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  • 8/12/2019 Lmt100 Proverbs



    A lender nor borrower be. Do not lend or borrow money.

    A leopard cannot change its


    It is impossible for a bad or unpleasant person to become

    good or pleasant.

    A lie begets a lie. Telling one lie will lead you to tell another one.

    A little fire is quickly

    trodden out.

    If you deal with a minor problem quickly, it will not

    become a major issue.

    A little of what you fancy

    does you good.

    It's ok to give into a little temptation occasionally.

    A loaded wagon makes no


    Really wealthy people do not talk about money.

    A loveless life is living death. Without affection, life is difficult.A man can die but once. If death comes now, you will not have to experience it


    A man is as old as he feels

    himself to be.

    Your age doesn't matter as long as you are fit and healthy.

    A man is judged by his

    deeds, not by his words.

    A person is judged on what he/she actually does, not on

    what they saythey will do.

    A man is known by the

    company he keeps.

    A person's character is judged by the type of people with

    whom they spend their time.

    A monkey in silk is a

    monkey no less.

    No matter how someone dresses, it's the same person


    A new broom sweeps

    clean(but the old brush

    knows all the corners...)

    A newly-appointed person often makes changes quickly .

    A nod is as good as a wink

    (to a blind horse/man).

    A hint or a subtle signal is enough to convey meaning to

    someone who is ready to understand.

    A picture paints a thousand


    A picture is better than a long description.

    A problem shared is a

    problem halved.

    (Also : A worry shared is a

    worry halved.)

    It is easier to deal with a problem when you discuss it with


    A rising tide lifts all boats. Refers to something that will be helpful to all.

    A rolling stone gathers no


    If a person keeps moving from place to place, they gain

    neither friends nor possessions.

    Another interpretation is that, by moving often, one avoids

    being tied down!

    A rotten apple spoils the A dishonest or immoral person can have a bad influence

  • 8/12/2019 Lmt100 Proverbs


    barrel. on a group.

    A smooth sea never made a

    skilled mariner.

    Overcoming adversity leads to competence.

    A soft answer turneth away


    If your reply is polite and tactful you will avoid anger.

    A stitch in time saves nine. If you deal with a problem at an early stage you will save

    time and prevent it from getting worse.

    A stumble may prevent a


    Correcting a small mistake may help you to avoid making

    a bigger one.

    A swallow does not make the


    One good event does not mean that everything is alright.

    A tidy house holds a bored


    If a house is always tidy, the owner (woman) has nothing

    but housework to occupy her time.A watched pot never boils. If you wait anxiously for something to happen, it seems to

    take a long time.

    A wise head keeps a still

    tongueAn intelligent person knows when to stay silent.

    A wonder lasts but nine days The effects of an amazing or stirring event last only nine

    days; after that, life goes on as before.

    A young idler, an old


    If you don't work, you won't have any money when you're


    Absence makes the heart

    grow fonder

    When you are away from someone you love, you love

    them even more.

  • 8/12/2019 Lmt100 Proverbs



    far-fetched:difficult to accept; difficult to believe.

    "That story's pretty far-fetched. Nobody's going to believe it."

    feel blue:feel sad and depressed.

    "I'm feeling bluebecause I haven't had any mail except bills for a long, long time."

    fire someone:dismiss someone from a job because of poor performance.

    "If you continue to be late for work, the company will fire you."

    feel puny:feel unwell, ill.

    "Ted was feeling punyyesterday, so he decided not to go to work."

    fender-bender:automobile accident.

    "Traffic was really slow on the freeway this morning

    because of a fender-benderin one of the westbound lanes."

    for ages:for a very long time.

    "Where's Marie? I haven't seen her for ages."

    jump all over someone:severely criticize / find fault with someone.

    A: "What's wrong with Joe?"

    B: "He's feeling bad because his bossjumped all over himthis morning."

    jump the gun:do something before it's time to do it.

    A: "How did Marsha know about the party? It was supposed to be a surprise."

    B: "Chuckjumped the gun. Without thinking, he said, 'I'm bringing the cake at your party;

    I hope you like it!"

  • 8/12/2019 Lmt100 Proverbs


    jump to conclusions:decide something too quickly and without thinking about it or

    considering all the facts.

    A: "Angela just doesn't like me. She won't even say hello."B: "You'rejumping to conclusions. Actually, she's very shy."

    junk mail:unsolicited mail (usually advertisements for something you're not interested in).

    "I didn't have any letters today--onlyjunk mail."

    lend someone a hand:help someone.

    "I can't do this alone. Can you lend me a hand?"

    leave well enough alone:do nothing (because doing something would make things worse).

    "Don't tell Jim how to discipline his children. Leave well enough alone."

    a let-down:a disappointment; something that's very disappointing.

    "It must've been quite a let-downnot to be chosen for that job.

    I know you really hoped you would get it."

    Let sleeping dogs lie.:Don't cause problems by doing something when it isn't necessary.

    "I know that what Julie said made you angry, but let sleeping dogs lie.If you say or do anything, you'll only make things worse."

  • 8/12/2019 Lmt100 Proverbs



    simile meaning comment

    as alike as two peas in a pod identical or nearly so

    as bald as a coot completely baldas big as a bus very big

    as big as an elephant very big

    as black as a sweep completely black sweep = chimney sweep

    as black as coal completely black

    as black as pitch completely black

    as blind as a bat completely blind may be exaggeration

    as blind as a mole completely blind may be exaggeration

    as bold as brass very bold usually in a negative

    senseas brave as a lion very brave

    as bright as a button very bright

    as bright as a new pin very bright and shiny

    as busy as a beaver very busy

    as busy as a bee very busy

    as busy as a cat on a hot tin


    very busy

    as calm as a millpond very calm and still usually said of water

    as clear as a bell very clear of a soundas clean as a whistle very clean

    as clear as crystal very clear

    as clear as mud not at all clear irony/sarcasm

    as cold as ice very cold

    as common as dirt very common, rude, vulgar usually said of a person

    as cool as a cucumber cool

    as cunning as a fox cunning

    as dead as a doornail dead

    as dead as the dodo dead, extinct the dodo is an extinctbird

    as deaf as a post completely deaf may be exaggeration

    as different as chalk from


    very different

    as drunk as a lord completely drunk

    as dry as a bone very dry

    as dry as dust very dry

    as dull as dishwater dull, boring usually said of a person

    as easy as A.B.C. very easyas easy as apple-pie very easy

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    as flat as a pancake completely flat

    as free as a bird very free to go anywhere

    as fresh as a daisy very fresh

    as gentle as a lamb very gentle usually said of a person

    as good as gold very good and obedient usually said of a personas happy as a lark very happy usually said of a person

    as hard as nails very tough in character of a person

    as hot as hell very hot

    as hungry as a bear very hungry

    as hungry as a wolf very hungry

    as innocent as a lamb innocent, not worldly-wise usually said of a person

    as large as life conspicuously present

    as light as a feather very light

    as light as air very light

    as mad as a hatter completely crazy

    as mad as a hornet very angry

    as nutty as a fruitcake completely crazy

    as obstinate as a mule very obstinate, stubborn

    as old as the hills very, very old

    as pale as death very pale or white in the face of a person

    as plain as day very clear

    as poor as a church mouse poverty-stricken

    as white as a ghost very pale or white in theface

    of a person

    as white as a sheet pure white

    as white as snow pure white

    as wise as Solomon very wise King


    as wise as an owl very wise

  • 8/12/2019 Lmt100 Proverbs



    Broken heart - Your heart is not literally broken into pieces; you just feel hurt and sad. The light of my life - The person described by this metaphor isn't really providing

    physical light. He or she is just someone who brings happiness or joy.

    It's raining men - Men do not literally pour from the sky; there are simply an abundanceof male suitors around at the time. Time is a thief - Time isn't really stealing anything, this metaphor just indicates that time

    passes quickly and our lives pass us by.

    He is the apple of my eye - There is, of course, no real apple in a person's eye. The"apple" is someone beloved and held dear.

    Bubbly personality - A bubbly personality doesn't mean a person is bubbling over withanything, just that the person is cheerful.

    Feel blue - No one actually ever feels like the color blue, although many people say theyare "feeling blue" to mean they are feeling sad.

    Fade off to sleep - You don't actually fade, you simply go to sleep. Inflamed your temper - The news inflamed your temper is not a situation where there is

    any actual fire or flames, it is just a situation where someone gets mad.

    Reeks of infidelty - When said about a cheating partner, this doesn't actually mean thatthere is a literal smell. Instead, it is just apparent that the person is cheating.

    Rollercoaster of emotions - A rollercoaster of emotions doesn't exist anywhere, so whenpeople are on a rollercoaster of emotions, they are simply experiencing lots of ups and


    Stench of failure - The stench of failure is strong, according to the common metaphor,but of course failing doesn't really smell.