Download - Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary · Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary During the school year of 2013-2014, the ELL Supervisor under the

Page 1: Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary · Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary During the school year of 2013-2014, the ELL Supervisor under the


Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary

Teresa Vignaroli - ELL Program Supervisor

Summer 2015

Page 2: Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary · Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary During the school year of 2013-2014, the ELL Supervisor under the



Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary .................................. 4

LCPS ELL Program Improvement Status ........................................................................... 5

Implementation and Monitoring ......................................................................................... 8

Implementation Timeline ................................................................................................ 9

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Program Changes............................................................. 12

Appendix A ....................................................................................................................... 16

Members of 2013-2014 ELL Advisory Group .............................................................. 16

Core ELL Advisory Group Members ........................................................................ 16

ELL Advisory Group Members ................................................................................ 16

Appendix B ....................................................................................................................... 18

English Language Improvement Team (ELITe) Members ........................................... 18

ELL1: Central Registration/Welcome Center ........................................................... 18

ELL 2: Dual Certification ......................................................................................... 18

ELL 3: Second Language Acquisition Professional Development ........................... 19

ELL 4: Middle School and High School ELLs ......................................................... 19

ELL5: ELL Staffing Formula.................................................................................... 20

ELL6: Embedding of ELD Standards in Content Curriculum.................................. 20

Page 3: Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary · Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary During the school year of 2013-2014, the ELL Supervisor under the



This report details a summary of the School Year 2013-2014 Loudoun County Public

Schools (LCPS) English Language Learner (ELL) Program Needs Assessment and

Improvement project as well as a description of the current steps being taken by the ELL

Department to address the areas of need. This summary further includes the status of the

project as of the 2015-2016 school year. Finally, this report describes the steps necessary

to implement, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of the program improvement

endeavors as well as a description of the methods that will used to evaluate the

effectiveness of the improvements.

Page 4: Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary · Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary During the school year of 2013-2014, the ELL Supervisor under the


Loudoun County Public Schools ELL Program Plan Summary

During the school year of 2013-2014, the ELL Supervisor under the direction of the

Director of Instructional Services conducted a comprehensive needs assessment of the Loudoun

County Public Schools (LCPS) English Language Learner (ELL) Program. In order to gain a

balanced opinion of the needs of the program, the ELL Advisory Group, a team of stakeholders

representing administrators, teachers, central office administration, School Board, and

community members was identified and convened. A list of these members is located in

Attachment A.

The ELL Advisory Group met over the course of the 2013-2014 school year to review

research-based best practices, current ELL achievement and demographic data, and to determine

the needs of the ELLs in LCPS. Based on the review of relevant research, this team of

professionals identified six areas of need that required an immediate plan of action in order to

ensure continued student achievement. A full report of this review may be located on the ELL

webpage at under the title of LCPS ELL Program Plan.

In school year 2014-2015, the English Language Learner Improvement Team (ELITe)

was identified in order to best address the determined areas of need. This team of volunteer

members was divided into six working groups and assigned an area of need that required

immediate attention. The ELITe working teams, comprised of a variety of key members to

include Department of Instruction Directors, content supervisors, General Education and ELL

teachers, counselors, parents, students, and interested community members from the Minority

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Student Academic Achievement Committee (MSAAC), convened bimonthly between

September, 2014 and February, 2015 to address the assigned indicators of need. Action steps of

these indicators included completing reviews of relevant research, conducting site visits of

successful districts, developing feasibility studies as needed, and identifying actions needed to

address gaps. A full list of these members and their assigned indicator is located in Attachment


The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the action steps taken to date by

the LCPS ELL Department to address the needs of the English Language Learner Program. The

following is a status update of the project by indicator, the plan for implementation and

monitoring, and the necessary measures required to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.

LCPS ELL Program Improvement Status

As mentioned above the LCPS ELL Program Plan continued over the course of the 2014-

2015 school year via the implementation of the ELITe teams. A summary of the status of work

completed by the ELITe teams for each indicator of need is detailed below in Table 1. Status

updates are presented in the manner of action steps taken to date.

ELL Program Endeavors with Action Steps

Table 1

ELL1 The district will provide a registration center that screens, identifies, and registers

ELL students.

Action Steps Taken:

Developed and submitted a feasibility study for review. This feasibility study outlines

a county-wide three year, phased approach which first targets high needs areas and

transitions the county to full implementation by year 2017-2018

Requested and received approval for staffing for Phase 1 of the three year plan to staff

a registration center now called the Welcome Center

Hired a full time registration center coordinator and a full time screening assessor

Identified a temporary location for Phase 1 of the registration center

Identified the essential functions of screening, identification, and making course

placement recommendations for Phase 1 of the registration center

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Proposed the registration center title of “Welcome Center” until the time in which the

center may officially register students

ELL2 The district will provide increased opportunities for General Education teachers to

acquire dual certification in ELL to enhance inclusive practices.

Action Steps Taken:

Continued partnership with GMU to provide Fast Train ELL course offerings currently

in place to ensure endorsements for LCPS employees in an expedited manner (i.e.

offered classes at an accelerated rate)

Providing funding for all 7 of the required courses needed for an ELL endorsement

using the Title III Grant and Staff Development funds

Developed and implemented a screening process for Fast Train candidates

Proposed adjusting the current Scholarship Agreement to reflect placement in ELL

positions if available

Providing building administrators a list of dual/multiple endorsed employees in their

schools in order to more effectively utilize existing staffing

ELL3 The district will ensure all LCPS teachers receive ongoing professional development

in English Language Acquisition strategies to enable inclusion and co-teaching best


Action Steps Taken:

Partnered with the WIDA Consortium to develop a series of online trainings in second

language acquisition that may be accessed via VISION by all LCPS educators of


Provided training to all ELL teachers in the implementation of the WIDA ELD

standards in the classroom

Development of Second Language Acquisition for Teachers and Educators (SLATE);

Cohort 1 to begin in Fall 2015

Developed replicable training modules in Interpreting the ACCESS for ELLs Score

Reports that may be accessed both online and face-to-face

Development of ELL 101 for Administrators and General Education teachers that is

offered on an ongoing basis

ELL4 The district will ensure there is a dedicated program in place for middle school and

high school-aged ELLs, including recent immigrants with limited English skills with

high school graduation as the primary goal.

Action Steps Taken:

Developed and proposed plans for a transitional school that serves older aged students

in a non-traditional manner (evening classes or flexible scheduling to allow students to

work) that will lead to a diploma

As of October, 2015, the ELL Welcome Center serves all new high school students,

ages 18-22, with a home language other than English with services which include: W-

APT screening eligibility, mathematic placement assessments, transcript analysis,

educational/career interest interviews and an educational plan

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Began the development of an international transcript cross-walk that allows for

accurate placement of ELL students in credit-bearing courses

Approved staffing of a school counselor at the registration center dedicated to the

appropriated course identification of secondary ELLs

In January, 2016, the Welcome Center School Counselor began a four (4) week

reunification program in Sterling Middle School and Park View High school in an

effort to build student/parent relationships after multiple years of separation.

Provided training to High School Administrators on appropriate scheduling of ELL


Implemented flexible and purposeful scheduling of current ELL courses

Reduced non-verified credit-bearing ELL courses

Developed and proposed plans for a newcomer program to serve recent arrivals with

little English

Developed newcomer curriculum for grades 6 -12 in Reading/Language Arts and


Conducted site visit to TC Williams International Academy

Provided ELL staffing support for select Career and Technical Education courses and

at Monroe Technology School

ELL5 The district will review current staffing practices and establish a staffing plan that

promotes flexibility and inclusive services for all ELLs based on needs.

Action Steps Taken:

Reviewed a variety of staffing approaches and plans from other districts across the


Developed and proposed the use of a proficiency-based staffing formula that

differentiates between elementary, middle, and high school, the differing language

levels of the students, and the case loads of traveling teachers

ELL6 The district will ensure LCPS has a comprehensive district curriculum framework in

place that integrates the state-required WIDA English Language Development

Standards with the State Standards of Learning for all content areas of ELLs.

Action Steps Taken:

Developed sample WIDA Performance Indicators and English Language Development

Standards that are embedded in the curriculum framework of all core content areas

Began the development of sample WIDA Performance Indicators and English

Language Development Standards that will be embedded in the curriculum framework

of all specialty areas

Increased the amount of sample WIDA Performance Indicators and English Language

Development Standards in the curriculum framework of transitional core content area


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Implementation and Monitoring

Due to the number of identified indicators of need as well as the complexity of executing

some of the indicators, the implementation and monitoring timeline will vary between indicators.

For example, the development and embedding of the sample WIDA ELD Standards into the

content curriculum framework has already occurred, whereas the development of a

comprehensive program which focuses on achieving high school graduation as the primary goal

for middle school and high school-aged ELLs, including recent LEP immigrants with limited

English skills is ongoing. Therefore, much of the implementation and monitoring of indicators

will continue during school year 2015-2016. A draft timeline of projected implementation dates

is detailed in Table 2.

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Implementation Timeline

Implementation Timeline Status

Table 2

Timeline Indicator Indicator Description Status

Summer 2014 ELL6 Develop WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards to embed

into the curriculum framework for the core content areas of English,

Mathematics, Science, and Social Sciences


Fall 2014 ELL1 through 6 Identify English Learner Improvement Team (ELITe) members, consisting of

stakeholders who will be assigned to work as task force teams on assigned

Indicators of need (See Table 1)


Fall 2014 ELL3 and 6 Provide schools access, via ELL teachers, to WIDA English Language

Development Standards webinars to address basic understanding of embedded

ELL standards in content curriculum and daily lesson plans


School Year 2015 ELL1 through 6 Beginning September 2014, ELITe teams attend bimonthly meetings to address

assigned indicators of need and develop feasibility studies where appropriate


School Year 2015 ELL1 By November 1, 2014, develop a feasibility study that details the staffing,

budget, and facilities resources needed to develop a registration center that

screens, identifies, and registers ELL students


School Year 2015 ELL2 By Spring 2015, develop a feasibility study that details the budget and

resources needed to increase opportunities for general education teachers to

acquire dual certification in ELL to enhance inclusive practices

Completed - in Title III


School Year 2015 ELL3 By Spring 2015, detail the budget and resources needed to ensure all LCPS

teachers receive ongoing professional development in English Language

Acquisition strategies to embed inclusive and co-teaching best practices

In Progress – in Title III


School Year 2015 ELL3 By Summer 2015, develop a series of facilitator guides that are aligned to the

state-adopted WIDA English Language Development Standards webinars to be

provided to all ELL teachers who will in turn facilitate English language

acquisition professional development for educators at their respective schools


School Year 2015 ELL3 The ELL Program will continue to offer WIDA English Language

Development Standards at the division level available to all LCPS educators

announced via My Learning Plan


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School Year 2016 ELL3 By the end of summer 2016, The ELL Department will develop a Co-Teaching

Professional Development targeting the exemplar scenario for instruction of the

General Education and ELL teachers. This professional development will

portray quality co-teaching scenarios currently taking place throughout the

county at the elementary and secondary levels. The purpose is to show

educators the power of co-teaching and its efficacy when implemented

rightfully. These sessions will also provide teachers with techniques, means of

communication, and strategies to implement a successful co-teaching

environment in their instruction.

In progress

School Year 2016 ELL4 By Spring 2016, create a study that details the staffing, budget, and facilities

resources needed to employ a multi-avenue approach for middle school and

high school-aged ELLs, including recent immigrants with limited English

skills, with high school graduation as the primary goal

In progress

School Year 2016 ELL5 By Spring 2016, create a draft staffing model that details the staffing and

budget resources needed to implement a proficiency-based staffing formula that

promotes flexibility and inclusive services for all ELLs based on needs

In Progress

School Year 2015 ELL6 By Summer 2015, develop sample WIDA ELD Standards that may be

embedded in the curriculum frameworks of the specialty area subjects (Art,

Music, Health and PE, Family Life Education, Drivers Education, etc.)

Completed - Art, Music, and


In Progress - Health and PE,

Family Life Education, and

Drivers Education

School Year 2015

ELL4 By Summer 2015, created a Newcomer Curriculum for the core areas at the

secondary level that exposes students to the necessary concepts and skills that

they need to advance to the next level of proficiency. These curriculum guides

were aligned to the WIDA CAN DO Descriptors/Strands and the Standards of

Learning. Similarly, these guides contain activities and corresponding

resources to assist teachers in the implementation of these concepts in the ELL


Completed- High School

Newcomer Curriculum:

English, Math, Science, and

Social Studies;

Completed - Middle School

Newcomer Curriculum: English

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School Year 2016

ELL4 By Fall 2016, create a Newcomer Curriculum for elementary school students,

which consists of the necessary skills and concepts in English and Math that

would assist them in the beginning stages of language acquisition and

throughout their first year in the country. These guides will also provide

teachers with the necessary activities and corresponding resources to better

implement these concepts in the learning setting.

In Progress- Elementary

Newcomer Curriculum:

English: KG – 2nd & 3rd – 5th

School Year 2016 ELL4 By Fall 2016, create a Newcomer Science and a Newcomer Social Studies

Curriculum for middle school students that will expose them to the necessary

concepts and skills to advance them onto the next levels of proficiency and

knowledge in the content areas indicated. These curriculum guides will be

aligned to the WIDA CAN DO Descriptors/Strands and the Standards of

Learning. These guides will be composed with the necessary activities and

resources to supplement instruction.

In Progress - Middle School

Newcomer Curriculum: Science

and Social Studies

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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Program Changes

As with any program change, it is critical to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of

improvement endeavors and to make adjustments as needed. To do so, viable evaluation

measures and tools need to be pre-identified and in place. In the case of the LCPS ELL Program

Plan the following data sources have been identified as those which will yield the most viable

measures. Potential data sources include but are not limited to the following: analyzing

demographic trends (population increases, language groups, proficiency levels), identification

and screening data, SOL standardized achievement scores, and Title III AMAO results, high

school graduation and dropout results, verified versus non-verified credit-bearing course

enrollment of high school ELLs, report card data, summative and formative assessments, school

specific walk through data, participation in professional development opportunities, teacher

surveys, and results from the Title III Federal Program Monitoring review.

The ELL Program Improvement process will move into the implementation, monitoring,

and evaluation phase for the 2015-2016 school year utilizing a variety of measures to determine

the effectiveness of the plan. As mentioned above, these measures vary depending on the

indicator. Table 3 below, while not a comprehensive portrayal of data measures, provides a more

concise outline of the projected evaluation measures.

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Evaluation Measures of the LCPS ELL Program Plan

Table 3

Indicator Description of Indicator Evaluation Measures

ELL1 The district will provide a registration center that screens,

identifies, and registers ELL students. Screening and identification data by month to include records entered

Population counts by month

Time between registration at school and screening date

Survey data from schools/clusters in Phase 1 of the implementation of

the registration center

Verified versus non-verified credit-bearing course enrollment of high

schools students in Phase 1 of the implementation of the Registration


Graduation and dropout rates of students in Phase 1 of the

implementation of the Registration center compared to those not

participating in Phase 1

Number of contacts with families and guardians of students screened at

the Registration center

Contact Log of connections between other LCPS departments, Loudoun

County community members, and the Registration center

Increased number of instructional hours

ELL2 The district will provide increased opportunities for General

Education teachers to acquire dual certification in ELL to

enhance inclusive practices.

Program completion of at least 20 LCPS staff who have been rigorously

selected via competitive application process by LCPS administration to

participate in the GMU Fast Train Cohort

Placement of all Fast Train candidates into LCPS ELL positions

Increase in early contracts

Reduction in long term ELL vacancies

New Fast Train Cohorts offered, filled, and completed on a bi-annual

basis (ie – every other year)

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ELL3 The district will ensure all LCPS teachers receive ongoing

professional development in English Language Acquisition

strategies to enable inclusion and co-teaching best practices.

WIDA Webinars posted on VISION for all LCPS employees, with

survey completion that generates the recertification points

LCPS participation rates in webinars as measured by licensure

recertification requests

Completion of at least 20 General Education teachers of second

language acquisition course; SLATE: in fall 2015

Completion of at least 20 General Education teachers of second

language acquisition course; SLATE: in spring 2016

Completion of training of 3 additional LCPS ELL Teachers as SLATE


Completion of professional development in Sheltered Instruction

Observation Protocol (SIOP) cohorts

ELL4 The district will ensure there is a dedicated program in place for

middle school and high school-aged ELLs, including recent

immigrants with limited English skills, with high school

graduation as the primary goal.

Standardized State and district assessment data of ELLs, exited ELLs,

and never-ELLs (students never identified as ELL)

Decrease in high school dropout rate

Decrease of retention-in-grade rates

Increased on-time or 5 and 6 year graduation rate

Longitudinal cohort analysis of beginner-level ELLs and successful exit

of ELL program (3, 4, 5…years)

Participation rates of ELL students enrolled in verified credit-bearing

courses compared to never-ELLs

Course listings that offer multiple pathways to ELL graduation

Participation rates in special programs (Monroe, CTE, Gifted, AP,


Increase in industry certification of ELLs

ELL5 The district will review current staffing practices and establish a

staffing formula that promotes flexibility and inclusive services

for all ELLs based on needs.

A staffing formula that:

o provides additional support to Level 1 and 2 students

o differentiates for secondary schools

o differentiates for itinerant teachers

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An increase in ELL teachers providing co-teaching support in the

mainstream classroom

ELL student enrollment data in mainstream classes at the secondary


ELL6 The district will ensure LCPS has a comprehensive district

curriculum framework in place that integrates the state required

WIDA English Language Development Standards with the State

Standards of Learning for all content areas of ELLs.

Curriculum in the core content areas that contain at least one sample

WIDA ELD strand per course

Curriculum in the specialty areas that contains at least one sample

WIDA ELD strand per course

Walk-through observation tool that captures a focus on language in

classroom lesson objectives

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Appendix A

Members of 2013-2014 ELL Advisory Group

Core ELL Advisory Group Members

Timothy Flynn – Director of Instructional Services

Teresa Vignaroli – ELL Program Supervisor

Suzette Wyhs - World Language and Cultures Supervisor

Wendall Fisher – Supervisor for Outreach Programs

Charisse Rosario – ELL Staff Development Trainer

Adina Popa – School Improvement and Accountability Specialist

ELL Advisory Group Members

Andrew Davis – Elementary Principal - Title I School

Elli Abedian – ELL Teacher Assistant and ELL Parent

Anna Purdy – Elementary Teacher – Title I School

Suzette Wyhs - World Language and Cultures Supervisor

Nereida Gonzalez-Sales – Middle School Principal

Shahrazad Kablan – Middle School ELL Teacher

Rose Butka – Middle School ELL Teacher

Sara Giek – Middle School Mathematics Teacher

Sharon Ackerman – Assistant Superintendent of the Department of Instruction

Marquelle Adkins – Middle School ELL Teacher

Shahrazad Kablan – Middle School ELL Teacher

Brenda Sheridan – School Board Member – Sterling Cluster

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Perla Arias – Bilingual Parent Liaison

Karen Moinifar – High School ELL Teacher

Jeff Adam – High School Principal

Wendall Fisher - Supervisor for Outreach Programs

Reyna Andrade – Parent Liaison

Adina Popa – School Improvement and Accountability Specialist

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Appendix B

English Language Improvement Team (ELITe) Members

ELL1: Central Registration/Welcome Center

Donna Webb – ELL1 Facilitator - ELL Instructional Coach

Rebecca Upchurch - ELL1 Facilitator - ELL Instructional Coach

Annette Demott – ES ELL Teacher

Chris Cadwell – ES Principal

Donna Kelly – ES ELL Teacher

Donna Oliva – ES ELL Teacher

Jamie Johnson – MSAAC Member

Karla Blasquez – Parent Liaison

Karen Moinifar – HS ELL Teacher

Rose Butka – MS ELL Teacher

Silvia Gimenez- ES ELL Teacher

Victor Yager – Dual Language Assessor

Wendall Fisher – Outreach Supervisor

Zerell S. Johnson-Welch- MSAAC Member

ELL 2: Dual Certification

Teresa Vignaroli – ELL2 Facilitator - ELL Supervisor

Brenda Jochems – ES Principal

Christina Lowman – ES ELL Teacher

Alexis Duffin – ES Reading Specialist

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ELL 3: Second Language Acquisition Professional Development

Charisse Rosario – ELL3 Facilitator - ELL Staff Development Trainer

Danielle Fortney-Murphey – ES Special Education Teacher

Julie Baye – ELL Specialist

Kim Comrie – ES Assistant Principal

Molly Walker – ES ELL Teacher

Suzette Wyhs – World Language and Cultures Supervisor

ELL 4: Middle School and High School ELLs

Timothy Flynn – ELL4 Facilitator - Director Instructional Services

Adina Popa – ELL4 Facilitator - School Improvement and Accountability Specialist

Teresa Vignaroli – ELL4 Facilitator - ELL Supervisor

Alissa Wang - Student

Charles Barrett – School Psychologist

Giuliana Jahnsen-Lewis – MS ELL Teacher (Newcomer Facilitator)

Indu Radhakrishnan - Student

Jacqueline Clement – HS ELL Teacher

Jamee Robinson - MS/HS ELL Teacher

Jeffery Adams – HS Principal

Kalpana Ronlov – HS ELL Teacher

Marquelle Adkins – MS ELL Teacher

Nereida Gonzalez-Sales – HS Director

Parham Cain – MS ELL Teacher

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Shaharazad Kablan – MS ELL Teacher

Victor Powell – HS Assistant Principal

ELL5: ELL Staffing Formula

Kristi Hurd – ELL5 Facilitator - Personnel Supervisor

Teresa Vignaroli – ELL5 Facilitator - ELL Supervisor

Evonne DeNome – ELL5 Facilitator - Federal Programs Supervisor

Andrew Davis – ES Principal Title I School

David Stewart – ESL Principal Title I School

Jenise Blondin – Headstart Teacher Title I School

Jennifer Ferrance – MS ELL Teacher and Bilingual Dual Language Assessor

John O’Connor – Staff Development Supervisor

Maria “Rica” Chua – ES ELL Teacher

Patricia Sinclair – HS ELL Teacher

Virginia Patterson – Elementary Education Supervisor

ELL6: Embedding of ELD Standards in Content Curriculum

Terri Pendola – ELL6 Facilitator - ES ELL Teacher

Elizabeth Javidan – ELL HS Teacher

Elizabeth Mora - ELL HS Teacher

Hanaa Juma – ELL HS Teacher

Jamee Robinson – HS ELL Teacher

Maria (Rica) Chua – ES ELL Teacher

Martha Olson – ES ELL Teacher

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Marquelle Adkins – MS ELL Teacher

Michelle Scales – Behavioral Specialist

Molly Walker – ES ELL Teacher

Parham Cain – MS ELL Teacher

Shaharazad Kablan – MS ELL Teacher

Wezi Thindwa – ELL Instructional Coach