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Lowry Hill Residents’ Association

Issue 3/2009


Every Tuesday

6.30 - 8.00pm 11-13 years8.00 - 9.30pm 14-17 years

St Augustine's Parish CentreBriar Bank (opposite Morrisons)



Further details: 01228 558220 and ask for PCSO 5211 Louise Aiston


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Chairman's Report by Andrew Rowell

We had a useful meeting on 8th June. We discussed abuse of public litterbins with one driver using a public bin to empty his car rubbish and leaving a pile of rubbish by the bin. While this is better than simply emptying it on the road or throwing it out of the window, it is hardly the place to empty a car of rubbish!

Louise Aiston our local Police Community Support officer reported a recent problem with mini motorbikes and a spate of burglaries on the estate. These are opportunistic thefts and residents are urged to be vigilant with open doors especially in the hot weather. Lock the front door before you fall off to sleep in the warm sun in the back garden! Read Louise’s article in this newsletter.

We hope that the new Lowry hill name stones will be in place soon and we discussed the final details and arrangements.

Patch secretary’s report by Fergus Pringle

We have received subscriptions from all Patches Representatives. There were a number of houses where they were unable to find anyone at home, if you were one of these people and wish to join/continue your membership please put your subscription in the envelope provided and put it through your Patch Reps letter box who will forward it to the Treasurer.

Mrs Julie Drobczyk has had to retire and I wish to thank her for all her work as a patch representative and wish her all the best in the future.

I put a notice through all the doors on her Patch (45 – 81 Lowry Hill Road) and am very happy to say that I managed to get a replacement for her. He is Mr David McKie of 69 Lowry Hill Road and I would like to thank him for volunteering.

We need a third person for Lowry Gardens but elsewhere we still have a full compliment of Patch Representatives though three of these are Committee Members. If you have 10 to 15 minutes to spare four time a year to deliver the Newsletters and maybe an hour in the Spring to collect the subscriptions and are willing to help please get in touch with myself or the Chairman.


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Local Councillors tackle the triffidsbut need your help

Following a request from the Lowry Hill Residents Association, we took a walk around Lowry Hill accompanied by Barbara Bray, a representative from the Association. Concerns had been raised by residents about overgrown trees and foliage causing obstructions in the local cuts.

During our walk, we identified several areas of Carlisle City Council responsibility. These have been reported to Council officers for attention and improvements should be happening by now.

Unfortunately, we also came across several areas that are not City Council responsibility. Plants, hedges and trees belonging to homeowners have begun to invade the cuts, in some cases obscuring street lights and making pathways difficult to pass safely along.

Would it be possible for you to inspect your gardens and boundaries and cut back foliage that may be causing a problem to

others before the nights start to draw in please?

Your co-operation in dealing with this matter would be greatly appreciated. If, however, due to personal difficulties you feel unable to undertake this work please call 01228 817068 for advice.

A word about the birds

When carrying out any cutting back, can you please take reasonable steps to avoid destroying the nests of any wild birds. This is a requirement under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 for protecting birds, their young, their nests and their eggs.

Don’t forget, if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitiate to get in touch.

With grateful thanks for your co-operation,

David Morton 01228 [email protected]

Trish Vasey 01228 [email protected]


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Gareth Ellis 01228 [email protected]


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Hespin Wood Resource Park Next step taken in battle to solve

Cumbria’s landfill problem

An update from Councillor Alan Toole

Cumbria took a step towards slashing the amount of household waste it sends to landfill on 22nd April 2009, when the County Council’s Development Control and Regulation Committee granted planning permission to Shanks Cumbria’s new waste treatment facility at Hespin Wood near Carlisle. Once constructed, the treatment facility will process up to 75,000 tonnes of ‘black bag’ waste a year from the County that would otherwise be sent to landfill. This diversion of waste from landfill not only has an environmental benefit but will also ensure that Cumbria meets Government recycling and diversion targets and avoids substantial fines that are imposed for failing to do so. The County Council agreed last November to a 25 year deal with Shanks to provide cutting edge, sustainable waste management technology for Cumbria and the final completion of the contract negotiations is expected imminently.

Stephen Ray, Operations Director for Shanks PFI said “The granting of planning permission is really good news for Cumbria. Now we really can begin to lay the foundations of a more sustainable future for dealing with Cumbria’s waste.” Cumbria County Council leader (in April 2009) Stewart Young added, “Getting the approval for this planning application is a big step in revolutionising waste disposal in Cumbria. Our contract with Shanks will massively reduce the amount of rubbish being sent to landfill and provide the county with a greener, more cost-effective system for dealing with waste for many years to come.”

Now that the Hespin Wood facility has been granted planning permission construction is scheduled to commence in August 2009. The facility will take about 30 months to build and commission, and is planned to be fully operational and receiving 75,000 tonnes of waste per annum from early 2012. Shanks will be using local firm Hanson Contracting (formerly Cumbrian Industrials), based in Penrith to carry out the construction project. Around 200 different local tradesmen will be employed in the construction phase of the development, although no more than 40 of these will be on site at any one time. Once the facility is built 11 full time operational roles will be created. The site will also include an office building where 11 full time administration and management posts will be created.

For further information please contact Abigail Rimmer, Communications Officer, Shanks Cumbria 0845 450 3990

Additional Information

1. The deal agreed with the Council includes a second, identical facility, to be constructed in the Barrow area, and for Shanks to take over the running of the County’s fourteen Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs). The terms of the deal mean that Shanks will boost recycling rates to 60% from the HWRCs and help Cumbria smash Government targets of diverting 67% of waste away from landfill by 2015 and 75% away by 2020.

2. Shanks Cumbria is the company name for Shanks Waste Management Ltd in Cumbria. Shanks Waste Management is part of Shanks Group plc, Europe’s largest listed waste management firm

3. For further information about the treatment technology, known as the Intelligent Transfer Station to be used in Cumbria, please visit

4. For further information about the decision of the Development Control and Regulation Committee please visit

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Location and access The proposed site is situated approximately 7km north of Carlisle. It will occupy some 4 hectares of land within the boundaries of the existing Hespin Wood Landfill Site.

Protecting the EnvironmentShanks take their environmental responsibilities extremely seriously and were the first waste management company in the UK to publish a corporate policy on the environment. Shanks prides itself on its commitment to maintaining high standards and improving them even further. Shanks are accredited to ISO 14001, which is an international standard on good environmental practices.

Shanks are in the process of carrying out a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the proposals at Hespin Wood. The EIA will be submitted along with the planning application and it will set out how any potential impacts arising from the development will be appropriately mitigated. The assessment will look in detail at the following areas:• Ecology and nature conservation • Traffic and transport• Surface water and drainage • Air quality

• Noise and vibration • Soils, geology and contaminated soils• Archaeology • Landscape and visual amenity

FAQsWill there be any noise or smells from the plant?

All processing of waste takes place inside a building specifically designed to minimise noise and smell. Design features to minimise noise and odour include a fully enclosed process, water mist sprays at the reception pit and maintenance of negative pressure within the building so air is constantly drawn in rather than out.

What hours will this site operate? The site will usually operate from 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 - 12:00 on

Saturday. It will be closed on Sunday Will there be any emissions from the site?

Emissions from the facility are controlled using a Bio Filter. Any emissions from the plant will meet the strict limits prescribed by the Environment Agency, which are designed to protect human health and the environment. These emissions have to be monitored and the information made publicly available. Moreover, the proposed technology is proven and in operation elsewhere in the UK.

What will happen to Solid Recovered Fuel that is produced? Shanks are currently negotiating with companies in Cumbria who are interested in using

the SRF as an alternative form of green energy to displace the fossil fuels.What effect will this have upon traffic?

A full transport assessment will be undertaken as part of the EIA, and the council and the Highways Agency will be consulted on the proposals. It is not expected that there will be any significant increases in traffic movements around the site.

Your ViewsShanks are keen to hear your views on the proposed development at Hespin Wood at

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Broadband survey results

Broadband is one of the faster ways in which computer users can connect to the internet using a standard BT line.

The speed of your broadband connection governs how long you wait for web pages and emails to appear on your computer.

There are many factors affecting this speed, including the telephone wiring in your house, and your computer, but the main one is the quality of the line and distance between Lowry Hill and the Cecil Street telephone exchange.

In the last issue, we asked our members to report the name of their broadband and the speed of the connection.

We got replies from over 30 residents with about 16 different suppliers and there wasn’t really enough data to draw meaningful conclusions. But, nevertheless here are some:

Nobody on Lowry Hill seems to be getting the “up to 8 Mbps” offered by broadband suppliers

Subscribers to Small World’s cable service had the fastest download speeds.

The broadband suppliers producing speeds in excess of 2,000 Kbps have probably upgraded to ADSL2+ technology

The post code of each respondent did not seem to make any difference to their download speed

We need a better connection from Cecil Street to the green box at the end of Lowry Hill Road – the fibre optic cable bypasses it on its way up Scotland Road!

GraffitiGraffiti on a couple of Lowry Hill properties has recently been reported to Louise Aiston [PCSO] and it has also been reported it to the City Council who are going to try and remove it.

Forms are available from the City Council, which the property owner has to fill in. This allows the workers access to the property to carry out the necessary work. At the moment Fergus Pringle has a couple of forms available and you can also obtain these from Carlisle City Council Street Cleaning department. Unfortunately, the form is not yet available on line.

Cumbria Libraries Home Delivery ServiceYour Questions Answered

Who can apply for the Home Delivery Service - anyone who is unable to visit the library because of mobility problems or ill health and has no one who can go to the library on their behalf. What is available - books in large print - fiction and non-fiction, books in ordinary print.  Talking books on cassette and CD, Videos/DVDs and music on CD.What does it cost - there is no charge for this service.How does it operate - items are selected by library staff according to each customer's needs and are delivered by volunteers on the same day of the week once a monthHow do I apply - telephone Carlisle library 01228 227310 or e-mail [email protected]

A thank you letter to Lowry Hill homeowners.

At the end of May one of our cats went missing, it was a very stressful time for me, my husband and 12 year old daughter as we love both of our cats very much. We searched for our cat for 4 days and popped leaflets through residents’ doors, and also spoke to a lot of people, they were all so kind and caring, and thankfully our beloved Kimi was found in a garage on Lowry hill road by a very caring couple. We would like to thank everyone who helped look for our cat and wondered if it was possible to put a little note in the newsletter.

Thanking you, Mrs Maureen Wilkinson

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Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School

We have had another exciting term at Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School. We held an environment enrichment week recently where the children, amongst other wonderful activities, enjoyed using Kingmoor Nature Reserve to look for mini beasts etc. This is such a wonderful local resource we intend to use it much more in the future. We also had Alistair Neville, a local sculptor working with the children to carve and craft a wooden seat to put in our grounds.

Our Nursery building is well on the way to completion. It is anticipated that the holiday club will be able to use it from 20th July. We are hoping to hold several open days in September to show local residents around our fantastic new building.

Miss Sharon McGaffinHeadteacherKingmoor Nursery and Infant School

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Crime in Lowry Hill - a message from your Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Cumbria Police are urging householders to keep doors and windows locked to prevent ‘sneak-in’ thefts.

Recently there have been a few sneak-in burglaries at homes in Carlisle and some have been in the Lowry Hill area. Offenders have entered houses by opening insecure doors and have stolen property including handbags, cash, mobile phones and keys. Most have happened during the evening or overnight, at houses where doors have been left unlocked or windows open. In some cases occupants have been in the house but unaware of the burglary until later. It would appear that some offenders are wandering the streets looking for insecure doors.

Nationally, opportunist thieves taking advantage of open or unlocked doors and windows commit over 40% of domestic burglaries.

Crime levels have fallen over the last few years and dwelling burglary remains a relatively rare crime, but there are still some thieves out there looking for easy opportunities.

The good news is that by taking a few basic precautions, homeowners can reduce the chances of becoming a victim.

Crime prevention tipsCumbria Constabulary recommends a few straightforward steps to help keep homes and property secure.

Whenever possible keep your front and back doors locked and windows closed, especially if you are upstairs, or in another part of the house, or in the garden. In addition, we encourage people to fit, and most importantly use, good locks on ground floor and accessible windows.

Remember to lock up even if you are only going out for a couple of minutes - that is all the time a thief needs.

Before going to bed, close all ground floor and accessible windows and remember to lock your doors.

It is worth remembering that most household insurance policies do not cover the theft of property from within a home that has been left insecure.

Postcode all types of property to deter thieves and improve the chances of tracing the stolen items. ‘Postcoding’ can be done with ultra-violet marker pens, engraving, stamping or even paint. Property can also be made identifiable by other unique systems, such as ‘Smartwater’. Further details are available at or from your local Neighbourhood Police Officer or Crime Prevention Officer.

Report anything suspicious Please let us know as soon as possible, if you see anyone behaving suspiciously; many criminals are apprehended due to information from members of the public and Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.

For further crime prevention advice and information on Neighbourhood Watch visit our website at and the Neighbourhood Watch website If you require more specific advice please ring 0845 3300247 and ask to speak to your local Crime Prevention Officer.

Inspector Mark Gilroy North & East Neighbourhood Policing Team

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GARDEN ADVICE .CO.UKGarden weeds can be a real problem. The GardenAdvice team explain how to deal with the three most difficult garden weeds.

Horsetail or Marestail ( Equisetum arvense )

This is one of the most difficult weeds to eradicate in the garden situation. Once spotted to is important to go to work immediately to eradicate it. A perennial weed, which grows in a wide variety of places from, boggy ground to sand dunes. It has two types of growth, in spring brown asparagus-like shoots appear with cones at the tips and these produce spores. Later the more familiar thin green, branched stems appear and these remain until the winter. Both are produced from creeping underground rhizomes, which go down about 1.5 metres.It is resistant to most weed killers, but Glyphosate may have some success after repeated treatment. The GardenAdvice team has had some success by crushing the stems to break the waxy surface and then applying Glyphosate in the form of round up with a small paintbrush. Glyphosate has the advantage of keeping the plant alive whilst the chemical travels from one cell to another in the plant before killing it. Persistent applications will kill it after 5 months.

Hedge and field Bindweed ( Calystegia sepium and Convolvulus arvensis)

Bindweed is a difficult plant to control, however with the use of glyphosate it is possible to eradicate it fairly quickly.It's a climbing herbaceous perennial, spreading by creeping underground stems, which root readily into virgin soil. Before the use of chemicals such as glyphosate digging it out was the best way to control it. The main problem with this method is that every small piece of root left turned into a new plant. With the roots being brittle it is almost impossible to remove the entire root, so inevitable after a short period of time the problem returned only this time it had become at least twice the size. As with horse's tail it is best to apply the glyphosate with a small paintbrush directly to the leaves. Unlike

horses tail it should only take one or two applications to control the bindweed.Other methods include hoeing repeatedly to exhaust the bindweed as new stems appear. The two different types of bind weed as self-explanatory. One is more inclined to climb that the other but the control is the same.

Couch grass (Dog's Grass, Twitch) (Agropyrum repens, syn. Elymus repens)

The most common of our difficult weeds the couch grass is a perennial grass with creeping underground stems with small fibrous roots at every joint. You can find couch grass in most gardens, under hedges at the back of the borders. It's not a major problem until it becomes unchecked. Then over a period of time it takes a firm grip and starts to spread rampantly. On large areas containing couch or in-between shrubs, the GardenAdvice team tend to clear the majority of the weed then allow the remaining roots to re-shoot spray with glyphosate and allow the systemic action to kill the couch over a period of about 6 weeks. As with bind weed two applications might be needed.

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Useful InformationLowry Hill Residents’ Association

Chairman, Andrew Rowell 592825Vice Chairman, Chris Ormandy 530369Treasurer, Jenny Morton 529864Patch Secretary, Fergus Pringle 538012Minutes Secretary, Margaret Ferguson 538104Newsletter Editor, Jan Kitching 543708

Carlisle City Council, Civic Centre 817000Customer Contact CentreThis is the first point of contact for residents enquiring, face to face, by telephone or email about Carlisle City Council servicesOpening hours: Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm. Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm

Many services are available online at

01228 817200

City Councillor David Morton Home: 515486Mobile: 0771 992 7758

City Councillor Patricia Vasey 01228 593568City Councillor Gareth Ellis 01228 817068

County Councillor Alan Toole Home: 530681Work: 521383

Cumbria County Council 606060Adult Social Care 227000Children’s Social Care 227002Comments, compliments and complaints 0800 1218800Education 226877Highways Hotline 0845 6096609Library 607310Police: Non-emergency calls 0845 3300247

Kingmoor Junior School 607561Kingmoor Business Centre (Adult Education Classes) 607533

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JAMES RENNIE SCHOOLKingstown, Carlisle CA3 0BX

Tel: 01228 607559

Relief Midday Meal Supervisor

James Rennie School is a school for 135 pupils who have severe & profound learning difficulties. From September, we require a relief Midday Meal Supervisor to cover staff absences. When required, the hours of the post would be 7½ hours per week, 11.50am to 1.20pm per day, term time only. The salary is

£6.3029 per hour plus meals allowance of £1 per day

An application form and further details can be obtained from the school. Closing Date - 18 September 2009.

Special Bears for Special Occasions.

Handmade, jointed, ornamental bears, available in various sizes, provided

gift wrapped.Free delivery to houses in Maree on 592825

Kevin Goodall – Home Improvements for Busy PeopleWall & floor tiling. Kitchen & bathroom fitting. DIY rescue service. General repairs and improvements

including worktop cutting, coving and flat pack assembly. Whole or part jobs undertaken.

Tel: 675578 or 07812 563145

Zenya Hair:Health:Beauty1 Mulcaster Crescent, Stanwix

Offering hair styling/colouring, wedding hair, waxing,Fake Bake tanning, Shiatsu, Aromatherapy and more.....

Book our PAMPER ROOM for parties, pre-weddingsgraduations etc.  Tel 01228 535278

D&D McWilliams Opticians27 Church Street, Stanwix, Carlisle. Tel 510896

NHS and Private Services, Diabetic/Glaucoma screeningHome Visits for the Housebound. Free parking with disabled

access. Wide range of frames including free children’sSPECIAL OFFERS AVAILABLE

Eden DecoratingFor interior and exterior

decoratingFree estimates

Geoff Johnston Tel: 402691

Book-keepingProfit and Loss and tax returns

Phone Robert Mackie521703/07876335907

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Dog WalkingService

Please ring Fraser01228 521703

OFSTED REGISTERED CHILDMINDER ON LOWRY HILLProviding a high standard of childcare in a friendly home environment.

Daytime sessions, Before & after school care, School holiday care. Plus Babysitting service.

For further information contact Joanne Harrison 381347/07990 588576

ERIC HAGAN OPTICIANS 18 High Street, Longtown Tel: 791664

We specialise in providing a personal, professional service Wide selection of frames and lenses

Home visits available on request Free parking, easy access, full disabled facilities

French CoachingAll levels including

‘A’ level.Contact Sue MackieTelephone: 511134

Learn to DriveWith John WilkinsonIn a new Ford FocusTel: 01228 402020

Email: [email protected]

Gemsoft ComputersOver 20 years experience in solving computer problems

including viruses, spy ware and broadband installation, in your home. Weekends & evenings possible. No fix – no fee.

Also hardware sales, networks, upgrades, printers, scanners etc., software, repairs and advice. Call Andrew on 547444

FDF FootcareFor all your foot health needs including nail trimming, corns

removed, hard skin removal, verruca treatment.Warwick Mill, Warwick Bridge

Home visits available.Tel: 380159 Mob: 07886609246

Guitar TuitionClassical and Electric

Reasonable RatesRing John Miller

at Lowry Hill Tel: 544094

MATHS AND ENGLISH121 confidence building

concentration skills for 7-16 year olds. Qualified experienced

teacher £15 for 45 minsJo Kirke 01228 525284

SM Lightfoot, Joinery Contractor

Joinery, glazing, UPVC windows & doors,garage doors, double glazing repairs.

Contact Mike onTel: 529954 Mobile: 07738817737

ERIC HAGAN OPTICIANSMarket Place, Brampton Tel: 016977 42703

Patient-centred and friendly family eye care Free eye care & spectacles for children

Fully NHS accredited. Diabetic & Glaucoma ScreeningSee the difference!

R Maxwell BuildingExtensions: Alterations:

Conservatories: Driveways: Garden Walls: Patios: All aspects of building work

Tel: 521664/07905056614Floorshop - Established 40 Years

Friendly local company, free estimates and home sampling.Carpets, Vinyls, Laminate, Karndean & Commercial workAll Fitted at reasonable rates. Expert fitting service with quality underlays etc. Also supplying Vertical, Roller &

Venetian Blinds. 137 Botchergate Carlisle. Tel 01228 525910

C J WilsonBuilding & Joinery

Also mini-digger availablefor removal of tree stumps

Tel - 402733/077955 10980

Relaxation/MeditationA small friendly class held in

my home Thursday 10 to 11.30. £3 per class.

Contact Jo Kirke01228 525284

Spotlight Theatre Arts School (est. 1984) Classes at St. Marks Church Hall on Saturdays. Places for September in Ballet & Tap classes

for 5-8 yearsAlso Drama, Singing & Theatre Dance for 7-17 years

RAD Regd, Optional shows & awards, Tel: 079 700 30640