadow away from it owner and this magic is called chaos hex. Later on Mr matt teach Jeremy how to do this process and Jeremy understood the method of the chaos hex.

‘Why are you teaching me these powers?’ Jeremy asked

‘I want you to help me.’ Matt answered strangely

‘Help what?’ Jeremy continues to question him. For a while there was a pause. Matt look at his student straight into his eyes.

‘I had a strange feeling. A feeling that I am going to die. I also feel that someone is going to kill me.’ Matt said looking at the ground.

‘I still don’t understand’ Jeremy told his teacher

‘Last night I dreamed. In my dream, I was in a room. The room was strange, there was only a mirror. However the person I saw in the mirror was my self but with more evil look. I woke up and thought what to do, I think you are my answer.’

‘Now I understand’ Jeremy sigh. They continues talking for an hour. Matt talked about a ring that can make a magician be more powerful.

‘The person who wears this ring will be powerful than every magician in the world, however it is gone. People believe that it was hid in this school’s dungeon by the head master. Unfortunately he is dead.’ After the speech Matt went to the toilet and dismiss Jeremy.


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In the night Matt dreamed about the mirror again. Then suddenly a bright shiny light appear in his dream. Matt woke up.

‘That was the sign of chaos,’ Matt told himself ‘I will go and take a walk.’ It was five in the morning. He went to have a walk.

Matt walked down the misty and hollow street of Edinburg. As he walked he was thinking about the dream that happened that night. Suddenly there was a light glowing as bright as the moon shining into his eyes. He clicked his fingers and stared at the light. The

light disappears into darkness. ‘I can’t believe chaos came this far,’ He mumbled ‘I should return to the place I belong.’ After finishing his words he clicked his fingers again and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he was in front of Collinswood School.

The great gate opened and he entered. He walked past the school’s graveyard. Which remind Matt of the death that bothered him; he opened the door to the Castle of Collinswood. As he walked to the lobby to meet the detective the detective told him, “There was a murder the night you were teaching the kids”

“Who was the murderer” replied Matt curiously, as he was walking around wondering what the cause was.

“The research found was the murderer might be an expert magician” the detective told Matt.


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“By the way, what is your name young man?” The detective asked

“My name is Matt, Matt Brooks” answered the teacher

“Then what is your name detective?” Matt questioned

“My name is Harold, Harold Hopper” replied the detective

Suddenly there was a sound of an explosion but nothing happened but the whole light shuttled down to internal darkness.

“It’s a EMP explosion be aware where you step” shouted the teacher as looking at the surroundings in the darkness

“What is an EMP blast?” asked the detective

Matt explained “an EMP blast is a technology explosion which disables every electronic at its radius”

Then Matt clicked is finger to summon the bright strong light in the hollowed shadows.

The windows flapped open then the storm shuttled of the light on his hand.

“I will go and go and have a look” Matt muttered. He walked out of the room. Suddenly there was a loud scream. Mr Hopper ran after the sound.

The picture he saw was a man dress in dark red. His hair stood. In his right hand was a staff and in the opposite is a burning bright red flame. Next to him was a dead girl He turned around and look at Hopper. It was Matt.

“Matt?” asked Hopper


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“No my name is max….” matt answer. Then he fall to the floor his cloth change back to be green.

“Matt what was that?” Hopper ask

“What was what?” Matt asked back. Hopper told Matt the story. Matt face turned pale and he shouted “get me Jeremy.”

Jeremy arrived he was a bit confuse but when hopper a told him the story. His eye lids went big. “I can make a potion that can

separate you and it won’t take a lot of time.” Explain Jeremy.

“Make it quick” Matt ordered.

Jeremy came back 15 minutes later. Matt quickly drink the potion. His skin turned red his mouth was wide open and then another person came out of the mouth. He looks exactly the same like Matt but with long ears and evil looking eyes. They stood up and look at each other hopper and Jeremy step back.

Matt flicked his hands and summon a fire the other Matt did exactly the same the shot fire balls at each other. Until the evil Matt says “Hello Matt. My name is Max and I am the bad part of you. We are both powerful wizard on the world. However I am chaos so I got the will to destroy you.”

“I will defeat you and destroy you,” matt shouted to Max “and Jeremy find the ring of power” then he ran to the dungeon. Max


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followed him behind. Jeremy and hopper stood still. “I need to find the ring of power” mumbled Jeremy. Then a light was form the ring float down into Jeremy’s hands. “We will win” said jeremy and he ran after his teacher.

Matt ran past the dungeon of Collins. He clicked his fingers to summon the Holy Light. He continued running deeper in to the labyrinth. Behind him was Max. ‘You will never succeed,’ Max whispered into Matt’s ear ‘You know the person who kill those innocents is you’.

‘Shut-up, I didn’t do anything wrong,’ Matt replied ‘Because the murderer is you!’ Matt threw the holy light at Max. Again Max disappeared into darkness. ‘He will come back soon.’ Matt reminded himself of the situation. Every second was important for him.

He reached the middle of the maze. He started praying and a shield of light was formed. ‘This will hold him long enough’ Matt said to himself.

At the other side of the room Max was standing angrily outside of the barrier. He used his hands and tried to smash the Barrier. Matt continued running deeper into the castle. Suddenly he found Jeremy.

‘What are you doing here?’ Matt asked his favourite student after he saw him.

‘I came to help you,’ Jeremy replied ‘and better or not I have found the ring of power.’ Jeremy handed the ring to Matt and smiled. Matt stood still. ‘You told me that was the only way to win Max.

Matt smiled. ‘You keep this ring, you’ve found it. And keep it safe. You should…’ Matt didn’t finished his speech a loud


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banging sound disturbed them. ‘Now you shall help me. Wear the ring.’

‘You think a student from Collinwood can destroy me.’ Max laughed.

‘Don’t underestimate our student’ Matt said. Jeremy somehow powered up Matt’s strength. Max’s face turned red with anger. He closed his eyes and started to pray. He floated up in to the sky. And when he opened his eye, deep red and bright fire came out of his eyes. At first Matt thought he was going to shoot fire out of his eyes. He turned his head to Jeremy and was about to say ‘be prepared’ but before he said that he saw that Jeremy was also in the sky just like Max but with bright blue flame.

As they started to shoot laser out of their eyes Matt flicked his fingers a bright yellow light was formed. Without anyone knowing he sent his light from his hands to the middle of the battle. The light collected powers from the fight. For an hour they fought, the light became so bright that Matt closed his eyes.

‘Jeremy come down here the light will explode soon.’ Matt shouted. Jeremy jumped down and they run. After about two minutes of running they heard a loud banging noise ‘it exploded,’ Matt said.


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Jeremy shouted, ‘We did it!’

‘No I didn’t die so Max will still alive, but he lost his power.’ Matt said with disappointment.

‘So what should we do next?’ Jeremy asked

‘We must curse Max with a seal,’ Matt said ‘I have heard that you are good in potion making, can you make a potion that can seal someone?’

‘I could try, but I don’t know if it would work or not’ Jeremy said.

‘OK, but try’ Matt said.

‘I will never let you go you must die’ Max shouted.

‘You will never kill us’ Matt replied.

‘Jeremy run!’ Matt shouted. Matt and max stared to shoot fire balls at each other.

Jeremy ran into the lab and started to make a potion. When he finished he ran to see Matt.

‘Mr Matt I finished, but it might not work’ Jeremy told Matt.

‘Now, please, now Jeremy’ Matt screamed. He was not in good shape. His shirt were all torn up from the fight, blood was everywhere. Jeremy throw the potion at max. It hit max in the head. Max laid down on the floor while the magic is working. Solid ice was formed and cover the body of Max. He cried with pain. Then rain started to fall. Harold ran out from the castle. With a hand cuff

‘Now we all know who the murderer is now right,’ he said running into them ‘So Mr Matt I may arrested you for killing two innocent people. I was going to say that but from the things we have just seen it was prove that the murderer was your twins.’ Matt and Jeremy laughed at the sight.


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‘I believe this is science class’ Matt said to his student. Then teacher and student walked into the castle happily.
