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Magazine analysis #2

Billboard is a very popular music magazine for teenagers and adults. It always features a very famous celebrity in the music industry.

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Part of the masthead is covered by the main image, this shows the magazine is well know an popular as the reader is expected to know what magazine it is even though part is covered. There is block colours in the white writing of the masthead, this makes it stand out. it could also be classed as a trademark of Billboard magazine as most of their magazines have the block colours.


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Whilst looking at this magazine the most essential information is the price ($6.99/$8.99/£5.50), the date (16th October,2010 ) and the bar code. The essential information is usually there to inform the potential reader of these specific details.

Essential information

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The main image is of a well known celebrity all around the world. Rihanna's bright read hair stands out on the dark black background. Also her soft coloured dress contrasts with the dark background too.

Rihanna is well known all over the world so this might make people want to buy it if she is on the front cover

Main image

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The main sell line on this magazine is the name of the artist “RIHANNA”. The large letters emphasise that that the main article will be about Rihanna herself.

The main sell line is also in the middle of the main image, this automatically draw out attention due to the contrast of colours.

Main sell line

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The sub heading on this magazine is “my fans don’t know who I am “.

The main purpose of a subheading is to make the reader want to buy the magazine and read the article. This is sort of subheading will especially make her fans want to read the magazine.

Also it gives the reader an idea of what to expect when reading the magazine.


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The purpose of cover lines is to give the potential reader an idea of what to expect whilst reading the magazine if they buy it.

The cover lines on this magazine is the rest of the writing on the front cover what advertises the articles inside the magazine.

For example: “killer app summit”

Cover lines

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The main colours used on this front cover are red and black. These give us the impression Rihanna isn't just a pop singer but also a rock singer as in the music world rock music is associated by dark colours e.g. red and black

There is also use of white/crème showing off her feminine and pop music side.

Colour scheme

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The target audience of this magazine is anyone who is a fan of the artist Rihanna. Also anyone who is interested in her style of music. This issue has a rock feel too it due to the due colours on the page.

In conclusion