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Magazine coursework evaluation

How the aims of the production have been met

At the beginning of this unit of coursework, I made a proposal explaining the features I want to include in my magazine. I

have set out for the genre of my magazine to be horror. I have achieved this by using horror styled images on the front

cover as my full-bleed. The fonts and the colour scheme also match the horror genre. I have met the aims of having the

target audience aimed towards teenagers and young adults aged 15-27 as the language and content used is suitable for

that specific age range. Although, I have adapted the idea of the magazine being aimed towards both genders because I

believe the magazine is aimed more towards females as there are more content in which females will be interested in. I

have also adapted the full-bleed as I have originally planned to include just one person as the main image but I have

changed it by including two people as the main image because they are both the main characters of the movie.

How the magazine applies appropriate codes and conventions and uses appropriate

media language

My magazine has used the conventions to make a real film magazine. The key ingredients to making a magazine should

include a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. Each page should have a masthead that’s usually on top

of the page with it being the largest text on the page as well. Another key ingredient is to have a main image (full-bleed) on

the front cover, buzzwords such as ‘free’ and ‘exclusive’, a colour scheme, date, issue number, bar code, tag lines and a

price. The contents page must have numbers next to the subheadings and the article previews; also it must have a sub line

underneath the features/regulars. It could also include an editors note, subscription/contact information and to separate

the features and regulars, there should be different main category headings. The conventions of a double page spread

should include a pull out quote, a masthead, the page number, drop capitals, a stand first, a strap line, images and the

writing should be set out in columns. I have included all of these conventions into my magazine.

In comparison to my magazine and the magazine which I have analysed, the magazine I analysed includes a contents page,

which takes up two pages whereas my magazine just takes up one. Also the magazine I have analysed doesn’t include a

subscription/contact box nor an editors note but I have included those features onto my own magazine. The double page

spread on my magazine includes the masthead on top of the page where as the magazine, which I have analysed, has the

masthead of the double page spread going across the middle of the page.

How the magazine represents people, places or events

The model dressed up as a clown is represented in an overpowering way because she’s standing taller behind the other

model, which makes her appear as if she is overshadowing her. Clowns are stereotyped to wear bright colours and face

paint. This is another way the model is being represented, in the stereotype of a clown. The bright colours shown on her

clothes represent the way there’s another side to her and could be enticing. Her untidy, dark makeup shows indolence and

a dark side to her. Her body language could emphasize her dominance, as she stands tall with her arms hanging. Both the

models’ heads are slightly tilted to the side could show curiosity or as if they’re examining something. The way their hair is

up in pigtails represents a childish side to them, which could show immaturity or an un-fully functioned mind. The other

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model represents a more subordinate character as she appears shorter than the other model and the dress she is wearing

is similar to the uniform prisoners wear which means she could of committed some sort of crime. Her colourful makeup

makes her seem like a doll. On the double page spread, the models are shown wearing feminine dresses to emphasize their

actress life. The bubble shown shows a more fun loving side to them.

How the magazine would be distributed

My magazine would be sold monthly because it is aimed towards social classes C1-D and the majority of them are still in

school, colleges etc. therefore they don’t have jobs yet. They can earn their money doing chores etc. to be able to afford

the magazine every month. For promotion I could create ads and fan pages on social networking sites such as facebook and

twitter, ads on buses and train stations, create a website or a blog, ads on television or radio, apps on electronics such as

iPhones and iPads, content teasers and reader endorsements. My magazine offers subscription for readers so that they can

sign up to get the magazine mailed to them monthly which can be easier for them to get access to the magazine without

having to go to the shops every month to get it. My magazine uses new/social media such as the Internet to interact more

with the readers online. The twitter and Facebook logos are located in the contents page to indicate readers to their fan

pages online. The Bauer media group would be the publishing company that would be the distributer of my magazine

because it is worldwide offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries. This would increase the income of the magazine, as

more people around the world would be able to buy the product.

What regulations and controls might be applied to the product and how these have been

taken into consideration?

I have ensured that my magazine is free of any offensive content that could cause the model to take court action. I have

made sure that no inappropriate language, no racist comments or any of those sorts are included in the magazine and that

everything is suitable and acceptable for readers. This would ensure that the audience would have no cause to complain

about the magazine. If they do so, they can contact the magazine and tell us their problems that we could sort out. This

could help improve the way our magazine is published and make sure the magazine is up to their standards.

The strengths and weaknesses of the product in terms of meeting the needs of its


The layouts of all 3 pages are specific areas, which makes my magazine the most professional as they are very well laid out

with suitable images and text which engage readers and add value and perspective to the page. My target audience would

find that the magazine is published in high standards up to our abilities to help produce the perfect and most suitable

magazine for the chosen target audience. It would include everything you would find in a film magazine and more. My

magazine supports the uses and gratifications theory. The magazine provides information such as, about upcoming

actors/actresses, latest celebrity gossip and the latest films/blockbusters. Using this information could help gain personal

relationships as it could be their topics of conversations with friends. My magazine can be an escape from the pleasures of

everyday life and be used to entertain readers. This magazine is a use of entertainment, which could also be used to

identify and have something for them to relate with. An example is on the double-page spread where the actresses are

interviewed and they talk about their unhealthy relationships with boys. A lot of girls could possibly relate to this.