Download - LVS Courtyard Transformation

  1. 1. LVS Courtyard Process & Transformation
  2. 2. At the Start
  3. 3. People with Vision The Transformation Begins
  4. 4. Bringing in cinderblocks and gravel
  5. 5. Cinderblock Flower Beds taking Shape
  6. 6. A sheltering gazebo The foreshadow of a pond
  7. 7. Perfect Timing and Resourcefulness LVS had to cut down a tree in the backyard! It was seen as an opportunity to beautify and add texture to the courtyard.
  8. 8. Turning Green
  9. 9. Trip to Solomons Greenhouse John, Austin & Rayden got to pick their own plant to take back Who knew there was so much to see at a greenhouse!
  10. 10. The Fish Pond An impressive wall of ivy and a fountain made from an old pump Little fish lazily swim among the growing water plants
  11. 11. A Trip to OUR FARM Rayden and Austin (along with other PALS students) got to see and pick a variety of plants and fish. The discovery of the prayer plant was most intriguing as the leaves move and fold together on their own when touched!
  12. 12. New fish for the Pond from OUR FARM!
  13. 13. Details that make a Difference Rain water collection, plants love all the natural water Wall Decals to add flavour and tid-bits of wisdom
  14. 14. Working Together Everyone pitching in Team work
  15. 15. Hard at Work Lots to shovel and move around That gravel is heavy!
  16. 16. Taking a Break!
  17. 17. A place for all to come
  18. 18. Art Smart Group Project After weeks of hard work the glass mural gets to be hung up A pop of eye-catching color when walking by great job LVS Students
  19. 19. Points of Interest Bean stalk tipi made by Mrs. Pirts grade 3 class A piece of history! An old door from the Portage Hotel
  20. 20. Students taking a tour
  21. 21. Quiet Moments Taking a pause of peacefulness
  22. 22. Having a game of Memory under the shelter of the Gazebo listening to the trickle of the fountain nearby
  23. 23. A place to love and enjoy! Val Smith singing in the transformed courtyard with LVS students