Download - M12 social gamification API | BEWE

  • 1. The time has come for brands to stop worrying about social media and to start enjoying their benets.M12 Gamication APIBEWE 11th 2012
  • 2. Bewe Digital Value Life Cycle 3P The social performance platform PLAN PROFILE Social Intelligence Social Proling Web monitoring Unied Access Social competitive analysis Engagement Tracker Analytics PERFORM Social Activation Contest: sms, video, photo Gamication: web action, video Social Adv Tuner 2012 BEWE srl 2
  • 3. BEWE Digital Value Monitoring Platform Social Intelligence PERFORM Social Media Social Reader Analysis BEWE Rank BEWE Quadrant Digital adv boost Social Media Photo e Video Social Contest App Activation Gamication API Customer Unied Access Platform Value Capitalisation BEWE KPI 2012 BEWE srl 3
  • 4. M12 Gamication API gamied video experience An example of a project based on M12 Gamication API platform is Freaks! ( one of the most famous italian webseries. The second season has been released on September 2012 with the live streaming of new episodes and the involvement of actors commenting the episodes with the audience. The video experience has been gamied thanks to the M12 Gamication API platform contribution with enriching both the user experience and the user base proling, adding new information and data related with users interactions within the platform and on social media. Pageviews and the related exposure to commercial messages (banners, preroll, postroll) have been exponentially increased (both on time and impression) thanks to the application of gamication dynamics to the video contents. M12 Gamication API exibility allows also to add new games to the same content over time, so the users are encouraged to frequently and constantly come back to the channel. 2012 BEWE srl 4
  • 5. M12 Gamication API - Features 2012 BEWE srl 5
  • 6. M12 Gamication API Tecnologies The M12 Gamication API platform is developed with Ruby 1.9.3 language on Rails 3.2.3 framework. Data are stored on Postgres database that uses ActiveRecord to interface with the application. Database type can be changed based on customer needs using for example MySQL or Oracle. On the front-end side, the customer can integrate APIs using his preferred language. Freaks! The Series, for example, uses HTML5 as markup language, jquery 1.7 for interaction and several libraries to integrate social media (facebook sdk and twitter libraries). Freaks project, integrates also a cache system in order to reduce to the minimum the server load (the infrastructure can change based on the dierent projects: from one server only to the use of a cdn to serve all the assets). 2012 BEWE srl 6
  • 7. M12 Gamication API Video Player integration VIDEO Player and current_time: M12 Gamication API can be integrated with any player type, as long as it exposes the current_time variable via API. How it works: Current_time is checked every second. If its higher than the game starting time but lower than the game duration time, the system runs an ajax call to receive the game. When the user interacts with the game, the system allocates pints to the user (still using an ajax call). The play (time, points, user, answer) is saved in a dedicated table (shots). The live streaming is very peculiar as the player may not pass the current_time variable. In this case games are based on real time: knowing when the live streaming starts, the system time is checked every second and the current_time is obtained subtracting the live streaming starting time. 2012 BEWE srl 7
  • 8. M12 Gamication API Bundles GAMIFICATION API BUNDLES Bundle name API Module API Descrip?on get_user (points) given a userID, you get users total score get_chart/points users list sorted by users score (paging every X users) get_chart/created users list sorted by users crea=on date (paging every X users) User API get_chart/last_ac=on users list sorted by users last ac=on (paging every X users) get_posi=on/points given a userID, you get users chart posi=on Gamica?on by Points get_users_inac=ve (points) list of users who are not playing since at least X days get_users_registra=on_only list of users who have received only registra=on points ( entry points) given an itemCODE, you get the games (list) linked to that item (available games type: get_games display, mul=ple choice, preference, share, link) Game API get_game Given a gameID, you get all game parameters insert_shot POST call to assign a play (and rela=ve points) to a user 2012 BEWE srl 8
  • 9. M12 Gamication API Bundles GAMIFICATION API BUNDLES Bundle name API Module API Descrip?on get_user (badges) given a userID, you get the number of users unlocked badges get_chart/badges users list sorted by users unlocked badges number (paging every X users) get_chart/created users list sorted by users crea=on date (paging every X users) User API get_chart/last_ac=on users list sorted by users last ac=on (paging every X users) get_posi=on/badges given a userID, you get users chart posi=on Gamica?on by Badges get_users_inac=ve (badges) list of users who have unlocked less than X badges get_badges/user_id given a userID, you get the list of unlocked and to be unlock badges get_badges full badges list Badge API given a badgeID, you get the list of users who have unlocked that badge (sorted by unlock get_users_badge date) unlock_badge POST call to unlock a badge (bade type: custom event) User API Points + Badges Bundle Game API Badge API 2012 BEWE srl 9
  • 10. M12 Gamication API Add-ons ADD-ON MODULES & SERVICES get_uread_no=ca=ons given a userID, you get users unread no=ca=ons list get_all_no=ca=ons given a userID, you all the no=ca=ons received by the user No?ca?on API read_no=ca=on POST call to register a no=ca=on reading read_all_no=ca=ons POST call to register all no=ca=ons reading Analy?cs backend feature Assistance & Consul?ng professional service (prepaid) Custom API Dev es=mate on demand 2012 BEWE srl 10
  • 11. M12 Gamication API Included services ANNUAL FEE: INCLUDED SERVICES License Install & Use Gamica=on API on your own server (# domains) Code update + bug xing App code update to the last Rails stable version Based on product road-map, all updates on purchased modules are Modules upgrade included: new game types, new badge unlock dynamics, Documenta?on update Every product upgrade comes with an updated documenta=on. 2012 BEWE srl 11
  • 12. M12 Gamication API Pricing ADDITIONAL ITEM COST ** DOMAIN Setup & training 4.000,00 - BUNDLE: Gamica8on by points 12.000,00 * 1.400,00 * BUNDLE: Gamica8on by badges 12.000,00 * 1.400,00 * BUNDLE: Gamica8on Full (points+badges) 19.200,00 * 2.300,00 * ADD-ON: Analy8cs 1.500,00 * - ADD-ON: No8ca8ons API 1.500,00 * - HELP (Assistance & Consul8ng) 40h 3.200,00 - HELP (Assistance & Consul8ng) 80h 6.000,00 - * Annual license fee ** VAT 21% exluded 2012 BEWE srl 12
  • 13. Some social media projects 2012 BEWE srl 13