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1. Town GatesA large gateway leads under a tall wall and opens onto the streets of Loudwater. Several bored-looking guards stand watch at the entrance.Two iron gates, East Gate and West Gate, comprise the town’s primary entrances. These gates stand open during the day, leaving a 20-by-20-foot path that leads through the wall and into the town. A walkway crosses over the opening, connecting either side of the wall. Two towers, which are part of the wall, rise 40 feet above a gate. West Gate and East Gate are closed and locked at night, though they are opened for people leaving the town. Each of the gates is staffed by a group of four guards. Lone travelers and small groups can enter and exit for free; traders and merchants pay 5 sp per wagon or cart. Monsters and creatures that resemble monsters are refused entry.

2. South SquareCarts and tents surround a large communal well in the center of this plaza. The citizens of Loudwater bustle about the area, shopping for food, clothing, and crafts.Caravanners and river merchants set up carts and tents along the southern wall near the town’s permanent shops. People looking for food, supplies, and miscellaneous items might find what they’re looking for here.

3. Garwan’s CuriositiesA sign bearing the image of a unicorn horn, an hourglass, and the words “Garwan’s Curiosities” hangs at the front of this store. Windows provide a view of bizarre items, including a shrunken head, candy wrapped in colorful leaves, playing cards, smoking accessories, fancifully decorated tankards, and more.Locals visit Garwan’s to find interesting gifts or to sell off junk in which Garwan sees value. Strange items lie tucked away in the dusty nooks of this shop, though few pieces are of any real value. However, sometimes rare items pass through Garwan’s, and a lucky customer comes away with a valuable treasure. Thus, a stop at Garwan’s Curiosities remains a favorite diversion among locals, especially Loudwater’s youth.Garwan: Garwan is a white-bearded, wizened dwarf, and he is happy to let customers browse while he sits at the counter puffing on a prodigious pipe.

4. Starra’s KnivesThis dimly lit shop smells of oil and steel. The southern wall has a large display containing hundreds of different knives and daggers.No other place in Loudwater offers a better selection of knives, daggers, and other small bladed weapons. Many of the blades on display have accompanying names and stories, though the veracity of these embellishments is doubtful.Deanna “Starra” Starr: The proprietor of the knife shop is Deanna Starr, though most people just call her “Starra.” Folks say that Starra hails from Tethyr, but they know little else about her.

5. Green Tankard TavernA sign with a green-painted tankard of ale proclaims the nature of this establishment. The tavern’s large common room holds a gregarious group that includes townspeople, riverboat folk, merchants, farmers, and one or two individuals wearing the badges of the Loudwater Patrol.Called simply “the Tankard” by locals, this roomy inn and tavern serves as the public house for the southern portion of Loudwater; the Fisher’s Friend pub (area 15) serves the northern part of the town, including the docks. The Tankard offers beer, spirits, and a variety of expensive wines. Meals are available throughout the day, and rooms can be rented for overnight stays. Regulars and travelers alike gather each day to drink, gossip, sing, and engage in games of chance.Marsh Laval: This loud, talkative halfling is the Tankard’s proprietor. He enjoys sitting back to tell a long story, even to the exclusion of other patrons who are waiting for his service.

6. Loudwater GeneralA hanging sign shows this large building to be Loudwater General. From other signs on the storefront, the place appears to carry everyday goods necessary to those living on the frontier.A person can purchase tools, clothing, food, drink, simple melee and ranged weapons, ammunition, and adventuring gear at this store. In Loudwater General, characters can find items from the Player’s Handbook of 30 gp value or less.Calla Maran: The proprietor, Calla Maran, runs the general store with the help of her stockboy, Raumandar.

7. Stables

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The earthy scent of hay and manure is strong in this wide building. The whinny of horses and the snort of oxen indicates that the building houses many beasts of burden. Carts, wagons, and other transports are also parked nearby.Mounts can be kept here for 2 sp per day. Riding horses can also be bought and sold at the stables.Darden, Dred, and Drer: These three dwarf brothers own the stables. They are the sons of Garwan, who owns Garwan’s Curiosities. They manage the facility and employ several assistants who feed, water, brush, clean, and care for the animals.

8. Loudwater SmithyThe clank of metal on metal, the hiss of steam, and the roar of flames issues through the open door of this establishment. A hammer and anvil decorate a sign hanging over the door.Here characters can purchase a variety of metallic wares, including weapons and armor. The smithy doesn’t have any martial weapons in stock, but custom requests can be fulfilled within several days. Megana Nistral: The head smith is a brawny human female as broad as a dwarf. Megana’s hearty laugh competes with the hammering beats of her great mallet. She employs several apprentice smiths who are in awe of the woman’s stature and blacksmithing ability.

9. Loudwater ApothecaryA sign displaying several oddly shaped bottles hangs over the door of this shop. A dozen different scents waft through the doorway, including tangy musk, cinnamon spice, orange peel, baking bread, and gunpowder.Although the apothecary advertises as a perfumery, the proprietor has recently started selling oddments and charms, much to Garwan’s ire. In the apothecary, one might find powdered unicorn horn, dragon claws, and burnt-out Ioun stones. However, the worth or authenticity of many such products is questionable. The apothecary also carries more mundane products, including herbs, roots, and spices, which are mainstays of Loudwater’s cooks and hedge wizards. Brosha Manx: The apothecary’s proprietor, a half-elf named Brosha Manx, is a thin and listless individual. His face is scarred, and his hands shake from ill-conceived attempts to brew potions in his youth. He is curt and doesn’t enjoy small talk.

10. Patrol HeadquartersThe symbol of a crossed sword and axe is blazoned high on this building. The clangs of metal and shouts from within indicate a fight might be underway.This building is the headquarters for the Loudwater Patrol, and it is where Loudwater’s militia comes to train. The members of the militia practice twice per tenday with their fellow volunteers; members of the patrol practice with greater frequency. On average about four Patrol members are on duty at any one time.Loudwater’s patrollers are not well trained. Each patrol is commanded by one of four leaders. All are under the purview of Captain Harrowleaf. Captain Harrowleaf: The head of the Loudwater Patrol is easygoing and remains calm and confident even in the midst of a crisis. He is an elf ranger.

11. Tenements and HomesThese dwellings crowd together within the walls, taking advantage of all available space. The buildings vary in quality; some appear well kept and house only one family, while others contain many families that have squeezed in together.Hundreds of people live within the protection of Loudwater’s walls. Some live in multitenant apartments, while more affluent folk possess small houses. The apartments mostly hold farmers, fishers, laborers, and craftspeople who are too poor to own land.

12. TempleA temple is separated from the shops, homes, and tenements of Loudwater by a small hedge. The vine-covered walls of the temple rise high above the walls of Loudwater, and the spire’s tip appears to reach a full 100 feet above the ground. The symbol of an oak leaf gleams with its own emerald light above the grand archway leading into the temple.This temple is sacred to Silvanus the Treefather, though worshipers of other benign faiths are also welcome. The temple is holy ground. The interior walls are painted to resemble the sky, and the main floor is one expansive area dominated by a grassy hill around which a crown of trees gently sways in an endless breeze.Brother Griffon: The head of the temple is Brother Griffon. He was an Uthgardt foundling who, after the destruction of his tribe, was fostered and raised by a Loudwater fisher. His loyalties divided, Griffon bridged the gap by becoming a devotee of Silvanus. Brother Griffon is a black-haired, blue-eyed, and well-muscled human—with his rustic dress, he is sometimes mistaken for

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an Uthgardt warrior.

13. Docks GateAn inner wall, smaller than the walls surrounding Loudwater, separates the town’s northern dock district from the rest of the town. The gate between the two areas stands open and unguarded.This gate remains open unless the town is attacked from the river, in which case it is closed and protected by guards.

14. DocksSeveral large log structures in the northeast section of Loudwater store the goods of merchants doing business in the town. By day, people bustle about the area, transferring barrels and crates between the storehouses and trade ships. The docks are small and allow only a limited number of ships to moor. Several small fishing boats vie with larger ships for space along the docks. By night, raucous noises issue from the pub situated along the west wall.Between the docks, storehouses, boats, and pub, this district is active regardless of the time.Rivermaster Sarl: The rivermaster sees to it that ships are loaded and unloaded, fees are levied and collected, dock space is reserved and transferred, and the docks are managed efficiently. Sarl is a thin, weathered man who has more gray hair than brown; however, his energy never seems to ebb.

15. Fisher’s Friend PubThe overwhelming odor of spirits and smoke wreathes this tavern. Calloused dockworkers and fishers drink and gamble away their pay. Wizened old men and women sip their ale in silence, waiting for an opportunity to tell a tale of the river.This pub attracts a rougher crowd than the Green Tankard does. Most folks come to the Fisher’s Friend to drink and gamble rather than to socialize.

16. Manor HouseThis grand manor house is a jewel of dwarven craftsmanship. The building includes its own stable, buttery, and servants’ home. The manor appears to be over two hundred years old, and it looks as though it might weather another two hundred.Built by a dwarf artisan for a self-styled elf lord, this manor house was the seed from which Loudwater grew. The mansion is currently home to a family of half-elves descended from the original lord. Lady Moonfire: This half-elf warlock is regarded as the head of the town.

17. Run-Down TenementThis decrepit, abandoned tenement building sits dejectedly in Loudwater’s northwestern corner. No doors or windows keep out the elements or the squatters.

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Alignment LNControl DC 23Size 1 Hex, 2 Districts, 20 lotsPopulation 2000

Treasury 50Consumption 1

Economy 15Loyalty 6Stability 10

Fame/Infamy 1/0Unrest 0

Corruption 2Crime 0Law 2Lore 0Productivity 4Society 1

Defence 6