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Location Recce

Production Details: Music Video ‘Youth’ Producer: Ellie Zambakides

Details of Location:Black Box Room

Address:Haydon School, Wiltshire Lane, Eastcote, Pinner, HA5 2LX


Advantages of locationCompletely black room that I can shoot in to add variety to my footage. It is a big room which will allow movement as well as the ability to black out the room and then bring the main subject into the light, this would use redhead lights. I am able to book it for afterschool hours, which is very helpful and will give me the chance to film without distraction. It is a controlled environment so I can change elements to work in favour of my video.

Location Considerations (problems, timings, permission etc)This room is used frequently as a classroom, so I would have to use the room outside of school hours, so I would film in it after school. The room has to be booked in order to use it, and many other students will probably want to book it, so I would have to make sure I book it in advance and that I find a day when it is free, and my model for my video is free and then shoot it then.Another problem with the room, is that I would have to make sure the lighting is just right, or the shot will not look good, because it is a black box, if the lighting is not right, you may not be able to see anything, or thinks may not be blacked out enough.

Page 2: Location Recce


Location Recce

Production Details: Music Video ‘Youth’ Producer: Ellie Zambakides

Details of Location:My house Garden and Conservatory

Address:Hillcroft Cresent, Watford


Advantages of locationVery well lit conservatory and aesthetically pleasing garden with lots of scenery. The two locations within my house are open to me whenever I need to film in them, as long as I have access to equipment and the actors. There is a lot of space to film in so it can add variety to the shots and make it seem as though I have moved around a lot. As it is in the comfort of my own house, it allows me to have as much time as I need (apart from when it starts to get dark in the evening) and film for long periods of time, do lots of retakes and reshoots as well so I can hopefully get the right footage.

Location Considerations (problems, timings, permission etc)As I am filming in my house and it can get dark very quickly which will affect the quality of the footage I have to make sure I film early in the day rather than later, however, with school in the mornings and my models working most days, finding a time when we can all film in the morning is quite challenging. As I may be filming outside the weather is a big problem for me as if it rains then I can’t take the equipment outside as it will get ruined, especially if I were to use the fill lights which will defiantly break if they get wet.

Page 3: Location Recce


Location Recce

Production Details: Music Video ‘Youth’ Producer: Ellie Zambakides

Details of Location:Coast/beach of Brighton

Address:Brighton Beach


Advantages of locationThe lighting is very good, I do not need any additional artificial lights to get good lighting for the footage. The scenery whilst simple is very effective and calming, the waves and shore is different to my other footage as it is so open and empty. There is a lot of space to film on so I have the opportunity to do a variety of long shots and close ups.

Location Considerations (problems, timings, permission etc)The shots are very dependent on weather, as it is open bad weather such as rain or wind (and as it is the British coast both are very likely) can make it very hard to film in/get a steady or decent shot, as well as not being able to use the equipment in the rain as it may get damaged. As it is outside it can also get dark very quickly so you have to start filming early to avoid the camera not picking anything up. As it is in public I have to make sure I do not get anyone in shot unless given informed consent.