Download - LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

Page 1: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- SpainLULUCF under the

Kyoto Protocol- Spain

Page 2: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.


• Forest definition:• Minimum area: 1 ha • Tree crown cover: 20%• Minimum tree height: 3 m

• Additional Activities under 3.4• FM - Forest Management - All forests are

considered managed.• Cropland management – Good Agricultural

Practices Guidance that are in force in country

• Accounting 3.3 & 3.4• At end of 1st Commitment Period

Page 3: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

Data sources:

Biomass: NFI2 (1986-1996), NFI3 (1997-2008)

Forest Fires: ADCIF (MARM)

Areas/Land use: Working group

Corine Land Cover-CLC

CLC1990, CLC2000

Spanish forest Map

MFE50 (1998-2004)

- Forest land

- Grassland

- Cropland

- Wetland

- Settlements

- Other lands

DGOECC DGMNPF DGCEA SEMRA IGN Inventory compilators (AED, CEAM, Tecmena)

Inventory under the Convention

Page 4: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

Dehesas land cover (Source: CLC90+CLC00+ MFE)

Orange: Fcc=5-10%, light green: Fcc=10-20%, dark green: Fcc>20%, red: unknown Fcc.

Difficulties in classification of “Dehesas” (agro-forestry systems)

Inventory under the Convention

Broad difference between Dehesas land cover in CLC

compared to MFE50.

MFE50 prevails in forest lands

Double contability!!

Working group

Page 5: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

• Working on:– SIOSE for land use areas identification

– FM data compilation for forest management activities

– SIGPAC for croplands

– Crops and land uses Map

• Ongoing work on:– Different approaches for Soil C modelling

from semi-empirical to process approaches

– Improvement in EFs

KP working procedures. Outline.

Page 6: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.


Sources:• Data: SPOT-5, LANDSAT5, PNOA, BCN25, CATASTRO, etc.• Other information: MCA, MFE, SIGPAC, etc.• Results:

1:25.000 - GISEvery 5 years

• Finished 2009. Available for 2011 inventory (1990-2009)

KP working procedures. Working on…

• SIOSE is an Information System of Land Cover/Land Use in Spain and integrates the different data bases of land cover/land use (from Autonomous Regions and National one)

• Since 2004, the departments involved in this issue have made efforts to achieve the objectives of the project.

Page 7: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

SIOSE (cont.)

Field verification and Quality Control (internal & external)

Geometric and thematic


Statistical analysis and

final results

KP working procedures. Working on…

Page 8: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

• ARD data compilation• From 1990-2006• In each autonomous region• Definitions (from Marrakech Accords 11 CP.7)

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Working on…

Required information




-Province- Town- Spot- Area

-Description of activity


-Number of trees/specie

-Number of trees/ha


-Year of activity


Page 9: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

ARD data compilationEvery activity must be described following this list:

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Working on…

Page 10: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

• Modelling– Evaluation and comparison of several carbon models, studying the

possibilities of application (even adaptation) to the Spanish forest. • Gotilwa• CO2FIX• CBM-CFS3

Adaptation to Spanish forest of Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3)

• An operational-scale model of forest C dynamics.• Accounts for all carbon stocks, stock changes and greenhouse gas

emissions required under the Kyoto Protocol following the IPCC Guidelines:

– Aboveground biomass– Belowground biomass– Dead wood– Litter– Soil carbon

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Future.

Page 11: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

Modelling (cont.)• Operates with data commonly used for forest

management planning:

KP working procedures for forest related activities. Future.

Page 12: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

• Soil carbon– Proposal from MARM – 2 years (2009)– Contents:

• Research and compilation of information about C in forest soils.

• Comparation of found information.• Soils evolution research.• Possibilities of soil carbon estimation.• Evaluation and comparison of several soil carbon


KP working procedures for forest related activities. Future.

Page 13: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

• Update of areas of activities to be included in cropland management

– Areas with low tillage / no-till.• Herbaceous annual crops with minimum tillage.• Herbaceous annual crops from direct sowing.• Vegetal covers in tree crops.

– Ecological production; since 1991, regional & Provincial data• Establishment of vegetal covers in crops• Low tillage / no-till• Optimized crops rotation• Fertility restoration in degraded soils• Manure as fertilizer• Animal and vegetal integrated production

– Integrated production; since 2001, Provincial data– Replacement of herbaceous crops with woody crops– Afforestation of agricultural lands; since 1994.

KP working procedures for croplands. Working on…

Page 14: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

• Improvement data of location of lands under these activities: Avoid double accounting.

– Due to the use of different data sources for some agricultural activities (i.e. no-tillage and ecological production), overlapping could occur, and double accounting would have to be solved.

KP working procedures for croplands. Working on…

Page 15: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

Compilation of data of Soil carbon contents, and development of national emission factors for SOC

KP working procedures for croplands. Working on…

Soil profile


C content in Spanish soils (1 m depth)

ClimateBed rock


Average C content (± SE)

Homogeneous Units

Ct = 100 C * Da * Depth * [(100-V)/100]

Ct = Carbon content by horizon (g m-2 C = Concentration in the fine fraction (%)Da =Apparent density (g cm-3)

Da = 1.801 - 0.397 ln (1.724C)

Page 16: LULUCF under the Kyoto Protocol- Spain. Definitions Forest definition: Minimum area: 1 ha Tree crown cover: 20% Minimum tree height: 3 m Additional Activities.

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