Download - Magento Social Login

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57% – Expecting to have free shipping cost48% – Not interested because total cost of purchase is more41% – Used shopping cart for research purpose19% – Didn’t want to wait for the product18% – Prefer purchasing offline15% – Checkout process too complicated12% – Other reasons

Shopping Cart Abandonment Reasons by Forrester Research:

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Short intro about Shopping Cart Abandonment:

“Shopping Cart Abandonment is when a customer takes a tour of your online product store and leaves before completing the checkout process because of any reason like signup abandonment, high product prices etc. This is a potential loss for the e-commerce business as the visitor did not buy the products and as a result store owner loss their product revenue”

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Social Login Diversity Will Decrease Customer’s Signup Abandonment!

Now a day’s large number of people using social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked, Yahoo and many others to promote their products and to share their product Requirements as well. Social Login Diversity promotes the vision, visibility, voice, and

collaborative action needed for inclusive and effective social work practice, links, productivity etc.

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Business strategy makes it easy to analyze future


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Social Login Magento Extension! Best tool to build a social network from scratch.

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Magento Social Login Extension has been developed by FME developers that provides a facility to your site visitors to login or register by using their own social network like Facebook. Google,

Yahoo, LinkedIn and Twitter that makes them able to get rid of signup abandonment.Social Login Magento Extension enables e-store admin to verify customer’s social profiles from

backend as well.

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