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LOGICAL FRAMEWORK APPROACH: Establishment of Junior High Schools in Sumba Regency, Indonesia.

Hankuk University of Foreign StudiesSeoul, October 2012Hankuk University of Foreign StudiesSeoul, October 2012

Melesse Zenebework - ID-201248041Sandri Ghifari - ID-201250018

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General Information

Project title : Establishment of Junior High Schools in Sumba Regency

Country : IndonesiaSector : EducationTarget Area : 10 villages in of remote area in Sumba regencyTarget Group : Primary education completed studentsProject Duration : 2 YearsDate : July, 2013 – July, 2015

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STAKEHOLDER ANALYSISStakeholders and Basic Characteristics

Interests and how affected by the problems

Capacity and motivation to bring about change

Possible actions to address stakeholders interests

Families : - Free education-Distance from home to school-Shortage of transportation-Lack of infrastructure-Insecurity for girls

High motivation to educate their children

Sending their children to school

Giving much time to their children for education

Local Government: -Financial incapability-Shortage of man power- Minimizing crime

High motivation to assist the project

High interest to minimize crime

Providing the school with security

Monitoring the integration of education with the country’s educational policy

Central Government: Finance, man power, quality of education

High interest to increase

the number of high schools

Providing the national education policy to the region for integration

Private sector: Providing infrastructure, materials

High motivation to

provide the educational materials

Providing the material assistance for free

Donor Country: Improving the quality of education

High motivation to build the schools in the area

Sending money, technical assistance, training

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Problem Tree

Overcapacity of classroom

Number of Secondary School is Insufficient

Low enrollment in secondary education

Family expenditure for education is still


High transportation


Children safety and security

Children cannot attend school


Lack of road infrastructure

Children most likely as victims of crime/violence

Distance of existing schools from home is


Human resources not competitive

Children cannot attend school in

bad weathers

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Objective Tree

Enough classroom

Number of Secondary School is sufficient

High enrollment in secondary education

Family expenditure for education is still


No transportation cost

Children are safe and secured

Children can attend school


Improved road infrastructure

crime/violence on children is minimized

Distance of existing schools from home is


Human resources is competitive

Children can attend school even in bad


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Project Design MatrixIntervention Logic Objectively Verifiable

Indicators (OVIs)Sources of Verification


Overall objectives:Improving enrollment in secondary education

Indicator: Enrollment of student in secondary schools increased

Quantity: Is increased to 98% Time: In 3 years

Regional educational office

Project purpose:Increase the number of junior high school

Indicator: number schools to villages ratio increased

Quantity: Is increased from 1:10 to 1:3

Time: 2 years

Regional educational office Building schools closer to the villages is important. The closer the schools are the more the number of attending students.

Results:New schools

Indicator: New number of schools increased

Quantity: 2 new schools Time: 2 years

Regional educational office Building two more schools can improve enrollment in the secondary schools

Activities:1.1 Analyze possible locations1.2 Design the buildings1.3 Cost and benefit analysis1.4 Registering the legal status

of the schools1.5 Providing stationary and



a) Technical expertiseb) Investmentc) Surveys

Cost (000 US$): WB Gov’t Private/CSR Total50 10 10 70500 10 30 54020 20

570 20 40 630

The regional education office can provide education with overload for 10 villages.

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