Download - Magazine analysis

Page 1: Magazine analysis

Magazine analysis


Rock Sound


Page 2: Magazine analysis

Kerrang!The selling line tells us that it is a You Me At Six special issue, to coincide with their sold out one off show at Wembley arena. It also tells us that this is just one of five covers, one for each member of the band. This attracts fans of the band to buy the magazine (perhaps more than one issue if they are a ‘super fan’), some of which may not have even known about Kerrang, therefore increasing the popularity of the issue. There are images to coincide with the 5 special issue, these are of each issue so fans will know what to look out for in other stockists, in case they want to buy multiple copies. The masthead is smashed, giving it a damaged feel as Kerrang is a magazine that mostly features rock and the related genres, which are associated with loud music. It is at the top of the page, as this will be one of the first things that the reader sees and will want to know what magazine they are interested in buying. It is mostly hidden by the feature article photo, which covers the majority of the page and so therefore the masthead is covered to. This is to emphasise the importance of the image, as it is related to the main article in this week’s issue of the magazine. The main colours are purple, red and yellow, with hints of black and white, which both contrast and compliment. In my opinion, the yellow is too bright, leading to a high contrast with the purple background. This may make people not want to pick up the magazine as they find it unattractive, therefore unappealing to the eye. The red parts of text on the front cover attract the reader to what the editors think are the most important parts of the magazine, as they are a lot brighter and stand out more than the rest of the text. The menu strip at the bottom advertises another article in which the editors deem important. It attracts the viewer to look at the bottom of the magazine, as sometimes when looking at a magazine some people do not look at the bottom as they assume that there will be nothing interesting there. This may give the viewer some more information about the content in this issue, leading them to buy the magazine as they are interested in the article that is being mentioned. There is also a plug, informing the viewer that there are “7 Kerristmas posters”. Which could attract someone to buy if for several reasons. Firstly, some may want to buy this magazine simply because of the fact that there is a poster of one of their favourite bands, leading them to want the magazine to put the poster up somewhere. I would say that the majority of readers of kerrang enjoy the magazines, and so the editors put in the posters that they know people will want to buy. The plug attracts attention to the magazine, as a quick glance towards the cover may attract someone’s attention, because they have seen an image of a band that they like on it. The plug does exactly what it is meant to, it advertises a feature of the issue, persuading people to buy the magazine .

Page 3: Magazine analysis

Kerrang! contents

The masthead of Kerrang! Contains the logo that was featured on the front cover, the issue number and the cover date. This is right at the top of the page, informing people that this is the contents page but apart from that it hold not much importance. The main image is related to one of the articles included in this issue, and above it has a red start to attract the attention of the reader to see which page the article related to this image is. This is an image of a live show, and is a main featured as it has the star on it. This suggests that it is a live show review, which is true if you look at the side of the page, which shows what is on what page. There are a couple of other photos on top of the main image, these show articles that are included in the magazine, perhaps the main features. They also have the big red stars, which highlight what page these articles are on. Below these images is a welcome letter from the editor, informing the readers of what is in this issue and what the magazine team has been up to in the past week or so. There is an image to accompany this, related to what has been said in the welcome letter. On the right hand side of the contents page, this is where the main and important features are, and they have been organised depending on what they would be classed as. For example, the features are shown with a black banner with yellow font, and they are under that with the page number, feature and a line of information about what you can expect from this article. This shows that the magazine is organised and you know exactly where to look for the article that you wanted to see. Below this, there is a plug telling you to subscribe to the magazine.

Page 4: Magazine analysis

Kerrang double page spreadThe masthead of this double page spread is a black box with the word ‘NEWS’ in red text, below this is a link to the Kerrang website, inviting the reader to go online to find out about more music news before the next issue is released. Coming out of this is what looks like a red arrow, with the words ‘world exclusive’ inside. This attracts the reader to read into the article, as they believe that this is something that they will not be able to read anywhere else as Kerrang are the only ones who have been invited into the recording studio. The majority of the first page is taken up by one main photo, which is in black and white, which contrasts the red and white text. This makes the text easier to read, and so is attractive to the reader as they know the information given to them. On the bottom third of the second page, there is a couple of photos, also in black and white, to accompany the article. These are related to the text and document what is going on, and if someone is just glancing at what is in the magazine they will know that this article is about My Chemical Romance in the studio. The heading of the page is a quote from the article, enticing the reader in to the article. There are two main columns of text, in font that looks quite small so all of the information is on the page, however does not take up any space where the images are.

To the right of the spread there is another arrow shaped area, possible separating key points of the article out so that they are easier to pick out and read, yet again enticing the reader in to the article. The colour scheme continues throughout the whole page, with hints of black, white and red. These colours both contrast and compliment each other, and so will attract people to glance at the article and then possibly decide to read it if this is what they are interested in.

Page 5: Magazine analysis

Rock SoundThe selling line of Rock Sound includes three things. Firstly, it informs you that you could win tickets to Download, a popular music festival amongst fans of rock. This may attract readers as this could be the first thing they see of the magazine, and as a rock fan they may be wanting to go to download but, unfortunately, haven’t been able to get tickets. They could buy the magazine in the hope of them winning. Secondly, it mentions that if you buy this magazine, you will get a free CD with it, which could attract those wanting to get into new music, or even just those that like rock and listening to the rock genre. Some may buy the magazine simply to get the CD, as I have previously said, some may want to get into new music and think that buying a magazine that gives you a sample of the music that is out there is a good way to listen to it. Lastly, It advertises that there are also posters included, which could attract fans of the bands featured in this month’s issue as they would like more posters to put up. The selling line may be the first thing that the viewer may see, as the magazines may be piled below others, with the top just being shown. It is important for the top to be seen no matter what as this is what the reader will see first, which means it must attract them towards this magazine instead of another. The masthead is a bold, purple colour, and the ‘R’ seems to be in a speech bubble. This suggests that the magazine is loud and needs to be heard, as it says in the title, it is a rock magazine, rock is normally associated with loud noise. It is a bright, vibrant colour which will attract people to identify the magazine and maybe spend a bit of time looking at it, considering if they would like to buy it. The masthead is also the logo of the magazine, meaning that regular buyers of it will instantly recognise the logo and therefore quickly find it and purchase it. The main article photo fills the majority of the page, and is partly in front of the masthead. The rest of the image is behind the masthead, which still shows the image, but also shows some of the masthead so that it is still recognisable. The colours that the band are wearing reflect the colour scheme of the magazine. Those who are fans of Pierce The Veil will most likely buy this magazine as firstly, they are fans, but secondly, they know that the band are the main feature in this magazine and will think it is worth buying. The editors will choose a popular band or artist to be the main feature on each issue as they know that they are popular and that people will buy this issue as they are fans of that particular artist/band.

The headline looks like a button because of the fact that it is circular, but also is just randomly placed on the image, instead of being in a line of text across the image like most magazine issues. It gives the magazine a sense of being different, and standing out from the crowd, announcing what is in the issue more subtle than other front covers. The colour scheme of this issue of rock sound is mainly purple and white, which complement each other and make the cover easier to read. There are also hints of black, yellow, blue and red, which also compliment white, which is the dominant colour. Red and blue are used to highlight the information regarding the cover image, showing it is of high importance. The other main features of the magazine are in blue font, yet again showing their importance. The reviews are mentioned with yellow and white text, perhaps showing that they are a regular feature, or that they are not the main articles but they hold some importance within this issue of the magazine. The magazine includes several images that are not related to the main article photo to yet again attract the attention of fans. People will instantly recognise someone when they see an image of them, which may make them want to buy this magazine as they are a fan of at least one of the artists or bands featured in this issue.

Page 6: Magazine analysis

Rock Sound ContentsThe masthead of Rock Sound is shown on the top right hand side of the page, along with the date and the issue number. This informs the reader the issue number and the month that the magazine is valid for, therefore the reader has the knowledge that another issue will be released in the month for the next month’s music information.The main article image is of two members of Fall Out Boy, who are the main article in this issue of the magazine. This shows that the band are the main feature, and the use of one image filling the whole page emphasises this. The colour scheme of this issue of Rock Sound looks like it is red, blue and white. The main article image fits in with this colour scheme as the two members of the band are wearing blue and red boxing gloves. The text all around the image is white, and the main heading and the numbers are in red. The red and the white contrast each other, making the text easy to read. The cover line is a quote from the article, interesting the reader, yet again, to read this article as it gives a little ‘teaser’ for what to expect from the article. Readers who are interested in the band may skip to this article once they have seen the quote, as they will have seen what is going to be included in the article. The main features are shown at the bottom right hand side, not masking the faces of the two band members. This is good as the main parts of the image are not obscured, however you are still given the information that you would expect on a contents page. The black ‘background’ on the contents area has some level of transparency so you can still see the image below. There is also a caption on the top left hand side of the contents page which will be related to the main image. this links in to the colour scheme as it is black and white, and will be a comment on something about the photograph.

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Rock Sound double page spreadThe main image on this double page spread is on both pages,

giving a sense of continuity. It is also tilted on a side, and so gives the article a sense of going against the norms of making an article. This image is of the band A Day To Remember, and the heading is linked into the photo. This photo and heading means that the article is about the band, and having the heading near the bottom of the page is unique as you would expect it at the top. I think that this is a good idea as it means that if someone is just looking through the magazine, if they are looking at the bottom to find a page number, they will see this heading and may decide that hey want to read this article, or this may in face have been the article they were looking for. The heading also has a sub-heading below it, summing up just what is in the article. Some people may like the band, however they do not like to read articles. The subheading is a teaser of what is in the article, so some people may decide that because of the few words there, that they are going to read the article. There is a second subheading, on the top left of the page, and this is another summary, or introduction to what is in the article. It talks about the band, informing the reader about what this interview is about, and is a good way to introduce the article as it is simple yet conveys a lot of information. At the start of the article there is a large drop cap, including a “ symbol, which shows that this is the start of a quote. The text surrounds this, and this creates a sense of the article finally starting. The colour scheme is black and white, with a hint of blue in the band’s name. this contrasts but compliments well, and the blue on the name also compliments the white. It emphasises that this is in fact the name of the band, and will attract readers to this first as it

is a different colour to the rest of the page.The text also surrounds the image, so that there is no overlapping and makes the text easier to read. After the first paragraph, there is a quote from one of the members of the band, which is in a bigger size and looks like it may also be in a different font. Yet again, this attracts the reader, and is a simple show of what is in the article.

Page 8: Magazine analysis

NMEThis magazine’s colour scheme is more of a monochrome colour scheme. It’s black and white, which contrasts well and is easy to read. Even though the colours are basic, they seem bright and eye catching and the minimal effort that it has taken to produce the colour scheme shows through, but in a professional way. The majority of the text is white, but then ‘Florence’ is black. This text is the same size as the NME logo, and is the same font as well. His links well as these are the two most important and eye catching parts of the magazine, as people look for what the name of the magazine is, and who is the main article feature. I would say that these are also the two things that attract the reader to buy a magazine, as they want to know which one they are buying and if who is featured is who they like. the only image on this cover is of Florence, and covers the whole page. Her red hair contracts the black and white colour scheme, making the page easy to read. The close up also makes it seem more personal, as if we are being let into her life in this interview.Above the heading, there is a cover line which is a quote from the interview. It is very vague, as this could be about anything and so will make the reader interested in what the article is about. The cover lines on the other side also tell the reader abut what is in this magazine, and who else features. This attracts people as they may be looking for a certain artist or band in a magazine as they are interested in them, and NME show who may be the most popular on their front page. “the state of music today” may tell us that that is what Florence has been interviewed for, as there is a small ‘by’ which is then followed by a list, and Florence is on the top. This may mean that she is the one who has been asked most about her opinions on today’s music, or it may well be that she is classed as being ‘today’s music’ and this is an introduction to new music and new releases.

At the top of the page there is text informing that this is a special cover, which could mean that there is more than one cover for this issue as it also says “2 of 10”. This may attract people to buy the magazine as it is special edition, and someone may be wanting to collect all of the special edition issues.

Page 9: Magazine analysis

NME contents the contents page of NME shows several images, all related to what is in the magazine in this issue. The images are accompanied by a quote from the interview, and a summary and page number of what is in the article. This is very similar to what would be on the front cover, however is in a smaller, more simplified form. At the to of the page there is a simple black ‘inside this week’ text heading, which below it has the date of the week the issue has been released. This is very simple, as it is not what people tend to look at when he look at this page of a magazine. This contents page is very simple, and the only main parts are the images and the heading. There is however, an advert telling the reader that they can subscribe to the magazine for a certain amount of money. Having this placed on the contents page is good as it means that it is not included in any article, and if anyone does want to subscribe, they will know where they can find the information to do so. This advertisement shows a link that you can go to, where you will be able to subscribe. This is also advertising that they have a website, so here is another place to get the information from the magazine.The less important articles in the magazine are shown in a small ‘plus’ box, showing that they are not heavily featured. All of the images are in separate boxes of varying sizes, showing the importance and possible even the exclusivity of each article. It emphasises that these are the main features, and will be the most read features of this issue.

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NME Double Page SpreadThe heading of this double page spread goes over both pages, and takes up the majority of the left page, this is eye catching as it is large, and will attract readers and let them know that this is the main feature of the magazine.The colour scheme is mostly black and white, and contrasts with the image. It compliments and is eye catching, yet again will attract people to the article. The sizes of the letters in the heading are different, which links in with what the text is saying. The quote says that people think that she is an attention seeker, and the fact that the text is all different sizes will attract people’s attention. It’s an attention seeking heading, which is very effective. The image also takes up both pages, but mostly the right page. The heading slightly overlaps the image, but does not obscure it. The subheading is an introduction to the article and informs us tat the article is about Lily Allen, and this is in a different colour to the rest of the colour scheme. It does however match the colour of her top, which yet again links the image into the article.There are 4 small, thin columns of text, with a large black drop cap to start the article. 4 small columns make the article easier to read and will mostly be quicker to read too.