Download - Lumpy Statistic and Other Weird Stuff

  • 8/8/2019 Lumpy Statistic and Other Weird Stuff





    By Sren sterskov Nielsen.

    An e-book from

    Version : 1

    Release date : September 1. 2010

    Contact : [email protected]

    ISBN 978-87-992683-5-1

    This e-book is a collection of small articles about different subjects:





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    The Goldbach conjecture page 3

    Lumpy statistic page 8

    Spectrophotometer page 10

    Voltmeter page 11

    Tigers page 13

    Energy page 14

    Carbon dioxide page 15

    Astrology page 16

    Biorhythm page 17

    Clairvoyance page 18

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    The Goldbach Conjecture.

    The conjecture is very simple, it says (in the most common formulation)that all even numbers bigger than 4 is a sum of at least one pair of odd primes.Many have tried to prove it without success, and it is still an open

    conjecture. I have no intention to prove it, it is a problem far beyond my brain, but Iwill demonstrate an understanding that hopefully can convince the reader that theconjecture is true.

    Most of the material in this article has earlier been presented in the book The prime spiral, Goldbach & Eratosthenes, but I had to realize, that it was

    presented to muddy, so this is a shorter and sharper version.

    It is intended not to use math in this presentation, only simple calculations.

    I start with two simple definitions.

    1. For all numbers bigger than one this is:


    And so on. Notice the jump in number of pairs. This means in Goldbachrelation (1 and 2 and multiples of 2 are removed):

    6 = 3+38 = 3+5

    10 = 3+7 = 5+512 = 3+9 = 5+714 = 3+11 = 5+9 = 7+7

    FACT : A steady rise of possible pairs.

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    2. Eratosthenes sieve.

    In this line of numbers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    2 is a prime leaving 2 3 X 5 X 7 X 9 X 11 X3 is a prime leaving 2 3 X 5 X 7 X X X 11 X5 is a prime and so on.

    2 has its first multiple at 4 (2^2)3 has its first multiple at 9 (3^2)5 has its first multiple at 25 (5^2)7 has its first multiple at 49 (7^2) and so on.

    It means that in a line of numbers from 2 to 100, following happens:

    2 cross out 49 numbers3 cross out 16 numbers5 cross out 6 numbers7 cross out 3 numbers

    It means, that we out from the first four primes can tell what happens for about 74 %of all numbers not bad.

    FACT: A more and more slowly arrival of multiples.

    This I conclude, that FACT 1 versus FACT 2 means that in general there will bemore and more prime pairs, the higher the even number gets, also known as theGoldbach comet .

    I then go on with first the steady rise of numbers of prime pairs or, as they also are

    called, Goldbach partitions .Second I show this rise is of logarithmic nature, and third that there are specific linesin number of prime pairs.

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    Increasing number of prime pairs.

    Even numbers minimum maximum

    10-98 1 9100-200 3 14202-302 6 21304-398 6 27400-500 9 30502-602 10 32604-698 10 41700-800 14 44802-902 14 51904-998 13 52

    1000-1100 18 571102-1202 16 581204-1298 18 681300-1400 20 661402-1502 18 731504-1598 21 721600-1700 23 831702-1802 21 78

    Here presented in a graph:











    1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17

    groups of even numbers

    p r i m e p a

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    The logarithmic nature.

    There is a well known article of Jrg Richstein, where he shows two graphs, where

    the one look like the increase in prime pairs cease at a certain point.This is a misunderstanding, because the nature of the Goldbach comet is logarithmic.I calculated number of prime pairs for some lines of numbers:

    n 3*10^n 6*10^n 9*10^n

    1 3 6 92 21 32 483 104 178 2424 602 1084 14715 3915 6993 98536 27502 49783 706197 202166 371226 531538

    After my opinion this line goes on for ever, but I have not been able to calculatefurther, because the last calculation took 456 hours, and the next will take 2 months.

    Double logaritmic









    0 2 4 6 8 10

    Even numbers

    P r i m e

    p a

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    Lines in the Goldbach comet.

    After sieving 2 and 3, the general formula for primes >3 is 6n+/-1.This give following combination (2*2): 2 parts 6n

    1 part 6n-21 part 6n+2

    It means that in general even numbers dividable by 6 have more prime pairs.

    If we go further to sieving 2, 3 and 5, we get 30n+/-1,7,11,13, which combinated givefour lines:

    Upper line : 30n 8 parts of 642.-upper line : 30n+/-6,12 6 parts of 64 each

    3.-upper line : 30n+/-10 4 parts of 64 eachLowest line : 30n+/-2,4,8,14 3 parts of 64 each

    I could go on with sieving 7, but thats to big a job:210n+/-1,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103.

    This is my basic understanding of the structure in the Goldbachcomet, it is not just coincidence, but it is structured.

    END !

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    Lumpy statistic.

    First an imagined story: The Hansen family wake up Monday morning to a cold

    house, the heater has gone broken. Next day the car breaks down, and the familythinks that no more can happen. But Wednesday the dog die, and the next day theoldest kid break a leg. Well, a very bad week for the Hansen family.

    That is what I will call lumpy statistic. Maybe it is bad karma, a judge from God or maybe a spell, but how to decide that? I have the idea, that there is a difference

    between statistic in theoretical and in praxis, because in praxis thing dont happenalone, they are always connected with other things/movements/events.

    I tried to make an analyze with throwing of a coin (giving a fifty/fifty result), andfrom simulations on a computer I saw, that I needed 1000 ten-times-throws to getuniformity for a bell curve. It means 10.000 single throws and it took about a month.

    Here are the results:

    5-4-6-2-6-4-7-6-5-4-4-4-5-3-5-6-6-5-4-5-3-6-6-3-5- 4-4-4-4-4-4 -6-4-6-6-6-4-7-5-4-6-6-5-5-5-1-6-6-5-6-5-7-7-7-5-4-6-4-5-8-7-8-3-7-7-5-5-5-4-2-4-3-6-4-1-4-5-5-5-7-8-7-6-5-6-5-6-7-1-5-4-7-7-5-3-7-6-8-4-4-6-6-6-7-5-6-7-5-3-7-6-6-5-4-5-7-5-5-3-3-5-9-4-5-3-5-5-4-8-7-6-7-5-6-5-5-5-6-7-6-5-6-5-4-5-4-2-4-4-5-7-4-6-6-4-3-7-4-10-6-3-6-9-5-4-2-9-5-5-6-3-3-4-6-7-4-6-6-3-4-4-3-2-5-3-7-6-7-6-6-7-4-7-5-6-5-5-6-6-5-4-9-4-5-8-7-6-2-6-2-5-4-7-3-8-5-4-6-6-4-6-4-6-4-6-5-4-5-4-6-4-6-8-6-6-4-6-3-5-9-6-6-2-2-5-4-7-4-8-5-6-4-7-2-5-6-6-3-2-3-7-5-5-6-6-2-7-8-7-3-7-7-6-3-6-4-2-6-7-5-2-4-4-4-4-4-7-4-4-4-8-8-5-4-7-2-7-7-4-7-6-5-4-5-7-5-6-7-4-6-7-8-3-6-6-3-5-6-7-5-4-9-1-7-4-6-7-6-2-7-6-4-6-5-6-4-5-4-7-6-8-3-2-6-4-7-6-6-2-4-4-6-7-4-6-7-6-8-4-6-1-6-4-5-5-3-6-5-6-6-3-5-5-7-6-5-5-7-4-3-9-5-4-4-6-5-4-7-7-2-4-5-4-1-4-7-3-5-8-8-3-7-7-4-2-7-4-7-7-6-5-4-5-6-7-6-4-5-9-6-7-4-5-4-2-8-5-5-6-6-6-6-5-5-6-4-3-5-7-5-6-5-4-3-6-4-6-5-6-4-5-4-3-4-4-3-6-4-3-4-8-5-7-4-4-5-6-5-6-5-8-3-5-2-6-4-4-4-5-1-3-5-5-5-5-3-5-7-3-6-4-8-2-5-2-7-5-5-5-2-6-5-8-5-5-4-6-6-5-4-7-7-6-6-7-6-6-3-7-5-6-5-5-7-5-6-4-4-7-6-5-5-



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    At the top line the number 4 appears in a row of 6, and in my calculation it is a1:13500, but it happened!

    And no this is not a proof, think at it as an illustration!

    And here the numbers presented, and it is nearly a bell curve.(One is of cause 0 and so on).

    End !







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    A spectrophotometer is a simple device in the chemical lab, and is used many places.

    It works in that way, that light at a specific wavelength go through the sample (asample often diluted in water or another solvent in a little glass container) and thelight, which go through, get measured.

    Under a test, the wavelength change through the whole spectrum (often the visiblelight, but also infrared and UV can be possible), and % of the light get measured andmake a graph.

    This graph with its peaks and valleys give possibility for both qualitative andquantitative measurements, nothing strange in that.

    This method should work, because some of the light of a specific wavelength getabsorbed by the test sample, example acetone will give another figure than glucose,and iron chloride will give another figure than cupper sulphate and so on, of causedepending of how much material there are in the sample.

    Now come the strange!

    I have learned, that the chemical composition of the sample decides whatwavelengths get absorbed how much.

    The problem starts because I once saw, that a specific chemical, about it was acetoneor something else, I cant remember, gave the same graph both when it was measureddiluted in water, and when it was measured as vapours alone, and the same place too.

    The problem is, that the speed of light is more slowly in water than through air, itshould mean, that because the frequency is the same, then the wavelength should be

    changed, and that the whole graph should be pushed to the one side.

    It does not happen after my information, so what happens ?

    I heard that it should be the speed of light through the molecule, that should make thewhole thing, but I dont know.

    Solutions are welcome !!!

    END !

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    A voltmeter is of cause a device measuring voltage. Such instrumentsoften are able to measure also current and resistance.

    This is about such an instrument and some measurements in sodiumchloride solutions.

    I to my surprise was able to get some result, when I measured voltagewith both electrodes in the same solution and I think it is because of corrosion at theelectrodes, it make a kind of battery.

    I use two different instruments to this experiment, called A & B.

    Basic testing of the instruments with each their set of electrodes.

    Solution A B

    10 % NaCl 34 mV -7.5 mV172 kohm 32 kohm

    1 % NaCl 18 mV 12 mV320 kohm 440 kohm

    0.1 % NaCl 6.1 mV -4.6 mV

    There are no really change in voltage, more fluctuating, but the resistance looks tohave some logic, here a graph.









    1 2 3


    k o

    h m A


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    By holding the electrodes in a pot with 0.1 % NaCl I made these measurements.

    1/3-2009 time A mV B mV

    09.00 38.5 40.010.00 33.2 00.510.20 102.0 00.110.25 78.7 00.010.55 50.6 04.611.00 55.2 15.611.05 48.7 09.511.10 46.9 10.111.50 43.9 37.612.00 42.7 26.6

    As seen, each instrument with each set of electrodes live there own life. I have madeother series of measurements, where it also go from + mV to mV and back again.

    A funny thing is that lighting the electrodes with a flash can give a change from 0.1to 0.4 mV, maybe something photo chemically acting.

    END !








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    In the beginning of the 20. Century there was something like 100.000

    tigers in the world. Now a day there is something like 3000 in the wild and more incaptivity. Here in 2010 there are survived 6 subspecies:

    The Bengal tiger about 1400 wildSource: The Indochinese tiger about 200 wildWikipedia The Malayan tiger about 600 800 wild

    The Sumatran tiger about 400 500 wildThe Siberian tiger about 450 500 wildThe South China tiger about 0 (zero) wild

    It is seen, that special the South China tiger with no one in the wild andsomething like 60 tigers in captivity (coming from only 6 animals) have no realchange to survive as a specific subspecies because of missing genetic diversity.

    I know there is a trial to make a few wild (in South Africa) and reset themto Chinese nature later, but I dont give that a very big change. My solution would beto mix them with another subspecies, example the Malayan tiger, which also is one of the small tigers.

    Well, somebody has told me, that mixing of tigers is going on randomlywith tigers in captivity, but I would have preferred a more planned action.

    Another subject with tigers is a little silly situation. If we have tigers in a park at let us say 300 * 400 meters, is that area then closed ? Well, for humans it is,unless they are in a car, but there are some possibilities for the rest of the nature!

    Example, if we have a rare sort of a fruit tree, we could plant lets say 50trees, and no boys will steal the apples because of the tigers , if there is a rare flower,we need to make a recreative area for, it is the place , because no one will pick those

    flowers because of the tigers, and if there is place for some rare fish, well, then wecan do that too!

    The reason, why I write about this is, that with a growing populationof humans, maybe climatic changes, and what else problems we havein the future, we have to face a lot of challenges, and we NEED to be


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    END !


    Most of the worlds energy production is made on basis of carbon basedfuels like mineral oil and coal. This produces much carbon dioxide, which somebodymeans pollute our atmosphere with climatic changes as a result.

    I dont know how much true this is, but it is well known, that specialmineral oil only can be extracted for some decades yet. Exactly how many I dontknow, but less than 100 years.

    This means, that whatever we believe about the green house effect, wehave to change energy production, possibly to use several sources.

    One of the energy sources, we can use, is oil from plants (vegetable oil).This of cause needs square meters, and there are lots of square meters just needingsome artificial watering, both in Europe, US and Australia, but surely also Africa.

    This could be a source to African economy, changing Africa from acontinent of misery to an exporting civilization with pride.

    END !

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    Carbon dioxide.

    In the last 200 years the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has

    gone from about 278 ppm to about 381 ppm, and it will rise further in the future.Maybe maybe not we have to take that carbon dioxide out of theatmosphere again, and I have at National Geographic seen some fancy proposalshow to do that. I prefer the old fashioned way wood!

    It function in that way, that when a tree has grown up, we take it downand hide the tree, it can be in houses or furniture, it can be partly burned and used for

    black soil, we can dig wood down, where it is thousands of years to decompose, andwhen we in that way have stored the tree, we can plant a new tree, which then willuse carbon dioxide to its growth.

    There is another possibility to store wood, it is in the oceans. The problemis to make it heavy, so it can sink down. I made a little trial, here it is.

    A piece of pine wood at 10.5*3.2*1.9 cm was put and hold down in boiling saturated sodium chloride solution (about 30 %) for hour, and thencontinuously hold down in about 10 hours under natural cooling. First a lot of air getsout, and then the dense sodium chloride solution gets in the wood, going from aweight of 39 g (density 0.61) to 89 g (density 1.39). This heavy tree of cause falldown in tap water, and it would also do this in the ocean.

    I was a little worried about the sodium chloride would be washed out intap water, but over a month in tap water is was between a density 1.34 to 1.36, soclearly something in the idea can be used..

    Of cause there are a lot of works to do:

    Shall it be saturated sodium chloride solution?

    Can we use press or vacuum?

    How small has the wood to be?

    How fresh can the wood be?

    But, as we have nearly unlimited place to store wood, so of cause can we removeexcess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere!

    END !

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    When I in the beginning of the nineties expand my interest in

    parapsychology to new-age, I looked at among other things astrology.Even the distances are very big in the universe, I found it interesting, andspecial the psychology in it I found intriguing.

    After several years, where I from time to time heard or read the one sillystatement after the other, my interest cooled down, and I decided to make one andonly one research.

    The research was to see, how people died in the year in relation to their birth, which is the same as the suns position at birth in relation to the suns position atdeath.

    Example, if one die at his birthday, then the two positions of the sun is thesame (conjugation), while if one die a half year later than his birthday, then the

    positions of the suns is opposite (opposition).I expected there could be a difference between conjugation and

    opposition, but there was absolutely no one.In this research with a little more than 12.000 data, I parted each month

    up in three equal parts, so there are together 36 groups of data.

    END !











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    Biorhythm is a theory made in the beginning of the 20. Century. It was

    made from observations and it shortly goes, that man is influenced of three rhythms.The rhythms go in sinus and the periods are at 23 days (physical rhythm), 28 days(emotional rhythm) and 33 days (intellectual rhythm).

    It is a theory not so many believe in, and it is now in the new-age area.

    I am still in a research about this subject, but I am rather sceptical, noneof my research gives indications for the theory of biorhythms so far.

    I made a serious test for a postulated relationship between death and physical rhythm (23 days) with absolute no result, and I used over 12.000 data. Thegraph is here.

    It shows only statistical noise and no peaks of importance.

    The little one at day 24 is just a trick to make the computer do what I want it to do.

    END !

    Biorhythm & death.









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    First I need to define, what I mean with clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is

    after the parapsychology the ability to get information that no one knows about. Inopposition to this is the more common clairvoyance where medias postulate to talk with spirits and dead people, a business I call mostly crap .

    In the tests, I have done with me self; I have used a computer to makesome choices. It goes on this way.

    I made a Ubasic program (it could also be done with Qbasic) to makeeither a zero or a one, and this I then guess. If I guess right, the computer make asound, so I get an immediately response at my guess. This I do 100 times, where thenthe expected result shall be 50 hits.

    Here is the program:

    10 cls: h=020 input Date; a30 input Month; b40 input Year; c50 d= c + 5*b + 10*a60 Randomize (d)70 for i=1 to 10080 e=rnd90 input 1/0 ; f 100 if e

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    In January and February 2008 I made my first research. I made 42 test, one each dayover those two months. I was originally looking for a correlation with biorhythms,

    but I got another result. The test results are :57/55/56/49/52/55/44/54/52/36/50/47/51/47/50/47/50/58/47/55/49/49/43/51/53/54/41/58/48/48/47/47/47/41/51/54/44/41/42/45/43/44.Average of groups at 5: 53.8/48.2/49.0/51.4/49.0/49.8/46.6/44.7.Total average : 48.9

    This result is after my opinion starting over average and ending under average.My explanation is, that between my computer and my ability to guess is mymind, and my mind can be difficult to operate with.

    I start optimistic and get results over average, but I felt uncomfortable by doing this,and I got more and more tired of it, so I start to make negative clairvoyance.

    This I call not a proof, but an indication about clairvoyance, you allowed to have

    another opinion.










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    h i t s


    Clairvoyance, compressed








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    h i t s a v e r a g e


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    In 2010 I made my second research, where I did the same again over 30days (fixed number of tests). I hoped to see something different in the end of the test,

    but it looks exactly like coincidence. Here are the results :

    46/44/52/46/48/52/51/55/40/50/55/48/51/49/51/53/40/58/48/51/50/57/43/54/45/50/56/50/43/50. Total average 49.5. So it looks much like coincidence.

    But there happened something strange, and it took some time before Inoticed it. In the first four guesses of each test, there was a funny silence; there were

    very few beeps from the computer. When I noticed it first, I just thought it wassomething in the program, but after some tests I realized that I simply only had veryfew hits in the first four guesses. After I finished the research (all 30 tests) I think Ihad 5 or less hits out of 30 on the first four guesses, and thats only 1/3 of what Ishould have.

    So this is my second indication about clairvoyance.

    Clairvoyance - part 2.









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    Last words:

    Those two researches are my indications about clairvoyance. I am

    convinced now, you dont have to be.Will I continue my research in clairvoyance NO!

    1. I have only a little ability and it is most in negative clairvoyance.2. Clairvoyance gives me both mental and maybe physical problems.3. There are all too many fools doing what they call clairvoyance, and

    they make a lot of noise.4. After some thinking I came to the conclusion, that clairvoyance is

    some of the latest, mankind get master in. Example we need to bemaster in telepathic first, and that can take many thousands years.

    5. Maybe and only maybe are such abilities like clairvoyance only ashadow of the spiritual world and we never get to master it. When Istarted with parapsychology, my mind was very far away fromreligious thoughts, special Christianity, but maybe they right, there can

    be a spiritual world we only see a shine from and that we cant dealwith.

    More last words:

    All in this book is rather simple, also the first parts with math. I have triedto show, that we can deal with the world (maybe expect clairvoyance) and that I dontaccept any doomsday prophesies, but we have a problem.

    Humanity never has so much knowledge as we have now, but we have a problem to control it. Here I think special at the internet, where there are both usefulinformation and a lot of average bullshit. Sometimes we find good information rather quick, sometimes it needs an extensive search.

    So how do we organize that?

    END !