Download - Losing Sight of the Treasure The Stewardship Journey Portsmouth Heads and Deputies Conference April 25 th – 27 th 2012.

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Losing Sight of the Treasure The Stewardship Journey Portsmouth Heads and Deputies Conference April 25 th 27 th 2012 Slide 2 please relax Slide 3 Choose from 50 speakers including Fr Ronald Rolheiser OMI. Fr Christopher Jamison O.S.B Fr Nick King SJ. Fr Denis McBride CSsR Baroness Sheila Hollins For more info go to or phone our administrator for further details 01364 645390 One day tickets available. Why not call it a holiday Slide 4 Are we in danger of missing the point? Slide 5 Slide 6 Abraham must leave his country, his people, his homeland, and go to the land that I will show you. Gen 12:1 Moses the foreigner is called to deliver the people from the Egyptians and to take them to a land, flowing with milk and honey Ex 3:7 Joseph must take Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the foreigners must arrive from the East bringing him gifts, and Joseph must take Mary and Jesus to Egypt. Matt 2:13 Philip must head off to Samaria Acts 8.5 Paul is converted on the road to Damascus Acts 9:3 Jesus own execution is marked by a journey he must walk along the Via Dolorosa. Lk: 23:26-33 Jesus mission moves him from village to village. Lk 9:6 In the first chapter of Mark Jesus is travelling throughout Galilee Mark 1:39 Paul sets off on exhaustive journeys throughout his ministry, almost tirelessly supporting community after community. Acts 18:23 Slide 7 Pilgrims Progress John Bunyan Slide 8 Capernaum Jordan River Galilee Cana Jerusalem Sychar Samaria Nain Kursi Gadarenes Nazareth Bethsaida Gennesaret Tyre and Sidon Decapolis Caesarea Phillipi Bethany Ephraim Jericho Slide 9 the tension between holding on and letting go Slide 10 The recruitment required three things; Hearing a call, Leaving a family or occupation, and following Jesus. Mark 1: 14-20 The person; Finds, (call) sells, (leaves) and buys. (follows) Matt 13:44-46 Slide 11 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Gen 2:24. Mk 10:8-9. Eph 5:31. Slide 12 Every call requires a leaving and a following John Shea Slide 13 to be called is also to leave Slide 14 We try to take it with us Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Take nothing for the journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Mk 6:8 Slide 18 The problem with modern living is that we worship our work, work at our play, play at our worship Terry Hershey Slide 19 Isms... Individualism, Materialism and Consumerism Slide 20 Supposing we have a bit of a tendency to get caught up in our own sort of self sufficiency Slide 21 In the bible the journey metaphor defies geographical logic! Back to the journey Slide 22 Dont ask a Rabbi for directions Slide 23 Slide 24 "Listen to the path, it speaks more wisely than the traveller" Bedouin Proverb Slide 25 Slide 26 Slide 27 Slide 28 Slide 29 Slide 30 Slide 31 Slide 32 Slide 33 In the bible the stewardship journey is about conversion more than destination Slide 34 Slide 35 Barbara Kruger Slide 36 The desire to stay or to go? Slide 37 The desire to build Jerusalem Ezra Ch: 1,2. Nehemiah Slide 38 And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here, Among these dark Satanic Mills? William Blake Slide 39 Jerusalem Slide 40 Its unspoilt Slide 41 Jerusalem all inclusive Slide 42 Why would anyone want to stay in Babylon? Slide 43 Slide 44 Slide 45 Slide 46 Slide 47 Slide 48 Jerusalem Babylon Certainty Identity Order Temple focus Confidence Elohim Adventure Wilderness Dependency Vulnerability Slide 49 Jerusalem Babylon Ritual bound Self righteous Loveless Exclusive Corrupting Lose confidence Lost Diluted identity Slide 50 Maintaining a Mellow Heart The Stewardship Journey Portsmouth Heads and Deputies Conference April 25 th 27 th 2012 Slide 51 Jerusalem Babylon God is found in the order God is found in the mess Conversion Restoration Slide 52 Heading for Jerusalem Im looking for Restoration Identity Foundation Clarification Heading for Babylon Im looking for Adventure Purpose Challenge Relationship Slide 53 When I am frightened by what I am for you, I am consoled by what I am with you. St Augustine Sermon 3:40 Slide 54