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Copyright © 2013 Varun Gupta

All Rights Reserved

July 21, 2013

Cover Image Courtesy of Wikipedia

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Lunar Eclipse Copyright © 2013 Varun Gupta

Eclipses have always attracted a lot of importance in many ways, be it from

astronomical point of view, or religious and astrological. In astrology, the impact of a

particular eclipse on mankind in general, and upon individuals as per their birth chart, is

one of the major areas of interest. Apart from that eclipses in general have always been

associated with a lot of dark myths. Various cultures have their own stories and myths

in connection to both solar as well as lunar eclipse, with preponderance to the dark

ones. Incidences occurring around eclipses, like the one of crucifixion of Jesus, and the

controversy whether it happened on the day of Solar or Lunar Eclipse1, make one think

about the power of eclipse energies. The eclipse time is also seen as the best and the

biggest time for black magic. Many black magic practitioners wait for an eclipse to get

their black magic accomplished. Both the full moon and the new moon have a lot of

significance in the sphere of black magic. In addition, the power of black magic is

believed to be more when the moon is in perigee, i.e. closer to earth. Further, when

moon is in perigee during an eclipse, it’s considered to be an icing on the cake. This is

what happened on May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse2, when the moon was also in perigee. I

however am talking about Lunar Eclipse from the point of view of making the Lunar

Eclipse remedy, and not the astrological or the black magic aspects.

The May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse of the super moon was visually imperceptible

otherwise, and may not even seem to be of a proper significance to make the Lunar

Eclipse remedy. Further, it was to be only a small part of moon getting in the earth’s

penumbral shadow. However, despite all this, and to one’s surprise, it attracted all the

right elements to make this remedy. Even the importance of super moon was no less,

despite a small part of moon getting in the penumbral shadow.

One might very well be aware how earth casts its shadow as umbra and penumbra

during a lunar eclipse. The details can be had from these two Wikipedia sources too.

1 12 Famous Eclipses in History ( 2 (

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Figure 1

1. Lunar Eclipse3

2. Umbra4

A self-explanatory

representation from the first link

can be seen in Figure 1. Umbra,

the shadow of Earth where no

light reaches from any part of

Sun, and Penumbra the shadow

in which the sunlight is partially

blocked. This happens due to the

large angular size of Sun. Thus,

while one part of Sun causes a

shadow, the light from the other

part reaches the penumbra.

A total lunar eclipse

happens when the moon is

completely in the earth’s umbral

shadow, and on the same lines a total penumbral eclipse happens when the moon is

completely in the penumbral shadow. Partial eclipses also happen in both the categories,

certainly when a part of moon is in the umbral or the penumbral shadow. This should

be perceived in 3D, rather than the 2D presentation in the figure above, as moon’s orbit

around earth is not in the same plane as that of the earth’s orbit around sun. Finer

details on how earth’s and moon’s orbit align with each other can be understood from


A remedy on lunar eclipse from total lunar eclipse is not expected to yield the

requisite in my opinion, as moonlight is not as strong as sunlight to record its effects

then, from the remedy point of view. Further, as you would know, the moon in a total

lunar eclipse doesn’t actually disappear, but turns red. This happens because of

refraction of sunlight by earth’s atmosphere into the shadow cone. If the earth had no

atmosphere, the moon would be completely dark during a total lunar eclipse. Sunlight

reaching the moon actually passes through a long and dense layer of earth’s atmosphere,

where it is scattered. As shorter wavelengths are more likely to get scattered, by the

3 (

4 (

5 The ecliptic - Earth’s orbital plane, Rice University, Houston, Texas's%20Positions.pdf (

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time light passes through the atmosphere, longer wavelengths dominate. Thus, the

resulting light we see is red. This very same effect imparts sky a reddish colour during

sunrise and sunset. This total lack of energy during an eclipse isn’t really expected to

provide anything significant to the remedy. Thus, though good to view, a total lunar

eclipse won’t be a good remedy source, as our aim is not to just capture the scattered

red light.

The right and best scenario for lunar eclipse remedy would come from the earth’s

penumbral shadow on moon. That way it would have the effects of shadow, and also

the significant light to capture for the remedy source. The light and shadow will make

that perfect combination for this remedy. It would get in as light coming from the prism

of shadow, and that’s what is actually needed for the lunar eclipse remedy.

Thus, all these reasons made the May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse getting together all

the right elements for making the Lunar Eclipse remedy, that too during a super moon.

Even the factor of a small part of moon getting in the earth’s penumbral shadow didn’t

pose the expected hindrance. It rather worked in favour of making the right remedy,

first, for having the right equipment in hands to capture the energies needed, and second

for minimizing the effects of earth’s atmosphere scattering the sunlight reaching the

moon, in the penumbral shadow. The second reason was no less important in any way,

and rather was a blessing to make the very right lunar eclipse remedy .

The need of the lunar eclipse remedy got felt in a case of a kid on Autism Spectrum

Disorder. A look into the major homeopathic pharmacies however gave no lunar eclipse

remedy. Though Helios6 and Homeodynamics7 had the solar eclipse remedy, under the

name Eclipse Totality8 and Solar Eclipse9 respectively, the lunar eclipse remedy was still

missing from their list. It was written to Homeodynamics if they have the remedy, or

can make one, without the knowledge that the needed lunar eclipse was right the next

day. Michael Leger, the owner of Homeodynamics, felt great on the thought, along

with its timing, and provided all assistance for making the remedy. So, he sprung into

action straightway to make the remedy. Thanks to his cooperation in making the

remedy, first for its need for the case in hand, and second for inducting this wonderful

6 Helios Homœopathy Ltd,

7 Homeodynamics, LLC,

8 (

9 (

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remedy in homeopathy, given the perfect choice of this particular eclipse by the cosmos


The power of cosmos in getting to any new remedy is always great, and as it can

be seen from the beginning, the same happened for this medicine as well. The remedy

now will solve many more cases, where it is needed. Understanding its finer details via

its themes and symptoms will guide us on its usage in the respective cases.

Before I present the themes and symptoms I saw for this remedy, let me guard against

its misuse first, especially in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) cases. Eclipses,

especially in India, are observed with a lot of precautions during pregnancy. A lot of

precautions, rituals, etc are in place for the pregnant woman when any eclipse happens

during her pregnancy.

In India, traditionally people have followed certain rituals during an eclipse, such

as placing a sacred grass on all utensils and other things stored in the house such as

clothes, not cooking or eating during an eclipse, and so on. Certain rituals are also

followed after an eclipse, such as showering from head to toe, immediately washing the

clothes worn during an eclipse, sprinkling sacred water around the house, etc. Further,

no one, especially pregnant women, are recommended to go outside the house during

an eclipse. One is supposed to chant God’s name with loving remembrance in order to

remain unaffected from the doshas (ill-effects) of the eclipse, and to obtain divine

blessings. Nowadays, however, with modernization of culture in the cosmopolitan

cities, many in the newer generations are not even aware of such traditions. It has also

been believed that if a pregnant woman steps outside a covered area during an eclipse,

directly exposing the foetus to the outside atmosphere polluted by the eclipse, the child

will have some or other defect. Also, a baby exposed this way could possibly have a

cleft lip, though many consider it as an old wives’ tale these days. However, those who

are under a difficult circumstance, such as the ones raising a child on autism spectrum

disorder, may get carried away and start to dread these things more, thus wrongly

feeling the need of this remedy. Such thoughts can easily be at their heights for the ASD

cases. So, one should really avoid the medicine’s misuse, and use it as usual only when

there are proper symptoms and/or themes pointing to the remedy.

Although I haven’t done any proving of the remedy, I have a few important

themes of the remedy to bring forward. The symptoms and their underlying themes

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were clearly pointing to the remedy. A good thought process and comparison with the

Solar Eclipse remedy was also done, for which the proving is already available. The

deliberations on the remedy were going from quite some time, before finally sealing on

it. Nowhere was it an impromptu decision and a very well thought out need of this

particular remedy. The medicine expectedly and very precisely solving the issues

provided the needed cross-check. As a proper proving is done, it would add further

credibility to the remedy. So, the themes provided here should be viewed as the

beginning and initial themes on this remedy, which will introduce this remedy to

homeopathy in the right way.

Despite eclipses being seen as the time of black magic, this theme isn’t reflected in the

Solar Eclipse remedy. The moon’s appearance in night, which again is a symbolism of

dark, should get in as the strongest factor behind it. The proving of the Millennium

Eclipse remedy10 by Angela Zajac seems to point to very nearly an opposite theme, in

having patience to push darkness and get into light, as brought out in the introduction

part. The strong source of light, the Sun, fighting hard against dark, to overcome it

soon, gets in the remedy description brought out so nicely. Although there are themes

like confusion of mind along with other dark oriented issues brought out there, still it

nowhere gets to the theme of bad effects of pious energies.

With moon however, it’s more a symbolism of dark, first for night, and then for

the eclipse. It seems to create a dark impact in brain, a state of proximity to that black

magic, whose entities and connections would dread the contact of a pious atmosphere.

Some unusual behaviour especially in pious places, like in temples or churches, which

kids on ASD are more prone to show, gets as a very important theme of this remedy.

The mind shows some unusual reactions, visible in some unusual actions, like not able

to withstand to the power or vibrations of a big deity while standing in front of it and

doing something unusual to show that churn and effect in the mind. Among more

behaviours that can crop up are not keeping quiet and saying things in a loud voice as if

trying to shoo away that pious energy. The case with me showed another very unusual

trait, before the birth itself, though the kid did not have autism at birth and regressed

after vaccines. We are made of our specific energies, and the ones that get bad need the


Proving of Millennium Eclipse, Introduction, Angela Zajac ( Proving of Millennium Eclipse, Themes, Angela Zajac (

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respective remedies. This energy peculiarly was showing its traits in the kid before his

birth too, in not able to withstand the direct impact of pious atmosphere. He would

kick in the mother’s womb when she would chant verses from Bhagavad Gita. The

mother got surprised and re-checked it three four times, and surprisingly every time the

baby would start kicking as if in distress. The kid however was no negative in his

behaviours, in this particular sense, and even would pray nicely. In front of a big pious

energy however, it would get difficult for him to hold himself against that high energy,

and thus the unusual reactions.

Some or the other negative traits in various medicines is no new thing, like a few

have impulses and desires to do various wrongs, and many other things of course. Also,

J T Kent in his book Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica said while explaining

Anacardium Orientale that the traits of the same energy differ in a positive and a

negative person. The energy of Anacardium Orientale though produces the desire to do

wrong, a positive and good person settles in favour of good, however great chances of

exactly the opposite gets seen in the wrong mind. He also says how a good man would

be restrained by his conscience then, though in a wicked one it would be the fear of law,

than any restraint from his own mind’s part. The same general state in a wicked mind

otherwise too. Thus, whether positive or angelic, or negative or demonic, it’s something

most inner to the person’s will, and it’s the orientation of energies in totality that sets

this in him. No single energy is responsible for a negative or positive behaviour, and

rather the very same energy acts differently in different persons. I understand how

parents reading about this particular theme of abnormal effects of pious energies in

Lunar Eclipse might get stressed, so it was imperative I explain the finer details too.

Further, the propensity to act as per his true positive or negative conscience might not

be seen in the same way in an ASD case. It of course would also vary from case to case,

based on the extent to which the kid shows awkward behaviours. So, the true positive

or negative conscience needs quite thorough thought process to be concluded in them.

This certainly can be understood by noting various other behaviours minutely. To add,

the kid in the particular case in consultation with me and requiring the medicine is in

overall positive, innocent and charming in many ways.

“Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud.

Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,

And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.

All men make faults, and even I in this.”

— William Shakespeare

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This theme, including the fact of both positive as well as negative polarity of each

energy as stated by Jan Scholten in his book Homeopathy and the Elements, very

clearly bares the reasons for incidences happening around eclipses, particularly the ones

involving the fight between good and evil. As per the polarity in which energy has to

exhibit itself, it can have either a negative or positive impact. For example, the evil

energy exhibiting itself in the crucifixion of Jesus, though exactly the reverse during the

battle of Mahabharata, wherein two eclipses occurred in a gap of thirteen days during

the eighteen days war11, the first one being a Lunar Eclipse. Kauravas, who belonged to

the evil or unrighteous side, were defeated in the war by the positive and the righteous

Pandavas. Even the death of biblical notorious king Herod is believed to be marked by

a Lunar Eclipse12.

“Why is it that showers and even storms seem to come by chance, so that many

people think it quite natural to pray for rain or fine weather, though they would

consider it ridiculous to ask for an eclipse by prayer.”

— Henri Poincaré

The moon’s power to affect the tides in seas gets behind this theme. This theme is in

Luna as well, in the issues of temper tantrums, being abrupt, and anger outbursts.

Nothing unusual in how the same one gets in Lunar Eclipse as well. It’s as if symptoms

of temper tantrums etc coming as a tide, as the other person witnessing while standing

on the beach feels. As the tide recedes the person feels relieved, though only to see a

bigger one coming. This tide feeling is actually the kind of energy that is really there

and felt in both Luna as well as Lunar Eclipse.

“The captain of a ship can run a great ship, but he can't do anything about the


― Matthew Norman 2

Also, as tides are higher during any eclipse, the theme of symptoms showing and

moving as tides is stronger in Lunar Eclipse. The exact reasons and details on why tides


History Of Ancient India : Scientific Dating of Mahabharata, Balakrishna, S ( 12

12 Famous Eclipses in History (

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are higher during an eclipse would be great to understand from this explanation13 by

Bruce Jakosky14 of NASA Astrobiology Institute. Some unrefined information and

views also say the opposite, that tides would be less and lower during an eclipse. So, the

right details would be very nice to understand.

Further, the dark energies affecting more in Lunar Eclipse would provide a

special characteristic to this theme, and thus the tide issues would also have the right

tinge of dark effects. One however shouldn’t expect it to be too strong, as it shows up

prominently only in front of something like a big pious power.

The first striking observation goes to the word lunatic itself, as to how it encompasses

the word Luna in it, meaning moonlight. Moonstruck or someone who goes mad with

the changes of moon is the origin of this word. The word finds a strong usage in the

matters of love, and comparisons of one’s love with moon, poetry on love being

influenced so much by moon, is another of the great evolutions by itself.

“...Moonlight possesses no alchemy to transmute good motives to base, but it

does excite love magic...”

― John Geddes

This actually was true even before the English language, I mean the same

influence of moon in the matters of love in Sanskrit as well, which is the language of

Vedas and Puranas.

The theme of being lunatic in love though isn’t found in Luna, and only in Lunar

Eclipse. If the theme of in love in general goes in Luna, the one of lunatic in love goes to

Lunar Eclipse. The reasons too will get clear soon.

Several hypotheses behind the creation of moon generally have the inclusion and

effect of Earth in it in a big way. Whether the traditional myths, or scientific

hypotheses, almost all express a very prominent role of earth in the creation of moon.

The Giant Impact Hypothesis15 is one such, and it’s the most accepted one as of now. It

says that Moon was formed out of the debris left over from a collision between Earth


Jakosky, Bruce, How does an eclipse affect tides?, NASA Astrobiology Institute, September 15, 2000 ( 14 ( 15 (

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and a body of the size of Mars, approximately four and a half billion years ago. In the

initial stage of creation, it is said in the Indian scriptures, Brahmand Puran, that some

creation material slipped from the hands of Brahma (the creator) and collided with earth

resulting in the formation of Moon16. See it from the prism of love, of a love story in

place right from the beginning itself, resulting in meeting of two astral bodies, with one

still in the foetus stage. Despite getting distanced soon they continue longing each

other, with one even continually revolving around the other, probably in hope to meet

finally one day. Moon’s series of love stories are also talked about in the Indian

scriptures, imparting it a particular place in the matters of love17. During Lunar Eclipse,

how there is a contact between the two bodies in love, be it via the earth’s shadow,

churns those emotions of love in a great way. Further, it’s rekindling of that love, which

was in place from always, but didn’t get fulfilled. Consequently, the moonstruck or

lunatic emotions setting in due to that contact, in the energy as well.

One of the ways in which the symptom would show is in the person meeting his

love, or someone he feels to be his love, but then getting separated for some reason. The

literally lunatic behaviour setting in due to this, at times of course, specifically in ASD

cases, like calling her name like a madman, searching for her in parks etc via calling her

name loudly, and other similar behaviours get in the remedy. Conspicuously, for the

case with me, the girl whose name the kid would call was two years elder than him. She

even was from some other country on a holiday in the neighbouring house. If that too

can be counted as a glaring symptom, than just a coincidence in moon crossing the

boundaries in loving earth! The other cases of developmental issues, where the mind is

not aware fully on what to conceal and what to reveal, are again more prone to show

this particular lunatic behaviour, with a relatively refined version expected in others. So,

one should be careful in observing these minute details in a case. Being in love is no new

thing, including the phase of separation, and neither are one’s reactions in the separation

phase. This particular one though of behaving like a real lunatic at times can be a very

good indication of this energy in the person getting affected, and thus needing the

requisite healing.

As per drawing the similarities in moon never meeting the earth, one shouldn’t

feel that it would reflect in the personal life as well, in the person having this energy.

The first reason of course is he being made of many energies, and his various energies

having their own specific roles to play, as per how much he’s using the particular ones.

Thus, generalizing things on the basis of one energy is not right in any way. Second,

each energy has its polarities, both positive as well as negative, as already shared. The

16 ( 17 (

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symptoms thus can easily be the opposite ones too, even opposite to the ones coming

out in various Materia Medicae, as those are the provings of an energy as per which

polarity is generally reflected, along with its particular way of action in a person. This

equally applies to life’s scenarios and traits. Further, life generally is a complex pattern

of several incidences, and in a love story how mostly both separation as well as the

meeting phases have their own well carved out roles, is another great aspect of love.

We see how in homeopathy most of the medicines are made by extraction and

potentization of their energy in alcohol. Another method of making the medicines by

radionics, wherein the energy is captured through the radionics18 principles is also in

use. It’s a proper integration with homeopathy that is being used here, and more

information on it can be found from here19. To put a bit here, it’s the process of

extraction of energy from its information. Here’s even the general homeodynamic

remedy creation process20 brought out by Michael Leger. Generally one would prefer

the extraction and potentization in alcohol, though one shouldn’t forget how the

mechanism of extraction of energy, along with its further potentization, is not yet

known even for this method.

There are some remedies for which the process of extraction and potentization of

energy in alcohol won’t yield the desired results. A good example of it gets in the

butterfly remedies, where one of the preferred modes of making the remedy is to use

the live butterfly, than killing it to extract its energy in alcohol. It’s only via radionics

that a live butterfly can be used for the energy capture. Instead of using the information,

it’s the direct use of the live being here, though the information feed to the radionics

instrument happens by the process of radionics of course. Here too the process of just

using the information of the needed butterfly, and the fact that universal consciousness

would by itself help extract the requisite energy from it, can be used. In her book

Butterflies21, though Patricia de Roux hasn’t talked about the remedy preparation

method, it is possible that the remedies were actually made via radionics. The very

18 ( 19

Leger, Michael, Homeodynamics ( 20

Leger, Michael, Homeodynamic new remedy creation process ( 21

Roux, Patricia Le, Butterflies, Germany, Narayana Verlag, 2009 (

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nature of butterflies give the vibes that it’s radionics which should be the preferred

mode of preparation, as the need is felt to capture the live energy.

An initial proving document of a butterfly remedy Graphium Sarpedon

Choredon22 by another homeopath showing this preference of making the medicine via

radionics in a very nice way. Probably the homeopath was a bit worried too, to be seen

rightly, despite a different remedy preparation method. The onslash of assault when

presenting something novel is nothing new, and a so called Hahnemannian homeopath

would fear this deviation in a big way, as even reflected in the first word of the proving

document title. I know this personally as well, for my work23 in homeopathy. For the

butterfly remedies, how some of the major ones miss the list in Helios, though are

available in Homeodynamics, even the ones in the book Butterflies, again reflects on the

story properly. Sharing the detailed proving of Graphium Sarpedon Choredon too, by

Heidi Wedd, and it can be found here24. Even more can be found from her book25 on it.

The Solar Eclipse remedy shared in the proving documents earlier was made by

potentization in alcohol, by capturing the energies in water that was left out during the

eclipse. The same however in the case of Lunar Eclipse is really not expected to yield

the requisite right remedy. This is because, first, even in a total lunar eclipse there won’t

be enough energies that would get captured in water, alcohol or milk sugar left out.

Second, those energies during the total lunar eclipse are not the ones really needed for

the right Lunar Eclipse remedy. Third, the penumbral Lunar Eclipse, especially the

kind of best one used for making the remedy by homeodynamics, won’t have the same

effects on water, alcohol or milk sugar left out, as it rather mainly would capture the

Luna energies. Thus, the best method to capture the energies to make the Lunar Eclipse

remedy is by the principles of homeodynamics only. Maybe for this reason only the

remedy couldn’t make its name in the list of other pharmacies, and even no one

probably thought on its need and importance.

Lunar Eclipse26 or Lux Luna Eclipsium, as the medicine is listed in

Homeodynamics. Sharing below two important sentences in the remedy description as


22 ( 23

Varun’s Theory: The Magic Begins But the Conspiracy Continues – The True Base of And the Truth Called Homeopathy, CreateSpace 24 25

Wedd, Heidi, Blue Triangle Butterfly ( 26 (

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“Reference signature created during a lunar eclipse with moon in perigee (Super


“The timing of creation was designed to capture the initial energies of the

penumbral shadow as well as it's amplification from the perigee approach.”

The method opted here for the preparation of medicine was not just the

information of a lunar eclipse, nor of a general penumbral lunar eclipse, but to capture

the penumbral energy during this particular lunar eclipse. Further, unlike the general

remedy creation process, the radionics machine was used like a recording device, in line

with the timing of the lunar eclipse. Here are more details27 on the process by Michael

Leger himself.

A thought on making the remedy by capturing the energies in alcohol too would

come, and maybe for that we would need the requisite telescope to focus on the

penumbral shadow. However, more thoughts on how the telescope would just be

focussing on a small part of moon, than the whole one in the penumbral shadow, gives

the very obvious feeling how it won’t be sufficient. Probably, at least five six telescopes

focussing on various parts in the penumbral shadow may work, precisely moving as per

the shadow along with the movement of moon relative to earth. Still what about the

energies in atmosphere during an eclipse, as even while making the solar eclipse remedy,

the changes and confusion that a solar eclipse causes in atmosphere, were being

captured, like its effect on animals who assume that it’s night suddenly at a wrong time

and the resulting chaos to get in their nests when otherwise they would be on hunt

sensing it’s still a good time for sunset. Even all the other traits of the energy would

have been captured in alcohol. The same reflects in the proving document too. So, it’s

not just the need to capture a light, but the resulting changes in the atmosphere as well,

including in any other dimensions, and that is what defines the eclipse energy on the

whole. Even the themes of Lunar Eclipse remedy states this need, and they even are not

yet based on a proving. So, the themes of the Solar Eclipse remedy based on its proving,

and the very obviously visible themes of the Lunar Eclipse without the proving, both

reflect this very essential need of even capturing the atmospheric changes, including the

effects in any other dimensions.

Considering all this, can this really be done by some other method than the

Homeodynamic one for the Lunar Eclipse, further the right kind of, needed for the

remedy? Won’t the energies of atmosphere captured in alcohol in a penumbral lunar

eclipse, particularly when only a small portion of moon is in the shadow, actually


Leger, Michael, Lux Luna Eclipsium - A remedy from a Lunar eclipse (

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capture the Luna energies? We can’t even go with the total lunar eclipse to capture these

energies, from atmospheric point of view, as then there won’t be the right energy to

capture from the light for the reasons already shared. So, really a lot of issues and

concerns in making this remedy, and that’s why it appears to not have found its name

yet in the homeopathy list. Even if some pharmacy or homeopath would have made it

earlier, from a total lunar eclipse, or by any of the other wrong methods, I don’t feel it

would have been run to higher potencies, for it not giving any real benefits or

information via proving results. However, the lunar eclipse energy is also an energy,

and its need can’t be denied, particularly now after becoming aware of what led to it.

The need in the first place is of the right remedy. Certainly not every case would need

it, neither every ASD case, though when its need would be there, no other one would

replace it, and that’s well-known in homeopathy. The very right medicines needed as

per the case are the ones that cure, and not just any medicines.

Listing a few of the symptoms brought out in the themes in the terms of repertory as


Generalities, voice, loud, pious atmosphere

Generalities, voice, loud, pious energies

Mind, ailments, tides, move as

Mind, anger, temper tantrums, tides, move as

Mind, love, lunatic, in

Mind, love, lunatic, separation, in

Mind, love, moonstruck, in

Mind, love, moonstruck, separation, in

Mind, worse, pious atmosphere

Mind, worse, pious energies

Page 17: Lunar eclipse

[[email protected]]

Hahnemannian Proving of a Live Blue Triangle Butterfly



Varun’s Theory: The Magic Begins But the Conspiracy Continues – The True Base of And the

Truth Called Homeopathy

Varun Gupta

Createspace, First Edition, March 28, 2012


Helios Homœopathy Ltd, UK


Homeodynamics, LLC, USA


Lunar eclipse (Lux luna eclipsium) (


How does an eclipse affect tides?

Bruce Jakosky

NASA Astrobiology Institute

September 15, 2000 (


Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica

Page 18: Lunar eclipse

James Tyler Kent

B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi



Michael Leger



Homeodynamic new remedy creation process

Michael Leger



Lux Luna Eclipsium - A remedy from a Lunar eclipse

Michael Leger (


The ecliptic - Earth’s orbital plane

Rice University, Houston, Texas's%20Positions.pdf




Patricia Le Roux

Narayana Verlag, Germany, 2009



Homeopathy and the Elements

Jan Scholten

Narayana Verlag, Germany, 2007

Page 19: Lunar eclipse


Giant Impact Hypothesis (


Lunar eclipse (


May 2013 lunar eclipse (


Radionics (


Umbra (


Heidi Wedd

Blue Triangle Butterfly


Proving of Millennium Eclipse, Introduction

Angela Zajac



Proving of Millennium Eclipse, Themes

Angela Zajac
