Download - MADALINA CROITORU [email protected] Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Page 1: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

MADALINA [email protected]

Software Engineeringweek 4


Madalina CroitoruIUT Montpellier

Page 2: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.


• A graphical notation• Unified Modeling Language• Unified the methods of its three

principal designers: – Grady Booch– James Rumbaugh– Ivar Jacobson

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 3: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.


• A visual language for developing software systems

• Not a programming language• The current standard is 2.1.2• Two types of diagrams:

– Structural modeling: static architecture– Behavioral modeling: interaction

• 13 (9) types of basic diagram types

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 4: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Material for practical session



MADALINA [email protected]

Page 5: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Basic Terminology

• Model: abstraction of the underlying problem

• Domain: The actual world from which the problem comes

• Models: Objects that interact by sending each other Messages

• Objects have Attributes (things they know) and Behaviors/Operations (things they do)

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 6: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Use Case Diagrams

• Describe what a system does from the standpoint of an external observer

• Is a summary of scenarios for a given task

• A scenario is an example of what happens when someone interacts with the system

• An actor: what / who initiated the event involved in the task

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 7: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 8: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Practical exercise

• Do the Use Case Diagram for the WUMPUS based on your requirements documents!

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 9: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Sequence diagram

• Describes the dynamic interaction• How operations are carried out: what

messages are sent where and when• Organized according to time

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 10: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 11: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Practical exercise

• Do the Sequence Diagram for the WUMPUS based on your requirements documents and the Use Case Diagram!

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 12: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Statechart diagrams

• Objects have behaviors and states• The state of an object depends on its

current activity condition• A statechart diagram shows the

possible states of the object and the transactions that cause a change in state

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 13: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

MADALINA [email protected]

Page 14: MADALINA CROITORU Software Engineering week 4 Practical Madalina Croitoru IUT Montpellier.

Practical exercise

• Do the Statechart Diagram for the WUMPUS based on your requirements documents, the Use Case Diagram and the Sequence Diagram!

MADALINA [email protected]