Download - LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.

Page 1: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.




BY :




Page 2: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.

INTRODUCTIONLogo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32.

This is what Logo Software looks like.

Page 3: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.

This is what Logo looks like when you first open it. It will have a triangle, that is the pen or what you called turtle you are writing with. Down below is the command you have to write.

Page 4: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.


PD- Pendown , to start writing with

PU- Penup, to move by not writting

FD – Forwards, move the turtle fowards.

BK- Backwards, move the turtle backwards

RT- Turn Right(RT 90- Turn Right 90 degrees)

LT- Turn Left(LEFT 90- Turn Left 90 degrees)

CS- Clear Screen and start all over again

Page 5: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.

DRAWING A SQUAREYou can do many things with Logo, for example drawing shapes or drawing face, it’s easy to do and nothing complicated to do. All you need to do is the command below. fd 100rt 90fd 100rt 90fd 100rt 90rt 90fd 100pufd 100

Page 6: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.


This shape might look hard but actually it’s easy to do. All you need to do is the command below.bk 10rt 30pdsetpensize[5 5]setpc[255 0 255]repeat 3[fd 90 rt 120]rt 30pufd 10setfloodcolor[0 0 255]fill

Page 7: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.


Endall is a button that we used to set commands.

Page 8: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.

If you finish editing you just need to type the name you set, for example this one is triangle2, then only type triangle 2 then the shape will appeared.

Page 9: LOGO SOFTWARE BY: SAVE 9S. INTRODUCTION Logo is a software that can be found at : Shared area> High School > ICT > take home software > LOGO32. This is.


Variable are data which can change. For example :

- It can be used to do many things such as triangle, square etc.- It can also be defined in the length of different shapes. - The length can be changed for example for triangle you just type

triangle *** the amount of number you want it to be, for example if triangle 200 will be bigger than triangle 100. You can choose your own size of the shape you want , how big you want or how small you want.