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Free Will and Understanding Multi-Dimensional Consciou

(This Determines What Level a Person Will Experience Ph

(Most of the links on this page have my personal notes and commentaries added to them and were compiled t

describe the process that I went through although it took me a few years to understand what was actually occurri

surprise [DK1] when by Grace my consciousness was changed (raptured into higher consciousness) tha

continual seeking, I finally understood that I had been changed into my spiritual self that actually is a transformed

as important to awaken the spiritual aspect of ourselves in order to combine both equally important parts in order ta tool so others can see a different way of working from a lower natural consciousness level into higher conscio

change from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension consciousness). It started with a prayer on how to live in this world

salvation and understanding. This was done through internal guidance only. An additional prayer for angelic help

specifically for Jesus and Archangel Michael’s guidance and help. This has been a pure one on one relationship.

was not overly religious or spiritual before that even though I had attended Christian services for the previou

(ascension prayer ) from a book that I resonated with and understood later that it is a requirement of free will to

higher consciousness. I am treating this as another experience to add to my life albeit a major one that will defin

privacy to verify the validity of these pages and what living in higher (Christ – Unity) consciousness will do to

dimension captivity and move into 5th dimension liberation that Christ gave us from conquering the cross and

gateway experience into higher consciousness (new earth) that allows a person knowledge to move

additional achieved consciousness states for personal growth once tired from the unconscious natural state (old

Best when viewed in Explorer and Firefox Browsers using Adob e PDF reader for highlights a

“And no man puts new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles

Luke 5:37

(To understand and live the resurrection, a person must expand their consciousnes

(This page was compiled to keep me on track with my goals and ambitions using the law of attractio

Final edit 1.30.16

website -

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So you also must be ready, because the So

expect him

(To test with tribulations to see what c

(higher or low

Tribulation Cost During Discipleship

“If any man come to Me, and hate not his father, and mother; and wife,

sisters, yea, and his own life also (for a period of time while learning h

cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:26

(A disciple must be willing to leave relationships and current life in ord

from a fallen state into the Christ Consciousness state through the individual process that awakens their Christ S

They all with one consent began to make excuse. Excus

“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to en

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Awake, you who sleep, and arise from among the dead (natural state 3rd dimension

They do not know, nor do they understan

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Everyone is allowed to experience life as they would like to in whatever way and whatever con

as Christ did. To achieve spiritual balance, a person must develop their spiritual body just a

intellectual and physical bodies. Think of the amount of time spent in school and physical

same balance for your spiritual growth and understanding? Why limit yourself by just using

your reality accordingly between Spirit and intellect as needed. This is how one becomes wh

all things relate and why they occur in this world. Everything that you see and experience w

transition. Everything comes to “life” when Spirit is permanent and not just fleeting in a differe

intellect only. Bring your Christian experience to a higher level of consciousness and experie

of just reading it and remaining in your fallen state within 3 rd dimension reality. Understa

Kingdom truly is by resurrecting your Spirit and allowing this higher consciousness gift to gro

free will to either remain in their current 3rd dimension fallen state life or change into their 5t

with. It does take complete surrendering into a person’s daily life flow in order to go from th

the higher unity consciousness awareness for those who are ready and willing to do this.

"I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me

Proverbs 8:17

You must align yourself into this experience to receive it similar to any other experience an i

The majority remain aligned into the religious intellectual experience without allowing their h

person must change from their natural self into their resurrected Christ Spirit to properly rece

the levels talked about in Revelation. Every person has the potential of resurrecting their Ch

towards it. This is the made in the image of God that is quoted freely. At this point, a p

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But if they do not listen, they perish by the sword and die without k

(3rd to 5th dimension spiritual ascension during physical life

He replied, "You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdo

(Those that have not surrendered fully into their personal tribulation perio

Matthew 13:11

19 And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever doors yo

shall be locked in heaven (staying in duality 3rd and 4th dimension consciousnlife); and whatev

When the Spirit of truth comes (your awakened Christ Spirit), he will guide y

on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will dec

John 16:13

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(Increase your consciousness to a level that allows your exit from having to repeat this r

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by

the way you think (consciousness). Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is

pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

Many are currently manifesting abundance because of law of attraction teachings. If they don

consciousness, the natural law of karma will be applied to continue in a human experience. If n

out that overall experience. Those who are “dead in Christ”, will not believe this and will continu

that abundance that will need to dispel itself at some point by experiencing that opposite po

lifetime and has not cleared lower consciousness out of their current life, that person will repeat

realm. It will also be hard for those around these people to not have part of those negative man

it is just because of association with either the individual or company (Therefore, "Come out fr

unclean thing, and I will receive you"......2 Corinthians 6: 17).

That is why many in higher consciousness are waiting for the permanent separation to ta

consciousness that will remove this element that just won’t evolve and are presently mixed (

made whole into spirit) in current society. There are many followers in extreme lower conscious

lower consciousness and have no desire to live within the higher consciousness realms in pea

This will create the final battle before permanent separation as described in Revelation. Just l

As consciousness increases, the blind opens and more and more light is given allowing sight to

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“Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he/ (she) cannot e

Natural Man, Not Spiritually Reborn 1 Corin

The same one who seeks to enter the kingdom must be baptized (by God

he is not personally baptized, he cannot enter the kingdom. Each step

regardless of whether an adult or child (of age). No one can learn for you,

you. And you cannot do any of these for anyone else. We can encourage his/her own mind and act for him/herself. Have compassion for those w

initiations but allow them to grow from their trials. Don’t just read and watc

mind to resurrect your life and have this unique experience yourself by req

increase your consciousness levels. Move from your fallen state into you

ll t t h d i

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Born Again Request Re

Believers "look for the resurrection of the dead, and the li

Acts 17:31

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The Beatitudes“God blesses those who are poor (in spirit) and realize their need for him (th


The Exodus

”Born Once – Die Twice; Born Twice – Die Once”

“Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection (spiritual rebirth death) has no power” Rev. 20:6

My people are being destroyed because they don't know me (highe

physical realm – they remain in their natural fallen state of 3rd dimen priests refuse to know me, I refuse to recognize you as my priests. Siyour God I will forget to bless your children

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26Look at the birds of the sky: They don't sow or reap or gather into barns (retirement

(all that is needed). Aren't you worth more than they? 31So don't worry, saying, Wha

will we wear? 32for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these th

unbelievers , but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33But seek first

surrender into daily lessons), and all these things will be provided for you (in proper tim

(Unbelievers feel the need to provide everything for themselves. Believer

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Those who rise (spiritual rebirth into higher consciousness, awake

first resurrection at the beginning of this thousand-year peri

surrendering into 5th dimension unity consciousness); they will millennium. The wicked (those remaining in fallen state consci

resurrection (will be given an additional opportunity to surrend

initiations) at the end of the thousand years. This verse also spea

not affect the righteous (those in Christ Consciousness).

consciousness), therefore, will die a second time (if they decide not t

to spiritually raise themselves permanently from 3rd to 5th dimensioa death from which there will be no resurrection (will remain in lowe

their human lives, therefore being left behind by their own choice).

So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling

50 Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to

51 “What do you want me to do for you?

man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”

52 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed

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All the nations will be gathered before him, and hepeople one from another as a shepherd separates thgoats. He will put the sheep (higher consciousness

the goats (lower consciousness) on his left (this seaccordance with a person’s vibrational resonance).the Goats

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“Just as people are destined to die once (natural state death), and after that to

Hebrews 9:27

“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death (1st death-natfaithful servants”. Psalm116:15


Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I

life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness and ask to die my natural-self death to bec

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross

willing to turn from my sin and deny myself by following You and Your guidance. You sa

confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead

as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. T

own personal Savior. And according to His Word, right now I am being saved by living t

as I am being perfected.

I understand that I need to correct my previous sinful nature to learn Your truth though tawareness needed to work through these trials in a way that provides me peace in this

lessons brought into my daily life for the time needed for permanent change leading to s

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank yo

but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I

t lf I d t d thi ill t k ti d ill l it t k b f ll

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Larger View

But he that has endured to the end

(Christ Consciousness) M

in perception to understand that most of what a person hears a

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in perception to understand that most of what a person hears a

to be accomplished in a multi-dimensional body during life in

and evolve through it. If a person still believes that they will

because they have just stated that they believe that Jesus is

disappointed at physical death. Although they will be in

compared to 3rd dimension reality, they will not be in union as

unless they worked into that level by the clearing out of lower

unity consciousness. And those who are in unity consciousnes

of heaven within Christ Consciousness all the way up to

dimensional physical realm that Paul, Peter, and Matthew exthe Bible in addition to John in Revelation. Christ will lead

levels of understanding and growth, but only for those who fu

allow higher consciousness teachings to occur and advance w

remains within their personal belief system and not the actual t

them from the lower consciousness kingdoms. Partial surrend

but is needed in the beginning of the process so that later,

when ready.

A person upon death might get a quick glimpse of Christ C

physically die before moving into their achieved consciousneswithin their same vibrational resonance (as explained by st

person will have increased their consciousness and awarene

from 3rd dimension physical into 4th dimension spiritual reality

consciousness after physical life and will continue in their p

ft t i d l t if th h i l lif i d i d Th

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The one having believ

and having been bconsciousness), but th

only while continuing

(remaining in lower con

Jesus was quite explicit about the cost

committed life. Not all of Jesus’ followe

were many who left Him after a while.

and no longer followed him” (grew weary

surrendering daily life to God’s will – this

(John 6:66).

The term Christian was never used bthemselves, such as “disciples” (Acts 13:5

1 Corinthians 16:1; Ephesians 1:1) a

Difference. Paul referred to believers as "

into heaven).

The Bible says that good works do not make

us acceptable to God. In other words, a

person can live to a high moral standard, give

money to feed the poor, go to church, andserve their neighbors, and yet not be a Christ

follower or “Christian.” A Disciple will

surrender into daily life while following Christ

as He brings daily teachings into our personal

path specific to each of us This will awaken

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5 And the light (Higher Consciousness) shineth in darkness; and the darkness (lowe

Every person is anonymously called by God….. On their d

The vast majority of people ignore His anonymo

Everyone has received multiple visits in a lifetime…..most never pursu

third that does….

9"And I will bring the third part (to include new converts that recconsciousness during the end times) through the fire…..(their p

that changes their consciousness levels if surrendered a

Of the early Church Fathers, Origen says that “He

saved, comes to be saved through [a] fire” that bur

After separation it will just put a ceiling on those who didn’t increase their consciousness

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What is p

Purgatory is the state of those who

their eternal salvation, but who still

fire) to enter into the happiness of “

After separation, it will just put a ceiling on those who didn t increase their consciousness

earth) resonance since they cannot go there because of the natural laws and the require

higher of the 3rd and 4th dimension duality consciousness, will probably decide to stop havi

people take over this lower world and then become the only inhabitants, it will become int

people who kept it in previous balance before the permanent separation takes place. That

punishment) realm discussed in the Bible. It would probably be a good idea to increase con

During this testing period up through the millennium, it should be expected that by using thebased) will take place and it will of course not be a pleasant period of time. The higher a

proceed through this difficult period. This period has also been called the dark night

accomplished. This person then becomes an observer to this age of time, living through it,

have increased their consciousness also.

46"These people will go away into eternal punishment, but those with God's

“Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the

who love Him.” (James 1:12)

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Revelation 7:14

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But he that has endured to the end (higher consciousness), *he* shall be saved.

Matthew 24:13

But Jesus told him, "Let the

spiritually dead (those living in

lower consciousness) bury their

own dead! Your duty is to go

and preach about the Kingdom

of God." (Explain how to reach

higher consciousness levels)

Luke 9:60-9:62

Jesus was quite exp

Him. Discipleship re

Not all of Jesus’ follocommitment. There w

while (never made th

worshipped in a cere

time many of his disc

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and it will be

stay at that c

Allow people to come in and out of your life while m

different consciousness levels as all will progress

their current beliefs.

“the door will be closed”,

all these (trials and tribulations) can be overcome…..God

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( )

The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will

be full of light (higher consciousness). But if your eye is bad, your whole body

will be full of darkness (lower consciousness). If then the light that is in you is

darkness, how great is the darkness!…Matthew 6:22-23

Both physical realities curr higher consciousness rea

whether we want to seek

between them while living th

"When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray pub

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y p y yp p y psynagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is a

Matthew 6:1

13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees,

You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in peop

yourselves do not enter , nor will you let those ent

(Since they have never truly been fully spiritually raised, they

consciousness only.)Seven Woes on the Teachers….

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6Some have departed from these and have turned to (Allowing people to believe that they are saved without the wo

consciousness from 3rd dimension fallen state conscious

Consciousness field of 5th dimension reality as instructed throug

through daily surrender) 7They want to be teachers of the l know what they are talking about (have not been spiritually

so confidently affirm.

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When does the Bible complete itself???

A person who makes it through their tribulation period

their Christ Spirit, will know without a doubt how to pro

after this awakening. It is a shame that this experience

unless it is experienced. It is not an opinion as most intel is a change that has to be lived through to

regrettable part of it is that just like when a person goe

walking, the farther a person gets from the original chan

to remember what others who remain at lower con

experiencing. By continuing with the separation from "o

harder to remember how to exist in that other lifestyle fr

true understanding of this world is shown to a person dur

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25“And the foolish said unto the wise,

(Personal consciousness is not keeping


(7) The righteous (“alive”) and wicked (“dead”) are to remain i(Until the “dead” can no longer integrate themselves within an ascen

The righteous (“light” – 5th dimension consciousness) are not to exterminate th


(Th t h f i i t hi h i d ll ll t k

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Spiritual Path

Awaking the Chri

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"If anyone’s name was not found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown in

Revelation 20:15

“As Above, so Below”

living in duality unconsciousness) will go hungry and thirsty, ovservants will laugh and sing but you will be sad and cry out in pa

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servants will laugh and sing, but you will be sad and cry out in pa

15 I, the Lord God, promise to see that you are killed and that m

names as curse words. But I will give new names [a] to my se

daily to His will). 16 I am God! I can be trusted. Your past trouble of them. When you pray for someone to receive a blessing, or you must do it in my name. I alone am the God who can be trust

The Lord’s New Creation17 I am creating new heavens and a new earth; everything of the

Footnotes:a. 65.15 new names: The giving of a new name suggests the begin

Signs of the End Times - Matthew 24:30-34

30 Then a sign will appear in the sky. And there will be the Son ofwill weep when they see the Son of Man coming on the

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The abomination of desolation is not only an act of rebellion against God Almighty, but a

that everything is done on their own and without God and the need for daily surrender to

consciousness). Another being proclaiming himself to be God is the ultimate act of arro

be the most arrogant individual in history.

“And all the people who belong to this world (lower consciousness) worshiped the beaswritten in the Book of Life (higher consciousness) before the world was made – the Boo

slaughtered (the fallen angels needing to resurrect their Spirit back into higher consciou

descent to experience lower consciousness reality).” Revelation 13:8 (NLT)

He (the Antichrist) will flatter and win over those who have violated the covenant (in man

human beings is allowed in current times even though a person’s tribulation period will s

know their God will be strong and will resist him. Daniel 11:32


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Matthew 10:34-37

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the ea bring peace, but a sword.

35 For I have come to turn

a man against his father,

(35 I the Lord have said, I will surely do it unto all this evil conth d t th i t i thi ild th h ll b

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gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be

therethey shall die.) DK3

to see whether a person will turn back on their faith a consciousness or whether they will proceed out of bon consciousness. This creates many different trials for all of th to work through. This is a tough experience and one of th accomplish. One of my spiritual questions had been - what h

disciples’ families when they left to follow Christ? The on truthfully is by having the experience yourself and living th experience). In my case, I was allowed to work in anothe traveling back home on weekends to help with the transition that was meant to happen later, although at the time I wasn “see” it (I was blind at the time still waiting for Christ to restor through passed initiations with higher awareness). A person by God’s grace once you allow and start trusting the process

and that he said, 'That's why a man will leave his father and motherwife, and the two will be one'?

Matthew 19:5

That part was definitely a trying period for me in moving forw as attached to my family at the time as anyone in the world

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y y y

A person in Christ allows the family to separate due to the

natural and spiritual members’ conscious levels and allowing

take place. Unless ready, most are happy living life as the

point and are not ready for change. Because of duality, t

experience the opposite of the current life lived for further

clearing of lower consciousness with higher awareness a

period will break up the family during the surrendering pro

stress within the family unit. I personally feel that this is wh back thinking that they are doing the right thing by doing w

their life intact. This also keeps their current consciousness

without allowing any further growth. Marriage is a lower co

and will stay intact until one of the partners decide

consciousness or is aware of Christ “knocking on the door

move forward.

“A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But

death – natural state death), she is free to marry anyone sh

belong to the Lord” (left marriage to pursue higher conscious

husband or wife). 1 Corinthians 7:39

” And oppress not the widow (a woman who has lost her spo

35“But people who are considered worthy to come back to life and live in theneither marry, nor are given in marriag

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neither marry, nor are given in marriag

(Marriages must be dissolved for personal judgment and further individual judgment” is dispensed)

A person must find thspi

families to follow into higher consciousness, will have the because of the disciple’s faithfulness in surrendering to the

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the family separation. This allows a peace for those who them to remove themselves from the family to pursue their f consciousness.

They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doome will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their desce 65:23

This is due to the large consciousness changes occuri t f i ith th th t h ’t d i t th

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By allowing the family to separate when the synchronicities

are allowing your loved ones to form their own life experien soul goals without interference and without keeping their current lower consciousness. If life is too easy within low

people will not seek into the resurrected spirit process th during life. After being on both sides of duality concerning s completely surprised at the huge awareness change that oc into my initiations and working through them. It is importan

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I found that by putting this page within my personal websanyone and if someone is reading this, they have soug

whatever reason and can close this page and continue lif

trying to share – it is by a person’s choice to have read thi

reader’s rights and their individual path during th

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All those “secret societies” from the past with secre

the like were all done within the 4th dimension spirit raise consciousness past the natural state but neve Christ Consciousness. A person can even tell th society doing this same thing that has elevated thei levels beyond the natural state but are not aligned

Spirit that is talked about in the Bible. This expla people in lower consciousness religious services th Spirit is leading them, but in truth, it is just the spir them with their goals outside of the Christ Con dimensional state.

It also should be understood that Christ Consciousness is a sphigher consciousness and is one of many experiences found wit

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higher consciousness and is one of many experiences found witattends college for a set amount of time and moves forward

Christ Consciousness after their educational period is worked experience staying with them forever. Using that same analocollege for only a semester or less yet think they have receiveduring their short taste of that experience. Others will be at thleave such a heart based Christian experience and will stawithout seeking towards additional adventures that life has to

the laws realized in the Christ Consciousness experience. Fto still surrender into their daily flow but switch their reso

experience into an abundance experience to live from the other

aware of their karmic consequences. Many stay stuck fea

overwhelming and personal experience that they have obtained

new earth will end up being a mixture between Christ Cons

practices. This will create a third way that is different from the ori

paths. Because of the uncertainty on when the prophetic tihappen while living our individual paths, we will all need to kee

is evident that the period expected has occurred and I am qusurrendering process instilled during our personal tribulation


back. We still connected because of the roles between us (father – daughter/son), but those roles can cause fri i ’t li i hi t th d t d

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consciousness person isn’t living his truth and must descen interaction or risk being labeled as someone who is crazy those in a lower consciousness state who haven’t accomp manifestations. God wants all people to have their consciou an ascended world with the ability to also manifest ascend be different from lower consciousness activities. When pe their consciousness intentionally, it perpetuates the false

one 3


dimensional consciousness existence even though seek into higher consciousness will only live through a 3rd

missing the other adventures that are just as available o increasing their light body. This will once again place us bac goats’ passage and why there is a separation that must be This separation, however painful because of relationship los person’s free will movement into a different consciousness other to live at their desired level unless the decision is mad

consciousness with their family members (36 a man’s enem

of his own household) foregoing the higher teachings that C ready to accept it. (31 On that day no one who is on the ro goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no on back for anything.)

accomplish what needed to be done in order to get me requested. I had already made the decision that this currenway too many problems and I would not want to come bac

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way too many problems and I would not want to come bac overall problems far outweighed the positives. I guess in Christ and died to my old way of life due to my free will and were answered, just in a different way than I expected.

I believe this to be the “first death” (natural state death leadi a physical death).

“Just as people are d

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I am not worried about others who will try to use their intellec experience, because unless they have truly walked the (probably blinded because of their free will decision to not s received in a way for my understanding of this area of t many, other daily teachings that I allowed by living through in a 60 hour job that afterwards would keep me too exhaus

slave away in a job I cared nothing about would only take th understand the process that changes everything once it stated in the Bible, a person cannot serve two masters (Go same time. Previously I followed the path of social and ec

hil l t f ll d th i it l th th t l d i diff t

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Even while these people were wors

To this day their children and grand

(A person in complete surrender will allow abundance to flow into their life at the

proper time and amount for their needs.)

"But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God (accomplish

your full personal tribultion opportunity). And after ye have obtained a hope

in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them forthe intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and

to liberate the captive (shift from 3rd into 5th dimension

consciousness), and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted." -

Jacob 2:18 19

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For what shall it profit a lose h

I always wondered why everyone mentioned this passage. N to the current specific life being fun and enjoyable without the karma being produced because of lack of spiritual kn problematic part, is ending another life without increasing in (living in heaven) with the uncertainty on how many mor before final judgment and the “closing of the door” happens a few people that have been in fourth dimension unity co while, even though a lot of them are still not aware of their tr

kingdom. This might actually make the present period millennium with true final judgement occurring soon. There w separation between higher and lower consciousness that some of our lifetimes. The biblical stories could have contaifrom a thousand years ago showing the way even though

I do feel blessed that instead of leaving my physical life, I wto make peace in the process and see what happens

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p p pp

relationships that I had in the past and hoping for them to coand ascended world (new earth) with as many loved ones a join me. Too many people believe that some major catasoccur that is going to be obvious, but in my experience, believe many people miss assuming they are just goinchange at the time. An obvious victory for evil that has beeas only a challenge to get past, that instead keeps us in l

missing Jesus’ try to reach us in our needed tribulations tofallen state (lake of fire) reality.

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Confusion exists because there are many levels of abilities w just because a person has obtained Christ Consciousness,b i i t f ki d d i it l b

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People start their lives in lower consciousness to experien need to experience. Allow this to happen. It is when a p must be something more that they can seek towards with and the fairness of living in that realm that gives them the fr even though all of our physical bodies currently reside toget separation of old relationships also occurred with close

person going through regular life easily goes in and out of needed. A person isn’t forced to continue growth by leavin are ready for it, but at some point a person on their path surrender to their daily flow and allow what is meant to occ

A dead faith is that which dwells only on the tongue n

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A dead faith is that which dwells only on the tongue, n

It took me awhile to understand that physical churcht t d f ill b

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How foolish can you be? After starting your Christ Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect

human effort? Galatians 3:3

(Must surrender completely in order to have Jesus le

the “wilderness” (lower consciousness) and into dimension higher Christ Consciousness re

A person must find a way of becoming more humble with the bring it into harmony with their other important bodies to k

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g y p consciousness. Don’t confuse these violent individuals with

a true 5th dimension consciousness that will always be in pemove into their next ascended experience. During

consciousness clearing, some people out of balance will go t

as a mental breakdown or out of character period. If they

happening in their spiritual development, they will stop the p

they know will stop it thinking that they are helping that pers

the spiritual part of this behavior. Find balance and peace duwill not advance.Therefore, the separation must and doesstops their advancement and returns to lower consciousngroup will be grateful to have pulled the perceived unbaltheir previous ways and comfort within that previous leThey are just as guilty of pushing their religious beliefs they condemn those that they call radicals who are just inIt could be considered radical to keep a person consciousness because of ridicule towards people tak

transformation process that allows the higher consciousnatural body that otherwise will stay within a fallen statignorance is not a bliss since it doesn’t even allow forconcerning what lower vs higher consciousness means to a

(Allow everyone the space to experience duality

when each is appropriate. Some will choose to rem one of the conscious levels due to their comfort with

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It is by their free will. Allow this to happen since it

your personal choice and you will become separa

anyway since the resonance is no longer there for

relationship and therefore will no longer affect your li

Of course, not everyone will seek into this process and a p take place also for personal choice and free will to occur an their individual choice in consciousness for their final jud consciousness). Ascension and resurrection will only happ at the appropriate individual time when seeking. Thes consciousness states do create different playing fields for th with different natural laws being applied to stay within th consciousness will not believe that they exist until they sin

understanding of them (they will remain blinded to them due whether they believe it or not). Some who have worked in consciousness might not even be aware of it because they aone facet of their experience and that person doesn’t even

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If any man come to Me, and hate not his father and wife, and children, and brethren and sisters own life also, he cannot be My disciple (a disc willing to leave relationships and current life increase consciousness from a fallen state in Consciousness state through the surrendering individual process).

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And he shall have abundance of spiritual gifts anMatthew 25:29

have answered part of it. That if some are taken, an

behind, wouldn’t those that go on to the new world members in their family were gone?

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Excerpt and answer from Dolores Cannon's The Universe

Some people who stop the process presented by Christ, w being led by Jesus but have actually been transferred over members since they are interjecting their own free will ins Christ. Their spiritual family members will help them ex

requesting but this will be outside of 5th dimension Christ Co

23But I will reply, “I never knew yo

(Resurrected Christ Spirit as opposed to resurrected spirit

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grow without constantly being pulled back into other people

dimensional world with many levels of consciousness) which living including job and regular daily interactions with othe

i t f b ki t f il i t h ll b

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society of breaking apart a family is a great challenge be people living intellectually and not spiritually to understand w believe that everything will work out properly between a forgiveness, and I also believe that everyone will unders some point later in their lives. This is a huge trust in faith living solely thru their senses will not understand. I believe t reason why Catholic priests were to remain celibate. This w

for the priests. I will always consider myself fortunate to hav my family and feel I can relate as to why a majority of peop level for a lifetime. Of course, I also feel very fortunate to these initiations in a state of awareness unlike many othe defensive mode as to what is happening in their individubased experience completed through the cycle that opens awareness. Grace is the only way to get through these even

It is up to the people on Earth at the present tim

their personal decision of which path they wanenergy is present and becoming stronger. It is ph

b di O f d ib ti i b

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our bodies. Our own frequency and vibration is bebelieve it is still up to us what we decide, wgravitate toward because of our free will.

From Dolores Cannon's The Convoluted U


17 Terror and the captiv

When you flee in terrorIt will be close to impossible for people to distinguish who is in

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When you flee in terroryou will step into a trapworld is shaken beneateverything is lost, aban

change into higher conshakes like a tent in a s

earth are very great. (T

consciousness by surre

causing many karmic p

21 On that day the Lord

proud rulers of the natioand imprisoned in a dun

remaining in lower cons

The eternal separation b

question remaining as to

time for those in vibratio

lower consciousness wi

in an ascending vibratiovibrational world after th

state not even aware of

Physical ascension duri

higher consciousness and who isn’t. Those in higher

consciousness can tell fairly easily, but for those in lower

consciousness, those who have awakened their Christ Spirit will

be viewed as just another person in society since they are

residing in their glorified body that will “look the same” as before

their transformation. Don’t expect to see people acting “holy”

walking around. Higher consciousness people are moving forward

and living their life very similar to what is perceived as other 3rd

dimensional people except they are manifesting reality differently.It is difficult to surrender daily life to an unknown future, but it is

what must be done to follow Christ into the “new earth” if wanted.

The current “enemies” that will be conquered are those preventing

spiritual individuals from following their chosen path and goals no

matter what their titles and/or labels are in this descending part of

this world (making it mixed). Some of these people will be in jobs

that they say are for the overall good of society and the world but

all they are doing are making Christ work around them so that

higher consciousness individuals can then manifest into their

“heaven on earth”. Therefore, these individuals are actually

enemies to Christ and his kingdom without knowing it until

seeking takes place to lead them forward through their tribulation

period for understanding. Live a peaceful and un-obstructing life

while moving forward into unity consciousness while allowing

others the same courtesy. This will take a person into their next

"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a n (ascension); and I will remove the heart of stone from youheart of flesh (resurrection) ” I will put My Spirit (Christ C

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heart of flesh (resurrection). I will put My Spirit (Christ C you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will My ordinances.… (Our spiritual body will look like us wh the flesh)

Ezekiel 36:26

Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what

everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life

Revelation 2:7

worked through. There are individual and personal reasons for you to

one opens up awareness and allows entry for higher heart-base consciousness - 58Jesus said: Blessed is the man who has suffered;

ti i il t h l th t l d t b l d d d t

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time similar to a school that lessons need to be learned and graduate places that fear, hatred, and greed cannot exist. Just like everything e there. Otherwise, you might have to return to a life similar to what y situations are for you. Allow spirit to show you how to increase your con and into increased levels of light. Allow yourself to open up to other pos

Once you make the transformation (spiritual resurrection) then your p

your life allowing your heaven on earth to exist because you have bee importantly you are also allowing your life’s energy flows to balance wh without so much correction as that in your unconscious natural state. that life-extremes are brought back to the middle ground. You are resp your heaven and seeking the knowledge and change that only you c fooled into believing that it occurs without your continuous spiritual wor your work and think that is all there is. You are not judged by your following your spiritual work by surrendering to Christ on a daily basis with. In all likelihood, it is just a rebalancing of energy that a person is

their spiritual faith and knowledge. You will always be given more cha no matter what level you have obtained. This is the work described in spiritual food (daily bread). Achieving this state has always been a per realize that the process exists.

And once you have established the Self Realizatiobirth resurrection) through daily meditation and c

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birth, resurrection) through daily meditation and c chakras, you can give the Realization to others - lighting another.This is the first sprouting of the seed. It is a living living process of a living God! It sprouts spontaneo sprouts spontaneously. Then you start seeing the your physical, mental, emotional and spiritua

tremendous, fantastic. It is such a vision that even imagination cannot reach it; but you are that. You a thing. You have that glory within yRealization/Kundalini Awakening/Second Birth

Jesus shouted to the crowds, "If you trust me, you

only me, but also God who sent me. For when you seeing the one who sent me. I have come as a ligh

dark world (lower consciousness realm), so that a

trust in me will no longer remain in the dark (spiritua

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the nee

to enter into the reign of God.

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33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all be my disciple…..

63 Jesus said: There was a rich man who had many posse use my possessions that I may sow and reap and plant, fruit, that I may have need of nothing . These were heart. And in that night he died. He that hath ears, let hi Thomas (Those in duality consciousness feel that they m for themselves. Those in Christ Consciousness will a surrendering and doing god’s Will, everything will always proper time for all that is needed in reaching their goals)

Humility must lead us to die to self (ego ): so we prove ho

and outcomes to be properly placed into your daily life. Be a

in name only by working towards complete surrender and life be lived by completing the Trinity and becoming whole.

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Jesus said: He who has found the world and become rich,

The reality is that there are two processes of creation that are affect like to call unconscious co-creation, which is what science calls the the process whereby human beings co-create without understandin

they do not realize that they have created the imperfect conditions conditions are simply visible manifestations of what is going on in th unconscious minds. They either think everything on earth was creaas a result of an evolutionary process guided by chance.

Merkaba Meditation Breaths 1-14

Merkaba Meditation Breaths

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Merkaba M

Ezekiel’s Flying Chariot for Consciousn

Spiritual Rebirth

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Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the na

whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him d you whole. – Acts 4:10

(1) And He said, "Whoever finds the meaning of these sayin

Gospel of St. Thomas

22But don't just listen to God's word. You must

says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. J

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says , y y g y


Belief in the last judgment (often linked with the General jud

Catholicism. Immediately upon death (natural or physical) e particular judgment, and depending upon the state of the

consciousness), goes to heaven, purgatory, or hell.

The last judgment will occur after the resurrection of the de

natural state into spiritual state after baptism by Grace) and t

soul with own physical body (ascension). The Catholic Church t

the last judgment Christ will come in His glory, and all the an

presence the truth of each man's relationship with God will be la

who has ever lived will be judged with perfect justice. Thos

dimension Christ Consciousness) will remain in heaven; th dimension consciousness) will remain in hell; and those in

working towards Christ Consciousness after clearing out of lowe

living in higher spiritual consciousness levels) will be released

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted (humble, trustiand become as little children (surrendering completely and re-learning

not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

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Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification (daily surrender commandments and the golden rule) without which no one will se

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But they that wait upon the Lord (surrender to the daily process an God’s will) shall renew their strength; they shall mount up their wing not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40

May those who help individuals going through their initiations be homeless, ill of health people are probably going through their initiat are in need of this basic help regardless of how it might look fromJ bl th h i t th l t i th ld H h i

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Jesus bless those who give to the least in the world as He has promi higher consciousness and spiritual rebirth[DK7] .

Matthew 13:40-43

Just as the weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so will it be through initiations). The Son of Man will send his angels, and they causes of sin and evildoers (those who continue to live in karma

resurrection and unity consciousness), and they will throw them in cleanse through their karma while probably still in their unconscious weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous (those who surre whole) will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let anyon

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And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be s those days will be cut short (during the end of the age, those creating will have their rebalancing occur quicker making it harder for them t

it i ) S i di id l ith hi h i

because of the ascending earth’s vibrational change within string

being also and just like those at higher consciousness levels w dimensional human’s eyesight (Jesus and other Saints in highe

relatives residing in the 4th dimension spirit world while in-betwe

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g p

higher vibratory state at some point. The “New Earth” will reac

sometime in this current cycle which is evident with the current m

that didn’t exist previously at these percentages.

With everyone at some point having their consciousness raised, a

consciousness by their “works” and how they manifest their realit

actions and ways. Everyone will be given the chance to remain in they reside within that realm during their personal tribulation p

through the surrendering process and then remaining within it un

those with great wealth to start over again within unity consc

surrendered into Christ Consciousness. Without this higher cons

difficult time to understand why old patterns are not working anymo

karma repercussions while trying to force old beliefs on others to

consciousness. This will be the Great Tribulation that will initia

activities until the bubbles cannot be sustained anymore and will c

to resolve old beliefs. When a third of the population has adjus

teachings and adhering to the separation from those in “darkness”

work anymore. Those in marginal prosperity can probably just fine

lower level of higher consciousness to make the shift witho

C i l t h th bilit t ti ki t

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Free Will and the Lucifer Experime

”And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the there was no more sea.” Rev 21:1

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Put on the full armor of God

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Eventually, all seekers of Truth must come fa But first we have to want to. No one can force us to make t free will). It has to come from within ourselves to want to ma Use your free will to seek the change that must occur from w person from the natural state to the spiritual state. This all whole by combining both their intellectual and spiritual k worked on by living through them. This propels your consciousness that guides you into living daily in higher truths dealing with Spirit that Christ Consciousness will allow you to

to universal laws. This will allow you to understand the rep lower levels of consciousness on others during your daily e understanding so that your life is always filled with peace instead of fear and hatred (whether by comedy or tragedy

Have Jesus lead you through inner guidance into “His” realm of 5th dimension re

multiple physical dimensions in present time. The old spiritual experience teaching spiritual expansion were made and followed from within a fallen world. This exper

reflect spiritual truths beyond intellectual basic bible instruction. By following Je

followers will be led into the promised “Heaven on Earth” and all the prophecies gi

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followers will be led into the promised “Heaven on Earth” and all the prophecies gi

trials and personal tribulation period fully so that you find this consciousness w

being Left Behind. There are other “Spirit” experiences within 4th and 5th dimens

Christ Consciousness, you are prepared for continued forward progress no matter

regardless of other worldly problems that continue to emerge in this descending rea

in this world. At some point lower consciousness levels will no longer

especially at the lower extremes that have been previously allowed person’s next incarnation in the new descended realm that will stay in

reality unless they choose to increase their consciousness into highei ) l i th ld lit b hi d

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consciousness) leaving the old reality behind.

If you are truly Rapture ready and aligned for the experience, then you wi

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36Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdo

servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the is not of this realm (3rd dimension phys ical reality)." 37Therefore P

king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I

have come into the world , to testify to the truth. Everyone w

voice."…John 18:36 (allow Jesus to show you His realm of 5th dim

surrendering into the daily process of spiritual resurrection and ascens

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A simple relati

opposing, to prspirit and mann

speeches, even

as was shown i

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Myintent is for thispage to be assembled and then understood for the highest good of myself and allothers reviewing this with allsafety and protection given according to allindividual paths.

[DK1]So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.. Ma

The church age of Grace…..I didn’t really know what had occurred until later after trying to understand why others

same way although a major change had occurred in me. It caused me to seek for understanding which is required

person that I met during a higher consciousness discussion even said that I was doing it opposite of most. I now u

me to truly want to continue in this path since I really hadn’t seen anyone who could share this information with m

at the same time that I did stopped their processes at different points in their journey and didn’t seem to complete

By receiving sparks of the Spirit to lead them, they feel that they are saved and changed but someone who contin

the ascension spiral knows differently

(Heb 6 - Warning against mixture of law and grace. Danger of tasting the Spirit’s work in grace and then going bac

Finish your tribulation period (cleansing from lower consciousness energy and making room for higher consciousn

trials) fully to receive full blessings and the way out of this reality and into the next ascended realm which starts in

people along the way to mirror certain items to help you learn from. Take what you need from these experiences w

Once a person becomes familiar with the surrendering process, they continue on a daily basis to reach higher and

In the spirit o

copyright on th

freely especial

reason. That is

and distribution

higher consciousness techniques outside of organized religions and instead through spirit family coordination.

people exist because they are not aligned with this frequency so there is no reason to connect unless a seeking i

that their insight can then be given.

During the end times, it might be very hard to distinguish these higher consciousness people from natural state pe

consciousness to live in peace with others while interacting with them at all levels. These people will be prepared

li i ill b i d f ll d j t t i li d til thi h I t d f ki d idi li it

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living will be recognized fully and are just staying aligned until this happens. Instead of mocking and ridiculing it w

understanding of higher consciousness while people are still mixed together and not separated as prophesized. O

hard to progress into this higher conscious level when interacting only with lower consciousness individuals who w


[DK7]Some people started into the initiations without any knowledge as to what was occurring and just followed th

this is happening to them, they will rely on natural state people to diagnose them with their beliefs on why they ha

of the time, they will medicate these people into a state that will prevent any further progress although it does kee

[DK8]I believe this to be when a person surrenders completely, dies to everything from their old life, has Christ re

and then gives them a new life to start fresh from by using the techniques taught to them during this fiery trial p

final test to make it to the other side with Christ’s seal placed on them. Otherwise, they will remain in lowe

necessary light body to move forward with the ascended earth.


Additional links on following pages

Christ Consciousness (Major Part of PDF) Page 1

Website in pdf format

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The Rapture – will transform believers into spirit bodie

literally be taken up in the air (resurrecting their Spirit

towards and then living in higher consciousness lev

escaping the pain and sorrow to come during tribulatio

using techniques taught during the spiritual resurre

change). It suggests disaster for those who remain

natural state (3rd

dimension consciousness) without spirit

You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh

(Please open with Adobe Reader for prope

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39. Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scholars have tak

and have hidden them.They have not entered nor have they allowed those

so.”(This hasn’t changed since Christ walked the Earth. Maybe the t

consciousness and knowledge to finally come to light for tho

necessary permanent changes that need to occur for the Ne

According to Gnostic theology, a series of "falling awa

God occurred in eternity which resulted in all that the

"fall", the divine consciousness descended to th

consciousness (duality consciousness natural state);

He replied, "When evening comes, you say, `It will be fa red,'

d i th i `T d it ill b t f th k

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and in the morning, `Today it will be stormy, for the sky

know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but yo

signs of the times.

A wicked and adulterous

generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will

be given it except the sign of

Jonah." (Just as the Ninevites

heard Jonah’s warning, put faith

in it and lived so the people of

Jesus’ time should hear Jesus’

warning to repent (work towards spiritual resurrection) and

believe the Good News, they

h ld t f ith i hi d d

not wearing wedding clothes (was not spiritually resurre

daily surrender).

`Friend,' he asked, `how did you get in here without wed

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was speechless.

"Then the king told the attendants, `Tie him hand and fo

outside, into the darkness (lower consciousness levels)

weeping and gnashing of teeth (karma rebalancing in a

"For many are invited, but few are chosen." (The majori

current conscious levels without working into higher con

this occurs)


The Holy Spirit is calling out to many people who are to

this world (daily life) to pay attention to God (increase a

consciousness that God brings through passed initiation

Revelation 19:6

Zephaniah 2

Gather together, gather together, O shameful nation, be arrives and that day sweeps on like chaff, before the fie

comes upon you, before the day of the LORD's wrath co

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Seek the LORD, all you humble of the land, you who do surrendering to the daily individual and personal teachin

righteousness, seek humility (the reducing of ego that a

out of their fallen state and also allows energy flows to r

living in a one sided overly prosperous period that need

opposite side to even out)); perhaps you will be sheltere

LORD's anger.NOTE:

Both Luke 21:36 and Zephaniah 2:3 suggest that it is po

wrath on 'The Day of the Lord', a term used over 300 tim

Matthew 25

"At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgi

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So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep (unco

consciousness), but let us be alert and self-controlled.

For those who sleep (remain in lower levels of consciou

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p (

towards higher levels), sleep at night, and those who ge

(remain in unconscious levels of darkness).

But since we belong to the day (of the light), let us be s

faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvatio

For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive

Lord Jesus Christ.

He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep

with him (lower levels of consciousness people can still

that still keep them within unconscious states still living

need to work to a minimum level of higher consciousne ascended earth instead of incarnating back into the falle

earth) that will remain at unconscious levels).

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decision. By moving on, this also allows others within t

to continue on in their desired conscious state while eith choosing to continue in the basic stages of spirituality

rare when members reach the level of spiritual matur

t k f d i di id ll f i d l

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are taken forward individually for increased learn

presented to them for their further growth. This would a

tribulation period that will allow greater understan

Tribulation that comes at the end times. We each have

that are always going to be different from one person to

experiences going all the way back to childhood. T needs to take place allows higher consciousness (un

lower consciousness (duality) energy that resides from

of being before spiritual transformation takes place. T

person uses their free will to seek towards it and allows

to take place.

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said to them, “no one who brothers or parents or children for the sake of the ki

receive many times as much in this age and, in the age

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Additional Rapture Information with tribulation note

End Time Signs The Great T

all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

this is what we preach, and this is what you believed.

The Resurrection of the Dead (natural state into spir i tu al state w

12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the de

that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resu

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that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resu

even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been rais

and so is your faith. 15 More than that, we are then found to be f

we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead

fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, th

either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is fut

18 Then those also who have fallen asleep (natural dualist ic n

only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people mo

20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfr

asleep ( in their natural fal len s tate) . 21 For since death came th

of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all di

alive (by daily surrender He teaches how to transform and res

23 But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he com

(surrender to Him) . 24 Then the end will come, when he hands

Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and powe

on this dur ing ou r present l i fe t ime) .

50I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood (n

kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperis

mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in

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eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead w

dimension consciousness) imperishable, and we will be change

clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immor

has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with im

is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victo

55 “Where, O death, is your victory

Where, O death, is your sting?”

56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 B

us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let no

yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know tha

in vain.

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This battle is going to be a battle of conscio

of consciousness a person decides to remacycle is opening up increased levels of enlevels of consciousness to filter in for thoseawakening Spirit. This will make a person them back into higher consciousness as alldescent into lower and unconscious surrendering into the process and resur

Spirit) as Jesus stated during physical lifforward within the New Earth. The surrenderi

living or a descended Earth that continues

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geven lower levels of consciousness.

Some “natural state” Christians will want to Consciousness individuals trying to disputeindividual has expanded their individualunderstand that each will have to seek on thhas been found in higher consciousness lightbody during the process. It is undisputhearts of these people as Christ said He w(daily surrender) and there is no controve

Christ Consciousness (believers) followers. He stated that only 1/3rd of Christians wiltribulation

world the same without the surrendering to

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gway and reasons why this world exists in thWe wouldn’t be looking for the New Earth uto do so which is shown through lessonstribulation (once a person surr enders to God comp let

they are considered believers and start their tr ibula

previous l i fe) to cleanse them of low er consciou sness

uni ty Chr is t Consc iousness i f fo l lowed to com pletion) .

And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw undeof those slain because of the word of God, an

testimony that they held - Revelat

but it must be welcome or it will be a useles

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It is evident that some in very difficult aprobably not have much of a chance in findbut it will only be because of their previouwere made up to this point in time or just thegaining experience with older souls togeseparated. It is also probably just as difficult much abundance because the duality consccreated will be very difficult to let go of durinconsciousness. The focus that allowed thestheir abundance will be their saving grace if

way by following the Christ Consciousnessmarginal individuals who are open to how lthat will be able to make this transition into

35For I have come to turn a man agains

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father, a daughter against her mother, a

in-law against her mother-in-law — 36

a man’s enemies will be the members

own household.

I believe it to be better to move forward anones to see the change you have made and on their own and therefore they can join through love. Once I allowed my marria

amounts of awareness opened up within mcan’t be explained logically but only becau

I have come to the conclusion that the only

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ythis information is because I specifically prathe “New Earth” which after going throughallowed me to understand that personal salvwhich then leads you into higher consciousperson to question some who say they aresimilar experiences and seem to stay withinconsciousness. No judgment, but I do beliebe misled on what salvation truly is and experience the realm talked about that is withat most people pray on ways to live within

the structure found within it which keeps consciousness realm and old teachings fromhave pursued higher consciousness and re

understanding multi-dimensional conscious

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personal conscious levels while still in-bodlives. In my old way of life, I would not have knowing how it sounds and fearing ridicule, “new” self find that just in case we are gettmight help some people seek towards it. It choice and free wi ll to do the work to incre

und erstand u ni ty con scious ness by exper i

other experience found in l i fe .

The battle wages on and will continue unt

enough people moving into the Christ Conwill propel the separation of these two Rapture article) Those choosing to remai

Excerpt from Between Death & Life – Do

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It is true that without a physical body it is almconsciousness. Once a being has lost their body, they do

Excerpt from You are a Multi-Dimensi

The Battle of Armageddon - This war will encompass mM idd ill it ti ll ll f th l

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Megiddo; as we will see, it covers practically all of the lawhen Christ defeats the armies of Antichrist, will be a setherefore it is more properly called "the battle on the grea(Revelation 16 verse 14 - Armageddon). This last conflict betafter the Millennium will find Satan making one more fienpromised seed. Satan will order his armies to destroy theChrist will come to deliver her at the last moment, as is c9.

This is the word of the Lord concerning Israel. The Lord, heaven, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who fohim, declares: "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that

peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusthe nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will mimmovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it

The Lord asks pointedly, "Moreover, what are you to Mebeing put forth to justify Islam's claim to the city of Jerusa

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being put forth to justify Islam's claim to the city of Jerusaand that Islam's aim in controlling the city is to ensure threspected. God hardly considers the claim. "Are you renGod is plainly saying that He is quite capable of administmuch. He rejects the offer and hurls it back contemptuou

God brings to mind the destruction of His Temple, and marrogance and hatred of those who usurped its grounds another deity. After the Temple was destroyed, the Romfar corners of the earth. It was during this Diaspora that tMount fell into the hands of Islam. "You have taken My sMy precious treasures to your temples, and sold the son

the Greeks in order to remove them far from their territor

God confirms that His prophecy to restore the Jews to th

an onslaught of the Russian led Muslim alliance, which iBlack Africa The Gog Magog attack took the world lead

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Black Africa. The Gog - Magog attack took the world leadhim some time to muster the Western armies under his dattack. "And at the end time the King of the south will colthe North will storm against him with chariots, with horseand he will enter countries, overflow them, and pass thro

The scene is devastating. Nuclear and neutron weaponsto command and control, supply lines, lines of communiclonger exist anywhere but on maps. In the confusion, theJerusalem is captured, recaptured, and captured again, hold it. Evidently, either by treaty with the Jordanians, orprotection of the Israelis who fled to the caves at Petra, (

and the sons of Ammon (modern Jordan) are spared themilitary forces.

the peoples around; and when the siege is against JerusJudah " (Zech 12 v 2)

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Judah. (Zech. 12 v.2)

According to the ancient prophets, the battle for the city forces from every nation on the face of the earth. "And it that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peopseverely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be g12 v.3)

It is during the battle for Jerusalem that the national redeaccomplished. Every promise of God is true, and the cov

Abraham is redeemed. The absolute Biblical proof that dDominionists and the Kingdom Now Movement is declar

"And it will come about in that day," declares the Lord of names of the idols from the land, and they will no longer also remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the

This happens on the heals of multiple nuclear attacks, chwarfare and the almost certain loss of sophisticated com

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warfare, and the almost certain loss of sophisticated comsatellites, global positioning systems, television and telepknows what they're up against until they square off!

Undoubtedly, each believes that he is leading an overwhenemy in disarray. The Antichrist's forces are simply repretaliating against a nuclear attack. The Kings of the EasMiddle East and its oil for themselves. With 200 million mthey have the advantage. Russia thinks it has the advan

And suddenly, there they are! The whole world in a singl Awesome! Picture the scene as prophet Joel saw it. "A d

day of clouds and thick darkness. As the dawn is spreadthere is a great and mighty people; there has never beenthere be again after it to the years of many generations."

men will flow as high as the horses' bridles by the spacehundred furlongs? That is just about the length of the en

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hundred furlongs? That is just about the length of the en

Naturally many skeptics and those who do not take the bfind it difficult to believe that so much blood could be sheis that part of the destruction of the troops around Jerusa"From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred poundthey cursed God on account of the plague of hail, becauterrible" (Rev. 16 v.21).

Millions of pieces of ice will fall to the earth weighing a humelting in the torrid heat of Palestine, and mingling with the land of Palestine will be literally bathed in a bloody liq

horrible to describe. What a price human beings will pay

When Jesus returns to our planet, His feet will touch dow

4. Last, the Lord will come to Jerusalem to defeat the adwho will attempt to wipe out the Holy City (Zech 12 v 1-9

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who will attempt to wipe out the Holy City (Zech. 12 v.1-9

On the great day of His return, Christ will defeat all His e Antichrist and the false prophet, and cast them into the ltormented day and night forever and ever. (Rev. 20 v.1-3

Shared from -

According to Gnostic theology, a series of "fallingthat is God occurred in eternity which resulted in

After the first "fall", the divine consciousness desthe divided consciousness (duality consciousnes

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During the period considered the End Times, eindividual judgment in order to find their persofrom their developed conscious level that theyrapture will allow those who have already dehigher consciousness the ability to continue thallows others to keep seeking or not seekingwant to just stay in their current level of conknowing that there are different levels of spi

available to them*.

It will be important to allow all others the abilit

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5. People would forsake the Ten Commandments as a adultery, stealing, lying, and killing (Matthew 24:12)

6. There would be a cold religious system, in denying G3:5) (possibly not intentionally at this point but misguided f

7. Men would substitute fantasy in place of Christian tris so evident at Christmas when the birth of the Savior is loSanta Claus. (could be from mystic manifestations withoutConsciousness truths when going through process).

8. Deadly diseases would be prevalent (Matthew 24:7).

in AIDS deaths is almost inestimable. Over 160,000 Ameryear. (higher consciousness allows understanding of caussolely on after diagnosed treatments)

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19. Humanity would become materialistic (2 Timothy 3

20. There would be many involved in travel (Daniel 12:4

21. The Christian Gospel would be preached as a warn(Matthew 24:14)

22. Jesus said Christians would be hated "for His name

23: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, athe earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and thearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those thin

the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (Luk

24: Youth would become rebellious For men shall be l

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current ascension cycle, non-physical dimension contemplation and reflection between lives, and olower consciousness reality ( fal len state )). Rev 20deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and

beast and the false prophet are (fallen State) , andand night for ever and ever.

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(Christ Consciousne

(Unity Consciousness Living as opposed to D

His disciples said to him: On what day w come? Jesus said: “It cometh not with ob

about it. The same is true about a person not j

without also going through the necessary d there. Just reading either one of these to

understanding until the process is instilled i

k it “ li k” i t th i b i d th l

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makes it “click” into their being and then also


The person without the Spirit does not ac that come from the Spirit of God but co

foolishness, and cannot understand them

are discerned only through the Spirit. 1

For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom

intelligence of the intelligent I will frustra 1:19

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covenant, then

special treasur people; for

Mine. And you

kingdom of p

nation. Exodus

This is by ac

DNA to receive the benefits that will then occu

ascending Earth cycle Everything in life

one very like it, will keep recurring until you le

have learned from it you no longer need that not recur and you can go on to learn somethin

by learning from the situation you have adva

here that old problem is no longer importa

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where that old problem is no longer importa

lesson for too long of a time without progres

have to leave your body and start fresh again

some of your beliefs.

You are doing this to move forward and ge

conscious levels that then show you the wa

process your personal relationship between C

do it in privacy so that others will not get in y

truth. This is not a competition and you should period that makes you comfortable even tho

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surrendering to Christ and how it is done. If a

will to adjust what is occurring, then the re followers of Christ by what he is showing you

Christians. They instead would be followers

level belief system that was put togethe

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level belief system that was put togethe

environment. This is why Christ stated:

Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ w Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Fa

On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We

and cast out demons in your name and performed man

But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from m


Allow this rebalancing to occur in your life to u ascending out of the fallen state vibratory

choose to transform into higher consciousnes

them away from their previous ways of life choice of living now in unity consciousness in

state of duality consciousness. You will also

have the higher consciousness hold a person

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have the higher consciousness hold, a person

practice. It is very easy to descend again into

are comfortable with their present level of con

to remain there regardless of information on spiritual knowledge. After being happily marr

only way I would have pursued this is knowing

be ok as I continued in my path. Everything wo

us and with my prayers of allowing them conti

and God’s grace. This still is playing out perfec

a way of giving me peace with the process as lessons are brought to the surface for each to w

corporations. Smaller businesses can keep s

people together to prevent negative karma fro actions found in larger businesses due to lar

“natural” people working for those companie

nature at all levels There is nothing wrong

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nature at all levels. There is nothing wrong

natural state except that they will commit dai

the rebalancing (karma) that is necess

unconscious actions. There is more cont proprietorship or small business that can get a

quicker without outside worry of karma relate

Keep this in mind when choosing your next c

always be trials and tribulations in getting th

order to maintain your persistence to receive t

God’s grace will be given to you repeatedly if truly want to progress.

otherwise. If you do, then you are allowing tho

your space and share your experience which with



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to Sp


con prev



It ju


outc God

Contemporary English Version (C33 But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what He

yours as well.

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Revelation 310 “Because you have obeyed my command to

protect you from the great time of testing that w whole world to test those who belong to

John 11:25-26New King James Version (NKJV

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the li

M th h h di h h ll li 26 A d h

very hard. Or you may wonder why some people

energies and others seem not to notice anything.

Well, the "old model" third-dimensional human

seven chakra energy system, of which only may

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gy y , y y

lower chakras were fully functional and clear. Th

angel" operates on a twelve chakra energy sy

chakras need to be clear and functional. A

vibrations of the 8th and 9th chakras are mediate

body in a fully awakened being. This means tha

of energy are pouring through the bio-energetic s

New Earth "human angel".

The importance of keeping the bio-energetic syste

to the health and well-being of the individual, ot"blow" and there will be problems both physical

gland in the brain is the crucial portal for th

vibrations of light. In the human angel or asce

active and functional at all times. In the old ene

used in meditation; the person would "go up

vibrations of guides and angels and the highe

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g g g

down" again. The fully activated human

angelic/spiritual portal in a fully active state

equivalent to being in a state of deep meditatio

during ordinary waking hours. This is why so ma

feel "spacey" and "disorientated" as they adjust

deep level of consciousness. It is the work of th

higher level of consciousness and still be ground

clearly in the physical world. However, Theta is a

creation and shaping energy with intent for man

this adjustment is made, miracles can be created

We must emphasize, that the human body is a ma organism that always seeks balance. In this pr

evolution it strives to assist you to find that

possible so that you can enjoy the power an

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p y j y p

crystalline body. The rewards will be increased lo

and boundless energy. But the problem right n

often that the way that you live is not allowing

adjustments that it needs. So as your Pituitary gla

stimulation, you will need to slow down. If you do

for you. That is why so many people experienc

forces them to slow down and to allow the recal

of the bio-energetic hormonal or Endocrine syste

It is far better, to heed your body's instructions tostressed or tired the rest As you rest your H

not only enhances feelings of Unconditional

fundamental role in the health of the body by s

immune system.

A Strong Body supports a Strong Spiritual End

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Probably the best way to support the changes i

regular physical exercise and good diet. A stron

better vehicle for the powerful twelve chakra ene

tired one.

In fact, unless you build your physical strength,

support the demands of the new energy load on y

Earth crystalline body is a strong and healthy

move and to be active. It likes fresh air and outdtime you spend outdoors breathing deeply as

Great Tribulation

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Great Tribulation

From Wikipedia

The Great Tribulation (Greek : θλίψις μεγάλη, thlipsis megaevents that are described during the "signs of the times", first

Olivet discourse.[1]

The Great Tribulation is also referenced in

The Great Tribulation is when all will have to go through the

as compared to their individual chance of going through their beforehand. I believe all of us have had the opportunity to go

d i t Ch i t hi h t h i di id ll h t

3 And out of the smoke came forth locusts to the earth, and to

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the scorpions of the earth have power.

4 And it was said to them that they should not harm the grass

thing or any tree, but men who do not have the seal of God on

5 And it was given them that they should not kill them, but th

five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorp

6 And in those days men will seek death and shall by no mean

to die, and death flees from them.

7 And the locusts were like horses prepared for war, and on thwere crowns like gold, and their faces were like faces of men

17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision and those sitting on

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of afire and of hyacinth and of brimstone; and the heads of th

of lions, and out of their mouths proceed fire and smoke and b

18 By these three plagues the third part of the men were kille

and the brimstone proceeding out of their mouths.

19 For the power of the horses is in their mouth and in their t

serpents and have heads, and with them they harm men.

20 And the rest of the men, who were not killed by these plagthe works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and

and brass and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear

21 A d th did t t f th i d f th i i

3.5-year periods, (Daniel 9:27) The time period for these beli

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passages: in the book of Daniel, "time, times, and half a time

years, and half a year," and the Book of Revelation, "a thousathreescore days" and "forty and two months" (the prophetic m

hence 1260/30 = 42 months or 3.5 years). The 1290 days of D

1260 days of Revelation 11:3), is thought to be the result of e

leap month adjustment, or due to further calculations related tintermediate stage of time that is to prepare the world for the



Among futurists there are differing views about what will hapTribulation:

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In pre tribulationism and mid tribulationism, the Rapture and Greek , par[a]ousia) of Christ are separate events, while in po

events are identical or simultaneous. Another feature of the p

beliefs is the idea that after the Rapture, Christ will return forcounting the first coming) to set up his kingdom on the earth.

Some, including many Roman Catholic theologians, do not b period as usually described by tribulationists, but rather that t

period led by the Antichrist.

Many other groups, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, do not belieAccording to Jehovah's Witnesses, the Great Tribulation is so

ill th f ll f B b l th G t th G t H l t

The judgment on the Jewish nation was executed by the Rom

b i i f d l i k f b D i l h h "

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abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet"

Luke presented to his Gentile audience, unfamiliar with DaniJerusalem to cause its "desolation." (Luke 21:20)

Since Matthew 24 begins with Jesus visiting the Jerusalem Te"there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall

3), preterists see nothing in Scripture to indicate that another

built. The prophecies were all fulfilled on the then-existing teand that was subsequently destroyed within that generation.

Historicist view

The Historicist view applies Tribulation to the period known

i ( i l l i ) hi i b li d b

Heaven Quest ions com

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Welcome ~ Home Page

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Will Christians Go Through T

This is a tremendously important question confronting the ch views are polarized between spiritual and unspiritual segme question is represented by believers who are deeply devoted

that Evangelical Christians hold to…

1 First all Christians go through the Tribulation and their tran

From this it is obvious that the question is not whether any whether all the Christians will go through the Tribulation? Raptured before that time?

Notice what Paul has to say about this event in his epistle to thI Thessalonians 4:13 17: But I would not have you to be i

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I Thessalonians 4:13-17: But I would not have you to be i asleep (died ), that you sorrow not, even as others which have rose again, even so them also which sleep (died) in Jesus w by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and rema ( precede) them which are asleep (dead ). For the Lord Himse the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: an which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with and so shall we ever be with the Lord'!

The same event is referred to in… I Corinthians 15: 51-52: Behold, I show (tell) you a mystery; changed , In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the las dead shall be raised incorruptible (imperishable), and we (al

The Bible makes many references to the fact that God's pe coming of Christ. If the Rapture was not going to occur unti

appointed. And the king ( AntiChrist ) shall do according to h himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things ag indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he s

This clearly shows God’s people were living on earth during

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This clearly shows God s people were living on earth during logical aspect, the concept that there will be Christians u probable. For example, the individuals who had been exp rejected it will begin to reconsider their views in light of the predicted in the book of Revelation. Many who once scoffe seek the Lord. Being in a position of viewing fulfilled prop great numbers to believe what they previously had not.

2. Jesus Taught The Gathering Of Some Elect Takes P

We quoted this passage before but because of its importance w

Matthew 24:21-22, 29-31: Then shall be great Tribulation, su

to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

4. The Man Of Sin (Antichrist) Will Rise First Before

II Thessalonians 2:3-4, 6-7: Now we beseech you, brethren, our gathering together unto Him, That you be not shaken in word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is atfor that day will not come except there come a falling aw

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for that day will not come, except there come a falling aw AntiChrist) be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes an that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of know what restrains him now so that he might be revealed so until He is taken out of the way. And then shall that W destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even Him, whos power and signs and lying wonders.

Here again we see that the coming of Christ to set up His Ki rise of the AntiChrist (also called the "man of sin" and the believers takes place afterward. Paul emphasized that no one come until the "man of sin be revealed."

“Falling away” means “ departure” , and is a reference to t

restrained on Earth until the Holy Spirit which dwells within GWith Christ's Bride removed from the scene, the AntiChrist w

were no Christians on earth during the Tribulation, the AntiC we are told that he does make war with the saints. The Book on this. From this and other Scriptures, we see that the eviden during the Tribulation.

Revelation 13:7: And it was given to him to make war with

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Revelation 13:7: And it was given to him to make war with was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Daniel 7:21: I beheld, and the same horn (the AntiChrist ) m them.

7. Revelation Declares The Final Reaping By Christ O

Revelation 14 shows that at this period in the Tribulation, the and the Christians are still being persecuted by him. In Tribulation is still on, and some Christians are yet on earth. T chapter, we see "one ... like unto the Son of man" reaping harvest which follows the Great Tribulation.

Revelation 14:9-20: And the third angel followed, saying with

of the sun and moon. On the other hand, the Great Day of H the moon.

Some Christians Will Go Throu But None Will Go Through The

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Acts 2:19-21: And I will show wonders in heaven above, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, a notable day of the Lord comes: And it shall come to pass ( d

the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Revelation 6:12-17: I beheld when he had opened the sixth se sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mou And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich m and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in th said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from

the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of His wrath is com

R l ti 15 1 2 & 6 7 A d I th i i h

shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven… (His Sec

Christ words on His coming surely imply imminency. The cannot be imminent. On the other hand, the first-fruit Raptu be said to be imminent. This harmonizes with the words of Je

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Mark 13:32: But of that day and that hour knows no man, no Son, but the Father.

2. The Out-Resurrection Of The Old Testament Saints

The Scriptures speak of an out-resurrection of the Old Testam passed over as not of special significance. Actually, they have

Matthew 27:51-53: And, behold, the veil of the temple was r earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were open arose, And came out of the graves after His Resurrection, many.

These verses declare there has already been an out-resurrectio

resurrection of the righteous in which every saved person settled long ago. As to his personal salvation and assurance o

II Timothy 1: 12: For I know whom I have believed, and am have committed to Him against that day.

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Paul was not seeking salvation by some strenuous and prolo general resurrection. Paul was after the prize of the out-resur

Philippians 3:8: I have suffered the loss of all things, and do

Christ ... that I may know Him, and the power of His resurre

We too may seek for the prize of the Out-Resurrection Bride! Paul was running the race to obtain an imperishab

1 Corinthians 9: 24-27: Do you not know that they who run run , that you may obtain it. And every man that strives for things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible ( perishab (imperishable Crown). I therefore so run, not as uncertainl

discipline my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by myself should be a castaway.

( Revelation. 3:7-22).

The Lord speaks of setting before this church "an open doo explain itself, we find that the "open door" signifies, amo heaven. In the very next chapter, John is caught up to heav Chronologically in the prophetic narrative, this catching awa

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g y p p , g and just before the Great Tribulation.

Christ also adds in His message to the Philadelphia church, t that fast which you have, so that no man can take your cr

Christ is related to those believers who are ready to receiv crown. Some will be saved by fire. The truth in this verse Rapture. Furthermore, the Lord related these Philadelphia ov in the temple of God.

Christ declares that He will write upon him the name of His G of Revelation 14: 1 who have the "Father's name written shall see, are in heaven during the Great Tribulation, an already taken place (See point 9). The Lord closes with the w

the Spirit says to the churches" (Revelation 3:13). Are we ab

Revelation 7 . The only similarity between the two companie God in their foreheads which probably will be true of all Revelation 7 are only Israelites while the 144,000 of Reve among men.

The 144,000 Israelites are living on earth during the Great an

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by sealing ( Rev. 7:3). On the other hand, the 144,000 First-F the throne of God ( Rev. 14:4-5).

Earthly Zion could not contain 144,000 people. The 144,000

Zion which, at the most, could hold only a few thousand peop room for 144,000 saints on the heavenly Zion as well as an "

With the 144,000 of Revelation 7 still on earth during the G 144,000 of Revelation 14 are in heaven during the Great Trib the Lord, then it is obvious that the two companies are not ide

9. The Enoch And Noah Type Indicates Rapture Befo

We have at least two types in the Old Testament which indica

Although Elisha permitted them to search for three days, the prophetic scale of a day for a year, we can see that the thre Great Tribulation, in which people will be searching for miss

During the Tribulation the wicked will mock the people of Go

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Elisha with the words, "Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou of Elijah's translation. But two bears suddenly "came . . . ou of them" (II Kings 2: 24). (Notice: the number 42 is ass Tribulation which lasts 42 months.) Elisha is obviously a

before the Tribulation. Nevertheless, there was resurrection man came in contact with his bones, and the man revived a Many of the Tribulation Christians will die as martyrs to be

There is one more important scriptural evidence that pertains and that is the prophecy of the Sun-Clothed Woman and the

The Woman Clothed With The Sun And

well as those of Israel. The twelve stars answer to the twelve The dragon's seven heads, which represent the seven successi therefore has been in existence during this entire period. How they will be in Revelation 13:1. This shows that in point Tribulation. For in Revelation 13 the ten horns of the kingdo by then the Tribulation has arrived.

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Now, we notice that the sun-clothed woman is in travail. S nations with a rod of iron. While this Manchild does symboliz primary fulfillment. The prophecy was, in fact, given over six

could not be a prophecy if it referred only to the past. Prophec

Rev. 12:5- 6: And she brought forth a man child, who was to was caught up to God, and to His throne. And the woman f prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand tw

In the light of the above fact, it is obvious that this prophec overcomers who are to rule the nations with a rod of iron:

Revelation 2:26-27: And he that overcomes, and keeps my w the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as

separation from the world. The ten virgins represent the true they are saved people. They are said to have taken their lam The psalmist says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a of the light of God's Word, they were able to go forth and wat

Since all of the ten are virgins, what then distinguishes the foo

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failed to take oil in their vessels with their lamps, while the Holy Spirit. The elders are commanded to anoint the sick wi the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointin 5: 14). The oil in itself has no power to heal but rather signifi

It is God's purpose that His Spirit shall flow continually throu His people ( John 7: 37 -38). Our lights can be kept burning constantly replenished. Neglect can cause the supply to dimin

Paul in II Corinthians 4:7 speaks of our bodies as "earthen ve and that at the resurrection "an house not made with hands" this "earthen vessel" holds "the earnest of the Spirit." "'Now is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spir

the need of keeping oil in their vessels. The foolish virgins neglected to keep oil in them.

has ever known. The day of "playing church" will be over, Christian experience. People will urgently seek God and the still available until the beginning of the Day of the Lord ( Acts in the First-Fruit Rapture.

So the Lord had to say to the foolish virgins, "I know you no"I k d f h k i i i

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"I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniqui "workers of iniquity," neither did He say, "I never knew you you not." He indeed knew them as believers who accepted had come as Bridegroom. He could not recognize them as m

The whole teaching of the parable is that those who would would be "virgins ... without fault before the throne of God ones who will make up the Manchild Company of believers words of Christ portrayed, "One shall be taken, and the othe

What Will Be The Effect Of The R

It is not too difficult to imagine what happens on earth when of the Manchild into immortality takes out of the world some

1. What will be the effect of the Rapture on the Christi

In the days of Elijah, the sons of the prophets had a premo Kings 2:5). Yet when the event occurred, they were not read not convinced that Elijah had gone all the way to heaven

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j g y probably had been transported to another place ( I Kings 18:1 on a three-day search ( II Kings 2: 16 ). Of course they did not

(Could those "three days" foreshadow or speak of people s years of the Great Tribulation?)

Certainly there will be many who will rationalize the strang will be in harmony with what they want to believe. Th transportation as in the case of Philip, so people may be inclin been merely transported to another place, as the sons of the pr

2. With others, however, the event will result in heartb

Too late they realize that they have neglected the repeated wa

In the first place there has already taken place a partial Old T resurrection is not part of the first resurrection, then of which

That the text in I Thessalonians 4:13-17 indicates that all ev one instant is not consistent with good Bible interpretation. Fo

J h 5 28 29 M l t t thi f th h i i i

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John 5: 28-29: Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in voice. And shall come forth; they that have done good, to th evil. to the resurrection of damnation.

These verses might just as well be taken to indicate that the re takes place at the same hour, and some indeed actually so te 1000 years elapse between the two resurrections.

Moreover, as we have noted before, Paul definitely speaks of all occurs at one instant, there would be no order to it. He those that are His at His coming. And Paul himself declar resurrection.

But Wouldn’t A First-Fruit Rapture D

company of true overcomers.

Why Are The First-Fruits Taken Bef

The above question is, we believe, one of the upmost seriou effect of causing us to consecrate our lives to Christ as we

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company a reward? Yes, being included can be considered the

Luke 21:36: Watch you therefore, and pray always, that yo things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of

The promise to the Philadelphia church that it would be kep come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the ear the promise is associated with receiving a "crown."

Revelation 3: 10: I come quickly: hold fast to what you have,

The popular view that the Raptured Christians are taken to h Tribulation altogether misses the point. Those of the Smyr

persecution during the days of pagan Rome did not considewere Christ's martyr saints The Lord knew their "Tribulation

3. We are told that the Manchild Company will "rule all such a task before them, there is good reason why they shou they may be ready for their great work.

Christ is the head of the Manchild Company, which will ruunder Him in carrying out this responsibility

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under Him in carrying out this responsibility.

4. But probably of the most immediate importance, the displacement of Satan and his angels from the heavenlies

caught up to heaven that the great final battle in the heavenlie the dragon. But they will not accomplish the task alone. The

Revelation 12:11-12: And they overcame him by the blood of and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil is c he knows that he has but a short time.

In reading this passage we see that together with the blood o

word of the over-comer's testimony is required. There is a m who live on earth are not able to comprehend fully this great


M lti Di i

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"In my Fathers Kingdom there a

We are extremely complex multi-dime function through many different ene


A Physical Body - enables us to functio dimension. Associated with the 1st

physical elements, and

A A t l B d i th bilit

Making clear cut distinctions between can sometimes be difficult, especially

aspects and energies merge, interac every soul comes from a different pla

perspective or point of view, there arethese matters This doesnt make one

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these matters. This doesnt make one right, only that everyone is different i and spiritually see and understand. Th

down by differing opinions or conce much more complex and glorious

ourselves cred

Channel This earthly dimension - where our h

the tip of the iceberg to who we a

connected with and access. Extendin various dimensions of creation

many subjects take lifeti

Purificatio The primary goal of most all spir

purification of the mental-emotional-sp

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idea of purification is that all the chann unencumbered to enable the powerf higher consciousness of spirit to free

whole beings. If we can create the " crystal clear channels (Christ like), our

and gifts may fully inhabit a

One may look upon the levels or dim multi-tiered apartment complex (sky

highest levels (the penthouse or mast to the heavens - the air is clear and w As we travel down to the lower levels

Each energetic vibrational dimensio corresponding sympathetic resonan with, and penetrate into various as


The highest most subtle of dimensi

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The highest most subtle of dimensi "Paradise" - where the purified soul

lower levels are called "Purgatory" - w

"purged" of their karma. And the very material level is called "Hell" - where

are unwilling or unable to release thei reality, enslaved to their lower passio


Paradise, Purgatory or Hell - are not s out “there”, but are linked energetica

inner state of mind or consciousnesseverywhere the soul goes be it in fles

As one ascends up the scale, the very higher dimensions become made up of and vibrations, which make it easier a these dimensions to manipulate... simthe creative powers of the mind and h

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the creative powers of the mind and h or desire. Yet, unlike the Angelic b

consciousness), the level of consciousn

dimensional beings exists within a c "me", "you", "us" and "them" - meanin

of separation. At these levels of cons not always predicated on what is goo Will”), but what the ego-mind decide "me" and “mine”. The individual stil

choices that they wish, yet if they ma with the divine will and its universal l

unity), they shall create pain and suth R id t f ll th di i

even interpret any one of them as our

Imagine you are traveling above and body... floating into outer space y

planetary body.... and above your solaand beyond that is your etheric–galact

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and beyond that is your etheric galact the empty space between galaxies is y

and beyond all that your universal li


And sitting beyond all these intermedia expansive consciousnesses of your Hig

your "Creato

Now imagine beyond the very limits of milky way galaxy contains our solar

contains this galaxy... there is yet a wonly encloses but has actually bir

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by Suzan Caroll PhDJanuary 2011

from Multidimensions Website Spanish version

"Dimensions" are a means of organizing different planes

their vibratory rate. Each dimension has certain sets of lifi t th f f th t di i St i Th

FIRST DIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS First dimensional consciousness is awareness as a point.

The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is the Mineral Kingdom. Current third di

any awareness as we recognize it, but healers and shaman have been using crystals as he

Humans' first dimensional consciousness is "unconscious" to our five physical senses. How

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and represents the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physic

unconscious, we could connect with the entire physical world via its most basic common de

Perhaps we could even consciously access our own genetic coding.

I feel myself upon the first step of my consciousness. I am of the first dimension. I am an ato

strand of DNA. However, I cannot perceive the strand or the other molecules of water and c

awareness. However, as I look inside myself, I find that another world exists, a world of elec

I am the gateway between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

SECOND DIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESSSecond dimensional consciousness is awareness as point and line

FIRST STAGE OF LIFEIn the first stage, we are children, and we are dependent on others for our survival.

In this state of dependency we do not realize that our consciousness holds the seeds

we are powerless over our environment and are victims to the circumstances of our l

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It is our goal to gain enough self-awareness as we mature beyond this child state so t

SECOND STAGE OF LIFEIn the Second Stage we are independent.

This independence develops as we learn that we can control our own life. Through ou

our ability to be responsible and we maintain our responsibility because we respect o

sense of personal power.

Without a sense of personal power we are filled with fear which reduces us to "surviv


As our consciousness expands, so does our definition of the world in which we live.

I expand my consciousness to the next step. I am three-dimensional. I am aware of m

struggle for survival. I need to feed myself, shelter myself, and cover my body. I wish


Yes, there are feelings and thoughts. With my thoughts I remember my past. My feeli

l f With th ht I l th f t hi h I d i

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love, or fear. With my thoughts I plan the future which I desire.

But do I have the power to create my life or am I a victim to the world around me?

FOURTH DIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS Fourth dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, length, breadth, height, volume, a

The fourth dimension is also known as the Astral Plane, and the primary consciousness of th

as the "higher human." Because of the octave leap in vibration from third to fourth dimensio

etheric and fourth dimensional perception of past, present, and future is more fluid, as the la

On the fourth dimension, we can reintegrate our group identity without the loss of our persovehicles are used to contain individual consciousness


There are different planes, which are increases in frequency, which we can access b

The Lower Astral Plane holds the invisible emanations of all the fear and negativity th

The Lower Astral has been known as Hell , with Purgatory being above that. Fourth d

extends third dimensional emotions.

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Therefore, it is often known as the "realm of emotion". The Lower Astral, which holds

not a pleasant experience and a path must be forged through it into the higher sub-p

The Land of Faerie, which we read about as children in our "Fairy Tales", actually ex acts as respite after we have forged our pathway through the fear and darkness of th

After we have experienced Faerie, we can travel in our fourth dimensional consciousn

Emotional Plane, also known as the Astral Plane, to learn about the master of our em

From there, we can travel up into the Mental Plane to learn mastery of our thoughts.

In the Causal Plane, also known as the Higher Mental Plane, we can learn the cause

create our world. The Spiritual Plane connects us to the higher guidance of our I AM

be sailing the ocean. We are the boat, the ocean is the Astral Plane, the location we

the sail and the steering, and the wind is our emotions.

If our emotions are fearful and tumultuous we will have an uncomfortable ride.

Even though our desire is for the higher planes of the fourth dimension, our personal

Astral Plane where fear, which is the lack of emotional balance, rules. If we wish to jo

dimension we must keep our thoughts harmonious and our feelings centered in the i

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dimension we must keep our thoughts harmonious and our feelings centered in the i

eventually, we can experience all the planes of the fourth dimension.

Then our I AM Presence can lead us across the Bridge into the fifth dimension and be

I step into the fourth dimension. I see my connection to all of life and to my third dime

However, I still experience myself as an individual.

My reality is very mutable now. Persons and places change quickly, but I am aware th

these experiences. My fearful thoughts create frightening situations, and my loving th

fear, I go down into a world of torment and sorrow.

However, if I follow love, I see a Rainbow Bridge of Light.

Unconditional Forgiveness

Unconditional Acceptance

We hold no judgment, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions of ourselves that are s

In fact, our fifth dimensional self serves as a guide to the lower aspects of our consciousnes

There are also sub planes of the fifth dimension but awareness of and therefore writings a

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There are also sub-planes of the fifth dimension, but awareness of, and therefore writings a

that there is a threshold upon which we wait for our Divine Complement . Our Divine Comple

polarity of our integrated male/female androgynous Lightbody that was split off from us whe

I am upon the step of the fifth dimension and see that there are many steps above me. I am the lower steps, as well as my other fifth dimensional realities.

Love and fear, beauty and ugliness, are only polarities of a single concept.

I live in unity with the male and female expressions of my being. I have learned to Unconditio

Unconditionally Forgive all life and the portions of that life that I identify as myself. I have a s


My thoughts and feelings are instantly manifested, and my body of Light lives forever in the N

We are a vessel of light, and our LIGHT is multidimensional!


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AWARENESSpoint point & line point, line, length

breadth, height, &




mineral kingdom plants, biological

creatures w/o self-


higher animals &




none none individual awarenes




1. external inhabitants of first dimension

i.e.: rocks and crystals

1. internal components of first dimensio

i.e.: water, minerals, genetic coding


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2. external inhabitants of second

dimension i.e.: plants and insects

3. animals in external world

4. intellect and reason

5. ego/outer self

6. willful thoughts and reactive emotions

7. pertinent information relayed to brain by

central nervous system i.e.: conscious,

willful movement, &information that you


2. external components of second

dimension i.e.: life support of

autonomic nervous system

3. animal component of 3D self

4. instincts and intuition

5. inner self

6. self-talk and repressed emotions

7. nervous system stimuli that is not

26. physical body

27. present physical time

28. individual consciousness

29. separate individuals

23. communication by telepathy, empath

intuition & visual cues of body language

24. past lives, past deaths, past and

present birth

25. spiritual guides & mentors

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30. limitations of everyday life

31. concept of God

32. physical mate in 3D world

33. outer identity of human mate

34. conditional love, conditional

forgiveness, conditional acceptance

i.e.: I will love you if you…

35. awareness of this 3D life

p g

26. etheric & astral body

27. time/space paradigm

28. collective consciousness

29. Communication with All That IS

30. freedom from physical limitation

31. Reality of God/Goddess/All That Is

32. Divine Complement in 5D world

If I could not see what was in the pond, maybe I would have to feel it. Maybe, I would have t upon me.

The thought of entering the murky water made me cringe. Should I keep my clothes on as s

the water as naked as the day I was born?

I knew the answer. I must face the depths without any external protection. I must find my pr

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I knew the answer. I must face the depths without any external protection. I must find my pr

murky pond. Courage, which was deep within my core, would be my only protection to face

I shed my clothes quickly, before I lost my nerve, and jumped into the foreboding pond. I he

navigated with my arms, as I was not quite ready to open my eyes.

When I touched the bottom of the pond, I knew that I must open my eyes while I still had en

vision of muck and grime awaited my opening eyes. But what was that-just over there?

Something golden was sparkling against the surrounding filth. Oh it must be rescued, I thou

different from the dirt that surrounds it.

I swam to the golden sparkle and wiped the mud from its surface. The dark mud hovered in

reached for the treasure with the intention of bringing it to the surface, but found that it was

pulled, but it did not budge.

This New World is filled with challenges that we can't yet imagine. We have told ourselves th easy. However, is it easy to learn how to hold the consciousness of a cloud?

We have worn these earthen bodies for so many third dimensional lives that we have forgot

create to define and protect us. We have defined ourselves as human and learned to protec

could not protect ourselves from each other.

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We humans have always been our own greatest enemy.

What will it be like when we are fifth dimensional and there are NO polarities, N

How will it feel when we hold all polarities within our form?

How will it feel when we are male and female, together in an androgynous Lig

If we can IMAGINE how it will feel, if we can REMEMBER how it has felt, it will hasten our tr

However, in order to remember the feeling of our true multidimensional selves, we will also h

and separation.

We created these programs during our many third dimensional lives These programs will n

You Are A Multi-Dimensional Being

You Are A Multi-Dimensional Being - 9 July 2011

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9 July 2011We are all multi-dimensional beings. We know this but conti


We all came from One point of Nothing - No-Thing - Infinite

We then accepted Duality - two dimensions - and thus experi

from Source. This duality explains male/female, right/wrong

duality that we currently experience.

beings lost their physical bodies for some reason but are still

souls can find another body and reincarnate, or possess a less

share a body.

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It is true that without a physical body it is almost impossible t

consciousness. Once a being has lost their body, they do not

So how did we get bodies in the first place?

"And God said, 'Let us create man in our own image.'" The Sand all the other dimensions got together and concept(ualized

a naturally occuring phenomenon as shown by David Wilcoc

( Isis (Gene-of-Isis/Genesis) and O

together with Anubis (a-new-bus/vehicle) and conceptualizedi t P h th DNA i l i l t d

We have to remember the higher dimensions while valuing th

where we currently reside. The fifth dimensional beings have


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Together we will have a most magnificient Universe!

Multidimensional Beings

GuidesGuides are usually other beings who have incarnated as huma

us accept they are not incarnaid Th

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guide. They may or may not

generally they have incarnate

are fit to help guide you becato be here and they are not cuessentially residing in their li

dimensions and so they have

reality. They are not distortedcan communicate with many

dimensions clearly and with e

They have agreed to help gui

for this life. They are in contalf d th k

experience first go. All that is needed are the simple techniqu


Through your practices you will quickly become aware of thed ill b bl i h h d i

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you and you will be able to connect with them and communic

truly amazing beings...

AnimalsAnimals are far more than meets the eyes. Most come from o

and in a certain respect they are Extra Terrestrials incarnated inhabit on their home planet may be completely different to th

very similar. As humans are involved in a reincarnation cycle

beings throughout the universe has there own reincarnation cy

cycle have a similar consciousness and have similar personalt f th t i l b b i th l All lif i

matter is extremely dense. Remember that it is only a small p

within the body and as the instincts take control of their body

conclude that they are of lower consciousness than us intelligill i hi h i t t f th

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illusion which was important for our purposes on earth.

Tuning into animals is probably the easiest way to awaken yo

to feel the various higher forces that are a part of our world. Avast beings of higher consciousness and are but a part of thesthird dimension. They have come here to help us with our pur

infinite love and light.

From Dolores Cannon's The Convoluted Universe -

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In Chapter 28 The Destruction of a Planet,

of an individual who was new to Earth, who sai

to Earth during crucial times. This was another s

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Those Left Behind

few hours, that you could say,“I was on Earevolution.” Why not?

D: Is this what I call the new Earth?(Yes)That old and a new, and then a separation. (Yes.)

won’t make the evolution?(Yes. Yes. ) I ’ m st

understand that.

J: It is difficult for many humans to understand

D: I ’ m still trying to clarify this to myself, so I c

other people.All i ht W ill i thi i F th

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The Convoluted Universe - Book Three

Earth that will experience it, because they bu

the death and destruction and devastation of

will be there. In their mind, they may perceiv

are dead or gone, or whatever. And likewise

perceive them as gone, but either way, there

experiences. So think of this as already there

orchestration to create this experience is so m

any human can perceive at this time. This is

orchestration, not just occurring on your Ear

h f hi d

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Those Left Behind

D: I know Earth was created with free will. But

created with the idea of not knowing it was p


J: Yes. It was an interesting construct of conscio

it experienced itself as separate. Where else

more growth than in a situation where you a

yourself as separate from your Source?

D: But you said the other races know they are a


Th C l d U i B k Th

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The Convoluted Universe - Book Three

Think of the beauty and the wonder of that. A

many of you, other lifetimes now, working o

and they are all participating in this as well.

alone, any of you.

D: We have to rediscover where we came from,here. But there was one question people hav

I think you have answered part of it. That if s

and some are left behind, wouldn’t those tha

new world notice the other members in their? Th thi I’ till t i

Th L ft B hi d

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Those Left Behind

J: In some cases, there have been those that have

are working on the other side of the veil. You

that. But some of those that disappear, after a

you think, “I wonder what happened to this p

don’t have the urge to contact them like you

You don’t have that driving urge, “Oh, I’m c

call. I must reach out.” It’s not the same. Yo

need to connect with them just isn’t there. It

You forget

Th C l t d U i B k Th

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The Convoluted Universe - Book Three

Comment: Could this be one reason why wh

others went to visit Nostradamus (Conversation

Nostradamus),he saw them as glowing energy sp

future? Was this because they were actually vibr

frequency that made them glow? That is someth


J: That’s the reason you’re a bridge to help other

cycles per second so they can make the shift

Those Left Behind

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Those Left Behind

J: There will be some of you that will have the o

at all. Just to make your transition, just to cro

everybody’s going to be at exactly the same

same time. Remember that.

D: Yes. I was thinking maybe the body would ge

that it could just maintain itself until the sou


J: That’s exactly right. Not for everyone, though

many people making this transition and let’

The Convoluted Universe Book Three

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The Convoluted Universe - Book Three

D: I ’ ve also been told that not everyone will makthe new world.

J: This is correct. When the Earth is going to ma

there’s the idea that many souls are allowed

because, as you say, you experience many th

growth as a soul. And so, there have been m

beginners coming into the planet. Sometime

with advanced students can be helpful As yo

MORE INFORMATION about how our bodithrough the dimensional shift process, and it around who do not make the shift or change:

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“Our bodies and everything around us arvibratory rate and adjusting to a new frequenc begins to vibrate at such a fast rate that it turnthe temperature of the body increases and the When every cell is vibrating at a very high ratnormal vision and move into a higher dimensithe body has moved in vibration beyond the thvibrating on a much higher dimensional levelgo through the death process, as you will then

will not exist for you and you will have stepplit Y th th t t f

At a lecture in Chicago in 2006, I was d

New Earth I was describing the vision that An

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New Earth. I was describing the vision that An

Earth splitting into two Earths. How, as the one

Earths the people on each would not be aware oother. Those who had raised their frequency an

into the New Earth as it evolved and lifted into

becoming invisible to the ones “left behind.” T

about this concept that bothered me. I always li

guess because of my great curiosity. I have fel

needed to be filled. Pieces that needed to be exp

audience asked the question about how this cou

are faced by major decisions. It can happen eac

faced with choices, no matter how big or small

decision, another universe or dimension is insta

h i l b lit d th “

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choice can also become a reality, and another “

part. They are all just as real as the present life

not aware of these other parts of us, and it is wi

minds would never be able to handle it all. I wa

with the brain, it is with the mind. There are sim

human mind to allow us to comprehend all the

why we will never be allowed to have all the an

could understand. So they (in their wisdom) cho

give us during this time of awakening, so we w

i f ti A d i d d t

The main difference here is that “they” said thi

a grand scale before. Never in the history of the

planet changed its frequency and vibration to sh

Th t i h it i id t b th t t h i

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That is why it is said to be the greatest show in

from many different galaxies and dimensions a

going to happen. Are we going to be able to do

to pull it off?

The train is leaving the station. It is taki

that has never been experienced on this scale be

individual whether they get onboard or remain

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Awaking thConscio

Awakening Christ Consciousness is an application of a

d t di f t h l f ti it i t li k d

topic, "Accessing the consciousness of another," talks deeper

Although we do not realize it, we awaken to the awareness to ththink about it, our whole education system is designed to awathat provided by the teacher. Whether that awareness is about hhave a certain type and kind of mystical experiences, individuato the awareness of others through out humanity. The queawaken to the awareness of another if they have never met the

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awaken to the awareness of another if they have never met the with what that individual does with the awareness they have?"

The answer to this question lies in the actions of the inperspective and the equivalency of energy consciousness, outhe outer. This means to truly awaken to the awareness of different. Our actions in some way will become more in aligndid who first awakened to the awareness we access. For those sexperienced an individual or the awareness they may have ponot we accessed the awareness they possessed is whether or n

kind of actions they performed

greater the clarity of the whole. Within this view, it is also pos

any aspect or all of Creation from within our nonconscious miany one aspect of Creation, in this case the Christ Consciousnefocus of our attention and awareness to make certain aspecconscious. Of course, because our inner world is reflected inner awareness we can expect our external world to become think this is possible all depends on what you think and believeto do your own experience to see if what is said here is true

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to do your own experience to see if what is said here is true.

The principle lesson learned from accessing Sh

The principle lesson learned from accessing what is called thway we can create through strong held nonconscious intentionsespecially for finding answers to deeply held questions.

Christ is reported to have said, "Ask and you shall receive, seekit will be open to you." So, many take Christ at His word and

way they think they need or should ask Yet many are disapph d h f hi h h k k M h

The third condition is that of have a deep feeling for w

remembered and understood that creative power lies in feelingenergy to create any experience. We experience the flow of eUnless there is a feeling at some level of our being that conenergy will not be present to manifest what we desire and seek

Often we ask or seek things with little passion. But there is That is there are no strong lasting feelings which go with what

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That is there are no strong lasting feelings which go with whatlasting feeling causes us to never lose focus. It does not matte

causes us to become distracted and our attention and awareneshave for what we seek continually pushes us back to the journe

Similarly, it does not matter what we experience and/or how ouwe still have the same passion for what we originally desiremuch of what we desire and want comes from our mind ressence of or being. When we have new experiences and/ochanges, our mind changes and our desire vanishes. We no lonHowever, something that arises from desire which has a deep lif h d/ h h t thi k d b li

find an inner satisfaction they will never find satisfaction in an

Although the author can provide a variety of examples of wheown life, it was only realized in stumbling into the Shams Cohindsight. Quite simply, most do not see the reality of the worseek and you shall find, knock and it will be open to you." becafor and seek in the way our mind expects to receive them. Or, wis shallow and only a passing desire of mind such that we ne

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y p g des epoint focus at the depth of our being and never lose focus to g

To use these words of Christ in our life we need to learn tcreativity and learn to trust the creative process to deliver thBut we need to feel what we seek and ask for at the depth of orealize mind only knows the past and we need to create whaknew how to get it, we would already have it and would not bthis regard, mind will be of limited value in getting what we what we desire. Here we need to learn to step out of mind andwe desire and hold an unwavering single point focus for whab i ti th i t iti id i f h

external world changes depends on what we access. We each h

here. We can copy and mimic any aspect of Creation. HoweveChrist or do what Christ did. We are here to be true to our tru

our life. There are gifts we incarnated to give. Unless we lrevealed. If we do not live true to ourselves we deny the CreCreator to be.

Some challenges and issues in awakening the C

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So e c e ges d ssues w e g e C

In attempting to access and awaken the Christ Consciousness wConsciousness, there are a variety of challenges and issues whito lose focus and/or not obtain what we seek. These challedifferent than what we face in any creative endeavor and espeis to access the awareness of another.

The issue of ego : More often than not, even though we have our ego likes the identity it has and does not seek to chaintentions are ego based. But when those desires and intention

ill fi d h b d h d i f h

our outer world will have to transform to accommodate this new

To access any awareness a part of who we are must die . Wh based on the experiences we have has. To access a new awareexperience changes who and what we are and to live thadifferent. In doing so, a part of us dies to be transformed into th

Awakening any awareness within our being that is currently

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learning to become phoenix and stepping through the fear ofenergy and consciousness will never die but only transform To awaken the Christ Consciousness within us, we do not havthe Christ Consciousness is to die before we die. We must fawhat we want and what we expect in our life.

The death is required as part of the creation process. If we arewe must face, we will be unable to create what we desire. Exac be a death it means for our life totally depends on how differopposed to the awareness available in the Christ Consciousnessgreater the change that can be e pected

years ago would be exactly the same to day. The essence will

done will be different. Here again, one will need a beginnerawakening the Christ Consciousness.

The awareness of what another feels : In the oneness of Creat be said that what does not allow us to see through the eyes of what keeps us separate. To see through the eyes of another in pain to access the interconnectedness and then the pain of the

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p pand their uniqueness. This fact is reflected in the old Native Amwalk a mile in the moccasin of another before we judge themeyes of another is not the same as having the awareness of anoth

An awareness of one is given to another all the time in our edunot have the pain of another as seeing through their eyes whedo become open to what they feel as a result of that awarenesomeone physically can cause them pain will not stop us fromcome to the awareness that hitting someone does cause pain, wall the people that experience the pain of being hit. We never f li th i hitti Wh t t

To create a gentle phoenix, we need to give ourselves permi

space within our own being to enter our creative imaginationnot have the freedom within our own being to explore options, in our external world to do what we need to do to create that gneed to look to see where we do and do not hold our own ccreate that space and way of being were we do hold it sacred.inspiration and understanding to make any creative endeavopossible However we do need to remember as discussed

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possible. However, we do need to remember as discussedcreation" is that Physical Creation is a place of unfoldme


If you are interested in awakening the Chri

The recommendation could be made to explore the informunderstanding of how it is possible we can access the awaren path of the author. Although that may be helpful, it is not the re

Th d ti i t li l thi O i t

Discussion groups and forum

Many individuals have found this material stimulating and/or conversations with other on these topics or desire to cindividuals. To assist these individuals, discussion groups and attention have been, and will be placed, in the file " Discuss

Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Topics" to help indiviother.

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MerKThe MerKaBa is a spinning structure of light si

spinning properly it works as an inter-dimens

may incarnate into the physical body. The dif

encompassing the entire body. In fact the Me

allows for the incarnation of the light body its

other parts of the light body such as the chak



The Column




is practice that is needed. You can study anat

physical exercise your body will not become f

body will not awaken them. Practice will.

Multi-Dimensional Being will go into detail

for its activation.


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Our W


The Medi



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In accordance with the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek The Memost powerful tools for mental, emotional and spiritual developmenmerkabah is to expand the different energy fields of the subtle bodTo be acquainted with the general aspects of the Sacred Geometractivating the Merkabah field. The ascension process begins when

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energy field. This is an energy field that extends 55 feet around the

crystalline nature.Merkabah means counter rotatory Light-Energy field. It is known thpart of human beings 13,000 years ago and due to the dimensionstowards third dimension and the Merkabah conscience was lost. Tby drawing and meditating on the mandalas of Flower of Life, whicUniversal knowledge that correlates with all knowledge co-integratwithin the brain. This process impels the pineal glandís ulterior purway of breathing. The interconnection between breathing and cons

i d t th di i Thi ill l th C

These nets and Light Stars that surround the human body are perf

studied and understood through the Sacred Geometry study. The form of a dodecahedron (with an icosahedron). The Light Star thattwo tetrahedrons, one pointing downwards and the other pointing form a light star which seen from above looks like the Star of Davidthe same space, so that with this arrangement, by ones own free wto rotate counterclockwise. This, along with the help of mudras andthe MERKABAH field and automatically changes the way we breat

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the MERKABAH field and automatically changes the way we breatyears ago.

This change of pranic breathing will manifest itself likewise in the pbegins where the vibratory level of our physical and subtle bodies importance because the Ascension process begins. The first step mortality being a level of Christ Conscience where from this stage intact in this transition where our planet and many beings that inhahigher dimensions of conscience. You could also accomplish this!


MER = Light, KA = Spirit, BA = Body

1. A powerful tool for shifting patterns in the DNA 2. Shifts psychological patterns and the beliefs on which they 3. Supports transition mentally, physically, emotionally, and S

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3. Supports transition mentally, physically, emotionally, and S4. Assists reduction of stress by helping us to remember Alone

5. Assist the physical body to connect to the etheric body. 6. Helps to settle and calm one’s fear of death 7. Helps in the transition for terminally ill. 8. It is a good form to place between two people at heart level

balanced energy exchange.



By Drunvalo Melchizedek

Like the sun, we must breathe, radiating out to all life. And from all

Merkaba also spelled Merkabah is the divine light vehicle alleged

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Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle allegedconnect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer"

"Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded b(wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transpoto another.


There are 17+1 breaths, where the first six are for balancing the pranic flow through the entire body. The further breaths are for sh4th dimension and finally the last three breaths is for re-creatinaround the body. The last breath is not taught. Once each day, encomes when you are a conscious breather, remembering with ewith God.

Th f ll i i i ill b b k d i f MIN

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The following instructions will be broken down into four areas: MIN


Below is a diagram of the set of (Sun and Earth) tetrahedrons as their orientation for both men and women (note they are different!)

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Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction

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6. Practice will soon overcome the tendency to divide the inha

will result in a uniform continuous breath.7. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds8. Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and

lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs.9. When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the chest and abdom

part of the exercise easy, and the movement once acquiredautomatically.

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1. Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing tofor males, point facing to the front for females), also filled w

BODY: Keep the same mudra.

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1. Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other word2. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other wo

motion should not be extreme.3. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area4. You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast5. You should feel an electrical sensation move down your spi6 The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental ex

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6. The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental ex7. The eyes look down from their up position at the same time

horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down to th8. This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts

your electrical system. Specifically, it will clean out the part associated with the particular mudra you are using.

9. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine,and begin the entire cycle over again.

10. The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with th


At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow yany other object. Keep your palms facing up.

BREATH: Breath in a complete yogic manner as in the previous breath.

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HEART:Open your heart and feel love for all life.

MIND: Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant white

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MIND: Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the eamales, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brill

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HEART:Open your heart and feel love for all life.

MIND:Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant wh

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MIND:Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the b

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MIND:Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the emales, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brill

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HEART:Open your heart and feel love for all life.

MIND:Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant white

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MIND: Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the eamales, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brill

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You are now ready for the next part, the next seven breaths. H pattern begins.

1. You do not need to visualize the star tetrahedron at this tim2. Only the tube that runs through the star, from the apex of th

head to the apex of the female tetrahedron below your feet,3 This extends one hand length above your head and one ha

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3. This extends one hand length above your head and one ha

4. The diameter of YOUR tube will be the size of the hole formtouching.


HEART: Love.

MIND:1. Visualize or sense the tube running through your body.2. The instant you begin the seventh inhale, see the brilliant w

the tube from the top and up the tube from the bottom at the

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almost instantaneous.

3. The point where these two light beams meet within your bovast science known throughout the universe. In this teachinwhat is necessary, that which will take you from third to four

4. In this case you will direct the two beams of prana to meet ayour body at navel level, inside the tube.

5. The moment the two beams of prana meet, which is just aslight or prana is formed at the meeting point about the size It all happens in an instant.


For the next seven breaths use the same mudra for both inhale ansecond touching together palms up.

BREATH:Deep rhythmic Yogic breathing, seven seconds in and seven secobreath from now on. The flow of prana from the two poles will not sgo from inhale to exhale. It will be a continuous flow that will not stmanner even after death

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manner, even after death.

Deep Rhythmic Yogic Breathi


MIND:1. The prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow.2. By the time of the full exhale; the prana sphere will be appr


BREATH:3 D t f th i t f l

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3. Do not force the air out of your lungs.

4. When your lungs are empty naturally, immediately begin the


HEART: Love.

MIND:The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energy and g

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MIND:1. The prana sphere continues to grow in size and will reach m

breath. This maximum size is different for each person.2. If you put your longest finger in the center of your navel, the

hand will show you the radius of the maximum size of this sprana cannot grow larger.

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MIND:The prana sphere cannot grow larger, so what happens is the pransphere. The visual appearance is that the sphere grows BRIGHTE

BREATH:Sphere grows brighter and brighter as you inhale.

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BREATH: As you exhale, the sphere continues to grow brighter and brighter

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MIND:1. About half way through this inhale; as the sphere contin

reaches critical mass.2. The sphere ignites into a sun, a brilliant blinding ball of w3. You are now ready for the next step.

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MIND:1. At the moment of exhale, the small sphere two hand length2. In one second, combined with the breath talked about below

the sphere of Leonardo, out at your fingertips of your extend3. Your body is now completely enclosed within a huge sphere4. You have returned to the ancient form of spherical breathin

is not stable

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is not stable.

5. You MUST breath three more times to keep the sphere stab



MIND:Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two polesexpanding out to the large sphere


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1. Breath rhythmically and deep.2. At the end of the thirteenth breath you have stabilized the la

important 14th breath.



MIND:1. On the inhale of the 14th breath, at the very beginning of the

two beams of prana meet from the navel to the sternum, the2. The entire large sphere, along with the original sphere, whic

large sphere, moves up to the new meeting point within the

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3. Though this is very easy to do, it is an extremely powerful m4. Breathing from this new point within the tube will inevitably fourth dimensional consciousness, or from earth consciousntake awhile, but it is inevitable.

BREATH:1. Rhythmic breath and deep.2. However, if you continue to breathe from your Christ center

BA, which is what is recommended until you have made coshift to a shallow breath. In other words, breath rhythmicallyyour attention is more on the flow of energy moving up and sternum and expanding out to the large sphere.

3. Just feel the flow. Use your feminine side to just be.4. At this point don’t think, just breath, feel and be. Feel your c

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Christ Breath. Remember your intimate connection with Go



• You are asked not to attempt this FOURTH PART until youHigher Self, and your Higher Self has given you permission

• This part is to be taken seriously.• The energies that will come into and around your body and• If you are not ready, you could hurt yourself.

If Hi h S lf i i i t t i t th M

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• If your Higher Self gives you permission to enter into the Mwill be ready.



MIND:1. Be aware of the whole star tetrahedron.2. Realize that there are three whole star tetrahedrons superim3. One is the body itself, and is locked in place and never, exc

moves. It is placed around the body according to maleness 4 The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature it is e

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4. The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature, it is e

and rotates counter-clockwise relative to your body looking rotates toward your left side.

5. The third whole star tetrahedron is female in nature, is magemotional body and rotates clockwise relative to your body it rotates toward your right side.

6. To be clear, we are not telling you to rotate the male tetraheother way.


Mind:1. The two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning. In an instant

third the speed of light at their outer tips. You probably will ntheir tremendous speed, but you can feel it.

2. What you have just done is to start the MOTOR of the MERor have an experience. It is just like starting the motor of a cneutral.

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MIND: This is the most amazing breath.1. On the inhale, as you are inhaling, say to yourself, in your h

ONE. This is the code to your mind to spin the two sets of te2. Meaning the Mind tetrahedrons spinning to the left will go a

tetrahedrons spinning to the right will go around 21 times. Awill remain constant.

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BREATH: Breathe rhythmically and Yogic.


MIND:1. As you let out the breath, the two sets of tetrahedrons take

setting to two third speed of light in an instant.2. As they approach two-thirds speed of light speed a phenom3. A disk about 55 feet in diameter forms around the body at t4. And the sphere of energy that is centered around the two s

disk to create a shape that looks like a FLYING SAUCER a

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5. This energy matrix is called the MER-KA-BA. However, it isMER-KA-BA around you at this point, you will know it to be


HEART: Remember, unconditional love for all life must be felt through out abe realized.

MIND:1. As you breathe in, say to yourself, in your head, the code N

LIGHT. This code will tell your mind to increase the speed o

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speed of light which will stabilize the rotating field of energy2. This third dimensional universe that we live in is tuned to 9/

in your body is rotating around every atom in your body at 9reason this particular speed is selected.

BREATH:Breathe rhythmically and in a Yogic manner.


MIND:The speed increases to 9/10 the speed of light and stabilizes the M

BREATH:1. Same as breath 15 and 16, make a small hole in your lips, 2. As you feel the speed take off, let all your breath out with fo

Third dimensionally tuned MER-KA-BA. With the help of yo

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what this really means.


From the 18th breath and onwards, it should be done with the exathe layers of the additional energy fields that extend around your bcorresponding colours. Remember: It is Intention and Love that aretechnicalities of the shapes will come with regular practice.


This very special breath will not be taught here You must rec

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This very special breath will not be taught here. You must rec

It is the breath that will take you through the speed of light into thedisappear from this world and reappear in another one that will be not the end, but the beginning of an ever-expanding consciousnesFATHER.


The MerKaBa, and the Basis of the Me

The MerKaBa Meditation calls for a visualization of the Star Tetrahto have a physical model.

On the following pages are merkabah templates or drawings, whicglue together, constructing a 3-dimensional representation of the S

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Putting together the Star Tetrahedrons can appear to be comhave glued one together, you will marvel at the simplicity.


1. To construct the Star Tetrahedrons you need to print four (42. Cut out the drawings, cutting all the way around the outside3. Notice that there are two types of lines used in the drawin


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The MerKaBa Meditation calls for a visualization of the Star Tetrahto have a physical model. Our personal Sacred Geometry is muchorder to have an idea as to the proper size, the upper tip of our upSun Tetrahedron is above our head at a distance from the top of yThe distance from where your hand becomes wrist to the tip of you

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Here's another (smaller) fold-up pattern for a Star Tetrahedrocopy to make a finished model, but requires 2 additional cuts. It m

together, and has less taping and cutting than the first model.

Hint: Using one half of a slender pair of scissors carefully slid thrfinished solid to apply the last 2 or 3 pieces of tape may make theget easier with practice!

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Surrender to Higher Levels

In the experience of spiritual evolution, you rise higher and

knowledge and faith about your own spiritual power. You anything, be anything and have anything you want. But th

are complete like God, suddenly things come crashing dow

are brought down to nothing once again. You wonder wha

to question the reality of your own powers and knowledge

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You may have experienced such a scenario time and time faith that makes you reconsider your belief in yourself and

the soul or the valley of the shadow of death which you en

higher reality that you never saw before. You may have di

out of the pit before, but then you lost sight of it later and

We are all here to do God's work. Our purpose is to serve a

messengers of God. To be a messenger is to convey what

The better the messenger, the more authentic and powerfu

conveyed from the original sender. The worse the messen destructive is the expression because it is tarnished by the

God is able to use every single one of us to a certain extent

evolved we are. He is able to express himself through us in

much is our degree of surrender. But in order for God to d

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in us, he has to bring us to a point of total surrender. The m is able to work through us. Choose God and let God choos

follow the choices he makes.

Christ is the head of all principality and power. Let Christ

head of everything else The more you surrender to the hig

level of fullness once again. You are never really empty b

always there. It is only in your experience of transcendenc

and allow your consciousness to rest on who God is. It is a

are you able to ascend into the highest. Because God is ab

Trust in him completely. Have the Christ Confidence. He k

than you. Just let go of all control and allow God to lead y

when you cannot trace, you must trust. This is not an illus

all things. He who waits for his time to come shall be rew

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him. For God Himself shall be his Companion and Champ

The Mystic's Life Lesson #28

Dark Night of the Soul

"Dark night of the soul" sounds like a threatening and much to be

perhaps a quarter of the seekers on the road to higher consciousnnight. In fact, they may pass through several until they experienc

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Many seekers would encourage the dark night experience if they

one engaged in the dark night, suffering seems unending.

The dark night occurs after considerable advancement toward hig

dark night usually occurs like an initiation before one of these sp

l l ti hi ith hi h i Th d k i ht l

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And you feel so totally alone. Sure, you have friends and you app

keenly aware they are not capable of feeling what you are feeling

through. Sometimes they seem like clowns, sometimes they seemmeaningless pursuits. They do not understand, you think, how mu

you cry out and pray deep into each midnight. You try their advic

the heart of the matter.

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You begin to enter the dark night in earnest when you feel complthe dark night you don’t know where you are spiritually. You’re You do not know where to turn. Your friends love you and wish

does not improve.

The dark night is a very private matter. The person in the dark nig

quite well despite inner suffering. Often your acquaintances neve

th h th d k i ht th b bl d t k h t i

Clearly, there is nowhere to turn. There is nothing to be done. All

been tried. There is nothing to think, nothing to feel, nothing to d

have to accept this defeat — or, you can persist in struggling agaigo about thinking, feeling, and doing other options that occur to y

midnight of your soul that you have tried every option you know

The Peace Comes

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Helpless, totally helpless, as well as ever so alone, you abide in thyour predicament. You accept that there is really, except for a mu

and a remnant of a shredded faith, nothing else left.

Suicide would be absurd. Suicide would be an act of arrogance an

beyond such primitive responses to your private agony. No, noth

thi l l h l l Th i ith t ti thi

greater foothold on your entire life because your basic attitudes a

essential nature are strongly linked with ego.

Then, your ego sense, due to your suffering or your limitations in

over circumstances and a more pleasant life. The ego sense often

higher consciousness and, thus, greater ability to dominate in lifeego sense which most eagerly pursues higher consciousness. It w

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manipulate events and make life come out more to its satisfactiondominates, it is on a collision course with your true nature and yoThere’s going to be a showdown. There has to be a confrontation

consciousness is ever to emerge, if you are ever to know truly wh

capabilities are.

Furthermore — and this is extremely important, especially in und

l it d l f hildh d d h th

Your ego may also have the opinion that, because of its grasp of

or — by its thought process and feelings — bring about enlighten

convinced that it will achieve higher consciousness. This is ironicdark night, the ego is the main obstacle; it is the obstruction of th

stands between you and your fulfillment. In fact, the length of yo

truculence and cunning of your ego. It can fight a very lengthy ba

destroyed or will have to give in to something so much greater th

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Incredibly, your ego wants to be in on the act of enlightenment. Econsciousness by its own dramatic means. Certainly, it doesn’t w

a power outside of itself. Convinced that it is the doer, your ego h

that event called the dark night of the soul, when your ego awake

cause or bring about higher consciousness.

E t b it ill th kill h t t th h

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OCTOBER 2011 Newsletter Content

Eckhart on the Dark Night of the Soul

Q: Have you ever experienced the dark night of the soul? Your teachings have been so helpful

through this difficult period Can you address this subject?

doesn’t mean anything”. You wipe the board clean. In the dark night of the soul it collapses.

You are meant to arrive at a place of conceptual meaninglessness. Or one could say a state of

ignorance – where things lose the meaning that you had given them, which was all conditioned and cultural and so on. Then you can look upon the world without imposing a mind-made framework of

meaning. It looks of course as if you no longer understand anything. That’s why it’s so scary when

it happens to you, instead of you actually consciously embracing it. It can bring about the dark night

of the soul – to go around the Universe without any longer interpreting it compulsively, as an

innocent presence. You look upon events, people, and so on with a deep sense of aliveness. Your

sense the aliveness through your own sense of aliveness, but you are not trying to fit your

experience into a conceptual framework anymore.

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Copyright © 2015 Eckhart Teachings Inc., All rights r

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Excerpt from The Ancient Secret of The Flower

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The Lucifer Experiment: Duality

The words "the Lucifer rebellion" carry a stigma that hasfor at least since the Bible has been on Earth. Many of uChristians, believe that Lucifer is the cause of all evil anthat has ever transpired on this planet. We call what Lucprojecting an image that Lucifer is somehow going agai

i l B i i L if '

Michael supported the side of the light and the good andof darkness and evil. A new possibility was about to belived. And we humans thought it was a great idea, this id

The Bright and Shining One

It becomes clear in the study of sacred geometry that no

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without intention and reason. It wasn't just a mistake; in are no mistakes. And when God created Lucifer, as youwas the most magnificent angel God had ever created. most intelligent, the most beautiful, the most amazing ofhad no peer; he was the top-of-the-line model of the anggave him the name Lucifer, meaning "the bright and shigave him this name, so do you think God made a mistakIf you think back to our own human nature we always te

So he severed the love bonds between himself and Godappears this way) and created a Mer-Ka-Ba field that waWhat he did was make an interdimensional time-space that we call a spaceship. This flying object—sometimesbut also many other shapes—was more than just a vehit, much more. It could not only move throughout the spmultidimensional Reality, but it could create realities tha

l th i i l ti It i i il t h t

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as real as the original creation. It is similar to what we areality, only this was a virtual reality that could not be difrom the real thing.So Lucifer made this synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba to create a refrom God so that he could ascend to the heights and beat least in his own mind. He couldn't be God, but he couhero.In order to convince other angels that this experiment w

that had never been fully lived before in the original Reaexperience centered around two pieces of geometric knsimple pieces too, it would seem. These two geometric knowledge about the Egg of Life and the source of all livThe first sphere they were seeking fits in the center of thtouches all eight spheres [see A in Fig. 9-36a]. The secinside any of the six holes in the center of each face of t

(j t i li th i ht h f th E f Lif i id

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(just visualize the eight spheres of the Egg of Life insidesix faces). This knowledge had always been known, butoriginal Reality it was not possible to actually live and exall sacred geometry has an experiential aspect. For yousee Figure 17-1. The diamond view—a square turned 4shows the Luciferian geometry of these two spheres.Lucifer told the angelic worlds that we needed to do thisthe universe had missing information and the only way

So the new reality was created with the same sacred geFlower of Life, except that spirit divided itself into two anout of the Great Void in a double helix pattern from two centers. This created the new reality. In addition, Lucifeview of the Egg of Life, turning it 90 degrees to the rectato focus the new, untried consciousness through it. It bethrough which we interpreted the new reality. This was

I ti th i i l R lit th fi t d f ti

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In creating the original Reality, on the first day of creatiomotion of the spirit of God, spirit moved itself to the top [see chapter 5, Fig. 5-32]. Then we started the rotating creation. But there's another way to enter creation, wheleave part of itself at the very first center. In other wordsof the motion away from center, which is the very first mcreation begins, spirit would divide itself in two and leavthe center and move the other part of itself to the top of

key players. There must be a reason why all these thingthink that the purpose behind this Luciferian experimentgoing on for these millions and millions of years, is now to fruition on Earth, and that Earth has been chosen as to give life new birth. This is what it looks like.Whatever the ultimate purpose for creating this new reais I do not know, but it has become clear throughout the

th t th E th h b th f f thi i t d

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that the Earth has become the focus of this intense dramit appears as though the fruition of this experiment is abunfold before our eyes. You and I are the players who tanew reality and transform it in the direction of the ultimaWe are to go beyond anything archangels Lucifer and Mhad imagined. We are to be the children of the third waya new reality born from the first two.We here on Earth are all part of this Luciferian experime

This has created races of beings that were incredibly inexperience of love or compassion—like the Grays and tIn the past this always resulted in their fighting each othlife into chaos. This is where Mars comes in. Mars was othe Lucifer experiment, but the one before that) that wasmillion years ago. At that time life was destroying itself edestroyed itself. It was constantly warring, constantly fig

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there was no love or compassion. Then at one point theatmosphere away and destroyed everything. But right bwere certain people who knew that destruction was inevthem were the Martians who came to Earth and settled all the Mer-Ka-Ba troubles here on Earth.This is the focus. The result of this Lucifer experiment wbeings created physical ships and focused on technologentire technologically based system and a separate rea

love; we haven't completely severed our love from life. Tthe beings in the universe who have somehow not compconnection with God. We have technology, but we still swhat love is. It's weak, not powerful; it's not a blazing, bwe still have it. We have both aspects. We have the origstill within us.

The Third integrated Way

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The Third, integrated Way

An important understanding is that we Earthlings are finanswer in a totally unique way that's never been seen bwhole thing between the original Reality and the Luciferbe leading to a third way that is some kind of combinatio

If you cross your eyes when you look at the two eyes dr


For the ancient Israelites (and symbolically for all of

revered temples of initiation was the sacred tabernac

Temple. It was in this temple that the Ark of the Cov

d t f S l ’ T l l d

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sacred geometry of Solomon’s Temple concealed nufor those with “opened eyes” could see and understa

According to some traditions, the layout of Solomon’

area surrounding the outermost walls symbolized the

unawakened portion of humanity. Next, the portion o

sphenoid. This bone, found behind the upper bridge

in the body’s “holy of holies”(the combined three cen

been coined “the Ark of the Covenant” by some ostecranial therapy.

Even the highly initiated master, the High Priest, was

completely prepared or worthy to enter the holy room

special breastplate made of twelve uniquely cut and

breastplate was in modern terms a lead shield to pr

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breastplate was, in modern terms, a lead shield to prradiation. Additionally, the High Priest had a cord bou

his own vibrations were not sufficient to handle the e

chamber and his lead shield failed him, the assistant

out by the cord, since they were not allowed to enter

S b li ll th i h b t th h d

The Temple of Solo

by Lambert Dolphin

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Moral and spiritual conditions were very low at Shiloh when the proppriesthood under Eli was about to be disqualified in the deaths of EliPhinehas. Although God had desired to rule Israel as their invisible M

for a national champion to rule them:

Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and carne to Sam"Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways; ngovern us like all the nations." But the thing displeased Samuelto govern us." And Samuel prayed to the LORD. And the LORDvoice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have norejected me from being king over them. According to all the defrom the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, gods so they are also doing to you Now then hearken to thei

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gods, so they are also doing to you. Now then, hearken to theiwarn them, and show them the ways of the king who shall reig

So Samuel told all the words of the LORD to the people who wesaid, "These will be the ways of the king who will reign over yoappoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen, and to ruappoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders

d d h h d k h l f

David, a man of war, was not, however, to build the First Temple. Thalthough David drew up the plans.

The fact that other nations had temples and Israel did not is not thebuilt. The Temple was to be a memorial to Israel to turn her heart anations. The Temple would provide them for an incentive not to pracCanaanites.

After the Temple was built, the Tabernacle was dismantled. It may hTemple Mount. It is quite possible it is still there to this day, as manbelieve.

A h' Th hi Fl

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Araunah's Threshing Floor

David was by no means a perfect king. He had a number of wives annothing to boast about. His grievous sin of murder and adultery in thDavid's household for the rest of his days. Yet when confronted withrepentance (Psalms 32, 51 for instance).

Then he called for Solomon his son, and charged him to build aIsrael. David said to Solomon,

"My son, I had it in my heart to build a house to the name of tof the LORD came to me, saying, You have shed much blood ashall not build a house to my name, because you have shed soearth. Behold, a son shall be born to you; he shall be a man ofall his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solomon, anIsrael in his days. He shall build a house for my name. He shalfather, and I will establish his royal throne in Israel for ever.' Nyou, so that you may succeed in building the house of the LORconcerning you. Only, may the LORD grant you discretion and ugives you charge over Israel you may keep the law of the LORD

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gives you charge over Israel you may keep the law of the LORDif you are careful to observe the statutes and the ordinances wMoses for Israel. Be strong, and of good courage. Fear not; be have provided for the house of the LORD a hundred thousand tsilver, and bronze and iron beyond weighing, for there is so muhave provided. To these you must add. You have an abundancemasons, carpenters, and all kinds of craftsmen without number

the nave of the house was twenty cubits long, equal to the widdeep in front of the house. And he made for the house windowbuilt a structure against the wall of the house, running round th

nave and the inner sanctuary - and he made side chambers all five cubits broad, the middle one was six cubits broad and the around the outside of the house he made offsets on the wall inshould not be inserted into the walls of the house. When the hoprepared at the quarry; so that neither hammer nor ax nor anytemple, while it was being built. The entrance for the lowest stohouse; and one went up by stairs to the middle story, and fromhe built the house, and finished it; and he made the ceiling of tcedar. He built the structure against the whole house, each stojoined to the house with timbers of cedar

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joined to the house with timbers of cedar.

Now the word of the LORD came to Solomon, "Concerning thisyou will walk in my statutes and obey my ordinances and keepin them, then I will establish my word with you, which I spoke dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my peohouse, and finished it. He lined the walls of the house on the in

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So Soloand all assembto the B

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to the Bour Godhe sentblessedhomes goodneDavid h

"But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and ththee; how much less this house which I have built!" (V. 27)

The Temple also symbolized the hearing ear of God:

Yet regard the prayer of Your servant and his supplication, O Loand the prayer which Your servant is praying before You todaytoward this temple night and day toward the place of which Yoand that You may hear the prayer which Your servant makes to29).

It was also a place of refuge for the stranger:

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It was also a place of refuge for the stranger:

Moreover concerning a foreigner, who is not of Your people Isrcountry for Your name's sake. (for they will hear of Your great

Your outstretched arm), when he comes and prays toward this dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner cthe earth may know Your name and fear You, as do Your peopthat this temple hich I ha e b ilt is called b o name (1 Ki

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Plan of Solomon's Temple (Encyclope

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that he should not go after other gods; but he did not keep whTherefore the LORD said to Solomon, "Since this has been youcovenant and my statutes which I have commanded you, I will

and will give it to your servant Yet for the sake of David your fabut I will tear it out of the hand of your son. However I will notwill give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servanwhich I have chosen." (1 Kings 11:1-13)

For many years Solomon evidently wandered away from fellowship wnear the end of the life, to record for us in his book, Ecclesiastes, whof all of life apart from God.

When Solomon died his son Rehoboam became king of Israel. The na

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When Solomon died his son Rehoboam became king of Israel. The nadecline. Rehoboam's policies caused the kingdom to be divided into nseparate regimes. Jeroboam, the first king of Israel. He built two suband one in Dan for fear the people would return to Jerusalem:

And Jeroboam said in his heart, 'Now the kingdom may return tpeople go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the Lord at Jeru

l ill t b k t th i l d R h b ki f J d h

Jehoiakim (Eliakim), Jehoiachin (Jeconiah), and Zedekiah (Mattaniah)out their own self-centered and personally-ambitious lives in indiffere

A few wonderful exceptions stand out. Some few of these rulers are

temple, for good or for ill.

King Asa, placed in the Temple the spoils of his father:

He also brought into the house of the Lord the things which histhings which he himself had dedicated: silver and gold utensils

In his earlier years Asa followed the ways of the Lord and renewed thwhen Baasha, King of Israel made war against Judah, Asa collected a

hadad of Damascus. By sending the treasures of the Temple this sea

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hadad of Damascus. By sending the treasures of the Temple this sea(1 Kings 15:18-20.). Asa was rebuked by God's prophet Hanani for h16:7-9). Since the temple vessels were all precisely specified by the Labout themselves and their personal relationship with their God the caltered or modified.

Queen Athaliah, daughter of Ahaziah, was a notorious wicked womanl h h i f th th d h d h d d th

and he and Amaziah king of Judah faced one another in battle to Judah. And Judah was defeated by Israel, and every man fleIsrael captured Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash, son of

brought him to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalethe Ephraim Gate to the Comer Gate. And he seized all the goldthat were found in the house of Cod, and Obed-edom with theof the king's house, and hostages, and he returned to Samaria

Uzziah (Azariah) enjoyed a long and peaceful reign of 52 years in Je"did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that hishimself to seek God in the days of Zechariah (the priest) who instrucas he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper." (2 Chr. 26:4,5)

man, as it does many in positions of power,

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man, as it does many in positions of power,

But when he was strong he grew proud, to his destruction. ForGod, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on tthe priest went in after him, with eighty priests of the LORD whwithstood King Uzziah, and said to him, "It is not for you, Uzziabut for the priests the sons of Aaron, who are consecrated to b

t f h d d it ill i h

cereal offering, and poured his drink offering, and threw the blthe altar. And the bronze altar which was before the LORD he rhouse, from the place between his altar and the house of the L

of his altar. And King Ahaz commanded Uriah the priest, sayingmorning burnt offering, and the evening cereal offering, and thcereal offering, with the burnt offering of all the people of the land their drink offering; and throw upon it all the blood of the of the sacrifice; but the bronze altar shall be for me to inquire bas King Ahaz commanded. And King Ahaz cut off the frames oflaver from them, and he took down the sea from off the bronzeit upon a pediment of stone. And the covered way for the sabbthe palace, and the outer entrance for the king he removed fro

because of the king of Assyria. (2 Kings 16:2-18)

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because of the king of Assyria. (2 Kings 16:2 18)

And Ahaz gathered together the vessels of the house of God anhouse of God, and he shut up the doors of the house of the LOin every corner of Jerusalem. In every city of Judah he made hother gods, provoking to anger the LORD, the God of his fathe

f ll d k h h d d h h d

The prophet Jeremiah predicted the destruction of the Jerusalem andHe also pronounced judgment on those who would destroy her, nammatter of time until the times of the First Temple were to come to a

And the whole land [of Israel] shall be a desolation and an astoshall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Then it will comecompleted, that I will punish the king of Babylon and that natiotheir iniquity,' says the Lord; 'and I will make it a perpetual des

End Notes

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End Notes

1. Solomon Steckoll, The Temple Mount, Tom Stacey Ltd., London, 1

2. Zev Vilnay, Legends of Jerusalem, Jewish Publication Society of Am

3 Steve Austin The Extraordinary Middle East Earthquake of 750 BC

Initiations - Walking the SThere are a total of seven major inihuman beings experience on their jowholeness. Initiations can be referror spiritual tests that are placed in

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spiritual tests that are placed in soul s growth. These tests do not ocinstead recycle around and around, b

are in. Many people would be sur

just because they attend some sservice, this still doesn't really gtrue initiations if they are still ltheir senses. Some people have p

into the initiations but are stucki l b s f l k f

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into the initiations but are stuckmainly because of lack of awarenproperly proceed through them.

Initiate - the 3rd initiation

Arhat - the 4th initiation

Adept - the 5th initiation

Ascended master 6th initiation

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Ascended master - 6th initiation

The first four initiations are somet

individually or at the same time as tthe sequence is not important as it dindividual's path.

You must pass the first four in ordi h h 5 h i i i i

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You must pass the first four in ordwith the 5th initiation.

You get more and more truthful infod di d i d f

Spiritual aspirant does serve good a

He or she does start to develop spiraspirant is taught to know one s own of weaknesses.

The basics about wisdom are taught

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The basics about wisdom are taught

Spiritual aspirant goes to higher levreceive some of these teachings

over the physical body should have r

level.Drugs or alcohol should not control tspiritual path.

Basics to the right kind of living th

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Basics to the right kind of living, thcontrol are reached in this initiation

Some basic principles of God conscio

sometimes it will take many incarnat

through. However, it's not so hard twho are willing to become masters aabout their spiritual path.

Those people will pass the 2nd initia

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The 2nd initiation is related to sacrnegative desire.

Bodies of person (mental, physical, e

spiritual) become very enlightened acontrolled by lower nature or negati

The soul becomes dominant.

Mind is very responsive to ideas int

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Mind is very responsive to ideas, intcoming from soul and the initiate alsdirect guidance from the monad.

Arhat does serve God, monads and g

He or she does destroy negative sel

God and monad are teachers of Arh

The fourth initiation is liberation fr

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The fourth initiation is liberation frIn this initiation soul becomes unnee

your monad, your higher self, but yol t l t

Arhat is the master of wisdom and l

Required for passing this initiation:

* Light level 62%* Intuition Initiation (heart chakra

involves developing humanitarian lov

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involves developing humanitarian lovunconditional love, creative arts, andanimals

consciousness of your monad.

It is big step in your evolution! Yourrise to monadic level.

You don't think negative thoughts.

You have freedom from blindness

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You have freedom from blindness.

You believe in God perfectly and youb t i ht th

integrate your divine identity and usobtained.

The sixth initiation is mastery over

In this initiation you will become off


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Master is free from law of karma.

M t 't thi k i f t

Use all that you have learned to makday-to-day life. More being adoing .

Master controls all seven rays.

Consciousness rises to logoic plane

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Consciousness rises to logoic plane.

Crown chakra is stimulated in this in

M th l l i iti t d b

You re Not Going Crazy Youre Just WMichael Mirdad

Beyond Ascension How to Completeof Initiation Joshua David Stone, P

Excerpt from Beyond Ascension

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Excerpt from Beyond Ascension

Reincarnation and the Early Christians

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like experiences that can be realized in this life, mos

the human encounter with a divine light. The Gnosti

literature gives us one more example of NDEs and sexperiences in the ancient world."

Another interesting fact comes from Edgar Cayce (a near-

experiencer) who affirmed that Gnosticism is the highest fChristianity

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The Christian Gnostics were regarded by some as a new J

believed they had finally found the long-awaited Messiah

Christian Gnostic idea of the Logos, John is not only affirm

preexistence and divinity of Jesus, but he is affirming that

created in the "image of the Word" as Jesus was, preexiste

being born. In other words, every human is an incarnation

and every human has to potential of becoming like Jesus,

of the human-divine unity. Every human can be a "Christ"

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this, every soul will eventually be drawn back to God.

The Roman Church misunderstood what the Logos was in

stressed salvation through faith alone and by the rituals of

This secret gnosis emphasized spiritual "resurrection" (i.e

rebirth) and physical "resurrection" (i.e., reincarnation) as

resurrection defined as people sleeping in their graves unt

corpses to crawl out of their graves at the last day. Christia

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the view that if spiritual resurrection was not attained in on

the soul would be subjected to as many reincarnations as i

spiritual rebirth is attained.

The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to

to those on the outside everything is said in parables

'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and e

but never understanding' (Mark 4:11-12)

"He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the ki

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heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoe

will be given more, and he will have an abundance."


solid food is for the mature, who by constant use hav

themselves to distinguish good from evil. (Heb. 5:11

According to tradition, after the Roman invasion of Jerusa

of the Gospel of Mark established a church in Alexandria,

may also have been the author of a "secret gospel" contain

advanced teaching for those being initiated into the Christ

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This secret gospel contains passages portraying Jesus teac


in their sacred retreats, concerning the Gospel of Go

words which He uttered have not been preserved, be

appeared to the evangelists that they could not be adconveyed to the multitude in writing or in speech an

what things were to be committed to writing, and ho

to be done, and what was by no means to be written multitude, and what was to be expressed in words, an

was not to be so conveyed. (Contra Celsus, Chap. VI

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Concerning these secret teachings, Clement stated:

James the Righteous, John and Peter were entrusted

Lord after his resurrection with the higher knowledg

we find ourselves is thoroughly and irretrievably less than

is trapped in a prison of flesh, and the flesh is intrinsically

According to Gnostic theology, the creation of the cosmos

the result of a tragicomic mistake: the fall of the soul from

the advent of Christ in the lower realms of consciousness,

reconciling the fallen souls has been given to restore the O

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usher in the kingdom of light over the kingdom of flesh an

unity of the Godhead is assured thanks to the introduction

uniting force, the Logos, the part of God who acts in the fl

world." It is this light within, our Higher Self, which each

bring to at-one-ment with the divine Source if liberation is

As more and more people hear the call to "Wake up!" and

gnosis and become liberated, their souls are received back

of Divine Consciousness. The soul becomes free from unh

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the cycle of birth and rebirth. Christian Gnostics seek to ac

cultivating the Higher Self within people to seek reunifica

Godhead. But each soul returning to its divine source mus

Thomas, saying 84)

More excerpts from this very interesting gospel will be pro

In the Secret Book of John, written by 185 A.D. at the l

reincarnation is placed at the center of the discussion concsalvation of souls. The following is a summary of the Secr

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g y

John's perspective on reincarnation.

Everyone has drunk from the water of forgetfulness and li

A "proud" and "scornful" man will be given "a lame and u

"everyone continually despises." From this, we can see ho

well as hell, is a place of education through suffering.

According to the Pistis Sophia, some souls experience hel

shadows and torture. However, after these souls pass throu

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return to Earth for further experiences. Only a relatively fe

evil souls are not permitted to reincarnate. These souls are

darkness" until a time when they are "destroyed and disso

"I was given a sound body to live in because I was a

good." (Wisdom of Solomon 8:19-20)

This verse raises the following question: How is it possibl

after you have already been good, unless reincarnation is t

Among the works of the Christian Gnostics are some of

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gospels, including secret gospels which were not preserve

Testament. The Gospel of Thomas was the first gospel eve

considered by scholars to be the most reliable gospel. Muc

The Gospel of Thomas

"These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus sp

Judas Thomas the Twin recorded.

Jesus said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of the

sayings will not taste death "

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sayings will not taste death.

Jesus said, "Let one who seeks not stop seeking unt

finds. When one finds, one will be disturbed. When

philosopher." Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my m

utterly unable to say whom you are like." Jesus said

not your teacher. You have become intoxicated bec

have drunk from the bubbling spring that I have ten

And he took Thomas and withdrew, and told him th

things. When Thomas came back to his friends, the

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him, "What did Jesus tell you?" Thomas said to the

tell you even one of the things he told me, you will

rocks and stone me. Then fire will come forth from

foot replacing a foot, and an image replacing an im

you will enter the kingdom."

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are alone and ch

will find the kingdom. For you have come from it,

will return there again."

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His disciples said to him, "When will the final rest

dead take place, and when will the new world come

id h "Wh l k f h l d

Jesus said, "Images are visible to people, but the lig

is hidden in the Father's image of light. He will rev

himself, but his image is hidden by his light."

Jesus said, "When you see a likeness of yourself, y

happy. But when you see your images that came in

b f d h i h di b i ibl

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before you, and that neither die nor become visible

much you will be able to tolerate!"

J id "Wh k h i

Jesus as "rabbi." Jesus warns James to leave Jerusalem, fo

dwelling place of a great number of "archons" or evil ange

stigmatized as the city which "gives the cup of bitterness t

light." Jesus coaches James on what to say when he is judg

challenged by the "toll collectors" of heaven in order to pa

gates of heaven.

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The Second Apocalypse of James

He seems to be right, as this apocalypse has only just seen

before we enter the age that many believe will begin with

coming of Christ.

The Apocalypse of Paul

h l f l i f h l

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The Apocalypse of Paul is an account of the apostle's as

and what he found there, with instructions for other souls

conduct themselves during judgment. One of the most inte

teachers. He tells them of his sufferings and how he was o

left for dead (2 Cor. 11:23-26). The letter goes on to say:

"I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord

person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught

third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of thdo not know - God knows. And I know that this pers

h th i th b d t f th b d I d t k

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whether in the body or apart from the body I do not k

God knows - was caught up to paradise. He heard in

things, things that humans are not permitted to tell."


the way to heaven (symbolized by Jerusalem). This child t

the Holy Spirit, who takes Paul first to the third heaven.

The Holy Spirit warns Paul to keep his wits about him for

to enter the realm of "principalities ... archangels and pow

whole race of demons." The Holy Spirit also mentions tha

"one that re eals bodies to a so l seed " that is the being t

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"one that reveals bodies to a soul-seed," that is, the being t

and plants them in new bodies for reincarnation. For the so

to ascend to the highest heaven, reincarnation was to be av

Holy Spirit and allowed to pass through the gate of the fift

he saw his fellow apostles and "a great angel in the fifth h

iron rod in his hand." This angel and three other angels, w

their hands, scourge the souls of the dead and drive them o

Paul remains with the Holy Spirit and the gates to the sixth

open effortlessly before him.

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In the sixth heaven, Paul sees a strong light shining down

heaven above. He is motioned by the "toll collector" throu

Many Christian Gnostics regarded themselves as part of th

body of Christians of the early church. However, as the or

gained political control of the Roman Empire, the Christia

persecuted by the organized Church and many were marty

Christian Gnostic tradition is one of many branches of ear

labeled as heretical by the early Church fathers. The Gnos

and writings were cut out of official Church doctrines as h

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and writings were cut out of official Church doctrines as h

of their suspected Christian Gnostic origins, the Gospel of

Book of Revelation was almost rejected from the New Te

Ultimately, the organized Church declared Christian Gnos

and began killing those who adhered to its doctrines. Thus

Roman Church began its crusade of eliminating all rivals t

Christian Gnosticism was obliterated and relatively little h

theological information was left to fully understand early

history This all changed in 1945 with the discovery of the

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history. This all changed in 1945 with the discovery of the

Christian scriptures discovered in Egypt. Then in 1947, th

the Dead Sea Scrolls of early Jewish Gnostic writings occu

Plato: The Allegory of the Cave, from The Republic

Plato, the most creative and influential of Socrates' disciples, wrote

dialogues, in which he frequently used the figureof Socrates to espouse his o"The Republic," Plato sums up his views in an image of ignorant humanity, its own limited perspective. The rare individual escapes the limitations of thintellectual journey, discovers a higher realm, a true reality, with a final, almorigin of everything that exists. Sucha person is then the best equipped to gowhat is ultimately most worthwhile in life and not just a knowledge of technmisunderstood by those ordinary folks back in the cave who haven't shared today, Plato might replace his rather awkward cave metaphor with a movie t

the film replacing the objects which cast shadows, the shadows on the cave and the echo with theloudspeakers behind the screen. The essential point is reality, but only a shadowy representation of it. The importance of the allego

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reality, but only a shadowy representation of it. The importance of the allegoinvisible truths lying under the apparent surface of things which only the mworld of illusion in thecave, the prisoners at first resist enlightenment, as stuachieve enlightenment deserve to be the leaders and rulers of all the rest. Atanother of his favorite ideas: that education is not a process of putting know

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Plato: The Allegory of the Cave, fro

Plato, the most creative and influential of Socrates' disciples, wrote dialoguof Socrates to espouse his own (Plato's) full-fledged philosophy. In "The Repimage of ignorant humanity, trapped in the depths and not even aware of itsindividual escapes the limitations of that cave and, through a long, tortuous realm, a true reality, with a final, almost mystical awareness of Goodness aa person is then the best equipped to govern in society, having a knowledge life and not just a knowledge of techniques; but that person will frequently bback in the cave who haven't shared in the intellectual insight. If he were liv

awkward cave metaphor with a movie theater, with the projector replacing twhich cast shadows, the shadows on the cave wall with the projected moviel d k b hi d th Th ti l i t i th t th i i t

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loudspeakers behind the screen. The essential point is that the prisoners in t shadowy representation of it. The importance of the allegory lies in Plato's under the apparent surface of things which only the most enlightened can gcave the prisoners at first resist enlightenment as students resist education

Very true.

And suppose further that the prison had an echo which came from the otherone of the passers-by spoke that the voice which they heard came from the

No question, he replied.

To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the i

That is certain.

And now look again, and see what will naturally follow if the prisoners are first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and

towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress him, and which in his former state he had seen the shadows; and then conceive some

ill i b t th t h h i hi t b i d h

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was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being and hexistence, he has a clearer vision,--what will be his reply? And you may furto the objects as they pass and requiring him to name them,--will he not be shadows which he formerly saw are truer than the objects which are now sh

And if they were in the habit of conferring honors among themselves on tho passing shadows and to remark which of them went before, and which followho were therefore best able to draw conclusions as to the future, do you thglories, or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer,

Better to be the poor servant of a poor master, and to endure anything, rathemanner? (1)

Yes, he said, I think that he would rather suffer anything than entertain thesemanner.

Imagine once more, I said, such a one coming suddenly out of the sun to be be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?

To be sure, he said.

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And if there were a contest, and he had to compete in measuring the shadowout of the den, while his sight was still weak, and before his eyes had becomneeded to acquire this new habit of sight might be very considerable) woul

condition and state of being, and he will pity the other; or, if he have a min below into the light, there will be more reason in this than in the laugh whicof the light into the den.

That, he said, is a very just distinction.

But then, if I am right, certain professors of education must be wrong wheninto the soul which was not there before, like sight into blind eyes.

They undoubtedly say this, he replied.

Whereas our argument shows that the power and capacity of learning existswas unable to turn from darkness to light without the whole body, so too themovement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into thathe sight of being and of the brightest and best of being, or in other words, o

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Translated by Benjamin Jowett

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A literal meaning by Plato seems unlikely. I shall levels of interpretation: (1) a psychological level, sascension and fall correspond to the continuing efand recollect the personality or mind; (2) a level t

to the contemplative journey, with its characteristi progress and seeming setbacks--dark nights, ariditabandonment; and (3) a more basic religious level to divination and salvation of the soul.


The passage can be divided into seven sections:

Sections of Phaedrus Chariot Alleg

Number Section Description

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Number Section Description

1 (245.c - 246.a) An introduction or

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chariot is involved.

The Chariot

Plato first presents the image of the chariot, a compos

charioteer, two winged horses -- a noble white and an iand, by implication, the chariot itself. This he explicitlyhuman soul (or, to use a modern psychological term, psconsider these terms equivalent; the modern psycholog

the Greek one: yuce). The individual components of thdescribed in much detail, but since Plato considers the of the soul in the Republic, written about the same time

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p ,as to his meaning (Lovibond, 1993).

As Plato's model naturally invites comparison with Fre

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corresponds to the role of the charioteer.

It seems plain enough, however, that a person's conscioat times may be with either of the two horses. For instaentirely pre-occupied with some appetitive aim ('I simpconvertible!' or, perhaps worse, 'I am a thoroughly modthe latest gadgets -- picture telephones, high-resolutiontelevision, etc.). And we have already mentioned exam becomes identified with their thumos.

This idea of variable locus of identity raises the possibof the soul -- which would be some basic, alternativelyme-ness; a point of view; an 'I'. We simply raise this h possibility.

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It is instructive to briefly consider here some other im

analogies for the soul.

Ezekiel's Chariot Vision

The profound and mysterious Chariot-Throne vision, fofirst chapter of Ezekiel (ca. 580 BC; roughly 200 years Phaedrus) is under-appreciated by modern readers. Irofound in some tradition other than the Judeo-Christian,

likely hold this remarkable passage with greater revere

While ostensibly a vision of God, it is also figurative o

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God-image in man. Ezekiel, it will be recalled, saw a dChariot and the Throne of God within it:

(Though most English translations say ox here, the Hebmeans either bull or ox.) The eagle, however, has no obPlato's psychology or chariot analogy. Jerome, picking as the defining attribute, saw it as representing a transc

psyche, something that hovers above the others, able todiscern things. This is a rather remarkable insight on Jewhether it originated entirely with him or was mentione before him is perhaps open to speculation.

In any case, this additional faculty or power of the soufurther consideration (although not here). It does not se principle alluded to above. I would rather suggest that do with things like Wisdom or special sapiential faculti psyche.

We are also told (Eze 1:26) that above the fantastic fig

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We are also told (Eze 1:26) that above the fantastic figof a throne and, upon or above this, the likeness as theIn Christian theology, the figure on the throne would coCh i t i t Ch i t ithi th l Th S i

The Katha Upanishad of Hindu scriptures contains a faanalogy for the human soul, one not infrequently comp Phaedrus. (Dates of composition of the Vedic literatur

we do best to stay clear of the subject.) The relative pa1, Chapter 3 (Panoli, 1994):

1.3.2. ... those who are desirous of crossing (the ocea[illusion]).

1.3.3. Know the Self to be the master of the chariot, the chariot. Know the intellect to be the charioteer,

the reins.

1.3.4. The senses they speak of as the horses; the objview the way When the Self is yoked with the min

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view, the way. When the Self is yoked with the minthe wise call It the enjoyer.

1 3 5 But whoso is devoid of discrimination and is p

the driver of his chariot and advisor as he prepares for climactic battle. The adversarial forces are identified asconflicting parts of the soul, and Arjuna, Krishna, and between them (Arjuna in a state considerable distress, ufight or give up). Within the Bhagavad Gita it is said thof Vedantic and yogic theory and practice is presented.and Prince Arjuna are portrayed as seated in a grand chwhite horses ( Bhagavad Gita 1.14), but beyond this spchariot are not given.

However, the Anu Gita section of the epic Mahabharatconversations between Krishna and Arjuna after the bafollowing passage (Telang, 1882) which begins, "Brahm

Since the mind is ruler of these five elements, in (tabsorbing or bringing (them) forth the mind itself

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absorbing or bringing (them) forth, the mind itself self. The mind always presides over the great elemunderstanding proclaims its power, and it is called

religions, which cater to peoples' natural interest in the

Plato's philosophy contains a theory and method for theexample, in the dialogue, Theaetetus (176b), he writes

We ought to fly away from earth to heaven as quicand to fly away is to become like God, as far as thand to become like him, is to become holy, just, an1892; Vol. 4)

and this passage could as easily appear in the Phaedrusdivinization, for Plato, is accomplished by, among othe

contemplation (theoria) of the divine Forms. These arechariot myth sees in its ascent 'beyond the heavens'.

R d ill lik l h h d f Pl ' d f F

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Readers will likely have heard of Plato's doctrine of Foin part to the narrow view promoted by modern positiva mistaken or limited understanding if it. A common m

things like beauty, justice, virtue, etc. that divinize the

An Example

Every year or so around Christmas time, many or most

singular experience of 'Christmas Joy'. It's like suddenlthis is what it's all about! How foolish of me to have foinvariably has the wish or intention to retain the feelingalmost as invariably, one doesn't).

Now the content of this experience is something univer just apply to one particular thing or event. The essencethe same thing, both then, and if you have the experien

literally as though there is the one thing, Joy, which yoat both times. It's also transcendent , because it doesn't require anything material. One could imagine having th

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q y g g gif one had no physical body. It is a religious experienceis that, besides your own soul, that God and other soulstrue Joy we might say is the realization and appreciat

like God, proceeding "from glory to glory", we will be"face to face."

In Plato's system, our gradual divinization occurs as weacquainted with Forms like those of Beauty, Virtue, JuThese are, in a sense, manifestations of God's nature. Texperience these Forms develops through: (1) moral imdetachment from worldly concerns, (3) Platonic contemlove of Wisdom ( philosophia), (5) piety and holiness; (and inquiry (dialogue) ; and (7) general intellectual tramathematics, etc.). Just as with the Christian idea of thhuman soul, Plato emphasizes that the divine Forms areOur soul already has an affinity for them; in a sense, itthese Forms. He further suggests that we have already these Forms, and what is involved is a kind or remembincreasing in communion with God, becoming more go

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increasing in communion with God, becoming more goimprint of divinity already in the soul are parts of the s

We now consider a third level of interpretation of the cusually think of the soul's life journey as something likhorizontal axis of time -- from cradle to grave and bey potential of movement exists along a second dimensionwere, to the first. This second dimension could be consupward; (b) inward; or, (c) outward towards the world;a dimension (d) towards greater wakefulness. All thesedirection towards greater immediacy of experience, innclarity of mind; greater connection to reality; the 'pure here and now. We instinctively try to move in the posiaxis, in a constant, ongoing process that could be calle present .

At the higher levels of this dimension: the mind is colloutwardly sensible world is more clear; inwardly, therefor insight; one is more easily absorbed in work, better

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g ; y ,

The opposite or lower end of the dimension is charactet l di t ti d it ti W t i i

Unfortunately, such states of exceptional recollection odifficult to obtain. Instead, we are often tossed about bylife -- anxious, worried, distracted, on the one hand; or with self-deceptions, defense-mechanism, or idle and vother. Further, even when we are able to obtain a modiseems only a matter of time before we will become dis

This, then, I propose as the third level at which we maallegory: the alternation of ascents along the dimensionrecollection and mental 'presence', and the falls back inconfusion, or loss or diminution of soul.


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I n all three of the cases mentioned above -- theosis, c

reward or punishment; then there is selection of a new by choice and partly by lots; this is like how, in life, onis partly determined by ones current state and partly bycircumstance.

Here is why it's so important to become a philosopher,Beauty, whenever possible. At this highest level of 'emin a position most favorable both (1) for the regrowth oand (2) for choosing another propitious embodiment, shHaving a philosophic, loving, or creative attitude now ire-attain a desired exalted (winged, unembodied) stateremain in a superior embodied state in the future.

Categories of Embodiment

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With these considerations in mind, we shall examine thembodiment mentioned in (248d-e).

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despairs of, but a tyrant defies Reason.

Perhaps most importantly, a tyrant oppresses andthe populus. Addictive behaviors are perhaps theexample of self- tyranny.

One of the most important aspects of these negative cano easy way back from them to the highest states, mucstate where one grows wings. In terms of the allegory,where one has forgotten almost completely the vision o

The allegory does allude to a condition worse than a tyThis would be one who has gone so much into their ap

longer have even the capacity for moderation or for seconcerning their situation.

This I propose conveys the basic principles associated

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This, I propose, conveys the basic principles associatedsuccessive embodiment in the chariot allegory. At the lway that it may be interpreted

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7. Subjugation of lust


The soul through all her being is immort

which is ever in motion is immortal; but thmoves another and is moved by another, in move ceases also to live. Only the self-movleaving self, never ceases to move, and is

[245d] the fountain and beginning of motion to all

besides. Now, the beginning is unbegotten, which is begotten has a beginning; but the bis begotten of nothing, for if it were begottesomething then the begotten would not com

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something, then the begotten would not com beginning. But if unbegotten, it must also bindestructible; for if beginning were destroy

[246b] and of noble descent, but those of other racemixed; the human charioteer drives his in a one of them is noble and of noble breed, anis ignoble and of ignoble breed; and the drivthem of necessity gives a great deal of troub

I will endeavour to explain to you in what wmortal differs from the immortal creature. Ther totality has the care of inanimate beingeverywhere, and traverses the whole heavenforms appearing --

[246c] when perfect and fully winged she soars up

orders the whole world; whereas the imperflosing her wings and drooping in her flight settles on the solid ground -- there, finding ashe receives an earthly frame which appear

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she receives an earthly frame which appearself-moved, but is really moved by her powthis composition of soul and body is called

ways to and fro, along which the blessed go passing, every one doing his own work; he follow who will and can, for jealousy has nthe celestial choir. But when they go to banfestival,

[247b] then they move up the steep to the top of thheaven. The chariots of the gods in even poobeying the rein, glide rapidly; but the othefor the vicious steed goes heavily, weighingcharioteer to the earth when his steed has nothoroughly trained: -- and this is the hour oand extremest conflict for the soul.

For the immortals, when they are at the endcourse,

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[247c] go forth and stand upon the outside of heavrevolution of the spheres carries them round

fails to see by reason of the unruliness of thThe rest of the souls are also longing after tworld and they all follow, but not being stroenough they are carried round below the su

[248b] plunging, treading on one another, each strifirst; and there is confusion and perspirationextremity of effort; and many of them are lhave their wings broken through the ill-drivcharioteers; and all of them after a fruitless having attained to the mysteries of true beinaway, and feed upon opinion.

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T he reason why the souls exhibit this exc

[249a] grow her wings in less; only the soul of a philosopher, guileless and true, or the soul owho is not devoid of philosophy, may acquiin the third of the recurring periods of a thoyears; he is distinguished from the ordinary

man who gains wings in three thousand yeathey who choose this life three times in succhave wings given them, and go away at the three thousand years. But the others receive judgment when they have completed their fiand after the judgment they go, some of thehouses of correction which are under the earare punished; others

[249b] to some place in heaven whither they are lig borne by justice, and there they live in a maworthy of the life which they led here when

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worthy of the life which they led here whenform of men. And at the end of the first thoyears the good souls and also the evil souls

has or shares in it, and that he who loves the beautiful is called a lover because he partak

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For, as has been already said, every soul o

in the way of nature beheld true being; this condition of her passing

[250a] into the form of man. But all souls do not ethe things of the other world; they may hav

them for a short time only, or they may havunfortunate in their earthly lot, and, havinghearts turned to unrighteousness through so

ti i fl th h l t th

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corrupting influence, they may have lost theof the holy things which once they saw.

shining in company with the celestial formscoming to earth we find her here too, shininclearness through the clearest aperture of sesight is the most piercing of our bodily sensnot by that is wisdom seen; her loveliness w

been transporting if there had been a visibleher, and the other ideas, if they had visiblecounterparts, would be equally lovely. But t privilege of beauty, that being the loveliest the most palpable to sight.

[250e] Now he who is not newly initiated or who h become corrupted, does not easily rise out o

world to the sight of true beauty in the otheonly at her earthly namesake, and instead oawed at the sight of her, he is given over toand like a brutish beast he rushes on to enjo

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and like a brutish beast he rushes on to enjo beget; he consorts with wantonness,

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endure a heavier burden; but the attendants companions of Ares, when under the influelove, if they fancy that they have been at allare ready to kill and put an end to themselvtheir beloved.

[252d] And he who follows in the train of any othewhile he is unspoiled and the impression lahonours and imitates him, as far as he is abafter the manner of his God he behaves in hintercourse with his beloved and with the reworld during the first period of his earthly eEvery one chooses his love from the ranks

according to his character, and this he makeand fashions and adorns

[252e] as a sort of image which he is to fall down

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worship. The followers of Zeus desire that tbeloved should have a soul like him; and th

into the mysteries of true love, if he be captthe lover and their purpose is effected. Now beloved is taken captive in the following m

Top of Text

A s I said at the beginning of this tale, I d

each soul into three -- two horses

[253d] and a charioteer; and one of the horses wasand the other bad: the division may remain,

have not yet explained in what the goodnes badness of either consists, and to that I will proceed. The right-hand horse is upright ancleanly made; he has a lofty neck and an aq

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cleanly made; he has a lofty neck and an aqnose; his colour is white, and his eyes dark

their haunches, the one willing and unresistthe unruly one very unwilling; and when thhave gone back a little, the one is overcomshame and wonder, and his whole soul is bain perspiration; the other, when the pain is o

which the bridle and the fall had given himhaving with difficulty taken breath, is full owrath and reproaches, which he heaps uponcharioteer and his fellow-steed,

[254d] for want of courage and manhood, declarinthey have been false to their agreement andof desertion. Again they refuse, and again h

urges them on, and will scarce yield to theirthat he would wait until another time. Whenappointed hour comes, they make as if theyforgotten, and he reminds them, fighting an

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g g gneighing and dragging them on, until at lengon the same thoughts intent forces them to

kinsmen; they have nothing of friendship inworthy to be compared with his. And whenfeeling continues and he is nearer to him anembraces him, in gymnastic exercises and atimes of meeting,

[255c] then the fountain of that stream, which Zeuhe was in love with Ganymede named Desioverflows upon the lover, and some enters isoul, and some when he is filled flows out aand as a breeze or an echo rebounds from tsmooth rocks and returns whence it came, sthe stream of beauty, passing through the ey

which are the windows of the soul, come bathe beautiful one;

[255d] there arriving and quickening the passages oi t i th d i li i th t

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wings, watering them and inclining them toand filling the soul of the beloved also with

virtuous elements of the soul; and when thecomes, they are light and winged for flight,having conquered in one of the three heavetruly Olympian victories; nor can humandiscipline or divine inspiration confer any g

blessing on man than this. If, on the other hthey leave philosophy and lead the lower liambition, then probably,

[256c] after wine or in some other careless hour, thwanton animals take the two souls when offguard and bring them together, and theyaccomplish that desire of their hearts which

many is bliss; and this having once enjoyedcontinue to enjoy, yet rarely because they hnot the approval of the whole soul.

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They too are dear, but not so dear to one anas the others

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The Wheel of Samsara

It is necessary to know in depth the

laws and mysteries that govern the

life of man because they are the same laws that control all the mechanics of


Samsara is the wheel of birth and

death that we are inevitably tied to if

we do not decide to transform. The authentic final goal of the esoteric

studies is to reach intimate self

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studies is to reach intimate self

realization but first we need to pass

ourselves from this influence. The lunar psych

only a collection of psychological aggregates,

from the other. We do not have a coherent an

because each psychological I gravitates to an

imprisons it. To create the lunar psychology means to stud

create a lunar psychology and later the solar p

different and more advanced work.

The wise elders of Egypt said that ANUBIS is

evolution and TIFON is on the left descending

All plants, the whole planet and the entire univ

ld d di b t id th ti d

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grows old and dies but, as we said, the time d

this plane

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this plane


Superior humanities have attained intuition wh

state than thought, this is something we do no

do not realize that we are slaves of the intellec

Humanity has advanced to the level of the sup

have today by means of the intellect. Howeve

animal part that has accompanied us througho

not disappeared, on the contrary it has becom

that we have is dedicated in its most sophistic

of death, destruction, subjugation etc.

The human has in no way changed, life after l

same way and psychologically speaking has b

Th t i i li t i d d t h

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The great imperialist invaders do not change,

of humanity that still does not believe in this.

All the great civilizations, cultures and empires

glory and power but they finally fell, the cause

uncontrolled psyches that lead us to commit e

The great empires when faced with the threat always try to remedy it by tightening the rope

this causes re-evolution to break out; to unify

employ reason, not force.

Man does not have equilibrium in his interior le

the force dominates the reason, the women of with the idea that force is the way to resolve p

influence of Mars that should be balanced with

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brings a positive interior result that arrives at a

does not need sophisticated apparatus to rule

Who can stop Samsara?

Who can stop day and night?

From the superior dimensions the angels gove

suns, the mechanical laws, celestial and cosm make people comply to their laws with weapon

The human needs to reflect

profoundly and silently about his

life. When we begin to discover

the psychological vibrations that

move the psyche we also begin

to see the need to control

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to see the need to control,

disappears. That which does not disappear is

itself, is eternity and supreme happiness.

If we do not achieve 'mastery' we are innocen

the absolute.

Those that have the capacity to defeat the me themselves pass to other levels of understand

The angels and archangels are beings of the s

and of the same material but they have elevat

consciousness and have arrived at superior d

other planets. In order to dominate nature we do not require

need to know the natural laws, the understand

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respect to the natural laws is only a small und



This chapter contains a summary of the most importan

the spirit guides throughout the book, in the opinion of

The Death Exper ience for Adu l ts

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Those adults who die from an illness that has continue

of time are truly being given the opportunity to explor

connection with God and the new adventure that they than the majority of people on earth choose to face de

A person who is suddenly stricken down from an accimost likely occur and agreed to when they came backthat this has happened to them for the reason of helpin

Those who cross over from sudden accidental death w

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Those who cross over from sudden accidental death w

th i l d t l t f th i b d th

Some individuals are highly evolved spirits who havelifetimes, often as different types of beings, and when

a very specific place in heaven. They have, so to speak

are going to come home to--a place in heaven--and haover process.

At the time of crossing over, individuals are generallyof darkness and then are met by a very bright light. Th

through this tunnel with the assistance of loved spirits

where earth loved ones in their most current incarnati

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where earth loved ones in their most current incarnati

th Th fi d th l i di t l i l f

the human moves into the spirit world and is greeted b

have known.

When death is caused by a potentially painful and sudan individual removes itself from the body and the bo

physical pain and discomfort.

There is not a silver cord or some other physical attac

soul and the body which is severed at the moment of d

spirit soul

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spirit soul.

roles in their entire existence over many past lives, inc

communities than earth.

People with strong Christian beliefs when they cross o being greeted by Jesus the man even though they are a

energy of Christ consciousness.

No matter how evil a person was during their life, the

spirits when they cross over.

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Souls who are aborted by the mother are often sad sou

because they see many times the love and the support

but the mother feels so overwhelmed by earth conditiocapable of handling a child for whatever reason. Ther

soul will agree to that happening because they know t

mother's evolution and spiritual lessons and it is for th

that mother and that spirit to have that experience.

Abortion is not considered a spiritual crime.

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I f t h di f dd i f t d th d

Many times a child who has experienced several yearcome back after crossing over and feel a sense of distr

their loved ones to recover from their loss.

Transform at ion From Human To Spir i t

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A h l h i h lif ll i di id l

There are those spirit souls who are so evolved that th

to remain connected to those on earth for they know th

and spirit guides with those who have remained on eamove into their more highly evolved true selves.

When you have finally made that crossing over from eare allowed to experience heaven as you would like tothat has to do with many different conscious levels. In

experience is still an experience of something that you

were on earth. You eventually move beyond that sens

begin to move within your own spiritual consciousnes

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The soul of each incarnation carries the energy of evenecessarily predominant in the soul as it attaches to a

incarnation has its own energy, its own personality, its

forms in the soul to help connect to the spirit of your hhave things that are happening to you in your current

understanding for why it is happening, and it can be a

a past life which could go back for many past lives.

The higher self is your spirit that continues to live thro

lifetimes and is always there.

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A life review is often the way all spirits are able to beand their emotions with their earth life. It is not alway

either. There are many things that all of you on earth d

and compassion and support, that you never even alwaffected someone else and you are given the opportun


During the life review, the individual is experiencing

not other past lives.

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Once an individual has gone through their life review

opportunity to experience things from earth that they

hoped to enjoy. Those experiences that they are havinaffect anyone upon earth. Also, if there were individu

during this incarnation that an individual would have

they are given an opportunity to ask permission to me

that they saw.

As a being leaves their body and their soul and spirit mgreeted by their spirit guides along with their loved on

stay with the soul who has crossed over for a great deits crossing over and is becoming used to its life in he

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d b th i it i it ill th l

Oftentimes the spirit souls that linger for such a long p

connection are spirit souls who have been tormented s

had any type of spiritual consciousness and have lived

Oftentimes when earth beings think they are seeing a what they are seeing but will see the residual energy o

forth. This residual energy will create the same kinds think they are having when seeing a spirit.

Oftentimes hauntings get confused by residual energie

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l ti f t i d th b t hi h d t th

a consciousness of where those who have committed e

the events that they did in a much deeper, in a manner

the life review. After this reexperiencing of its humangiven the opportunity to move into its home family in

In both cases of individuals who have committed evil who have committed suicide, they are not initially in aspiritual experience with other spirits. Though they ca

around them within the environment they are in, they these spirits.

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Those who had a vision that they were going to go "toversions of what hell could mean to them. There will b

vision of what hell is, and that is what they will exper

will think hell was certain events or circumstances in they will experience for a period of time. This is not s

great deal of time because spirit will come to those an

give them the choice to see that they can move out of not what life after life is all about.

A spirit cannot exist simultaneously in heaven and in

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b di th H h i it i t

Spirit families can change somewhat and the reason th

there will be spirits within your spirit family who will

not to move on. There will be new family members w because they were able to evolve and move much fast

their actions and spiritual evolution and the life lesson

recent reincarnation.

You never feel alone when you return to your spirit lif

past family members in your most recent human life. members will not be in your spirit family, however. B

you still have your earth connection and they are there

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As you have gone through your life review when you become part of a schooling about those lessons that yo

about this last time and have a much more in-depth un

went and what you did and why you didn't do it. And help you understand the choices you made or the reas

that lesson or the reasons that you didn't even become

were there on earth to learn lessons. There will be no j

One can finally say I am tired and I no longer choose

I am in. I am happy right where I am. Oftentimes that

i l i i l f il b f

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ti l i it l f il b f

All the things that you love and enjoy and wish to be experience no longer take on the same form they did o

move into the energy that is created in those experienc

Energy is what everything is made of. Energy is just t

your spirit is evolving at at any given time. And the hi

are the higher amount of energy one has. And one tenamount of energy when they are working within the lo

being positive.

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Many family members may reincarnate and have simi


Until a spirit has moved into its total knowingness of will always continue life within spiritual family and g

You tend to share your primary spiritual family with ttype of creative energies that you do and thus there ar

in that consciousness level who have different creativ

spiritual energies.

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acknowledgment than any other individual. All spirits

world with love and equalness.

A spirit in heaven can communicate and/or induce effmany ways. The spirit soul can make very definite con

earth, and occasionally can communicate through an o

thought at the same time with the individual and the inhas communicated with a loved one. Then there are th

not actually made the complete crossing over who wilknown, often on a far more earthly level than any of th

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At the time of human death you are immediately and

coma of human beings you are immediately removed

fear, discomfort, sadness. You are able to observe whwithout having to feel the physical and emotional stat

prior to crossing over.

Some spirits monitor events on earth that may not be rloved ones. Unless they have a loved one involved in

awareness of what is taking place, they do not connec

W i d t d i it id d l

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immediately to the level that they can explore and com

spirit and do not use powers that they have to invade s

Once a spirit has obtained the actual level of a spirit glonger make the transitions to and from the nonspirit w

A human involved in a creative process often will havwill be assisting the human's thought process on anoth

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Music in heaven is an energy vibrational force and as a color or a vibration of a sound of music that is some

resonates with. On the other side you will enjoy musi

an earth being. You not only will hear it at your privat joined by other spirits who share the same form of mu

A spirit gradually moves away from earthly experienc pleasures and towards experiences which far exceed a

been anticipated, including the vibrational energy of l

pleasure. Creativity and fun and experiences of enjoym

h h ll f ' i f

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If a spirit wishes to move anywhere, it always asks pe

make an actual transport. Spirits can move at a consci

their own without any problem. Rarely do they move levels but it is not a normal experience until a spirit is

During a short period of time after arrival in heaven mexperience three-dimensional earth home connections processes, spirit energy form, as to what home is, wha

feeling about home is. These are not any type of threeconsist of the essence of a home, the essence of succe

health. Spirits soon move totally into their spirit self aspirit to place itself in a three-dimensional environmen

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Every living thing and every living thought is a manif

everything. When you become aware that you are con

everything, you become aware that you and the Creatospiritual evolution evolves.

The concept of levels in heaven is useful for human unworld, but is not meaningful when one actually is in hvibration levels of their energy which is transformed i

occurs when a spirit moves into more of that oneness connectiveness to the Creator, influenced strongly by

on earth.

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of not needing to return to earth will continue their sp

spirit self in heaven.

Spirits have no gender. Every individual upon earth hfemale but generally incarnates in most lives as one or

Spirits have no names in heaven.

Th i i l h ll b i h A

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The Creator is aware of every single event, every indi

can visualize the Creator as being this gigantic storero

each individual spirit that moves into its spirit soul carlife. And this is all a form of consciousness of events

your world as well as those from other worlds. A spiri

consciousness of all experiences.

Reincarnat ion

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You always return to earth at a later date than when y

In the past the typical times between death in one life life could have been centuries. Because earth is evolvmanifesting events almost instantaneously, those who

their most recent past life are given an opportunity to

been the case in the past to help those who are strugglevolution.

In just about every reincarnated life, individuals return

i th t th h l f lt d h d d

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Spirits who are reincarnating do not experience compover the same earth life.

The first and most important lesson for every spirit thlearn its own spiritual lessons and to have a knowing o

also to help others to understand their inner beings as

important than acting in a way which would help humtheir earthly existence.

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Oftentimes a spirit who originated in a form other thanreincarnate back to earth for their next lifetime but wi

their original place of creation and will go back for m

original place of creation in a humanoid type form.

Those individuals who originated from a world other t

evolved beings and often find themselves very confusmade that choice to bring that wisdom, that knowledg

communicate other existences to earth in one way or a

spiritual evolution become so much more powerful th

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Life On Earth

Part of your evolution is to learn how to live and makeasy and harmonious. But to do it with the harmony oand not being destructive to her.

Earth life will never be heaven life and the whole purpsouls to come and learn lessons. But even though eart

heaven life, it can evolve to a much higher spiritual co


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towards other individuals will come around back to yo

another low-level energy.

Embrace this learning process that you are going throuturn within and ask your spirit guides about the lesson

what you should learn about feeling your own feeling


Many times what prevents any human being from mo

spiritual consciousness level is because of one of the b

f li f f f f th k f f t b i

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Spirits can bring physical imprints such as birthmarksnew infant's body.

If a child crosses over, after a period of time it will moform and will continue life not as an infant but as the m

become through many incarnations.

When a soul returns to heaven into its spirit form, the h d d t il h thi t d

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Generally speaking, a child who has been so abused is

forgiveness and is here to learn the lesson of compass

Fear is generally the motivating factor for all negativeearth. It is all based on fear of one form or another, fe

fear of not being good enough, fear of being eliminate

contributor to the dark side of mankind, followed by alargest reasons.

In many of your countries in your world where there i

t l h th i h h th i

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dimensions, or you will interact with other souls upon

deep connection with.

During astral travel one could encounter energies, for the astral plane, varying from those with very high spi

those of far, far less spiritual consciousness. You can

energies and unless you are well prepared and have a how to protect yourself these can have emotional as w

your life at your return to your three-dimensional life.

S i it li ll l li th i lt l

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There have been major spiritual teachers who precede

there have been major spiritual teachers since Him wh

None of these early spiritual teachers later reincarnate

The spirit world does not view the many organized remanner whatsoever. This is strictly a human form of o

religion and many times forgetting the actual spiritualconnected to the individuals and their connection to u

All past lives, all past experiences, all past wisdom an

ith i t th ti li i Oft ti

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Everyone has the ability to be a healer. Not everyone

responsibility of being healed, though. Please know it

doing the healing. It is the person's responsibility who be healed. Healing should ask for the highest good of

not be what we see.

As individuals come together in a collective consciouharmony and good will towards everyone, this coming

definitely be used to affect large worldly events. How possibilities are fairly low of affecting a major happen

of an asteroid or of a planet because such an enormouto come together.

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With physician-assisted suicide, both the physician andecided to quicken their release from earth will exper

affected the people around them when they cross over

On rare occasions, a spirit can replace a spirit in a bod

agreement to be replaced. This is called a walkin.

The meaning of free will has to do with the level of coh E th ht ti i f f f

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different things. Everybody has mindpower but intelle

an earth experience. But mindpower, which is really t


A human's level of spirituality is not correlated with thability to see auras or other spiritual manifestations.

Even though the new incarnated human is generally c

and even though the reincarnated human is coming th

have traits and like DNA connections, still the new re

d h th bilit t t it lit i it

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UFO's disappearing or people being able to move thou

higher dimensional existence. There are some human

evolved enough to be able to move in spirit form throu

Crop circles are coming to earth as a form of art, as a from beings from other universes --in the form of art t

there is another dimension that is trying to communica peace, showing you through art the harmony and frien

bring to earthlings.

Th ill b f t t iti f th ti th d

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Oftentimes there are unknown individuals upon earth

you would like to know, or you feel a connection with

person and you will feel that that person has been in ynot have to be in the love/ soulmate context that most

There are those of you who have been together throug

on earth would call these soulmates.

Angels are forms of energy that deal everyday all day

They are always with you for whatever circumstance are forms of energy that are specialists in various field

is another form of an angel who is often a deceased peas also an angel in assisting you.

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Generally, angels or spirit guides do not reincarnate in

There have been a few individuals that have come fro

Buddha or Jesus, but the sole purpose in their lifetimefollow through for centuries and centuries.

Archangels are angels who are at the higher conscious beyond earth angels. They help with global and univethan many spirit guides and teachers, even though the

earthbound issues.

S i it f h ti iti th h l t l

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As your spirit guides we have been with you at all timguides, we are always pleased to see you move into hi

being. This is part of what we as spirits continue to ho

humans--that you all will continue to move into highefind that you are vibrating at higher energy levels. As

find that it helps to assist us in what we are learning a

vibrational energies as well.

A spirit guide is not responsible for the choices made

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David Hawkins | Personality-Developm

Introduction to David Hawkins

David Hawkins (or David R. Hawkins) is a psychiatrist who not only t

but has conducted extensive research. His career spans from 1952

Medical College of Wisconsin (established as Marquette University S

earned his PhD. in Philosophy from Columbia Pacific University. In h

several research laboratories and clinics.

Levels of Consciousness in "Power VS Force"

The most well known publication of Dr. Hawkins is "Power VS. Force

Human Behavior" (Hawkins, 2002). In the book, Hawkins extrapolat

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310: Willingness

350: Acceptance

400: Reason

500: Love

540: Joy600: Peace

700-1000: Enlightenment

Although Hawkins goes into great detail about the various levels of c

turning points as most crucial.

"On our scale of consciousness, there are two critical points that allo

is at 200, the initial level of empowerment: Here, the willingness to s

responsibility for one's own actions, feelings, and beliefs arises - as

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only 4 percent of people alive today have reached the critical energy

states have extremely powerful influence on the well being of society

out that only .4 percent of the population reaches 540, and only 1 in

level of 600 (Hawkins 2002, 95). He also points out that there are cu

who calibrate at 700 (Hawkins 2002, 282).

To gain perspective of the power of individuals who reach higher sta

importance of our individual capacity to reach these higher states - H

(Hawkins 2002, 282):

One individual at 700 counterbalances 70 million individuals below

One individual at 600 counterbalances 10 million individuals below

One individual at 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals below

One individual at 400 counterbalances 400,000 individuals below

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A person who is powerful engages from the level of higher attractor

synchronicity and joy, their work is effortless and fruitful, and their su

growing. Again, entertaining higher energy fields progresses the per

individual awareness and external success. As the individual moves

they embrace power over force as the means to accomplish their go

"Power is associated with that which supports the significance of life

uplifts, dignifies, and ennobles. Force must always be justified, wher

Force is associated with the partial, while power is associated with t

automatically creates counter-force, its affect is limited by definition.

movement - it goes from here to there (or tries to) against oppositionIt's like a standing field that doesn't move. Gravity itself, for instance

power moves all objects within its field, but the gravity itself does no

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Although intellectualism can only occur in relatively higher states of

its power is limited.

"The achievements of pure reason are the great landmarks of cultur

master of his external environment; and to some degree, on the phy

environment. But reason has its limits, in more ways that one: The in

so dazzling and enviable to those in the 300s, quickly pales for thos

higher perspective, its all too clear how tedious and trivial reason's i

Reason is the mirror of the mind's vanity; ultimately, there are few th

self-admiration." (Hawkins 2002, 268)

Hawkins returns to this topic later in the book:

"Contrary to its delusions of grandeur, the intellect not only lacks the

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transported by a power greater than that of the individual self. This t

of some aspect of the self hitherto unknown, or unexperienced in its


Hawkins, D. R. (2002). Power versus force. Hay House Inc.

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