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Page 1: Magazine promotion deconstructions



Page 2: Magazine promotion deconstructions

This is the name of the artist, it is white font on a blue background. The bold and capitalized letters used help to make it stand out and make it very clear and eye catching. It is at the top of the page, and takes up about 1/3 of the magazine promotion. I think that in our magazine promotion it is important that it is easily recognizable as to who the artist is.

In the centre of the magazine promotion is this architectural art form. It looks as if it is made of possibly bricks or rocks. This artistic sculpture could be connoting the natural environment as it is made of natural forms. The fact it is in the centre of the images makes it very eye catching. I think it looks fairly unusual and different but at the same time it is quite intriguing.

I have divided the magazine promotion up with black lines, this is helping to show the ‘rule of thirds’ that has been used. As you can see, all the main information is position in the centre of the page, this makes it stand out the most and is the first thing you look at. I think using the ‘rule of thirds’ helps to make the layout look organised and professional looking.

Here is the address for the artists’ official website. This is used to help promote the artist and encourage fans to visit their site to find out more information about them and their music. White font has been used again, on top of the orangey sand/grass. I don’t think it is that eye catching but you can easily read it, which is important.

Overall, I like the natural colours that have been used and am going to take this into consideration when we create ours. Also, I like the consistency of the white font and how the artists’ name is positioning in quite an unusual way. Finally, I believe an important aspect is the layout of the page, so using the ‘rule of thirds’ is a good way in which we can create a successful, professional looking product.

Here is a little quote from NME about the band. I think this is helpful in promoting the artist and it encourages viewers to get their album as they are seen as being the ‘best guitar band’. White font has been used again , helping to continuing with the consistency of the cover. The font is in italics, making it stand out and show that it is a quote.

This is the release date of the single/album, it is important that magazine promotions have this in order for viewers to know when they can get hold of it. It is also very important that the artists name and name of single/album is clear, which is a successful point I feel this promotion has.

This is the title of the single/album. Again, white font has been used, this links to the other fonts and creates a sense of consistency. I think it is important for magazine promotions to have a consistent colour scheme in order for them to be professional looking. This font has been underlined, with the release date written smaller below. I think it is clear and easy to read, and I like the use of capital letters to help make it stand out more.

The colours that have been used in this magazine promotion are blue, browns, orange and white. These colours all come across as being very natural and connote the natural environment. I like the colours that have been used and think they all work well with one another.

I like how the letters for the bands’ name has been positioned on different lines, this helps to makes it more interesting and unique. The letters are kind of making a square shape, rather than just being along a straight line. I quite like the positioning of the letters and also like how the title has been positioned in the middle of the sky.

Page 3: Magazine promotion deconstructions

The colour of the image has a sepia tone to it. I really like the effect of this, I think it works well to help make the piece appeal as being more natural. I think using different colour effects helps to make the poster more unique and interesting. I would like to experiment with using photo filters on my chosen image.

Ed Sheeran is in the centre of the poster, this makes him the centre of attention and his face is the main thing that stands out to viewers. I like the fact that the artist takes up the majority of the poster and I think this really helps to promote the artist. When creating my album poster, I would like to use a large image of Jonny. I think this well help to promote him and it automatically makes it clear as to who the artist is.

His face has been lit up slightly in the image, as the background seems to be darker. This helps to make him stand out more from the background. I think in my chosen image, it is important that Jonny stand out well from the background.

In the image, Ed Sheeran is looking down and smiling. The lighting of the image helps to clearly show his facial expressions. I think that the fact he is smiling makes the poster more eye catching. If he looked all miserable, it may put people off as they like to see the nice, fun side of the artist.

This is the artists name. The white writing contrasts against the dark background, this helps to make it stand out and it is clear for viewers to read. A rounded font has been used, it is quite simple and common. The dot at the end of his name works quite well, it is quite unique and different.

This orange bit at the bottom links with the colour of some of the font and also with the colour of the album. I think it works quite well and it fits with the colour scheme which is important. The fact it is bright orange helps to make the poster stand out more, as the image on the poster itself could appear as being quite dull and boring.

The layout of the poster is very simple. It shows that you don’t have to cram it full of different things. I think having a simple, clear layout is a good way to make the poster look professional. In my poster, I am going to ensure it looks simple and well laid out.

This is the name of the album. It is written in orange on a black background. I think the bright colour helps to make it stand out a lot from the white font. It is important that the name of the album is clearly stated on the poster so that viewers are clear as to what it is promoting. The fact it says ‘The No.1 Album’ helps to show how popular the album is and it encourages those who don’t have the album to purchase it.

A small image of the album cover is included on the poster. I think that this works well and it is something I would like to consider doing. It clearly shows users the album it is promoting, and encourages them to go and purchase it. The image of the album cover is quite similar to the one of the poster. This helps to create a sense of consistency and shows viewers that the products are related.

Overall, I like the simplicity of this album. As well as the sepia tone of the image and the inclusion of an image of the album cover.

Page 4: Magazine promotion deconstructions

I like the fact that the poster has a slight border to it. It has a white bordered effect. I think this works quite well and I could experiment with using borders on my product.

The colours used in the poster are blue/purple, black white and yellow. I think the colours work well together, certain things blend in well and others stand out more. I think it is important that the poster has a good colour scheme to it, if it was all just random colours it would look un-professional.

All the band member are in different positions, helping to make it more varied and interesting. The positioning of them is sort of symmetrical, with two looking to the sides and two looking at the camera.

I like the inclusion of iTunes, as this is the main way that people purchase their music nowadays. It encourages viewers to go and purchase it and tells them how they can get it. The white font is very clear and extremely easy to read.

I like the fact that iTunes is written in a larger font. It is eye catching and even from a distance you can read what it says. It is in the top left corner so is one of the first things viewers read.

All the band members are wearing similar clothing to each other. This helps to show their similarities in clothes as well as in their music. The dark clothing means that the white font stand out well as it contrast against the black.

The name of the artist is written in a yellow font. This makes it stand out from all the other writing which is in yellow. Viewers automatically know who the band is, which is important. In my poster, I must ensure that the artists name is extremely clear and stands out more from the rest of the fonts. The font is sharp and bold, it is an average size, and it extremely easy to see.

This shows that the album is promoting their album and movie. It shows how bands use cross-promotion in the products to help promote various different things. The white font contrasts against the dark background, making it very clear and easy to read. It is in the same font style as the band name, helping to make the poster more consistent and to show that it all links.

This is the name of the album and movie. It is very large and takes up quite a bit of the poster. It is in white font, contrasting from the background and making it stand out. It is in quite an unusual font, with a space man sat on the ‘O’. This makes it quite unique and interesting. It is all in capitalized letters, making it very clear and eye catching.

Two of the band members are looking directly at the camera. This member in particular is helping to engage viewers and it helps to draw them in to the poster. I think eye contact works well and I may consider using it in my products.

Overall, I like the eye contact in this poster, and think it is a good way to attract the audience. I also like the inclusion of ‘iTunes’ as well as using an unusual and unique font.