Download - Lolita

Page 1: Lolita

Martina VaičiūnaitėVU KHF 2010

Page 2: Lolita

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The book is internationally famous for its innovative style and infamous for

its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator, middle-aged Humbert Humbert, who

becomes obsessed and sexually involved with a 12-year-old girl

named Dolores Haze.

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o The power and beauty of language (Nabokov believed that all stories should resemble fairy tales and the storyteller should be a kind of enchanter);

o Humbert diverts the reader from his ugly actions with his pretty words;

o His constant wordplay and verbal games force us to concentrate on language rather than on him.

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oClothing - a way for Humbert to project his fantasies onto Lolita, a way to bribe her, and a way to show his own perverse form of affection.

o Unique situation: Humbert loves young girls, which is fine when he is young, but becomes complicated (and illegal) as he gets older.

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