Download - '^M^ · fUlS BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& TA'gpai OF BAgSa BB^^SE nm FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first

Page 1: '^M^ · fUlS BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& TA'gpai OF BAgSa BB^^SE nm FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first



Page 2: '^M^ · fUlS BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& TA'gpai OF BAgSa BB^^SE nm FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first
Page 3: '^M^ · fUlS BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& TA'gpai OF BAgSa BB^^SE nm FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first

• # " i " -^itmm^jm, MJoan^as, rOBmmjt

Tke fLaasmitmai

through the^eSatU^x^MT^^Ctar-iin.

If I remember correctly, Hon. C«., lac. J o ^ F. Ryan, a prosperous

Loudoun ( ygji.ty fariUKr. aiid a Virniiuii, a» Second Clasa .Willi Jtliitter''* P'"' -' ''" ~ ' 'e of fine ability, a

:=* --i---- i -r . _r-.^fyrmer speakiT <>i the lluusft of Siksaipbea,' $1.00 A Yetr in AiiVaKt ''« l''g^tt's of XHirnnH, wnir. a can-- - - T - -:- - - di'iate for Vorn^rti^i. agaxnsi Mr.

* kh to wtr that-tr^ taTnorSee so egotistic as to issue any 'such Rrcx:lamation tt) the voters of the district. PWRMER.


fcintaroa at t a gwrrOWgD at Wwmgimg, < THE LIBKRTV mXS"A^D THE NtVNSPAFElLS.

:he r c u

Liuiiii^ Mr. Guidon iwjd NK"] . We never iieard of Mr. Uhlll- tjL.; ' Li.riJ/ t'l- shirt 111 II.f int III' Mr. Ky'an, and after the withdrawal of farmer liyars, Mr. While cast iiia vote for Hon. (\ ( Carlin .\gain Mr. Carlui wa.s opposed for a second term by Hon. Lindsey Gordon, lawyer and farmer, and Mr. White swal­lowed the same pill tiiat he now asks you not to swallow, but pos-aibiy it was sugar coated then


I J O I I (il -Uif- lu-vV'i--

'* ' .hi; LOUiiWi' tD i h t

l.uan and ollifr j ru L-iii-mental etJ'iri.- is tjXpri.s.Sf't in the telcifram of Secretary Mr Adoo to the editors asaeuioieii m New York la£t week in attend­ance oh . the meeting of the Amerkan Newspa^wr J ilt>h»h-« « ' AssodatioQ.

"Will you be good enough to ] exj^ss to the memb«rs of thej

I Ameri<;an Newspaper Publish-1 lers' Association, now in session,


GEORGE WASHINGTON IS KNOWN AS THE_ FATHER OF > H ^ f>fHWT«v w^frf l^^gg -fc*f-a<^ct

voted agalBst farmer Weatmore-knd Dayia for Governor of Vir-

W B I T E L : : ^ . , j^tegL: Bmif t tm^i . i«9t at this


POKT FARMER DAVIS? The ndlowing was taken frc^

UulMlf^i EJgKmfegt, Api^

Editor Exponent: The .|jpfedid testimonial asdM^ win the v«lU-,. instead of on the

endorsaaent given Hon. C. C. Carlin, m to his record since a membef i f CJongress, in the in­terest dj^^^iAxoerican Farmer, hy Iftr. i?^MEimbIe, President and L^Bfi^ons J^eat <tf the Farme^'jlatienal Union, pub-

7Qur issue of last he put>}iBbed in

every j^t^jjUtper tk the 8tk rVintrfwfifiii^ rtifitrfrt. and e^-peeuJly l^atf& it Ibe .given a

— pi<>iiilflia& ^aiee on the front page aL tb^ ^eeshurg Mirrs/t, «a»ch It "WtiSbe, (biaiiitety foFTbogress against-dfe-^i i in . We have' no naiSMsmtisiSeve thsct apy yifofi-n

tended to greamoaal .^ scdely for

I am reliably informed that far-j™y sincere anjl warm apprec^-mer White was oi^ of the few p^*'" °^ ^^^ «>*•* service they farmers of Loudoun County who ^^^ rendered tt) the country by [

particuhu- time, by Mr. White,

their consistent, unselfish, and patient support of the succes­sive Libertjr JUoans, Irhich have been o9ere<i by tKe Treasury

seem to be more valuable assets I>ep»rt«?ent. than thejr were Idien. He IK> doubt feels that their services are needed just now in Congress

farm, between the plow handles Wonderful changes are made in men's minds by conditioia, but we can't behcve that the condi^ tions are such i|t this Hme, as to caU^or a change of coiuproasmen from Virginia, though .Mr. White #Qclaid|P ib tlie poetii^ part (^ his pMHorm that "if you

Haynes cculd just as weH qpy "Vote for Haynes and you iliBi

by lir. E. B. 1^°** for brains, vote far bpaXA and you w|ll vbte for Haj^te.' gut jn ju3l^joJlr^.H^yneftjrej^|| |^

_jgsr First in War,

^ Flrat in Peace, And First in the Hecirt^of J ^ Coun*. trynMXi

f U l S BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& T A ' g p a i OF BAgSa B B ^ ^ S E


FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first few the htfl i ie^ dF . Patrons V

vote for White you ^ ^ ^ ^ i d ^ r i « ^ ; wid it yeu vote i ^ t jneiv will vote for Whit*.** Mr/ '**» F ^ ! » ?«ntWi«* and Ijihafc

These loans co uld xi&t have succeeded without.the sunwrt of the newspapers, andJt^gives me great p l ^ u r e to msice this acknowledgi^eot. ^ An enlight­ened public op i i«^ is the chfef asset «C a democracy.. By Icae^ Ing .the peopie o£r..^erica in-{oTHMd Oil pefaHc. fiveata and traqsmitting, w « ^ of the f ina^ ciaUand other ;P9o4a 0,^^ Gpr-emmefttr the Amecidqi B^WS-paers hfwne p e r f o n i ^ a public aiHi-SKadcdfaibia fl^ayice te .tile

the I M H H ; | « M J^ Aoib^iim share in liiM|rH^ AzneHc» to

^ i s vtUffo4 itiwiLdi JLJ and

Gniin's was M^

othn- doft-but «jii9

of giying^

~a*d,i^ justice to . djefficient repreaeBr

. g i r t e d his v e ^ T * M e f f o r t a tut \ _ ^ ^ intereprt* ^ - " w , farnaers.

If Mr. White^^ires t6Ta«>ii6-sent us lilt C*lAgl^» he ^t^iatd:

- batj^^iv light to do so oaf other ^

' •&»e p M ^ H ^ S r is a fanaer and v- can ren4v^^9K farmers in<»e

Caxiai$k>m, Iftit theralSeinaajr^Wv::' ^:»tiwrilfctf«|jr important inter­ests to b ^ l P k i ittfter by our

otitiBr tiuiB a^ it is just

it to teive a coigress-

SOHC !pu~iiave establishe4 a' baflc^^Hto^t near Ale:dq>-, V i i ^ w M i t Jrould be t o ^ .

have a stodE ^ o d erasted^iear

simidy be ptiTiK the r d i df cbew iwltttE* «sd {ovjudiee at this tinaa Jb» w n p off an aUe and efficient Ajiwiintstfve to grat­

uity the anhitfop of an untried man. -

Tba f araasiw ai<5Biia^m^ihiig|i^

Jk. - i * ' .

never SMK inijierous, notwitb' jrtwding.tha fart, that we are«t war, an^lAfl|ild expect to mete wUh some «f the aiaiiy rev^Ms and ha)riih^0yUMtt-ai pcrieaesd by ^ffV ^tien, in an e f f i^ tQ 1 ^ ft. No dass of peoide art more kqral to our cause than the fanner, and with­out kia «8bris « • ««Q)d> jbe doomed to^alHtt.

Just here It* lae aay that Hon. | C. C. CarliB la JHt only untiring ; in. his loyalty to ^he fanrters, bat every ^ y ef ^ i s ^ e is ^rpaHi^ny »nA ^thlHiM^''*"r and in every way 9MBtti^ t<> a r Bjst Mr'Wiiirwi Mldhii ariMHiifc tration in winning the war. Mr. White bad jVast as wcS ask the prosperous farmer to swap the atand|uil brifcw^ of fertilizer which he has beer. Kuccessfntiy using on his cr : > -. i. purchase


^mSH be frMi|iu«gi|


a new and ;;rt -&sk t h r - ,: :"-••.-• .jf "h:

who have thrived ajid


Page 4: '^M^ · fUlS BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& TA'gpai OF BAgSa BB^^SE nm FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first





BRIF LOCAL NEWS —Dr. V. V. Gillum h#a bean

notified to hoW himBetf ^ lead-iness for service in the Dental Corps, U. S. Army.

—Mother's day servicer, held at Ashury U. B. Church Sunday weffe attemfed J&y^Bl0 Ran CoHoncil, 0. F. A., in » body. •

"::r::;-3Irr7e8Se3en a M S e r f ^ n t [ rector.. will C. H. Wine brought a truck load of plumbers' supplies over the ^road from Baltimore^ii&-we^

—All members of Manassas rhapt^rj American Red Cross. aWTW^eif to atiend the meeting Monday ^ight at the Town -Hall.

^ E x - Gov. Montague will apeak at Manassas May 23 at 8 p. m. Our citizen^ yfill enjoy fistening to this brilliant orator.

—Owing to repairs - being made on the building, there will be no Sunday School or service at Trinity Episcopal Church next Sunday.

—^Mrs. Thos. Howard has just receiveid a letter from her ne­phew, Mr. Herman Steele, U. S. Coast Artillery, announcing his safe arrival in France.

—Mr. J. W. Keys, late of the Hotel Jack, Winchester, has re-' signed hia position, to enter the training camp at the University of Virginia, on the 23rd inst.

—A 10-20 tractor has just ar­rived from the factory of the In­ternational Harvesting Com­pany, Racine, Wisconsinj^for Mr. A. E. Bruch of BenLomond.

— A baseball, game will be played, <HI the Manassas High School diamond, Saturday, May 18th. at 2 p. m.—Clifton vs Ma­nassas. Admission, 15 cihts.

—A«hange of-r^ulway ached-f —Mr. D. -N. KtJtder aiid Mr,]bee of Harvard.' ule to go into effect Sunday will! John Craig, two youhg men ofj—Debate, € . H probablvffK«ct materially the Manassas, have volunteered to arrival a©" departure of mail, join the University of Virginia

training camp, at Chirlottesville May 23rd.

We~anderstand our first mail will arrive after 8« o'clock.

: -^ev. ~A. Stuart Tjibsoh, thie n§wly appointed rector of TI4B-ity Epi8coi)al Church, with Mrs Gibson and three children, ar­rived here -this morning. The

church next week. taka^xhaige^^datJiik the U. S. Army. Mr. diZeregS

—^Faynan Bchool will cfeae Wednesday, May 22. After the program, ice creiun and o1 refreshments wiQ be sold. All are incited. Ddors open at 8 p. m. -

—An op&i air patriotic meet­ing will be held at NokesriQe on Thursday, May 80, at 1:30 i>. vi. Fun detafla of tlie progiadn 1*01 hA piihHiftnH in naxt weA'g

—Purcell Community League will "give 8~-sociaJ~-«t Purcell school house Saturday, May 18, begijijiing at 8 p. m. The pro­ceeds will go to tne Ked Cross War Relief fund. The public is cordially invited to come out and help a good cause.,

—An ice cream festival will be given at Stone House Wed­nesday evening, Mky 22, by the Junior Red Cross Auxiliary. Ail persons wishing to^co from Ma­nassas will find a wagwa waiting at D. J. Arrington's stofe. Come and help the Red Cross drive.

—On Saturday last a violent wind storm passed over the country arouiid Buckhall, doing much damaC'sMany tr ees were uprooted, the roof on Mr. Chas. Farquhar's bam was takfen off and two larga silos on the farm of Mr. Lund were blown over.'

'• —Private George Miller Van Camp, U. S. M. C , of Farming-ton, Minn., and Miss Helen^Ger-trude MacDonald of Gloucester, Mass., were married at Qutfn-^co todfty by the Rev. Edward B. NivefL Chaidain, and former rector of Christ Church, Balti­more. '

—Mr. Edward Wissler of Mil-ford Mills lost a valuable part of

lead^ harnerariHHt wiiek. He

Friday, 8 p. m. ., Wasnmgton

vs. Eastern. Saturday, 8 p. m. —President's Reception to Sen­iors. Sunday Morning—Bacca­

laureate Sermon. Monday—Mu-_ai£ Rftfi^l Tiityday Afternoon —Class DSiy Exercises. Wednes­day, § p. m.—Awarding of Di­ploma^. "

—Mr. Frank King of thi? _ county died in Alexandria last

e on furlough when hej week of Bright'8 Uluigue, iu the fation of his trans-fi sixty-second year of his age.

lately left for I Mr. Kmg was for many years a section foreman on the South­ern Railway and was an em-irfoyee of JJiAt company up :to

~ —Mr. Alfred diZereg^ of the U. S_ Ordnance Department in Washington, was ofhcially trans­ferred on Monday last to the Quartermaster's* Department of

WashmgwiiUnreport Tor dffty and onr Tuesday left for Camp

• f t i n r l * * 'i " I ' , * nil .. . . fc..

inserted a notice in last week's issue of Tlie Journal and on Wednesday last the article was ret5nie^r"fir°iaitg' ofltee. The Journal gets results; we can't helpitl _

— The dosing exercises of the colored puUic schools w l be held attfae First-Baptist Churdi May 24th at.7:3dV^rlodc p. m Refreshmenta wiS be sold and ndwiitMifm fiharyi>« nf IQ cents

ond g r i ^ nity for work in

issuck : , ;/':- ' , ,. ' . — l&s. J). R. liewis aecoBn-

ptmied-her dani iter to Mulbr-injrtoo,' Thvndas^ whtte UtSe Miss ElizabethwiHroMiii fiar^ while undertlMi Offer of a spe­cialist. ' _

. —Beginnjjff May 97t.h, yiaa Jessie Logai Ckeetsd Demon-strator, vSk give xlemohstrar tions in cheese inatdnc fn 4(*-nassaa, Broitsville «na Gairos-ville dia£aci»> '

—The comm icemeiit -exer­cises of .Catharpin school will be. given .in .the SduxM house Wed­nesday ewning, May .22, at 8 o'clock. An ara chrdi^lly ii -

' for julults uid 6 dbren wiD 'be used for the 1)enefit at t&fr school baHdinir »^ school improvement league.

—Announcement ot the mar­riage on Mi^ 4th at Jsekaen, Wch., of Mr. ElzBJir R. B«mett and l^AQarriet A. Edmonds, was iwiiOwt liBHi Uiin wrwufe-

vited to come.

— ' ^ ladies oT the ITnited Bretuftn Church will hdd an ice crQazn^sodal-«t B<iekhail4 school hoose Saturday, May 18f-^"^ed, ^ " 7 - p . m. 'The public ja naoet cordially invited to attend.

—Hon. C . ^ Caflin wffldeHvT er an addrws- at ^e meeting of the Fo^^^^ferVfrstt^ Di-

_wtdbn, U. P._C.,.to be~adf at ttee courthouaey "fuesday, -UAy 21st, a f ^ o'«l6Ck: AB are, t!C*dia^ invited.

—The Brentsville UnSMJ Sun­day Sch<d, Mr. Elatiuurt, super­intendent, baa* i i.a^oUmeirt of seventy-eight awit lutt -ceoently beoi rnrtgtiilMif altrng i^t Vnr-laid dapB bytlw'aiBttdiqrlSeteBr

-CciUHtitolte— -:.—• ——r-- .

— Thwe will be a j^gyj-zaar aoi ice cream, wifl be s at the JmuarSall, Dumfries, May 2S, a t i ^ F p . oulor fte benefit of ^tbe'^ibn«fesnr B ^ Croas <H^. fivor one is cor-diidly looted tojittend.

— The encan^ment of the Grand Lodge of in>|iikl«, L O. F., was Md in Lomchbory be> ginning Monday and euOag Wednesday of tbi» week. #pMf of our ranee WlStam OdkfFd-lows were in attendanee.

— The r*g]ular qujuteciy ing of the liaifies Manorial Aa-.sociation of .M; anassas wiD be:

TiSa^nTlhe M." 1. C. buiMffij" Wwinesdar. May 22, at-8 p. BL The special businesawill be tile annua! dflCtlon of omcers.

—^MilT THtrk acliSSI ^rill close rmTuciday, May 21. Two short

The fPSom is a ^son^of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bennett of this place. They will b^ at home to their'frien(& after^the 10th infit. on West Franklin street, Jack­son, Mieh.. •- — - _ _ _ - . .

-.-The town of Manassas, as wen as some other places • » the{ib« county, having received the Flag of Honor for the splendid ing noade in the rec«at-LSberty Bond drive, i t has b^ai soniest-ed that all the fU«8 won in the county be Vn>ught hftrw and im-

nies, at tiie courthouse <» court day—Mondays-Jane 3 .


—Robert Leachman, Corti-pany L, 150th Infantry, Camp Shelby, Miss., has sent to i m father, Mr. C. C. Leachman, a copy of ^he Incinerator," a reg­imental newspaper, containing many breezy paragraphs ^ of camp. He also sent a photo­graph of his entire company, which is remarkable f o r . its clearness, every member being recognizable.

—Rev, J. R. Cook of Green­wich will be installed as regular pastor of Breatsville Presbyte­rian Church Sunday morning. May 19th. ReV. John Lee of Alexandria will conduct ^ e morning service. Immediately thereof^r. Rev. Geo, W. Crab-tree of Caflett will deliver.t%e charge to-the people, and Rev. Bowman of Bealton, the charge to the pastor.

•^1%e Manassas industrial School will open its summer aes-aion for teachers June 26th to continue to July 26th. 'The pur­poses of the sessitm are r To of­fer aid in preparing for state ex­aminations ; opportunity for study leading to a ftret and see

the time he became incapaci­tated about two years ago. He

.leaves a wife and several sens,, one of wTioiSi, Mr. Will King, is a resident of this place, and an­other, Mr. Thos. King, is in the employ of the Southern Rail­way at Salisbury, N. C. Mr. King's remains were brought, here And interred in. the cemi tery Sunday. '

vocational subjecte. examihations wifl be

TEe^SaSe held July


•:::JIS}eB Ida Nicol Ransdell, fourth daughter of Mr. Fronch E. Ransdell of this place, was married May 3 in New York City, to Lieut. Mulligan, Medfical Goqw.U.S.R. Lieat. iltdSsKi, who is from Providence, R. X, is

Washington. He and Hlsa Rana-deQ have been acQuidnted e o p e time, butf their marriage ^oime

—rThe children ot the Pri­mary D^artnieAt, Mimafwaa Graded Srhnnls, will hirfd a ian Uval uu the school lawn, f ^ day evening. May 24 , ' a t . 7 o'dock. A ij^ypole dance, songs and drilLs will be the features of the'evening. Adnnssibn fees of five and t«n c^te wiH be dmrg-ed for children and- adults r6-j^)ectively. .IStroufd the weather


IV> the Teachers «f WiDlam County.

In Qrder that the $ 1 0 , 0 4 ^ ^ propriated-by tho GcaB<|^ -As> sembly of Virginia, for a cot­tage for tubercular teachers at Catewba, be iRrailable, it is necessary that the teachers of the State contrilMfte $15,000 be­fore the clos^-'of the -session.

of ^ -eomnitttee in i this f uiid must have from theijvarious conn-

by June 15th. It is ther^ore eamestiy re­

quested that the teachers of Prinee—Wilfean—oounty^

certificate^ opportiF teve pledged to thia cause, and^ B»pairiMa. iaeanriafianl A}t^g_oj jadugtriai andlyh^ have not already dene eo, L«B*«^ «ad ^«tle; .«rt _Ggg^

titeir send in the- amount of pledgira'at an eariy oate.

UJtAD.ME5CZ, Treaaut* t<a 8th IHstriet.

• • • : .> - . -^ . . - ;^ ' - ; - ? • ;••

fSk» Joarnat-r^:90 a year-

We fall the attenUon of our friends to the fact thai wc ~—Have fflWl^^contraet-fer an _ .^-.

^Extremely Interesting yyeekly ^ Map Service^

Whieh wiUhe on exhibition In our Bank iereafter These Mapa will show all the Leading Event* tmi

Places of the War.

— T t e % Baric EoBlsji _ Where 'iJurltoys'* are "goTi F-fi Dluatni-

tions of the chief War Scenes. A N W MAP WILL gE PUT UP EVERY WEEK

ThefPabUc bt eordiatty inrited to call weekly and ex­amine thlft wry taterfstint htatorieaJ itoiiaiary.

• i

i k ' Peoples National Bank . - OF MANASSAS, VIRGINIA'

OW Sktgan: I t is a Pleasure to Serve Yoa."




LifflS' W S r 8p«*Mty

PRY CLKAKIW6 AWP €»«*w cad FMtlwn. Ci«NMd- W«A

: Cded f«r airf DeHtcnd A Trial Wtt CHtriaM T M TiMt We

•%mW Om

FeimUe Nurae or Attwidant for a Sanitarium for nervous and mental diseases. Salary 122.00 a month, with boaitl »ud lauu-

If yoajrealbr ?**nt tite NEWS of the ieoBn^ Hie Jonniid wii

OOOOgOg^OgOggO 00000000000000.0000«! .ooooeeo

wfiNm mi ooop«








giro It to yeu^wy^wfc^te »[THB | U » A 8 S A S J0St»Mr-year tor one dollar, in advancft.

ment will be pos^xmed until the feUewing:

—Mr. Geo. m. MaddOJt hitf sold to Mr. Cleveland Flsheir the jpxyerty now occnpied _by Mr. Bj^tdriipd^lrs. Laura V. Mad-dox has sold to~Mr

^Announcement has been made by the Adjutant General and Chigfcof S^^,^nitg^^jg. federate Vet rMaa,.WBIE&E B. Mickle, that the annual reunion of the vfltorans will positively be

25 to 27. WlsT^Gen. Mickle

mons tte.^w«Uh^ ^i^eie Mr.

stated that ttose fiaa beat much confusion a ^ nusnaderataoding

- - T- .regardHMT ^ ^ a a e ^ m d ^ a c e o f C. J. Tiiu-1 this Meeting. The Cenfedoate

Southern Memoriali hi a«d Bfe^ Maddox now reside^ ^m^jaW its annasl conveation Deeds of transfer as weB transfer of insurance policies have been inade out to the pur-ehasov. Possession, will not be given immediatelji^ but Jt is_ua-dersiood thit Mr. «iirMt^ M«H-

foUows dox, with Mr. Byrd-M&d family,

4|t the same time w d ^ace.

—^The annual exercises h e _ h d d . l ( a y

commenoeBmit COD^ win

rangewifnt of the pgngtam is aa

TUBHilAT enfcoL WMi picTuns

> BplMe 2 niRBATOP GitlabkNS tin IUSIB

•*»-- r-.Newa; l-Red Carteoa-

mURSB^AT and Aatoate

plays will be given for the bene­fit of the Red Crofts. "Just Plain T>ot" openA the evening's enter-tA»nm»nt'.—Be sure and see "No Gjris Admitted." Curtain rises at 8:30 p. m. Admission, 16c K e er earn mlii be eold.

"A SON OF THE HILL" Wherein the ambition and vis­ion of a poor yoath of the Sonth-eiH nuunlafM Itti&fb'lis peopT f roa serfdaa. A play ef tfaritta

great heart teterwit. Be tWa^


Wi Ri Hari

•THE PATRIor* witbo«lajCMi«it


Star Cart of Players








_ The FToweg f FLOURS X i y i f c r ^ O a wifl w a n t wyyr^

Jjtfm Machjaerr S d d itt Attractive Prices WBi" ^R ftTflBft"

-fZHEGRAPFERS^ A story of the

Aaia-CoMedy, *1>0NKSY LOVE"

Mstinse 3:15






ManagasTeeCSiipp^ aoT^iplemeBt Co. EVERYTHING. FOR THE F A R M —

Page 5: '^M^ · fUlS BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& TA'gpai OF BAgSa BB^^SE nm FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first


Mr. \V. L./Heuser of Hhymar-ket was in td wzi Thuraday.

Mr. M. J 4 Washiniton of Greenwich p^id UB a call Thurs-day-

Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Steere are visiting Mra. Shane in .Lyach-burg. ', ,«-

>Ir. A. M. .^Uwrn-of Cathar> ^pin vat A Man»9M,;vi8itor jrea-

terday. «

Mr. WUlia Mmtae «i Mai!«u» Hook, Pa., wa» « week-end-visi­tor in Manasaaa.

HBASCiG. FftOii^ UJOiY' 9 9 s .-gr -r-ffi

.iii£«f Sb£«ai!Braiii!iBi^^ wm& Coopet^tioo.T«»dered AnU-T<t

J>en:«l08iB A s a o d a t i o n , — i M tagmr for pr6»«rrt«t and

Th* Micmr MrttfioaU wlilch »te(itad Uv >Rl tor «•« iB tk* Ml(i a yWgBIII

Capt. W. FeweU Merchant, U. S. R., 8pent»the week-end at his-

-4ioxae in. ManawHM.

Mesars. Wil|iam Monroe and Sobert Culling of Wellington -were MaxtaaaaB visitors Thurs­day.

Lieut. Lyman Patterson, Avi­ation CorQs, paid a short visit to hia aunt. Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge, this week,

Messrs. Frank Brower and Lester Hoffman, U. S. Naval Re-aerve Corps, ware Manaasaa visr itors Tuesday.

~ '. Assistant Paymaster, Joseph A. Kemey, tl^ S. Navy, and Mrs. Kemey, visited the home of Mr. M. Lynch Sunday.

Private John Hynson, accom­panied by Private Gates, Camp Lee, were guests at the home of Mr. B . ^ . Hyaaon Saturday and Sunday..

Mr. W. French Graham, busi­ness m a n a i ^ of the Fauquier Democrat, paid l l i e Journal a abort visit Saturday. Welcome, Old Topi

M[iBs'Isabd Kelley left this I weak; for a. ten-day

firi*ndB in Baltimore and I^iila-driidua. while Mr. Kelley is at-t ^ d t a f the Preabytdrtan G«H:L «ral AraemUy in Golumbua, 07

Turmmn S h o d i Harvest 572,-Mi^iM Bashda ^ U s Tear.

Aa«rie«i i»rmer§_wiU. hur-, Vwt 154,000,000 moire imafaels «r wn faw vrhMt ma year than lafll^,.»ceocding to crop lorecaata

:£«pai^aait of Agriculture, yield of 572,000,000-bushels is

" liUrt; yfear'B pred ic t^ ''estimate^r «r.4K;ooo,

-nte latgeat ever 686.000,000. in

000 Itoflkda. recorded was l d l 4 , and tite «na&st 4d0.000; ^ in 1912. in 1 ^ .

The rye yifeW is estimated at 82,620.000 aa againat ^ 4 ^ ' ^ buiJ^lai the prwlSc^^ AleJum^bTO^€raze^» — -

•aoptad to Uke lU plM*. T | « war» ^ of th« MrtlfloaU. !• ( I T M b«lo«.

iMy Mil oo KM «m» St pvondi of

, ' j ^ . May 15 The ***' ^na of eeruawito Virginia Anti-Tu-office of the

berculosis Association is already J^ marcitMt receiving nuBfierous letters irom''••'**«•'• J""* ^«** RedCroW Chapters throughout; ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ^ 2!^

Statf offering the .{ulleat|tiA«ku «4 * um» u hi* M««» «bM-pbssible cooperation in the care l«»^y w»rrM« wteh a yvahM*. Th« and treatment of the Virginia ••'^"'"'~'*"*t " * ' • ' * " ' • • ^ " " ^ soldiers who have been wtumed ' ^ ^ ^*f " * r^"?*^ *• * • ' 'x* from the. army on tubercular troublcsi

account of The Aaeo-

ciation has nailed to the top of its flag-ataff the inspiring war-cry' 'One Hundred Per Cent Care for All Tubercular Sol­diers," and in the great and no­ble work it has undertaken there is no doubt that it wiU have the unanimous support and "wHgle hesrted Bymiwttiy' of every person in Virginia.

Every one of the 325 soldiers who have ben returned from.the army on account of the menace of tuberculosis is invited to write the Association's office in Richmond, with the fullest as­surance that its cooperation and assistance will have nntViing nf the presumptuous or officious-in its rendering. Every case will have that tactful care and con­sideration that does not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing.


Anti-Tubercolosia Workers Opm . War AiK*in'^ Germa.'

. Richmond, Va., May 15—Miss Agnes'D...Randolph, Executive Secretary of the VirsSnia Anti-

inl/\a?tt A tmAJfMHt^'*\ft 'IQ Tttftr-'UJUOtD XUJMWV^W«VBSr-SO ***V'

blliring ailti-whrttt. Blague orcaa th» a*«!Wittr for the greatest drive againat ATC tfcat of IMI tho tubcrculoaiq menace - aver

aAotalatrator. C»d vaaw K 1» tvai that a i f f c — t la alliwtM a 1M»» iBPomit of raaar to a ilBa<> paraTiaMT M tmTMticatlem wiU <^ •trlBcoMt aotiM tokm If th«. aalM of stHV havo kM« «Bnrarriato<. T«fr towlw i* tho voHlac.aC tk* • • «

eortiaeato: . . : Mir

i korekjr dMUn to tlM Umlto< Btotaa Pood AdBlBiMraOM thai 1 a»

•a amo«mt of po«n4a of •««ar ttrmjvftor vrmurhag. and eaaainf fwyo—a oalr. Md tk*t I a i"^ rotsi* • V mrplM BOt «a«d for thta p«trpoo«

I w o d Ibo. of •««»«ao f«rpoa«o laat yoar aad h a v o . . .

Mgaod •ddrooo

Thia Cortiaaato to ]r«w LAoal vtthim aoirWdcym.

bo r«tmrao4 Admlalatrotor

nro CoBto a Thfoo Ceal* i

J>r Sale.—Thoroughbred Du-' roc Jersey gilfs aiid^Tjoars; also fine eight-wQ4ik'^ld /pigs- All subject to register. Dr. M. D. Brown. ' 52-2:

A few bushels of choice seed corn yet at J 4 g6.52Z

Wanted.—•jOJlBP'Wft of pulp wood. HigMIC^Mbi price plM on delivery; measurements taken rrom wAfons:—Glvros a call Bft-" fore you selK E. R. Conner. 61

For Sale. — Five - year - old Brown wood colt; no bad habits; kind disposed and broken to work. X, this office. 51.2*

For atreSf; newly

R«nt.wFlat four

on Main rooms

papered; electric Rent $10.00 per month, to R. B .Sprinkel.

lights. Ai»Jy


For Sale.—About '15 bushels home-grown Whippoorwill Cow Peas, perfect seed, $3.90 p<er bu. W. LSeeere. — «

Duroc Registered male pigs for sale. Lllustrator strain;

__^__^_ prices on application. Conner r o e e Aei«tHiaT«AT»pN w w - w - j * ^ ^ ^ ' M'^"*^^' V»- ^l-tf


Tho law a v a r t n o r t ct Uw TlaRod • U t o i rood JUhBloiatratioa bam n i o d t h a t t h o • ^ i f a i i t i i r i sad dfaitrtbatloa «r Mb anmff • • » • t ^ f*^ ooMtrol ML Tho rw>d AdMtalotraMoB la e o » «o(Md that thoM t h i ^ k* ae p««a-toorlnc 1« >«« •*< M**«*«ny that tho «eat of-lco tor thooo olonwBto af tho ooBumuUtr which Bto loaat aklo to vr* taat iUioaiaotTM A a l l aoit bo laeroaaod •fwr iaot TOW Mlooo aboolato proof asB %o •!**• by to* flonipiaioa • • to

A«» laero—o la >rtoO

^MA rMmatomr win. to tho

thonifor< JertUy «een ihSouth^xNsst Virginia. - On Sunda|r» May 19, there urilL be lectures on ^ s j ^ ^ t health., subject in all the white and col­ored charches «£ Fhuiklin. SouthathptoB county. {<^wed by tHie &e^Wiac MogadiaF nij^t and two eitdh d iy TaoKlay and Wedneedayl There will be a hsetiiuii <ri4 Cfeurtlaod-O w^^^*^ Uondi^, with it^aac lat^.

Tha object of tlKi drivg ia to uncover, an' tihe caaea of the

... iimiJ aatnm pnt < e # iteqeg-AL Tozad or auvft^ted to the a id

that they may receive imqjer iTMJtjeal and nuraiag care edu< '

;nLK<iRAM BJioia Mil. _li6ov««r A»OUT THE C O N a t ^ V ^


•Tho Itoed AAHaMraUoa to « » tUHnolr doolroa* la ooBoonipttoi^ of aB htoda of wRSont ^nr tkopToeoat

BoaooiiuJ doeUao-^a-y

For Rent-or Leaae.—Will rent or lease for five years a good country store property located at -Sowego. Fauquier county. Virginia. Rent reasonable. For terms, etc., apply to E. P. Wash­ington. Sowego, Va. . 5 0 '

Eggfi for Setting, $1.0& for 15, $6 per 100, from fancy WWfre BocLcliiekenaL J. J. Conner,

fl3?/ . :. __ -- Reierve Dietrict No. J;. B»>OitT OF •fSm&mWXiOti OF THE T^ATIONAL BANK OF MANAS­


REsbtTKCES. , ...' $305,081.27

un»ecai«Brf*08.K^4- • •_• - • 1,675.74 Xothez^ihui Liberty BOIKU. but incIuF

i^ Ixffinis and discodllti: 2. OvordrafU, secured, $966.89

certifleatca of indebtedness): a U. S. bonds depoait^ fo secure circulation (par

value) c U. S. bonds and c«rtifi«^tM of iwUModnosa

pltAgad to. sacnro postal'«ayinga' dapdaka (pat value) .t

t If: S . "ijonds and certiftcatea - c*—judebtedneas < owned and miplBdg«l. .r 10,000.09



«. mterty Loaa Baadarr^ * -a-Lit>erty Loan Bondi, t% per cent and 4 per

. TT .aont, unplodgod. ."; ; . . . . . . • . . ^ ^ ; . ^^^. ,^ . 1,360^)9 c Payments actually made on Liberty 4 ^ 'per

— r e n t Rnnds 4,fiK?.,fiO



e Secoritiea other t i u a U. 8. bonds (not i a d s ^ a a atoeka) owned onplodgrod 6.00040

0. Stock of Fodval Roaorve Bank (60 p«r eont «f anbaeripthw) .S (.MOJ* U>/ a Value of banking house 12.000.09 IX. Furniture and fticturea . v . . . 6,0Mj0a 12. Baal ostoto owned other than baaUna lawae. 27,BUJ*' 13. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 19.688.88 16. C sh in vnult and net ^mounts due from national banks 414S64.U

Total of Items 14, 16, 16. 17, an4'l8. • • • . . . . . . 41,264-19 —ki~«irb(luUu !oeaciB§MitoiM ^ « ^ te towa ^ NfiiMPSv

bank and other cash, itemr;.; . . . .". . . . - . . . aia.4e 80; BlKlemption fund with U. S. Traasonr and ^ froia U. 8.

Troasanar , r;' .".: . . . . . . , . . 1,1 W O 22. War Savings CertiAeates and Thrift SUmps actually owaed.. $21 Jd'

Totol .$461,216.21 LIASIUTIE&

24. C apltal stock paid in $6e,m04f 26^ Surplus taaA . . . .TTTT^S —.. . . s •»» 88jB09Ja 26. a Undivided profits.. ••• • v $8,692.9«

h. IfMM current ei«>enses, intet^t , aha taxes paid 8,703.62

29. Amount reserved'for all intorost aeenwdl WHM ' 89. CireulatinK notes, outstanding. .-.--r u 22yl9tj09 ' 32. Net amounts due to National Jaanks. ZfiVl.n 38. Net amounts- due to "banks, bankers, and trust companisa

(other than included in Items 31 or 32) ^. ' dTftST Total of Items 32 and 33 2,48SJ)0

Demand depoaite (other than bank deposiU) sabjeet to Baser«e (deposita payable within 30 days:

34. Indiiadual depoaita subject to cboeic. 2123TlJB8 84. Cartlflcatea of_dq>s«if dtwiit lass thaw 80 days <other tban

for moDOQT bomipsa. . • • . • • . « . . . • 36. Gertiflod checks , . . . . . . ; . . . . i , 40i Di^snds unpaid' . . . . . . . . ^ '.'.-

Total of demand deposita (other than bank dspoaito) sttb-\ jeet to Beserve, Items 34, 36. 36, 87, 88, 89, —

40, and 41 \ 218.008« 44. Postal savfaags deiMaito^.^... BUS AR, fttW «mra«TvJt.. ^ ........\ _ i, ••;• 14tjB»lJ8


Postal savings denwtts. jjtbvMouLJaiKmaa^;^

Total of time deposita Ime deposita sabjeet to Besmye. Items

Kanaaaas, Va. SOLtf

. Honaefgrregfr—6^w«m dwdl-teTsstttabw aa to wh4ihm tt ssaatt jimg with aadirn fni^int/emm^

• Fire Inaaranc*—^If yoa are afraid of Mutual Aaaeaaments. try our old 4fii» cmnpaniea. U you dm't fflce tiM inarBJaingMd Jine ratte, try oar Mutnid. Take

-aials eon^ittg to martot Is aow l a 9*^*"

iMHItor asmsasa.d|iling the aas t i sw 1 ^ ^ &^ai l . .b<rt prohaklr the mniAiuit at snchdeersBse is ret «»-'amoaat it such., decrsafe

-^^JtiMi. with the great ulti mate aim in view <Sl having the three i«>lendid .connties of Isle of WijWi. NiMi8eiB<md .and South­ampton join hands in 1i^ eree-tion of a suitable tri-coun|y sati--ntoriuTn.for the -iMatrnfent:of

. :au<!ltof itaxaaes as requixe It

W8nted^-69,00O tvtfte oak tiee. 8>ea»andw(lprieeo.

ICLyndtftCo. 2S4f

J i iB^a^foet fa>4FrwA^r«di-

p.... Edward Crunap, «.„«.«-, froai ItyocifbarSf "ho jmA aat aeen each other in two

M\n Mid broHiera,

-The abroad to our,Army s»d AUles are very Urge and .smoant to, roughly, seventy-five mtUtoa pounds sseat aad meat products of all kinds per week IgatMt pre-war .Bormal of lesa than tfteya mnaSif poanda. *»ea Wltlj tb^Jhis«-iSMBeBto, the A l b s lave UtiiS tt B««ossary fo »a*aea oo«-Kmpttoa «f sU ktods of moato sad fwltry^to an average of aboat one

_ is ordar JOlftt no further draft gkettd be awto^vpa* "i ^wOv ^ ^ ^ ^ Bvw^reaifMIJor the traiwpert -at oar •oUiers. Our eoBsompOoa of mesto to abeottfarse

ws^Tier peiaoB, sa< tf we are to both «ade balaaea duzlag tM?

ifcsst^ffsitsiisi sassita, w e — t A a g .

.WaBted^-4>ii]p wood cnttwa;

tw9 co«fd: ho«i8c8 for oitteM to stay in dose t^ tke tMbWv. .F R. S s o n i c n , McM Market, Ms

42. 48.~44, aDu 4 6 . . . . . . . . . . H i i 9 4 4 M

' Total . . ; . . W . ..r^, . . , • . . . . , . . , . . . . . . ~ » j . Rateotf VitaJBia, County tO. Prinea WinfiiB. m


that gM al»s« statement ia troe to U« 1 _^ _ ^

-Soi^ribsd and sworn to Italen me tUa-l«th <taT ef Mw. 191i. p„u(.

Cuiiact AJttert' ' * ' ftTaHYNSON, . • • ' K.R. CONNER, 4

* * « = qfc. •ppnfet Qftar Nu.^tt8-JUgQBT OF tBB CONMTOWf W CTBgWKytBB


WlBte and Barred Flymontii RodEB, S. Ci*Wlffl:e and Brown Leglkomai^egS* l^.t» per 100

1.50 per 15. Bfcpe ribbon win-nOTk^-Slf«iTn*:riFo«nfc naasaa, Vau

THE CLOSE OP BITSINSaS COT MAT U^ lt |8 . — \ „ ••• • : • ^ ^ • '•; ' SBsouBcm,"

1.-a Loana"'-iind discounta-^^.. . . . . . . . . . - . - ? • • • • • "•• 2. Overdrafts, secured, %\fia2M; umeeatefc f 9 W 4 6 . . ^ . . ^ . . . > ^ 5. U. Si heads (other tlw5^LAert]r Beafds. W t inArfiBC U. $ .

S. bontf^ (par vafato)

b U. s . boade aad eecittcatea ot iacMitodaaM U. 8 . depoaita (par «alne

cejrtifiea^sa of


-owned and j o a p l e d g e d ^ . . . . . i / , . . . . . ti Iiihf*T l-wiif Paswis-— ^

'- a Liberty Loan Bonds, 3% pec, c«a]Criiad 4 ^ , 1 ' cent, naiUedgod... rr-~...... • . • -. • • • • ^. > >-. i

i Paymenta actuuly made on U b o t y 4 cent Bonds, 5 i^er e s p t . . . . . . . . . . .

atnrir of Fedrrr' T»*-«""> B M A ffifraer ,


All una owing to the firm of idex it Byrd are now dpe.

j]|.jirVaIie (fVuiiiMs Jwase 11. Pamitsure and fixtores... ^iLsiwfn^ reserve Witii- Fcderri Itesei te Bank.

cag at Peoplea Na^wial Bank and make ptaymen? to I t I*. Byri. . - — — - 60

yeara recently met in F « « n c | ^ the trenchea. When war waa dedaiid the brothew volun­teered. John j p i n m g i h e M w ^ aviation branch from Peteft-burg, and Edward became ^ a Ueutenimt, havflig beOT;«>"?^ aioaad fruir i>ifr*«hMr«rfa..-J >ur doon Urnea. : = *

7,aflft VfaMiala— >t

. . . . .-...- . 15. Cash in vault and net amonnta due from natios^^Nu{ika-•••••• l a . Net amoonte due from banks, banksrs, ami trae^ fwmpanias Z — o t h e r than included In Items H, 14, and . t t . -r i .vr . ; .Vj^. . ra r!}-.*« MTTaiiiar KBitai in t t e j g i

bank (other than Item 17)77. Total Bf Items Hf 16, 1ft % « » * : t f v . ^ . . . , . - ...—

19. Checka en baaks leeated mUm «f city «r ieMreiP^rapertiMr

20. BedemptioB faadwi^ ]&.'«. Tlwiwmr «n« * * , ^ ^

War gaviaas Csrl l f lgf j jp^. f t^ Stam9i>ta^a^

#7504^9 V«4.1&

XaiafL TifiThilh"

^ There are at preaaat m o r e e n

ing at Camp McCleIIan-aw«ilW j ^ ^ Hoidera for o^"*?" * " H i n S of theae men a r e a the a t h C j .

- viaion, commanded by •nj .Ha^ r Charter^.

UNIVEBSmr OF ^JJaireraity,

^cda l War C«iie« " * ., {«r«d in addition_tQ the uauali coarK» in the CoDege, GMdwrte, Law, Med*f«I •nd Engmee™* Dep^rtmenta. T O T ^ U ^ » C O V .

yii et^JOi to VirgJMa atnaenT* ~<partineBt>i

Send for «talogue. _ _ _ , Howaid Wiwtdii, Be«i«5»r


•»a> •<

ffiGINMNG JUNE 1 • atorc at * p. SK W« wiU ~—r — - ~ , . „ j . v»

warn \\m%. eaeapt ea SatMC"ey»> wbca regular bonra wil_be «»-

.serred. StOTeepai day at 8 a. m„ new


My tine erabnees'Btaple _ and Faggy Groceries -

Qoeensware, Tia aad Ekiamelware



m M M i l M M * ! ! * *


Page 6: '^M^ · fUlS BAIf]$ ,«9^TH& TA'gpai OF BAgSa BB^^SE nm FmST First in Strength, First to Supphr Ymir Wimls and first



1t~"ywnh»iintV>n by ike ,: [ . cmor of VtrgHnJU


Whprona, The "President ttv* -Cait»5:r:S£aSg~'li^ pro cUiiraed the week {)effinning MayXyO, iai8, jBT 'fied Ciaaag

imea 1318,

and. has Weel *' and. has called upon the people of the Unltsd^States

generously to replenish the war iiiaad of the Anmriran Bad Cross which has been praeti cally exhausted in earmg ^er-

Accordinfl^^ an opini^ ren­dered on Wednesday bx Attor­ney General John R. Saunders, ttnr 'PflV'"' ^"g t-*^ g^v* ^ ^ (effect on June 2}, 1918, when it bgcomea the duty of'owners to have their dosrs'listed. ^ ThTs opinion was rendered^ by Mr, •Saimders at the request of Wal­ter E. Hathaway, Coipniissioner

i ^ Gam? anif Iniand, Fisheries. As the preseht war draers its

Uie iBen-^«ttr milit«v3^-«84Aa-vaL^foices and for -those depen­dent on tbetQ and for the urs;ent needs of our brave allies, and

Whereas, The g^endid and ef­ficient work of* the American Red Cross in the-war should not l>e hkmpered byladrbr«^^ funds, now

Therefore, I, "Westmoreland Davis, Governor-of-Virgmia, do cail upon the people of Virginia to observe Sunday, May 19,1918,

'a8~*T*atianal Rod Cress Day," and during "Red f^rosa Week," begifttting May 20,. 1918, to pledge Sthvvif um deteniiiiiation to win this war against autoc­racy and gppreswpn by a i^^ festation of-collective and indi­vidual effort' and sacrifice in providing the funds required by the American Red Cross to care for our wounded and sick heroes and those of our allies, to relieve distress, and to restore as far as posaiUe the terrible waste the battle. > , — ^ - -

Given imder My luSd, 8hd~im der thfr Lwer Seal of the Cpm-monwealth; at Richmond, this

^tenth day ot May, in the y ear of our Lord one;thousand nine hun­dred an . ei^te^r>and in tiie jpne hundrecT ahd forty-aeooiuj year of the €omiubiiw^dth.


AnotberHyii tory has been fOt rted in Alexaai-dria, on the wght of th^ (rid Pie-neer Mills.


slow length aleng, the beUigwI ents are finding it nefeHsary tp curtail their wants and not be l urdened with unnecessary ex­penditures. The thousands of dogs which 4s^est -every com­munity are attracting the atten­tion of-th«.pFevid«it. It costs much to fe«d dogs, the great mass, of which are worthless, and the people of England are considering the advisability of destroying them at once.—Alex­andria Gazette.

The complete text of the Ba-ker law wa8~ published in The

Should be Counted Among the Siiimner NeceiistfieJI

Journitl at the time it was be­fore the legislature.


Grov. Pavis is among the State executives who. have been asked to contribute tails of their cast-off shirts to be used in making kitchen aprons to be SQld at pub-lip auction- for the ben^t of Ijie

of I American- Red-Cresfc- -: Tbe-Jreqaest «ome|8 from Eu­genia A. Stuijf, aueSop editor of a Pes Moineg hewKpapter, waa PviHffwtly not a.W»rp. that

Westmoreland Davis is chief ex­ecutive of Virginia, as her l( ter was addressed to Henry CSturler Stuart, the f6nner fOTembsr.

'Khir plan is to s ^ at a large puUic jiuction, kitJEbai ^^rons laade front-tlie (4 irt tails of fa­mous a ^ . " ' wrote thie Dm J

Vf^-l ceeds win be turned over to tiw Ited Cr^B8."-^Aiex Ciizette.

Mf Gr&A Bridges MtBaSkid Secttftty foitimd J^ement

Many of" Concrete : with

I of Ameriea are buflt-qf-

MtestB and IB niwd XS^GovgnmjeaL

Securitsr meets die most < ^ by rate)ads>.8t«te^ dties and tji^^

rwvrtVh* —rta/fUi *frti any littte4mogn cgnHHrt tot

get be* twote * anyttmg you biBW oo 70«r & ^





' 1 ! HHMC who stay at home eah enjoy thrir snigpier tacatiea t^ -;—^=r=ntBdiw<r itiuiktim mi PIBBHUH in Pcii-tli itethew awd Cioquet


—SB^I^NG ROCKERS for womwi maple frame, natunO-iniah, slat ba k and wo^ en doable seat of rattan. Priced at ! . . . , $L95 —ROCKERS—iaade of mi^e, niedy Tarnished with natural

~wood~fliriiAl i n t is douUe woven rattan, broad, axmrcst. Can be used for pordi or HWB. NOW,

—fXTRA qUAUTY < : R 0 Q U E T 8ElS---JBvo»ybedy likes to flay croqoet. ^l^ls set eradsts it 8 maBets,. 8 baUs, widcets,'

^poirt aiidliisiraetioii

- ; * V-

iMn.. Get one IMIW ^ \ - < : •

Oth^ to $ 9 ^ on

the Twelve." Preaching at 11 a, m. by Prof. L. D.

Lucas. Subject, "Growth in Grace." '^^pristftin En<Je»TOnrt "T:3t) p. m;-Sii>i«ct, "Education—the Doorway to Service." f •

Clifton Presbyterian J.Cl^irch, R«T. Alford Kelley, pastor.

Sunjay School At 10 jb gk, gnfaJtct ^_ M atated aboyc. -«—

The Woman's Mieaionary Socie|y ;

! :^_— — r ^ . = g



Manaiaas Preabyterian Church, Rev. Alfbrd Kefiey, paiVor.

Sunday—Sunday (SchtK.i at 'J:i5 a. m. ."tnhjact, "jMll»,..Sfll>iimt Eozth-

will in«et Sunday, May 19, at 11 a. m. The Mission Band ^ H meet .with

the Secretary, Miss Ikith Quigg, Fri­day, May 24,. at 3 p. m^ at her home.

The 'Aid Society will meet with Mrs• ^o>>H'«xt«r Monday, May 27, at Bp.m. ^ -


Bethel Lathenui Church, Bev. Bd-gar Z. Pence, ptMtor. . Oatechetical inatrnction Thu/aday at 3:16 p. m.

I Snj iJtTiaandajf.—achBdL_ at—Uu

BAPTIST. Manaatas Baptbt. Church, 9vr. T.

D. D. dark, pMtor. Sanday—Sunday Selw>9l. 9.46 a. m.;

morning service, 11 o'elodi; B. T. P. TI;^J45^; eviBiiagl«vie*ir7:8K^

Wedqeaday—Prayer meetinc at 7:80 p. tar.

KcT. Bamett Griauky'a AppoiBtai«fl« / Bellehavwi, foortii Sva4»y, 11 a> I*.

WoodMne, aaeoad snd ionrth jlinH day«,8p.i»^ :.,

flatchw iCenorial, •eooad^^^flneda^i It a. tt. aiut 7:80 p. m. ' - '

OtJt Dale, third Soadagr^ 11 a. tt, sad tet Sunday, 7:80 p. m.

AaWn, fint Sondsy, 11 a. m. and third Sunday, 7:80 p. m.

— KftiMinv* BATtmj PrtaiitiTa BapUst Qusrah, jfitSac t.

& JDattoja, ipastor. ienrfeya ev<aarr.fe<B4& fihimdagr at ^

a<-m. and tiM Satawisy-jWmMMc at td»l>

fee Meiiid flafaw^^

' > . • *

-SmOi-Wammm, Bev.. n._<^

Preach&v lAMJftmday at 11 a. a|. hand 8 p . nr. ' ^ V

BpftMth League at 7:00 p. m. BoeUalVevtiy Sunday at 8-p. m. Bfcadl^, flrnt Sunday .«t 3'p. vu,

third Sunday at 11 a. m,

cm m y artkk n warcm^fi9t,laLiHTifttly<frtol at tmiMMh Uw Pirictt. aai cfay ** t f >»* «hr

CM k iNffltfrai i s mmiMtimfalkj/ Oir stick cMUprisasai


« 9 • 9^ 9

S i t 9

- « -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9



on «arUi''-^oaoe aad ii ONION SETS—ALL KINDS

^THE" J^ST S^H> POTATOES MONEY ^ A N BtTT-Hsil NorUMta lAdac Grown. It wB Iwy yvm to MM thsskwid M^^BHBL' toes. If tlMT wore ft tat warn hate to fi« WfeM : BY ALL IffiANS PLANT A GARIMDf. Uado Sam wants yon to do » to lw» klm o t la F K « W .

OUR COW PKAS ' i^ma^ ^ty •md yof ta^fw nm^ them inMB jtn vny now.

:> » _ i -a-^ -• » ••

l^iiees Not Advi

H K M S9BS Hfc M H . H ^ ' I H W^

WANT c n i G K a ^ MGCS: ' ANir — - ^ -

4 ii infrlr III ak «!»«%


WMH^K%MH^ a n t H'

III | i^ if IMI fNir

TMd UM£~Samliarme l i e WMmwB 1* l o r irae-om^oo UBSKTYBOND. — — II 5

imTO w>o< |ii^~ Cent Store

CAtHdUC ' -AU Salnta' GatiwIie (Antedi, Mao. was, Frtluc Willism. Gill, ptuteer lUia at 8a.BL.fl«aMadja*i 9mi_ kjTK aKoOd and tcx^ Maiait it

|»;aOa.iii..feUow<dWbmadiiiiii^ iMki«i

Kev. C. K. KaU^kB's an»(d>!itiiMnti fbUow:

Sudley—Ffrat, aeccod and fomrth Hnnrtaya, It a. iw

Falrview—8«Mnd and tUttOk «l«y«>8 p. m-

GaineriHe -Fiiat Sunday. 8 p tUrd and fifth Snday, 11 a . » .

TfMn.-^ - — — -Wnndleim Ttriril aitd Oftli t t

da*j, 8 p. M. ~ Woohey •Wrat Sunday, 8 p. m.

; ' OMffTBD-BBVIHKICN. Ber. V C. MeaaMi^ enpoh

-Tbot aad tUtfBOBtST^' ••"•*» 8*biOB" and aont t flaa*

day*, H a. m. ^^^.. BaddaO—first awl third AtOdaya,'

8 p. iii> • ABea—flaeood mmt «oorA Ooafciyi,

* p. » . ^


i r s r

f Now Style B o o l ^ ^

sTteqiM I aeveralbf themodela«Uefa

win be wem thia faH and wiatar by diKriafawtiiig PMpie—

wlin aad ahOdrea. vttkjwfiMt

it y m a A boy

l lUCM.iM i.c

ector & Cow WAYWARKET, tf A.

J. H. BURKE & CCMIPANY Maaaaws^ Vir^ia

"Everythinr on Eartii to Eat"

Mwiiitiat, Va.

ami m^Salmeterf I v ice H o u s e funuahed for KOf rsasoDoUe cft«fince~~^

Aiwaathetica Adoiiniatered for Pala-laaa Kxtractkm of Teeti>


M. f. C. finttdlng, Hanassaa, Va. ~