Download - Maggie's Earthquake Data

Page 1: Maggie's Earthquake Data

Earthquake DataBy: Maggie Davis

Page 2: Maggie's Earthquake Data

Part 3 Step 2 Question 2

Page 3: Maggie's Earthquake Data

Part 3 Step 2 Question 2 cont.

What do you notice about the distribution of these earthquakes?

I notice that most earthquakes occur along the boundaries of the plates.

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Part 3 Step 2 Question 3

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Part 3 Step 2 Question 3 cont.

How does the distribution of these Earthquakes compare to others?

These Earthquakes are mainly in groupings by Convergent Boundaries (red lines), and are mainly by oceans.

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Part 3 Step 2 Question 5

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Part 3 Step 2 Question 5 cont.

What type of plate boundary is associated with earthquakes that have a magnitude of 7.0 or greater?

They are mostly near Convergent Boundaries.

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Part 3 Step 3 Question 4

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Part 3 Step 3 Question 4 cont.

What percentage of big earthquakes occur within 100 miles of a convergent plate boundary?

613 out of 1286 earthquakes occurred within in 100 miles of convergent plate boundaries, making 48%

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Part 3 Step 3 Question 5

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Part 3 Step 3 Question 5

What percentage of big earthquakes occur within 200 miles of a convergent plate boundary?

977 out of 1286 big earthquakes occur within 200 miles of a convergent plate boundary, making 76%

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Earthquakes in the Future

10 places where Earthquakes might occur:

10 Places that are overdue for an Earthquake:

Oman Australia

Yemen Russia

Jordan Northwestern U.S.

Saudi Arabia Brazil

Tunisia Western Canada

Morocco Alaska

Peru Venezuela

Chile Gyuana

Ecuador Uruguay

Democratic Republic of Congo South Africa

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New List: 10 Places

New Technology:Scientists are always finding new ways but they have satellites that can detect earthquakes days and even weeks before they occur.

New List: 10 places that are overdue for an Earthquake











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I think that:EuropeIs going to have the next big Earthquake.

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Overall Analysis

What have you learned?

I have learned that although scientists cannot make 100% accurate predictions on when earthquakes will occur, technology allows them to map out and estimate when there are significant quakes coming.

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Overall Analysis

What are some factors that influence earthquake prediction?

Some factors that influence earthquake prediction are weather, location, and the type of technology that is available.

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Overall Analysis

Where do most significant earthquakes occur?

Most significant earthquakes occur along convergent plate boundaries.