Download - London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

Page 1: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest

Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games

Page 2: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

1. Setting the scene

2. Northwest opportunities

a) Inspire Programmeb) Sport and Physical Activity c) Training Campsd) Volunteeringe) Other areas of progress

3. Questions

Page 3: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

Be Inspired – NW Legacy Framework

Page 4: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

The Beijing Factor

Page 5: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

Northwest Opportunities

Page 6: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

London 2012 Inspire Programme

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• An opportunity to be part of the Games and benefit from the profile of London 2012

• Officially recognising Games-inspired 3rd-party non-commercial projects and events

-sport, culture, education, sustainability, volunteering, business opportunities & skills

-benefits – support, networking, positioning, brand use

-100 projects recognised in pilot phase

-easy to apply – chat, simple form, fast decision, on-going support

- 500 exceptional projects will be recognised this year

Inspire programme

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• The Inspire mark will be awarded to specific projects and events which are:

• Genuinely inspired by the London 2012 Games

• Well planned and managed

• Fully funded from non-commercial sources and with no commercial association

• Innovative and inspiring

• Likely to achieve at least one of LOCOGs key outcomes, e.g. increased participation in grass roots sports.

[email protected]

Inspire programme

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Some examples…

Personal Best Understanding


Animation Decathlon

Young Ambassadors

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Sport and Physical Activity

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Pre Games Training Camps

• Preparing for first Camps in summer 2009 (including activation opportunities)

• Servicing Camps and international exchanges

• Three MoUs signed to date:

1. Thailand Olympic and Paralympic

2. Oceania National Olympic Committees

3. Swimming Australia

• 17 countries, c250 athletes, multiple visits

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Training Camps - Opportunities

Important role for HE in terms of delivery

Not just about sports venues:

– Accommodation

– Volunteer opportunities

– Support services – sport science and coaching

– Translation services

International exchanges, e.g. Oceania partnership

Important to be clear about what are the benefits you want to get out of hosting teams

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NW opportunities for volunteers

Page 14: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

Games-Time Programme - LOCOG’s commitments

1. A UK Games - LOCOG are committed to recruiting volunteers from all parts of the UK

2. LOCOG are committed to involving volunteers from a range of diverse backgrounds

3. Young people

4. High Quality Volunteer experience

5. Enable legacy/working with Stakeholders, Delivery Partners and the Voluntary Sector

Programme due to be launched in Summer 2010…

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Key considerations

London 2012 volunteers will form part of the largest peace time mobilisation of people ever seen in the UK

Manage expectations and minimise disappointments Ensuring the volunteer experience is fair, equitable, transparent,

clear and easily understood Delivery of government legacies versus operational

requirements NW specific:

– Work with partners to connect to existing volunteering opportunities

– Encourage the public who are interested in 2012 to volunteer in their local communities now

– Creating a wider pool of 2012 related opportunities in the NW, e.g. Training Camps, Cultural Olympiad etc

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Personal Best

Developed from the successful Pre Volunteer Programme for M2002

A pre-employment programme that helps use the excitement of the Games to engage those who are long term unemployed

– Seeks to use volunteering to help raise confidence, self esteem, and provide a stepping stone into further education and/or employment

PB is being delivered across all London Boroughs, roll out commenced across English regions

LOCOG have guaranteed to interview all PB graduates that successfully apply to volunteer for the 2012 Games

Up to 10% of the volunteer workforce will come from PB To be launched in the NW later in 2009

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NW Culture programme

• Open weekend image/s

‘The Olympics is the wedding of sport and art.’

(Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympics)

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Northwest Business Network

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Major Events

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Page 21: London 2012 and opportunities for the Northwest Rob Young, NW Coordinator for the 2012 Games.

Open Weekend – 24-26 July

Celebrating the 3 year countdown to the start of the Games

Capitalise on the public interest in London 2012 to reach and engage as wide an audience as possible

Use the Open Weekend to: Promote events taking place over 24th – 26th July Launch its up and coming activities in the Northwest Profile any plans or forthcoming projects for London 2012 Initiate new activity for the lead up to London 2012

Looking for culture, sport, and environment activities which demonstrate examples of the Olympic and Paralympic values in action in the NW

Register at

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Key messages

There is a strong political commitment to see a UK wide legacy from London 2012

Evidence from other Games shows that the benefits can be spread far outside the host city

Lessons from the Sydney 2000 – ‘be ready!’

Lessons from Vancouver 2010 – recognising how the Games can help to deliver against existing priorities

The Northwest is already starting to benefit

The opportunity is now!

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Your questions