Download - Lose Your Belly, Live Your Life


Lose Your Belly Live Your Life

Hello!I am Mark Fickler aka the Old Spartan You can find me

1.Connect the Dots

You can’t see the forest for the trees

Symptoms AboundBut you are not seeing the Core Problem

183 Million Searches

for Lose Fat

Who searches on “Lose Fat”?

A fat person does.

Someone who is tired of being overweight and is thinking about changing it.

116 Million Searches

for Fat Belly

Who wants info about “Fat Belly”?

Someone with a fat belly who wants to get rid of it.

This is not complicated.

Lose Fat183,000,000 searches a month!

This data is screaming at You

Fat Belly116,000,000 searches a month!

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset

any country can have. Winston Churchill

Not Healthy Citizens

You are not Healthy

183 million

wanting to lose fat

116 million

with big bellies

2.The Other Side

More obvious data you are not paying attention to.

More Bad NewsOpen your eyes and see what is happening

103 Million Searches for Heart Disease

Who searches on “Heart Disease”?

▧ Someone who just survived a close call or

▧ Someone whose doctor has just warned them about Heart Disease

“Most women do not realize that heart

disease is the #1 killer of American women. Monica Potter

267 Million Searches

for Diabetes

267 Million Searches for “Diabetes”!!??

Your doctor just told you:▧ You're either pre-

diabetic▧ or full-blown


Heart Disease103,000,000 searches a month!

The data doesn’t lie

Diabetes267,000,000 searches a month!

116,000,000searches for “Fat Belly”

Why?One feeds the other!

103,000,000searches for “Heart Disease”

Connect the Dots

Poor Lifestyle Choices Fat Belly Heart


183,000,000searches for “Lose Fat”

Poor LifestyleTwo sides of the same coin!

267,000,000searches for “Diabetes”

Please Connect the Dots

Sleepwalking through life Fat Gut Diabetes

“Think about it: Heart disease and diabetes,

which account for more death in the US and worldwide than everything else combined, are

completely preventable by making comprehensive lifestyle changes. Without drugs

or surgery. Dean Ornish

3.Take Action

Read about losing weight fast

It’s All RelatedIf you are in the “Fat Belly” group…

You’re heading for the “Heart Disease” group

“Your life does not get better by chance,

It gets better by change. Jim Rohn

Get Your Free Guide!

5 Foolproof Steps to Losing Your Gut & Keeping It Off

Click here to get your free guide:


Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:▧ Busy Icons by Olly Holovchenko▧ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival▧ Backgrounds by Pixeden▧ Photo credits:
