Download - M Y T RANSITION F ROM HNM TO U NIVERSITY. L ESSONS /S KILLS I L EARNED & A CHIEVED F ROM HNM Time management (SHSM, Clubs, Homework, Extra Curriculars,

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Page 3: M Y T RANSITION F ROM HNM TO U NIVERSITY. L ESSONS /S KILLS I L EARNED & A CHIEVED F ROM HNM Time management (SHSM, Clubs, Homework, Extra Curriculars,


Homework, Extra Curriculars, 8 subjects) Study habits Habit of handing assignments on time Plagiarism Ability to work together Handling stressful situations Course material

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THINGS I WISHED I LEARNED BEFORE UNIVERSITY How to write a good paper How to properly self-study Importance of studying as a group How to properly read the readings Exams vs. Term work

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ADVICE/TIPS Get used books (sell them after) Use the programs/services found in your

University/College There are practice exams in the library Go to Frosh Week Join a club or a sport

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ADVICE/TIPS Google your Profs - Timetable Marks/ Average will dramatically drop Know what you want Don’t forget to drop the books and have


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Stay humble, remember the purpose of attending university, and identify what is

your passion

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Remember to keep yourself sane by having an outlet like exercise or

journaling or whatever… there will be a lot rough days

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Eat healthy (avoid the freshmen 15) and when you fail; get back up and try

harder because not one person succeeds by being harnessed with the

fear of failure

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Take university seriously, don’t wait till the last minute, that is when it

gets really hard

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Any Questions?

: Ankita Abraham ankita [email protected]