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-What exactly is cloning?-Drugs Legalization-Eutanasia



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Now days the drugs are something very common in many countries, but in México is a problem that is growing up more and more.

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What is exactly a drug?Well, we don’t have to investigate a lot to know what the drugs are but searching a definition: The drugs are substances whose use causes dependence, stimulation or depres-sions of the central nervous system. The drugs are any substance capable of altering the psychic action, the behavior and the perception. Drug dependence is the excessive consumption of all regular and persistent toxic substance.Because of the effects of a drug, the governments of the different countries, where the drugs are a severe problem, are restricted their use, sale, or production.The restriction causes that many people produce drugs as a business without a con-trolled price, production standards, and quality standards. The addiction of many peo-ple give to people who produce and sell drugs much power, and these people corrupt the judicial and political system for illegal acts. In our country everyday people die because of drugs. There are many injustices and corruption in many organizations.

THE GOVERNMENT fight against drug trafficking supposed to end all illegal acts are committed every day but the power of drug trafficking today is stronger than any government because there are also people who receives benefits from this.For these reasons it is difficult to eliminate drug trafficking because there will always be people who sell themselves.Legalization is one of the most viable ways to end the drug trade because there would be no monopoly but there are some positive arguments and also some negatives.

Positive arguments: quality control competition generates higher quality a lower price less power to the people who produce control what is sold

Negative arguments: more accessible more people using it possibility of more people addicted more diseases

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Generally there are two forms of euthanasia: active and passive suicide at-tended a variety of active euthanasia. The difference between the two forms is that active euthanasia in the terminally ill patient dies as a direct result of a intentional act of the physician, while passive euthanasia death of the patient is due to the omission or suspension by the doctor the use of measures that could prolong life (vide supra). Naturally, it is not necessary to be a physician to practice euthanasia, but often the doctor is involved in situations where they must make a decision about it.

In medical ethics, the speaking out against euthanasia in our country are the most common. Two examples are the following:

“Private hospitals consider unethical practice of euthanasia under any circumstances or pressure, application of the patient, family or friends, even in disabling advanced disease in patients with total or very serious”

“(The doctor) is committed to safeguarding life and is not allowed to violate it. Promot-ing a good death involves helping the patient to suffer as little as possible, offer the greatest care available; be at your side with a real human and spiritual support and help to make sense fully human suffering that can not be avoided.

The euthanasia is something that we can consider in case we have a familiar that have cerebral death an there are some things that we can do in benefit of some other people with practices of donate de organs and give a chance to other persons.

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What exactly is cloning?

Reproductive cloningCloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact

genetic copy of another. This means that every single part of DNA is the same between the two

Therapeutic cloningThe therapeutic cloning tries to create organisms without intention to produce a new one. it only has the intention to obtain cells, tissues and organs with the intention of use

them in the medicine

Positive arguments:You could create more animals that are in extinction dan-ger.You could change some dysfunctional organs of your body with the same DNA Therapeutic tissues cloning. For example of sanguineous cells to cure diseases like the leukemia, nervous cells to remedy neurological diseases like Parkinson and the Alz-heimer, pancreatic cells to remedy the diabetes, cells of skin to cure cancer of skin and extensive burns, cardiac muscle cells to cure infarcts and bony cells for fractures or extensive losses of bone.

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What exactly is cloning?

Negative arguments:To create organs sometimes we need a em-bryo, and create an embryo just for obtain organs or tissues is the same to kill someone, The man began to think that he has the control of everything, the control of the creation, (Is like play to be good)

In the case of cloning, we don´t see the man like someone, we see the man like something.If we use biotechnology to create people, where is the place of the woman?

I think cloning, is something amazing for the technology, but we need a ethic code, to know what is possible to create with cloning.

Therapeutic cloning is a very good option to im-prove our life and it could save the life of many people with the cloning of cells to obtain some organs or tissues. Then we aren’t creating life, only a part of it, that doesn’t have own porpois-es, dreams or goals

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The dark side of chocolaten

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The dark side of chocolaten

Did you know that more than half of the cocoa consume come from Africa? Did you know that there are no working farms where nearly 300,000 children are still subdued by the influence of multinationals and fair trade off? You’ve probably even heard in disbelief.

Today, Ivory Coast is the world’s largest producer of cocoa and it slaves to be chil-dren coming from neighbor Benin competitive for 20 to 25 years on the plantations. The first world is worried about the price of gasoline, but they take daily chocolate and cocoa powder that comes from the cropping made by thousands of children slaves in Ivory Coast, according to research done by the Spanish journalist Xaquín Lopez.

Children are sold by “10 euros, 15 euros, depending on whether the child is strong, or if the child is 8 and is undeveloped. ‘’The slave before leaving the village is de-ceived,” You’re going to a better life and this gentleman will take care of you, “and prevents the child to see the monetary transaction between the dealer and father. What is amazing is that it is normal and the impunity with which the traffic of these children is conducted, which is quite routinary, the police accepts bribes and the dealer is respected within the family environment.

These slaves came from polygamous families in which the father has 5 or 6 women and 20 or 30 children in a country mired in poverty, their main crop is cotton, but it is in crisis due to the competitiveness of the U.S. market. Hence, Benin, surrounded by the two richest countries in the region, Nigeria for oil and Ivory Coast as the para-dise of agriculture in the Gulf of Guinea, migrants and attracted to all kinds of deal-ers and brokers and chocolate is the result of slavery in the XXI century.

Think about it:My dignity and the dignity of all should not be judged by anyone, even less to be trampled or ignored; it is valuable itself. The dignity of the person is independent and no one has the right to sell or decide on what we really want even if we have a ne-cessity, we must always remember that if we do not respect ourselves, nobody else will.

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White Slavery:

The history of Irina

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Irina was 16 and studying at an institute in the southern part of the Russian Fed-eration when he accepted the proposal of a family friend to make a quick trip to the Middle East. The offer of $ 500 for helping to bring goods and sell them in Russia seemed lucrative.

Irina was introduced to Renat, and within a few days she received a passport, a tourist visa and a plane ticket.

Meanwhile, Irina’s new friends had “improved” the plan of her trip. Now working as a waitress at a local cafe for $ 1,000 a month. Irina’s mother had some suspi-cions but they quickly assured her that her daughter was in good hands. Renat also warned Irina’s mother that the travel arrangements had cost much money and if her daughter canceled the trip she had to pay $ 1,000.

When she arrived at her destination, Irina found that instead of being a waitress she would be a prostitute. They took her passport and threatened to punish her if she refused to obey or tried to escape.

Irina’s life became a series of hotel rooms, hostess clubs and customers, and finally she tried to escape. She stole documents and some money and called a taxi. As soon as Irina entered the airport, she was arrested by the police. The “madame” was with the police and claimed that Irina had stolen money. No ques-tions asked, the police ordered Irina to return with the “madame”.

she was resold to another hotel owner and punished by a new debt of $ 10,000 to compensate for her bad behavior. When the Russian Federation came into the news that Renat had been arrested after a complaint from the mother of Irina, they added new threats and abuse.

But Irina did not forget to escape. After six additional months of martyrdom, she finally managed to contact the Embassy of the Russian Federation. There she found that her name had been on the list of Interpool “missing people” for months

With the help of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Em-bassy of the Russian Federation, Irina was repatriated through security meas-ures. Her case was investigated by police and it is currently before the courts.

Article by Maria Melnikova, the project coordinator International Organization for Migration.