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Page 1: Magazine advert for albums

Magazine advert for albums

Page 2: Magazine advert for albums

This magazine advert is eye catching and makes you think. It also has the basic conventions for example the Band’s name is written in bold at the top, which could also be described as a logo as it is seen on everything that is related to them. It also has the album title written in capitals, with the release date and the different ways it could be purchased, this could attract many target audience, as it can be purchased through vinyl (popular with elder people), digital or CD (popular with younger people).

The black background of this magazine advert allows the band name and album name and the other text stand out which is in white it also allows the flowers and main artist to stand out, this will catch the eye of the audience to the important part of the advert.The unique image and dark background allows us to indicate what target audience this poster is aimed at and it seems the band is indie as of the black background and the unique picture of the artist wearing a visible lung on her chest which is related to the album name.

Page 3: Magazine advert for albums

This particular magazine advert was found in NME and the image is somewhat similar the cover of the actual album this may be so they can easily identify the album and remember the image.

The album title and the band name is what takes up most of the advert along with the main image of the artist as this will attract the most attention from the audience as her pose and direct look in to the camera can be seen as engaging with the audience and relating however it can also be seen as seductive which can attract the male audience. In the bottom corner is an image of the artwork of the single to also encourage viewers to buy the new single which has it’s own logo as seen in pink at the bottom.

The advert also gives a feminine touch due to the pastel and pink colours and the flower background which could also be seen as vintage.