Download - Loss Control. Defining Loss Control “The process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the activities of an organization in order to minimize.


Loss Control

Defining Loss Control

“The process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the activities of an organization in order to minimize the adverse effects of accidental losses on that organization at a reasonable cost.”

Essentials of the Risk Management Process

ARM 54 Text. Insurance Institute of America

Defining Loss Control

Prevent losses from happening Limit liability for those that do


Common Sense Questions What could go wrong? What can we do to minimize the risk

of it actually happening?

Some risks are pretty

easy to see

Others are not . . .

Average Program Costs Annually

Liability Losses

Liability Losses

Work Comp Losses

Work Comp Losses

Police (Liability 33%; Work Comp 30%)Fire (Work Comp 20%)

Training Safety Officer

Public Safety Expertise

Land Use (Liability 18%)

Land Use Loss Control Attorney Incentive

Online Training:•Land Use Basics

•Creating the Ground Rules

Employment (Liability 15%)

LMCIT Attorneys&

Human Resources

Online Training:•Respectful Workplace Series•Human Resources Basics for Managers Series

Sewer Backups (Liability 10%)


Sewer Toolkit

Loss Control Consultant

Loss Control

Regional Safety Groups Contract Review Service FirstNet Learning Loss Control Workshops Loss Control Consultants

Review risk memos Consult League website Contact:

City’s Attorney City’s Agent LMCIT attorneys Loss control consultant Underwriter Other LMCIT staff
