Download - London On Stage - Swarthmore College · London is a living history book, and free time will allow you to explore those places that spark your interest, be it ... musicals. (B, D)


The cost of this itinerary, per person, double occupancy, is:

Land only (no airfare included): $4599 Single supplement: $ 980

Airfare is available from many U. S. cities. Please call for details.

The following services are included: Hotels: 6nights’accommodationinafirst-classhotel.All

hoteltaxesandservicechargesincludedCoaching: Allgroundtransportationasdetailedintheitinerary Meals: Fullbreakfastdaily,1afternoonteaand2dinnersGuides: FullyqualifiedtourguidethroughoutExpenses: Porterageofonelargesuitcaseperperson Entrances:EntrancefeestoallsitesasdetailedintheitineraryTickets:Bestseatsto4majorproductions

January 6th - 13th 2019

Vibrantlyalive,withatraditionsteepedinthearts,London isrightlyconsideredtobethetheatrecapitaloftheworld.FromShakespearetoAndrewLloydWebber, the Londonstage,richand varied,iseasilysampledfromaweek-longstayexploringcapitaltheatre, history and culture. Enjoy a balance offree time and dedicated time with Swarthmorefacultyandfellowalumni.

Travel beyond the proscenium arch and behindthe scenes for an intimate look at the city’s richdramatic heritage with lectures by Bryn Mawrfaculty,private visits,andavarietyofdiscussionsorganizedwiththeatreindustryprofessionals.You’llhaveanopportunitytoexplorethemoderndramaofLondonwithalensfocusedonthegreatlegacyofdramaticproductionthatreachesfromtheGlobeTheatretotheNationalTheatre.And,whiletheatricalopportunitiesabound,wehavetimetoexploreafewofEngland’shistorichomeandgalleriesthatspeaktotheworldoffthestage.


Thisspring,enjoyLondon’stheatrefrombothsidesofthecurtaininthebestseatsinthecapital.JoinSwarthmore Alumni College AbroadandseeLondon on Stage.

London On Stage

Swarthmore faculty host throughout the program

London Hotel: The Radisson Blu Edwardian Mercer Street

Sunday, January 6th

DeparturefromyourchosenUSgatewaycity.Monday, January 7 th

Overnight: Plane

Overnight: London YourmorningarrivalinLondonwillbemetforthe transfertoour city-centerhotel.Aftertimetocheck-in,unpackandrelax,therewillbeareceptionandbriefingtolookattheitineraryingreaterdetail,andallotheraspects


byyour Swarthmore professor,followedbyawelcomedinneratthehotel.(D) Tuesday, January 8th Overnight: London This morning we will gather in a meeting room and be joined by Michael Billington, theatre critic from the Guardian newspaper. He will lead a discussion on the state of London theatre in general and on the performances you are about to see. After a break for lunch, we drive up to leafy Hampstead in north London. Here, we have a private “behind the ropes” tour ofKenwoodHousewithDavidFletcher,anexpertonthehouseanditscollections.Weenjoyourfirsttheatreperformancethisevening.(B)

Wednesday, January 9th Overnight: London We spend this morning at the Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames in Southwark, taking a guided tour of the museum exhibits and the theatre starting at 10.30 am. Built as an almost exact replica of Shakespeare’s London base, it is close to the site of the original building. Our tour will be followed by a workshop conducted by the theatre staff giving an insight into how plays were staged in Elizabethan times. The afternoon is free. This evening begins with a second lecture from your Swarthmore professor, followed by a second theatre performance.(B)

Thursday, January 10th Overnight: London ThismorningwevisitthenewSaatchiGallery,whichopenedintheautumnof2008andissituatedinthemagnificentlyrefurbishedformerDukeofYork’sBarracksinChelsea.We’lllookatthebuildingandtourthecurrentexhibition.Laterthisafternoonwewillgatheragainat theNationalTheatreonLondon’sSouthBankforabackstagetour.Thiswillbe followedby supperat the theatre restaurant and thenaperformanceatoneofthecomplex’s threevenues.TheNTistheflagshipofBritishtheatre,wherethefinestactors,directors and designers produce work of exceptional quality. With its

threetheatres,theOlivier,LytteltonandCottesloe,itoffersanunrivaledrangeofclassics,newplaysandspectacularmusicals. (B, D)

Friday, January 11th Overnight: LondonWe begin the day with a meeting with Lord Lexden for a discussion of major issues of the day for both the UK and USA. Lord Lexden is a member of the House of Lords, a major government advisor and the official historian of the Conservative Party. Early this evening, we gather at the hotel to enjoy the third lecture from your Swarthmore professor. The rest of the evening is free. (B)

Saturday, January 12th Overnight: London A final free day in the city. We’ll meet back at the hotel for High Tea and this evening, we attend our final theatre performance. After the performance we will gather for a farewell drink in the hotel bar. (B, T)

Overnight: HomeSunday, January 13th


Key to included meals: B = Breakfast, D = Dinner


Royal Shakespeare Theatre

To Make a Reservation, Contact Discover Europe at (866) 563-7077