Download - Made by Class “Habonim” School November 2007. Nepal I.D Flag Official languagesNepali DemonymNepali.


Made by


“Habonim” School

November 2007




Government Interim government

King Gyanendra1

Unification December 21, 1768 

AreaTotal 147,181 km²

Population 28,901,790

The Language

The language in Nepal is Nepali.

Only half of the people speak Nepali.

The rest of Nepali people speak Tibetan.


Nepal is located in East Asia, in the north of India and the south of Tibet.


The Nepali population is composed of Mongolian Tibet and Hindus from the south - 24, oooooo all together.

NepalI chose to talk about Nepal because I was there in 2004.

Nepal is a very beautiful country it is green and many tourists come to Nepal .

There are many mountains in Nepal .