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It’s a place where I learn 

to count, read, and write

It’s a place where I meet New friends left and right

That’s why it’s no surprise… 

I love going to school!

Unit 3

I Love Going to School

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Week 1: School Is My Second Home

Let’s Try 

Talk about your school. Say your school’s name.

Tell us what grade you are in.

Say: “I study in ___  _.

I am in Grade _____.” 

Get SetListen as your teacher uses these words in a

sentence. Let us try to figure out their meanings.

Let’s Recall

What do you often do in school? 

Let’s Aim 

In the poem you are about to hear, you will find out

what other activities are often done in school.

Lesson 1 

cool hop

without doubt skip

prance true

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Listen as I read the poem.

My School

I will tell you about

a place that is cool

it is without doubt

my dear old school.

In school I can sing

and do many other things

I can read, write, and dance

I can skip, hop, and prance.

In school I have fun

I play under the sun

I count things I can see,

dream of what I can be.

There’s so much I can do 

in my school, that’s so true 

It is after all, my home

away from home.

Listen to my questions about the poem and try

to answer them.

1.  In the poem, what is referred to as a place

that is cool? 

2.  What does it mean when one says that a placeis cool? 

3.  Based on the poem, give two activities that can

be done in school.

4.  Aside from what was said in the poem,

what other activities can you do in school? 

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Draw your favorite school activity in your notebook.

Let’s Recall 

In our poem yesterday, we learned that it is fun to be

in school. Let’s think of the different things we can do

in school.

I Can Do It

Your classmate will ask you a question.Try to answer it.

“What do you like to do in school?” 

“I like to ____ in school.” 

Action Words

Listen as I read each sentence.


Miko likes to sing in school.2.  Dina likes to read in school.

3.  Tita likes to cook in school.

4.  Juan likes to dance in school.

5.  Ana likes to play in school.

Write the word that answers each question

that I will read to you.

1.  What does Miko like to do in school? 2.  What does Dina like to do in school? 

3.  What does Tita like to do in school? 

4.  What does Juan like to do in school? 

5.  What does Ana like to do in school? 

Lesson 2 

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Read the words you wrote. What do you notice? 

Sing, read, cook, dance, and play are all action


We Can Do It 

I will ask about what you do in certain places.

Answer me with an action word.1.  What do you do in the market? 

2.  What do you do at home? 

3.  What do you do in the park ? 

Let’s Aim 

Reading Short o Words

Let us name these pictures.

Did you notice the shape of my mouth as I named

the pictures with you? You are right, my mouth

formed a circle. That is the shape that our mouths

form when we have the o sound in the middle of the

words we read.

Remember This 

Action words are words that show movement.

They talk about what we do. 

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We Can Do It

Find a partner. Read each word to your partner.

Draw a line between the word and the picture.





I Can Do It

Read the words and draw the corresponding

pictures in your notebook.


mop2.  top

3.  pot

4.  dot

5.  fox

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Let’s Answer 

I have a set of pictures and word cards. I will give

each of you a picture or a word card. Find your

partner by matching the picture with the correctword card.

(To half of the class, give word cards containing

three-letter words with the middle o sound. To the

other half, give the corresponding picture cards.

Make sure the cards accurately depict the words.)

Let’s Aim 

Cause and Effect

Last Monday, we listened to a poem about school.

Listen as I read the story about Ben’s first day

in a new school.

Yesterday was Ben’s first day

in a new school. He was afraid because

he did not know anyone there. All his friends

were in his old school.

During recess, a girl called out to him.

“Hi, I’m Lisa,” she said. “Come and join us. We

are going to play tumbang preso,” she added.

Ben eagerly joined Lisa and her friends.

He is happy now.

Lesson 3 

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Answer these questions.

1.  Why was Ben afraid to be in a new school? 

2.  Why is Ben happy now? 

Let’s try to complete the following chart. On the left

side of the chart, you will put the answers to the

questions above.

Ben was afraid to be

in a new school.

Ben is happy now.

Read your answers on the chart. What do younotice? Because he does not know anyone there,

Ben was afraid to be in his new school. In the end,

because he made new friends, Ben became happy.

Remember This 

Oftentimes we want to know the reasons

behind certain events. In order for us to do

so, we have to ask why.

The reason behind a certain event is called

the cause of an event. The result of the

cause or what happens because of the

cause is called the effect. 

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We Can Do It

Knowing the cause of certain events is helpful

in understanding what we read. Let’s try some more

examples to know more about cause and effect.Listen as I read each paragraph. Answer the

questions that follow. Write your answers in the chart.

1.  Mely was going to cross the street to go to

school. A little boy wanted to cross too, but he

was afraid. Mely held the boy’s hand. Together,

they crossed the street.

Why was the boy able to cross the street? 

2.  Jose was asked to compete against studentsfrom other schools in a math quiz bee. He

wanted to win so he practiced solving word

problems every chance that he got. During the

day of the quiz bee, Jose answered all the

problems correctly. He was declared math quiz

bee champion.

Why did Jose become the math quiz bee


3.  Pat liked to sing. He sang in the morning before

breakfast, he sang while working on his

seatwork, he even sang before going to bed.

One Monday morning, he woke up with a sore

throat. He could not sing all day. Pat was very

sad that day.

Why was Pat sad one Monday morning? 

Cause Effect

The little boy was able

to cross the street.

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Cause Effect

Jose became the math

quiz bee champion.

Pat was sad one

Monday morning.

Let’s Aim 

Reading Short a, e, i, and o Words

Let’s name the following pictures.

Did you notice how the shape of our mouth

changed as we named each picture? It all depends

on whether the word has the a, e, i, or o sound

in the middle. Today we will try to read more words.

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We Can Do It

Find a partner. Read each word to your partner.

I Can Do It Read these words and draw the corresponding

pictures in your notebook.

1.  a pig 4. a mop

2.  a map 5. a box

3.  a hen

Let’s Try 

I have a list of action words. Let us do the actions

together. Afterwards, choose one among these

action words. Pretend to do the action while saying,

“I like to ____.” 

Lesson 4 









swim drink walkhop fly eat

run sing clap

 jump dance skip

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Let’s Try Listen to my short poem. Then try to answer

my questions about it.

Lesson 5 

Remember This 

Sometimes, an event can have many

causes. When reading a story, ask why

in order to understand the reason behind

a given event. Do not stop asking until

you have found out all the reasons behind

the event. 

Sinta forgot to bring her


Sinta did not accept the

cookies Lito offered her.

Sinta did not have

enough money to buy


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Animals in Action

There was once a hen who wanted to fly.

She flapped her wings but she could not

go high.

Then the hen met a pig who wanted to


But the pig was too heavy, he fell with a


The two walked a bit and they both met

a dog.

But the dog wanted nothing butto sleep like a log.

1.  What did the pig want to do? 

2.  What did the dog want to do? 

3.  What did the hen want to do? 

We Can Do It

Let us play Simon Says. When I say “Simon Says,”you must do the action that I tell you. If I only say

an action without saying “Simon Says,” you must not

do the action.

I Can Do It

Complete the poem with action words. Make sure

you put your name in the first blank.

 ______________ in Action

I _______________

I _______________

I _______________

I love to move about.

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Let’s Aim 

Let’s name these pictures. Write their names

in your notebook.

I Can Do It

Read the phrases. Draw the correct picture

for each phrase in your notebook.

1.  a dog on a log

2.  a fox in a box

3.  a top in a pot

Week 2: Meet My Teacher

Let’s Try 

Talk about your teacher. Say your teacher’s name.

Tell us what she teaches you.

Say: “My teacher’s name is ____  _.

She / He teaches me to ____  _.” 

Lesson 6 

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Get Set

Listen as your teacher uses these words in a

sentence. Let us try to figure out their meanings.

Let’s Recall

How did you celebrate your birthday? 

Let’s Aim 

In the story you are about to hear, you will find out

how Ms. Amor celebrated her birthday.

The Birthday Surprise

Today is Ms. Amor’s birthday. All of usin Grade 2 - Santol are excited because we

have a surprise for her. When she entered the

room, our classmate Ana gave her a set of

cards numbered 1 to 3.

“Ms. Amor, we have a surprise for you,”

Ana said.

“Please read and follow the clueson the cards so you can find the surprise,”

Gabriel continued.

All of us in the classroom sat on our seats


excited amazed

surprise final

clues framed

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“Okay, here goes,” Ms. Amor said as she

read the first clue. “Walk forward five steps,”

Ms. Amor said as she started to move forward.

She stopped in the middle of the room. Then shelooked at the next clue. “Sing a few lines from

your favorite song.”

All of us waited happily to find out what

Ms. Amor’s favorite song was. When she sang

“Moon River,” we were amazed at her beautiful

voice. We clapped our hands after her song.

“Thank you, class. Now let’s move on to thefinal clue,” Ms. Amor said, reading the next

card. “Close your eyes and make a wish.” She

closed her eyes for a while.

When she opened them, we all shouted,


She looked at the framed class picture we

held in front of her and said, "How did you knowwhat I wished for ?"

Listen to my questions and try to answer them.1.  Whose birthday was it? 

2.  Who were the pupils of the birthday celebrant? 

3.  What did they do for their teacher

on her birthday? 

4.  What did Ms. Amor have to do first in order to

find her surprise? 

5.  What did Ms. Amor have to do next in order

to find her surprise? 

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Action Words

Listen as I read each sentence.

1.  Romy sits on a chair.

2.  Romy and Tita sit

on a bench.

3.  Patrick reads a book.

4.  Patrick and Ana readthe newspaper.

5.  Maria eats spaghetti

in school.

6.  Maria, Diego, and

Juan eat pizza

at home.

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Answer each question. Copy the following chart

in your notebook. Write the answer on the left side

of the chart. On the right side of the chart, write

how many persons are doing the action.1.  What does Romy do on a chair ? 

2.  What does Patrick do to a book ? 

3.  What does Maria do in school? 

4.  What do Romy and Tita do on a chair ? 

5.  What do Patrick and Ana do to a newspaper ? 

6.  What do Maria, Diego, and Juan do at home? 

Action Number of Person/sDoing the Action






Read the actions that were done by only oneperson. What do you notice? Sits, reads, and eats are

the actions done by only one person. Read the

actions that were done by two or more persons.

What do you notice? Sit, read, and eat are the

actions done by two or more persons.

Remember This When only one person does the action,

we add s to the action word.

When two or more people do the action,

we do not add s to the action word. 

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Let’s Aim

Reading Phrases with Short Vowel Sounds

Let’s read the following words.fat pen ten bed

big six logs dog

box mop the of

We Can Do It

Read each phrase to a partner. Match the phrase

with the correct picture by drawing a line.

1.  ten big logs

2.  the big fat dog

3.  a mop on a bed

4.  a box of pens

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We Can Do It

Knowing the order of the events in a story is helpful

in understanding a story better. Listen as I reada short story. Together with your group mates,

draw on four sheets of paper the four important

events that happened in the story. Arrange them

in correct sequence.

The Owl That Wanted to Be a Rooster

There was once an owl who thought

that the rooster’s job of waking up the animals

was the best job in the barn. The owl wished

so hard to be a rooster. Her wish came true,

and she became a rooster. But she was only

awake at night. So she ended up crowing

at night. The barn animals got angry

because they could not sleep. The roosterwished to become an owl again. 

Remember This 

When reading a story, it is helpful to note

the important events in the order

that they happened. This will help us

in understanding the story better.

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I Can Do It 

Read the words and draw the corresponding

pictures in your notebook.


an orange log2.  a blue top

3.  a red cot

4.  a green mop

5.  a yellow pot

Let’s Answer 

Let’s play Bingo! I have a set of pictures and each

one will be given a word card containing groups ofwords. I will show you the picture and you will find the

group of words that tells us what the picture is. Once

you find it, mark it with an X. The first person to mark

all the groups of words in his / her card wins the


(Give the pupils word cards containing six phrases

that use colors and words with the middle a, e, i, or o 

sound. The pictures can either be printed or flashed

through a powerpoint presentation.)

We Can Do ItLook at the action words. Let us read and do

the actions together. Afterwards, choose one action

word. Ask a classmate or a group of classmates

to do an action and say, “_____ sings.” or “______,

 ______, and _____ dance.” 

Lesson 9 

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swim drink walk

hop run eat

run sing clap

 jump dance skip

I Can Do It

Listen as I read a short story. Answer my questions

about it afterwards.

Hide and Seek

Marla, Jen, Kevin, Richard, and KC play hide

and seek in the park. Jen covers her eyes

and counts up to thirty. The other children hidein different places. Marla goes behind a tree.

Kevin and KC hide behind a bench.

Richard runs to the slide and hides behind it.

Jen opens her eyes and walks around. She

spots Richard. “Tag, you’re it!” she tells him. 

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c.  3.

d.  4.

e.  5.

We Can Do It

I have pictures of the animals on the previous page.

There may either be one animal or more than oneanimal in each picture. Each of you will pick out

an animal card. Then make a sentence about

the animal / animals that you pick out using the

correct sounds they make.

For instance, if you pick out a picture of two dogs,

you may say “Two dogs bark.” But if you pick out apicture of only one dog, you may say “The dog








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I Can Do It

Complete the poem with the correct animal sounds.

Reading Phrases with Sight Words

Let’s Aim 

Let’s read these sight words.

We Can Do It

The class will play Touch the Color. After saying

“Touch the color,” the teacher will flash a word

indicating the color that the pupils are to touch.

blue yellow green orange

red black purple white

pink brown

Animal Sounds

A dog _____________

A cat ______________

A bird _____________

A frog ____________

A horse ____________

And I say,

“Have a nice day.” 

Animal Sounds

Dogs ______________

Cats _______________

Birds _______________

Frogs ______________

Horses _____________

And we say,

“Have a nice day.” 

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Let’s Recall

What is your favorite dessert? 

Let’s Aim 

In the story you are about to hear, you will find out

what dessert the special visitor taught the pupils from

Grade 2 - Papaya to make.

A Special Visitor

Today is a happy day for us children

in Grade 2 - Papaya. We have a special visitor

in class. He will teach us how to make

a yummy dessert.

“Grade 2 - Papaya, I am Kuya Ben. I will

show you how to make fruit salad,” he says.

He posts the ingredients on the board.

Kuya Ben lets us read the ingredients.

Then he tells us that fruit salad is so easy

to make.

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I serve the fruit salad.

We Can Do This

Action Words

Listen as I read each sentence.

1.  I sing a song.

2.  I play with my sipa.

3.  I write a story.

4.  I drink a glass

of water.

5.  I count my marbles.

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Answer each question. Copy the following chart

in your notebook. Write the answers on the right side

of the chart. On the left side, put in the answer

to this question: Who does the action?

 1.  What do I do with a song? 

2.  What do I do with my sipa? 

3.  What do I do with a story? 

4.  What do I do with a glass of water ? 

5.  What do I do with my marbles? 

Who does the action?  Action

1. 2. 




Look at the left side of the chart. In all examples,

who was the doer of the action? Right, in all

examples I am the doer of the actions. Read theactions on the right side of the chart. What do you

notice? Sing, play, write, drink, and count are the

actions that I do. In the past lesson, we learned that

when one person is doing the action, we add s to

the verb. But this is an exception to the rule. That

means even if I am only one, we do not add s to the

action word.

Remember This 

When I am the person who does the action,

we do not add s to the action word. 

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Let’s Aim 

Reading Simple Sentences

Let’s look at these pictures. Identify the objectsin the picture.

We Can Do It

Read the following words after me. You will meet

these again in the sentences you will read.

Read the following sentences. Write the numberof the sentence that correctly shows the pictures


1.  The fox is in a box.

2.  The pig is with the hen.

3.  The eggs are in a pot.

I Can Do It Read the phrases and draw the corresponding

pictures for each phrase. Do this in your notebook.

1.  A dog is with a cat.

2.  The top is on a log.

3.  The rats are in a box.

the with are

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Grade 2 - Papaya had a special visitor. His name

is Kuya Ben. He taught them how to make fruit salad.

This is how he did it. (Let the pupils say their sentences

in the correct order.)

Let’s Try 

I have a big cube that has pictures of things we do

in school. Each one will get a chance to throw

the cube. Based on the picture you get, answer this

question:“What do you do in school?” 

“I ___  __ in school.” 

We Can Do It

I will divide you into groups with three members

each. Talk to your team mates and agree on an

action that you will do together in school. Then as agroup, say:

“We _____ together in school.” 

(Each group may do the activity more than once.)

Remember This 

When reading a story, it is helpful to make

a picture in our minds of the important events

that happened in the story. We can then

describe the pictures in our own words.

This helps us tell the story again. 

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Reading Sentences

Let’s Aim

Let’s look at the pictures. Identify the animals.

We Can Do It

Let us read the word in the box. I will help you find

out what it means.

Draw and color the corresponding picture for eachsentence. Do this in your notebook.

1.  The pink pig is beside the yellow hen.

2.  The black cat sits beside a blue rat.

3.  The green frog hops beside the brown dog.

Remember This 

When there are two or more people who do

the action and we use the pronoun we, there is

no need to add s to the action word. 



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I Can Do It 

Read the phrases. Draw the corresponding picture

for each phrase. Do this in your notebook.


A blue horse is beside an orange cat.2.  A green hen sits on a yellow egg.

3.  A purple dog runs beside a white pig.

We Can Do ItI have the big cube that we used yesterday.

Instead of pictures, it has six action words written

on it. Let us read them.

Together with a partner, roll the cube. When it lands

on an action word, use it to say what you do


We ____ together.Then say where you do the action.

We ____ together in the _____.

Lesson 14 

hop eat

run sing

 jump dance 

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I Can Do It

Complete the poem with the actions that you often

do with your friends.

Let’s Try

Retelling a Story with Pictures

Yesterday, we talked about how helpful it is for us

to form pictures of important events in a story.

This will help us tell the story again.

Listen to this familiar fable.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

There was once an ant who worked day

and night. He looked for food and kept it

in his home. He said he would need itduring the rainy days.

There was also a grasshopper who only

liked to play. He did not look for food. He

danced and sang all day.

What I Do with My Friendsby ________________

We __________________.

We __________________.

We __________________.

We __________________.

We do so many things.

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One night, heavy rains poured. Ant stayed

in his warm home and ate his food.

Grasshopper knocked on Ant’s door and asked

for food.Ant took pity on him and let him in. He told

Grasshopper that next time they will look

for food together.

We Can Do It

Look at these pictures. Let us number them from 1 to

4 according to when they happened in the story.

Let us say what happened in each picture.

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I Can Do It

Using the same pictures and their correct sequence,

rewrite the story of “The Ant and the Grasshopper ” in

your notebook.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

There was once





Let’s Try 

We learned about animal sounds last week.

We will learn about more animal sounds today.

Listen as I read these different animal sounds.

Lesson 15 

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Match them with the animals that make these

sounds. Draw a line between the animal and the

correct sound.











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We Can Do It

I have pictures of the animals on the previous page.

You will form groups of two, three, or four. Then I will

give you an animal card. You and your group mateswill pretend to be the animals you pick. You will

make a sentence using the correct sounds that the

animals make. As a group, say:

“We are _____. We ______ .” 

I Can Do It

Complete the poem with names of animalsand the sounds they make.

Animal Sounds

We are ______________.

We __________________.

We are ______________.

We _________________.We are _____________.

We _________________.

We are animals.

We make lots of sounds.

Let’s Aim 

Reading SentencesLet’s read these groups of words.

The snakes hiss The pigs grunt

The ducks quack The bees buzz

The rats squeak

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Let’s Recall

What game do you enjoy playing with your friends? 

Let’s Aim In the story you are about to hear, you will find out

what game Joan and her friends played in school.

Fun with My Friends

Joan, Jose, and Mika all came to school

early today. Joan said she had a board game

that she wanted them to play.“What’s the game, Joan?” Jose asked

when they saw each other.

“It’s called Act It Out,” Joan said. “We

have to roll a dice first. The number we get

will tell us how many steps to take. If we land

on a square that says Act It Out, we have to

pick a card. Then we act out what it says onthe card.” 

“And the person who reaches the squarethat says Finish wins, right?” Jose asked. 

“Right,” Joan answered. 

Mika rolled the dice first. It was a six.

She moved her token and landed on a

square that said Act It Out. She picked a


Turn to a friend

and shake his hand.

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We Can Do This

Action Words (adding – ing)

Listen and watch as I read each sentenceand do the action.

1.  I am stomping my feet.

2.  I am clapping my hands.

3.  I am tapping my fingers.

4.  I am pointing at my nose.

5.  I am swaying my hips.

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Watch what I am doing. Then answer each question.

Copy the following chart in your notebook. Place the

answers on the right side of the chart. On the left

side, write the answer to this question: Who is doingthe action? 

1.  What am I doing with my feet? 

2.  What am I doing with my hands? 

3.  What am I doing with my fingers? 

4.  What am I doing to my nose? 

5.  What am I doing with my hips? 

Who is doing the action?  Action1. 





Read the actions on the left side of the chart. Whatdo you notice? Stomping, clapping, tapping,

pointing, and swaying all have something similar.Do you see it? Yes, all of them end in -ing. Let me do

the actions again. Who is doing the stomping? 

Yes, I am. How about now, who is doing the

clapping? Yes, I am. Who is doing the tapping? 

You’re right again  –  I am doing the tapping. Who is

doing the pointing? I am. And who is doing theswaying. Yes, I am also doing the swaying.

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Let’s Aim

Let’s read these words.

he likes to aroundnow


We Can Do It

Reading a Simple Story

Let us read the short story about Jac. You and I

can read it alternately. You may start with the first



Jac likes to jog.

He jogs around the log.

He jogs around the dog.

He jogs around the hog.

Jac is hot now. He sits down to rest.

I Can Do It 

Now try to read the story on your own.

Afterwards, draw Jac and his favorite activity.

Do this in your notebook.

Remember This 

While I am doing an action, I have to add -ing 

to an action word so I can talk about what I am


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Let’s Aim 

Following Two-Step Directions

Last Monday, we listened to a story about the game

played by Joan, Jose, and Mika. Listen as I read

the cards that Jose and Mika got. You are to do

the same actions after I read them.

Wiggle your fingersand stomp your feet. Turn to a friend andshake his hand.

We Can Do It 

Listen to some more commands and do the actions.

1.  Stand up and jump three times.

2.  Sit down and put your hands on your lap.3.  Face your classmate and say, “How are you?” 

4.  Shake your classmate’s hand and say, “I’m fine,thank you.” 

5.  Look at me and clap two times.

Lesson 18 

Remember This 

It is important to listen to directions so we can

follow them correctly. 

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I Can Do It

Do the following activity in your notebook.

Make sure you follow the directions that I will say.

1. Make the circle into

a flower. Color it blue.

2. Give this cat a name.

Write it on its tag.

3. Draw two balloons.

Color one yellow

and the other one red.

4. Draw an ice creamscoop on the cone.

Color it pink.

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Let’s Try 

I have a bowl with cards that have action words.

I will now call on a girl to pick a card.

While she is doing the action written on the card,we will say:

“She is _____.” 

Now I will call a boy to pick a card. While he

is doing the action written on the card, we will say:

“He is _____.” 

We Can Do ItI have this big cube with new action words.

Choose a partner. I will throw the cube and one

of you will do the action written on top. As one

is doing the action, the other one will say:

“He / She is _____.” 

(Each pair may do the activity more than once.)

Remember This 

While another person is doing an action, I have

to add – ing to the action word so I can talk

about what he or she is doing.

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Let’s Aim 

Read the following words after me. You will meet

these again in the short story you will read later.

he she very puts likes

We Can Do It

Read the sentences with a partner. Match them with

the correct picture.

1. Jen, the hen,

has an egg.

2. Mox, the fox,

likes eggs.

3. Jen is very sad.

4. Jen puts the egg

in a pot.

Lesson 19 

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Let’s Try

Following Directions

Yesterday, we talked about how helpful it is for us

to listen and follow directions.

Listen very well to this song and do the actions

you are asked.

If You’re Happy and You Know It 

If you’re happy and you know it

clap your hands.

If you’re happy and you know it

snap your fingers.

If you’re happy and you know it 

then your face will surely show it.If you’re happy and you know it

clap your hands and snap your fingers.

* stomp your feet / shout “hello” 

* jump for joy / flap your arms

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Week 5: Other People Who Help Me

in School

Let’s Try 

Talk about the people who help you in school.

Look at the pictures and tell who they are.

Get Set

Listen as your teacher uses these words

in sentences. Let us try to figure out their meanings.

safety duty

delight upset

litter bin

Lesson 21 

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Let’s Recall

Who are the people you always see in school

helping the pupils and the teachers? 

Let’s Aim 

In the poem you are about to hear, you will find out

the people who help you in school.

Listen as I recite the poem. 

Guess Who Do I See in School

Guess who do I see in school? They’re the people who help me. 

They make school a place like home.

Come and listen to this poem.

They are always at the gate.

Our safety is their duty.

They check who gets in and out.

And keep the bad people out.

The canteen is their station.

Our food is what they care for.

Recess is their busy time

because it’s our mealtime. 

They are always dressed in white.

Our good health is their delight.

We call them if we are sick

And they answer fast and quick.

She is in the library.

She lends books to you and me.

When you see her don’t forget 

Loud noises make her upset.

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The school is clean; thanks to them.

They keep the garden pretty.

They keep the playground clean.

Throw your litter in the bin.

Listen to my questions and try to answer them.

1.  In the poem, who are the people that are seen

in school? 

2.  What do these people do in school? 

3.  Who is being referred to in stanza 2? Stanza 3? 

Stanza 4? Stanza 5? Stanza 6? 

4.  Are they important in school? Why? 5.  Draw a heart in your notebook. Write inside

the heart the name of the person who helped

you in school.

Let’s Recall 

Yesterday, we learned about the people who help

us in school.

Get Set

Interpreting Picture Graphs

Listen to the paragraph then let’s study the graph. 

The grade 2 class went to the school garden

and saw lots of pechay, amplaya, eggplant,

tomato, and onion. They made a graph of the

vegetables gathered from the garden.

Lesson 22 

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Vegetables from the School Garden

Let’s Aim

1.  How many bundles of pechay were gatheredfrom the school garden? 

There were ___ bundles of pechay gathered

from the school garden.

2.  How many ampalayas were gathered from theschool garden? 

There were ___ ampalayas gathered from the

school garden.

3.  How many eggplants were gathered from theschool garden? 

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“Who is the school doctor ?” 

“The school doctor is _____.” 

“Who are the canteen helpers?

” “The canteen helpers are _____ and _____.” 

“Who are the janitors?” 

“The janitors are _____, _____ , and _____.” 

“Who are the security guards?” 

“The security guards are _____ and _____.” 

Let’s Aim

Listen as I read each sentence.


1.  The librarian is Miss Pam.

2.  The school nurse is Miss Ana.

3.  The school doctor is Mr. Ben.


4.  The canteen helpers are Aling Nita

and Mang Tony.

5.  The janitors are Mang Luis, Aling Cora,

and Mang Don.

6.  The security guards are Mrs. Pilar

and Mr. Domeng.

Write in your notebook the word that connectsthe words that I will read to you.


1.  librarian Miss Pam

2.  school nurse Miss Ana

3.  school doctor Mr. Ben

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4.  canteen helpers Aling Nita and Mang Tony

5.   janitors Mang Luis, Aling Cora,

and Mang Don6.  security guards Mrs. Pilar and Mr. Domeng

Read the words. What do you notice? 

When we are talking about only one, we use is.

When we are talking about two or more, we use are.

We Can Do It

Interpreting Picture Graphs

The school store sells many things that you need

in school.

Study the picture graph then answer the questions.

Lesson 23 

Remember This 

Is is used when we are talking about only one.

Are is used when we are talking about two

or more. 

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The School Store

1.  How many notebooks were sold? 2.  How many boxes of crayons were sold? 

3.  How many pad papers were sold? 

4.  How many pencils were sold? 

5.  How many erasers were sold? 

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I Can Do It

How many books did the pupils borrow

from the library? 

Number of Books Borrowed






1.  How many books were borrowed on Monday? 

2.  How many books were borrowed on Tuesday? 3.  How many books were borrowed

on Wednesday? 

4.  How many books were borrowed on Thursday? 

5.  How many books were borrowed on Friday? 

We Can Do It

Verbs of Being: Is and Are

Here are some questions. Answer me using is and


1.  Who is your seatmate? 

2.  Who is your best friend? 

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3.  Who are your friends in school? 

4.  What is your favorite subject? 

5.  Who are your favorite teachers? 

Get Set

Reading and Writing 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and o 

Let’s name these pictures.

pencil jacket tennis

ostrich padlock helmet

Did you notice how many vowel sounds there are

in each word? 

Let’s Aim

Let’s read more words with two short vowel sounds.

napkin dentist

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puppet magnet

sandwich pencil

I Can Do It

Verbs of Being: Is and Are

Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences

by writing is or are in your notebook.

The children _____ playing.

Betty and Gina _____


Mr. Bob _____ mopping

the floor.

Lesson 24 

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Aris _____ writing.

Mrs. Santos _____ reading a

story in class.

We Can Do It

Reading and Writing 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and o 

Name the picture. Copy the word in your notebook

and include the missing vowel letters.

p __ n c __ l

 j __ c k __ t

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s __ n d w __c h

 __ s t r __ c h

p __ p p __ t

Let’s Try

Verbs of Being: Is and Are 

Draw in your notebook the person or persons

helping you in school. Write 2 sentences about

him / her / them using is or are.


1.  What is the name and work of the person/s

helping you? 

2.  What does she / he do to help you? 

Lesson 25 

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Let’s Recall

What do you see in the library? 

What do you do in the library? 

Let’s Aim

In our story, what did Miko see in the library? 

What did he do in the library? 

Miko Visited the Library

That Friday, Miko’s mother told him that

she would be late for an hour in fetching himbecause she had to drop by the grocery

to buy some items needed in their house.

She also talked to Miko’s teacher that

morning about it so Miko can stay in the

library while waiting for his mother.

It was not the first time that Miko would go

to the library. But it was his first time to go

there without his teacher and classmates.

Usually, his teacher would bring the class

to the library for story reading and they would

 just stay in the story reading place.

That afternoon, Miko went to the library

by himself. He was excited that he had

one hour to stay in the library. He planned

to look around and not just stay in the

story reading place.

When Miko entered, his excitement little

by little disappeared. As he looked around

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the tall shelves lined up with so many books,

he slowly felt afraid. He felt very small all

of a sudden. He just stood there by the door.

He froze.The librarian saw Miko just standing there.

With a smile on her face, she walked towards

him. She took Miko by the hand and walked

with him along the book shelves. As they

walked, the librarian told him about the books.

She even asked Miko what he liked to read. He

said he liked reading books about animals.

The librarian took him to the shelves where

there were many storybooks about animals.

Miko chose a book about birds. The librarian

then showed him where he could sit.

Miko has just finished reading the book

when his teacher came in the library

and told him his mother was already there

to fetch him. Miko returned the book and said

thank you to the librarian.

That night, when Miko’s mother tucked him

in bed he asked her when she is going to the

grocery again. She asked Miko why. He said

so he could go to the library in the afternoon.

Miko’s mother smiled and said he could go

to the library every day after class if he likes.

Miko doesn’t have to wait for the next

grocery day. Tomorrow and every day after,

he could go to the library and read books.

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1.  Why was Miko’s mother late in fetching him? 

2.  Where did Miko stay while waiting for his

mother ?

 3.  How did Miko feel when he entered the library? 

4.  Who helped him in the library? 

5.  Did Miko like going to the library? Prove your


6.  If Miko liked reading storybooks about animals,

what about you? What books do you like

to read?

Let’s Recall

Yesterday, you heard a story about Miko’s visit

to the library. What storybook did he like to read? 

Get Set

Identifying Reality and Fantasy

Study these pictures.

Lesson 27 

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Let’s Aim

What do you notice about the pictures? 

Which of the pictures happen in real life? 

Which of the pictures do not happen in real life?


Let’s RecallName the action in the pictures.

Remember This 

Reality happens in real life.

Fantasy does not happen in real life. 

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Get Set

Verbs of Doing: Past Tense of Regular Verbs

Listen as the teacher reads these sentences.1.  She talked to Miko’s teacher. 

2.  He looked around the tall shelves.

3.  She walked towards him.

4.  He liked reading storybooks about animals.

5.  Miko’s mother smiled.

Let’s Aim

What are the underlined words? What do you notice about the verbs? 

1.  talked talk + _____

2.  looked look + _____

3.  walked walk + _____

4.  liked like + _____

5.  smiled smile + _____

Remember This 

We form the past tense of regular verbs

by adding -d or -ed.

We add -d when the verb ends with e.

We add -ed when the verb ends

with a consonant.

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We Can Do It

Identifying Reality and Fantasy

Write R if the picture shows reality. Write F if it

shows fantasy. Do this in your notebook.

1.  4.

2.  5.


Lesson 28 

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I Can Do It

Write in your notebook what each picture is about.

Write whether it is a reality or a fantasy.

We Can Do It (Guided Practice)

Verbs of Doing: Past Tense of Regular Verbs

Write the past form of the verb. Do this

in your notebook.


laugh + ed 6. move + d2.  pick + ed 7. wade + d

3.  clean + ed 8. fade + d

4.   join + ed 9. dine + d

5.  call + ed 10. code + d

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Get Set

Reading and Writing Phrases with 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and oListen as your teacher reads each phrase.

Match the phrases with the pictures.

playing tennis

pencil and


running ostrich

wet jacket



What are the words with short vowel sounds?

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Let’s Aim

Let’s read more phrases with words

with short vowel sounds.

the seven bananas

a tennis racket

egg sandwich

on the plate

a table napkin

the baby rattle

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We Can Do It

Reading and Writing Phrases with 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and oStudy the pictures then complete the phrases. Do this

in your notebook.






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Let’s Try

Reading and Writing Phrases with 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and oWrite in your notebook a phrase about the pictures.

Choose words from the box.

rice busy scary wet juicy

1.  4.

2.  5.


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Let’s Recall

What is your pet at home? 

Or what pet would you like to have? 

Let’s Aim

In our paragraph, what are the animals that are

good for pets? 

Birds for Pets

Kids are often happy to see birds

that they would like to have one as a pet.The three kinds of birds that are good for

pets are the finches, parakeets, and

cockatiels. The finches make good pets

because they are beautiful and they make

beautiful sounds. The parakeets are colorful,

small, easy to care for, and can learn to talk.

And the cockatiels can also learn to talk,whistle, and do cute tricks. 


1.  In our paragraph, what do kids like to have

as pets? 

2.  What are the three birds that are good for pets? 

3.  Why do finches make good pets? 

4.  Why do parakeets make good pets? 

5.  Why do cockatiels make good pets? 

6.  Which of the three birds would you like to have

as a pet? Why? 

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Let’s Aim

Let us answer these questions.

1.  What is the size of sparrows? 


What is the shape of their bill? 3.  What do they eat? 

4.  What is their color ? 

5.  Where are they found? 

Let’s Recall

Verbs of Doing: Past Tense of Irregular Verbs

Name the action words.

Remember This 

By answering the who, what, when, where, why,

and how questions, we can get importantinformation in a text.

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Get Set

Study these sentences.



The finches, parakeets, and cockatiels makegood pets.

2.  The sparrows eat seeds and insects.


3.  The finches, parakeets, and cockatiels made

good pets.

4.  The sparrows ate seeds and insects.

Let’s AimWhat are the underlined words? 

What did you notice about how the verbs

are changed? 

make made

eat ate

We Can Do It

Identifying Important Details in an Expository Text

Know the important details of the next paragraph

by answering these questions.1.  What is the color of crows? 

2.  Where do they feed? 

Lesson 33 

Remember This We form the past tense of irregular verbs

by changing their spelling.

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3.  What do they eat? 

4.  When trained, what can they copy? 

5.  Up to what number can they count? 


Crows are glossy black

birds. They feed mostly on the

ground, where they walk

about purposefully. They eat

meat, grain crops, insects,

and eggs of other birds.Crows are intelligent birds.

They can be trained to copy

their owner’s voice or to count

aloud up to seven.

I Can Do It

Look for the answers in the paragraph.Write the answers in your notebook.


1.  How long have farmers been making


2.  What is a scarecrow? 

3.  What is it shaped like? 

4.  Where is it placed? 

5.  What kinds of birds do scarecrows scare away? 

6.  Why is it a farmer’s best friend? 

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Farmers have been makingscarecrows for more than

three thousand years.

A scarecrow or hay-man

is a trap. It is shaped

like a human dressed

in old clothes and placed

in fields by farmers

to scare away birdssuch as crows or sparrows

from eating the seeds

or crops. A scarecrow is truly

a farmer’s best friend. 

We Can Do It

Verbs of Doing: Past Tense of Irregular Verbs

Here are other examples of irregular verbs.

Name the verbs. Change the underlined letters

to form the past tense.

1.  speak

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2.  swim

3.  sleep

4.  drink

5.  stand

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Get Set

Reading and Writing Sentences with 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and oListen as your teacher reads these sentences.

Match each sentence with the correct picture.

1.  Lito is playing


2.  Mother cooks



The basket is fullof vegetables.

4.  Fried chicken

is my favorite.

5.  The police

caught the


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I Can Do It

Verbs of Doing: Past Tense of Irregular Verbs

Write the verb and its past form.

Do this in your notebook.

Lesson 34 

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We Can Do It

Reading and Writing Sentences with 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and o Study these pictures then complete the sentences.

Write the sentences in your notebook.

1.   _____ is fixing the fence.


She has _____ balloons

on her 7th birthday.

3.  The _____ is planting.

4.  Mother went to the _____.

5.  The _____ is launched.

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Let’s Try

Verbs of Doing: Past Tense of Irregular Verbs


1.  Choose a picture. Name the action word.

2.  Call somebody to do the action word.

3.  Call another to say the past form.

Lesson 35 

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Let’s Try

Reading and Writing Sentences with 2-syllable Words

with Short a, e, i, and oWrite a sentence about each picture.

Choose phrases from the box.

Do this in your notebook.

feed the chicken basket of flowers

shallow river nail and hammer

lemon juice






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As the birds are sitting on the branch, they

are watching the children in the school.

The finch is watching the children in the

music room.The parakeet is watching the children in the

art room.

And the cockatiel is watching the children

in the playground.

The cockatiel asks the finch, “Why do you

watch the children in the music room?” 

The finch answers, “I make beautiful sounds

that’s why I like listening and watchingthe children singing and playing instruments.” 

The finch turns to the parakeet and asks,

“Why do you watch the children in the art


The parakeet replies, “I am colorful.

I like colors. I like watching the children draw

and paint.” The parakeet looks at the cockatiel

and also asks, “Why do you watch the children

in the playground?” 

The cockatiel whistles and replies, “I can do

cute tricks just like those cute little kids

in the playground.” 

After a while, the bell rings. The three birds

flap their wings and fly to another nearbybranch.

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Get Set

Reading Maps

Study the following school map.

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Hospital zone

Drinking station

Let’s Recall

Choose the action words.

sit branch turn school make

tree perch music watch art

answer look paint playground draw

bell flap ask wing listen

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Get Set

Verbs of Doing: Future Tense

Listen as your teacher reads these sentences.A. 

1.  Three birds perch on a branch of a tree.

2.  They watch the children in the school.

3.  The finch turns to the parakeet.

4.  The parakeet looks at the cockatiel.

5.  The three birds flap their wings.


6.  Three birds will perch on a branch of a tree.7.  They will watch the children in the school.

8.  The finch will turn to the parakeet.

9.  The parakeet will look at the cockatiel.

10. The three birds will flap their wings.

Let’s Aim

What are the underlined words? 

What do you notice about the verbs in A

and the verbs in B? 

What word is added before the verb? 

Remember This 

We form the future tense of the verb

by adding will or shall before the base form

of the verb. 

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Reading Maps

Study the following city map and do the activity.

1.  On a sheet of paper, copy and color the map

as follows:

  blue –  water   red –  fire station  orange –  library   yellow –  schools

  green –  parks   pink –  city hall

  purple –  hospital    brown –  community


2.  Draw a green X at the intersection of Orosa

Street and 2nd

 Avenue.3.  Draw a black X where Rivera Street

meets Carlos Bridge.

4.  Draw a blue X at the address 180 Rivera Street.

5.  What city building is located along 1st Avenue? 

Lesson 38 

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We Can Do It

Study the following city map then do the activity.

Write your answers in your notebook.

1.  Which bridge is closest to the museum? 

2.  What park is located along Noche Street? 

3.  When you look north, you see the river.

When you look east, you see the high school.

Where are you? 

4.  What building is across the hospital? 

5.  What is the park along Estrella Street? 

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Get Set

Reading and Writing Simple Stories

with 2-syllable Words with Short a, e, i, and oMatch the sentences with the correct picture.

1.  Mang Benjo will plant

his crops in June.

He will plant during

the rainy season.

2.  Linda will play tennisthis Saturday.

She will play with Cris.

3.  Judd’s father will drive

the taxi to the airport.

He will drive his friendto the airport.

4.  There will be

thunderstorms in the


Mark will bring his jacket.

5. Anne will celebrate

her birthday next week.

She will put a pink ribbon

on her dress.

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Let’s Aim

Let’s read more simple stories with words

with short vowel sounds.

They will leave town

on a vacation.

They will padlock the doors

to be safe from robbers.

The pupils will answer the test.They will use pencils.

Jane’s father will wear

a helmet to work.

The helmet will protect his head

from falling objects.

The seven boys will play tennis.

They will join the sports contest.

Aling Naty will go to the market.She will bring her basket.

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I Can Do It

Verbs of Doing: Future Tense

Think of three things you will do tomorrow.

Draw them in your notebook.

Write three sentences about your drawings

using the future tense of verbs.

We Can Do It

Reading and Writing Simple Stories

with 2-syllable Words with Short a, e, i, and o

Try to recall the 2-syllable words with short a, e, i,

and o that you have learned.

Write a simple story using those words.

Draw your simple story on a sheet of paper.

Let’s Try

Verbs of Doing: Future Tense


1.  Choose a picture from those on the next page.

Name the action word.

2.  Call somebody to do the action word.

3.  Call another to say the past form.

Lesson 40 

Lesson 39 

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Let’s Try

Reading and Writing Simple Stories

with 2-syllable Words with Short a, e, i, and o


Choose only three 2-syllable words with short a, e, i,

and o. Write a simple story connecting

the three words. Do this in your notebook.

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I am part of a community!

Different people all around,

Different sights I see,

Different sounds I hear,

This is my community!

I belong to this community!

I help care for this community!

Unit 4

I Am Partof a Community

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Week 1: People in Our Community

Let’s Try 

Name some people you see when you go out

of your house.

Say: “I see a _____.” 

Mime Game:

I will act out a community helper that we seearound us. Guess the community helper I will act out.

Choose your answer from the following pictures.

Say: “You are a ______.” 

Now it is your turn to act it out.

Your classmates will guess.

vendor street sweeper gardener

Lesson 1 

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Let’s Recall

Guess Who? 

Listen to your teacher as she tells about

a community helper. Name the community helpershe is describing by choosing the correct picture

shown in the following.

I trim the hair of men

and boys.

I am a _____.

I tell the sick the right pill

to take so they

will get well.

I am a _____.

I teach pupils to read,

count, and write.

I am a ____.

I help keep peace and

order in the community.

I am a ____.

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Word Study

I will read each word and the sentence for it.

Connect the word to the correct picture.


I can buy what I need

because I have cash.


The pickpocket got

the wallet of the rich man.

Let’s Aim 

The title of our story today is “The Red Bag with

Cash.”  Guess or predict what will happen in our


Say: “I think ______ .” 

“Maybe ______.” 

“Probably _____ .” 

Listen as your teacher reads the story,

“The Red Bag with Cash.”

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The cab driver decided to bring the wallet

to the police station. Later that day, Sister Rica

was so thankful that she got her wallet back.

We Can Do It

Let us find out if your guess or prediction

about what will happen in our story is correct.

Listen to my questions about the story and try

to answer them.

1.  Who went to the market? 

2.  What will she do in the market? 3.  What happened on her way to the market? 

4.  What did the pickpocket do after he got

the wallet? 

5.  Why did he leave the cab? 

6.  Why do you think was the wallet left in the cab? 

7.  What did the cab driver do with the wallet? 

8.  What words can describe the cop? The cab

driver ? 

I Can Do It

Draw in your notebook the people who helped

Sister Rica. In what way did each one help Sister


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Let’s Recall 

Act It Out

Who said the following lines in our story yesterday? 

Dramatize the following events in the story.

Let your classmates guess the character in the story

who said each line.

1.  “Oh no! No more cash to get food for the

nuns.”2.  “I will get that man!”

3.  “This is bad! There is so much traffic in here!

I should not be caught by that cop.” 

4.  “Just the cash that I need.” 

Let’s Try 

What is a Wanted poster ? 

Who are the people we usually seein a Wanted poster ? What did they do? 

Why do we put up their picture there? 

In our story yesterday, is there anyone we can put

in a Wanted poster ? 

We Can Do It

Learning How to Follow Directions

Copy the poster shown in the next page

in your notebook. Follow the three-step direction.

1.  First, let us write the title of our story yesterday

on the first line.

Lesson 2 

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2.  Then, let us draw the WANTED character in the


3.  Finally, let us fill out the blanks that follow.

Title of the Story: ____________________________

Which community helper can help us catch a

WANTED person? 

A _____ can help us catch a WANTED person.

Name: ______________________

Crime: ______________________Last Seen: ___________________

If seen, contact: _____________

Reward: _____________________

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Let’s Aim 

Phrases and Sentences

Listen as I read the following groups of words.

1.  a pickpocket

2.  cash in a black wallet3.  Sister Rica went to market.

4.  The cop ran after the man.

We Can Do It

Try to answer my questions after I read each item


1.  In item number 1, what does it say about

the pickpocket?  Does it express a complete

thought?  How does it start and end? 

Do the same with item number 2.

2.  Item numbers 1 and 2 are groups of words

without a complete thought. Each is called

a phrase. 

3.  In item number 3, what does it say about

Sister Rica?  Does it express a completethought?  How does it start and end?  Do the

same with item number 4.

4.  Item numbers 3 and 4 express a complete

thought. Each is called a sentence. 

Remember This

Signal words like first, then, and finally tell us

the order of events or things to follow

in directions.

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Now let’s see if you can follow directions.

Answer item numbers 1 to 4 in the previous page.

Write S if the group of words is a sentence and P if it is

a phrase.

I Can Do ItListen as I read the following group of words.

Write S if the group of words is a sentence and P 

if it is a phrase. Do this in your notebook.

1. the cab

2. The man got in a cab.

3. in the market

4. The pickpocket got the cash.

5. Sister Rica was in the convent.

Remember This

A sentence is a group words which has

a complete thought. It starts with a big letter

and ends with a punctuation mark like

a period.

A phrase is a group of words which does not

have a complete thought. It does not start

with a capital letter. It does not end with

a punctuation mark.

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We Can Do It

I will point to a picture. Get the word card

that names it.

I Can Do It

Draw a line to connect the picture to its name. 







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Let’s Recall

What was the title of our story the other day? 

Was there anything that was lost?  What was takenfrom Sister Rica? 

We Can Do It

Following Directions: Making a Lost Chart

Copy the chart shown in your notebook. Follow the

three-step direction.

1.  First, write the title of the story on the first line.

2.  Next, draw what was lost in the story in the box.3.  Last, let us fill out the blanks that follow.

Title of the Story: ___________________

Lesson 3 


What: ____________________If found, contact: _________

Tel. number: _____________

Reward: __________________

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I Can Do It

Listen as I read the group of words. Then, write S 

if the group of words is a sentence and P if it

is a phrase. Do this in your notebook.

1. lost wallet

2. The pickpocket got the black wallet.

3. Sister Rica lost her cash.

4. got away fast

5. Sister Rica is a nun.

We Can Do It

Reading WordsName the pictures with your teacher.

Remember This

Signal words like first, next, and last tell us

the order of events or things to follow

in directions.

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Read the words in the


Point to the picture for

each word.

We Can Do It

Act It Out

I will show a word card. Read it and make the action

for it.






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I Can Do It

Write in your notebook the correct word

for each picture.

run sun nun bun sun run

fun sun nun bun fun nun

bug nun bun bug nun gun 

Let’s Recall

What was the title of our story the other day? Who were the characters? 

Who among the characters deserve an award? 

Why?  What word would best describe him? 

Lesson 4 

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We Can Do It

Following Directions: An Award Chart

Copy the chart shown in your notebook. Follow thethree-step direction.

1.  First, write the title of the story on the line.

2.  Then, draw the character that deserves an

award in the box.

3.  Finally, let us fill out the blanks that follow.

Title of the Story: _________________________  

Certificate of Award

This certificate is given to ________

for being ________.

Given on this _____ day of ___________, _____ .

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We Can Do It

Reading Words

Name the pictures with your teacher.

10 + 5 =15

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Read the following words.

Point to the picture on page 382 for each word.










We Can Do It

Act It Out

Get a partner. I will show a word card. Read it

and make the action for it. Check if the actionof your partner is correct.

I Can Do It

Write in your notebook the correct word

for each picture.

tub sub rub nut hut cut hut cut nut 

rub sub cub mug mud hum bun bug bud

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3.  Which of the following happened last

in the story? 

a.  The nun lost her cash.


The pickpocket jumped in a cab.c.  The cop ran after the pickpocket.

4.  Who DID NOT help Sister Rica? 

a.  the cop

b.  the nuns

c.  the cab driver

5.  Which of the following is a good title

for the story? 

a.  The Lost Cashb.  Sister Rica in the Market

c.  The Cop and the Pickpocket

I Can Do It

Read the following groups of words. In your

notebook, draw a  if the group of words

is a sentence and  if it is a phrase.

Make each sentence correct by beginning it

with a big letter. End it with a period.

1. the cop ran after the man

2. sister Rica is a nun

3. a cop and a doctor

4. a vendor is in the market5. a man in a cab

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I Can Do It

Name each picture. Choose the correct word

for each picture from the box.

Then, write the correct word in your notebook. 

hum hug hut

mud jug mug

run rug rub

bun bug bud

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Week 2: More Community Helpers

All Around

Let’s Try 

Can you name other community helpers? 

Listen as your teacher describes a community helper.

Choose your answers from the box. Write the name

of the community helpers in your notebook.

fisherman farmer

1.  I put out the fire in burning houses. Who am I? I am a

2.  I go to the sea to catch fish. Who am I? 

I am a

3.  I plant vegetables and fruits for people to eat.Who am I? I am a

Lesson 6 

fisherman farmer fireman

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Let’s Aim 

If you were given a chance to interview a farmer,

what would you ask him / her ? Write your questions

or asking sentences inside each basket.

What I Would Like to Know about Farmers

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Listen as I read the following story. 

The Farmer and the Seed

by Amcy M. Esteban

The farmer plants a seed:

First, a seed,

Then, a sprout,

and the leaves,

Slowly, the buds come out!

They grow bigger and bloom with fragrance.

But why do animals and insects go near them? 

Butterflies and bees come

to enjoy the sweet smell.

Animals, insects, and the wind

help spread their new seeds

to the new garden where...

the other seeds are planted again.

We Can Do It

Listen to the questions I will read. Try to answer

the questions.

1.  Who plants the seed? 

2.  What happens to the seed? 

3.  What happens to the bud? 

4.  Why do butterflies and bees go near

the flowers? 

5.  What do some insects, animals, and the wind do

to the seeds? 

6.  In what ways can farmers help us? 

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7.  Which of your questions were answered

by the story? 

Let’s Recall 

Let’s recall how the farmer plants the seed.

Can you remember the sequence of events? 

Dramatize as I read the story again.

I Can Do It

The Life Cycle of a Plant

Listen as I read each sentence. Which happens first? 

Show the correct order of events.

Write the numbers 1, 2, 3, or 4 inside each small box.

It becomes

a sprout.

It grows into

a plant.

The farmer

plants the


The flower


Lesson 7 

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3. Now go back to the table on page 391. Tell

whether the sentences in column A and B are

Telling Sentences or Asking Sentences. Do this in

your notebook.

I Can Do It

Listen as your teacher reads each sentence.Put a check mark (  ) after the number if it is

a telling sentence. Put a question mark (?) if it is

an asking sentence. Do this in your notebook.

1.  Who is in the farm? 

2.  Farmers plant the seeds.

3.  Farmers water their crops every day.

4.  What does the farmer use in the farm? 5.  Do farmers have time to rest? 

6.  We eat the fruits and vegetables from

the farm.

7.  Where do we buy the food

from the farm? 

Remember This

A telling sentence tells about something.

It starts with a capital letter and ends

with a period (.).

An asking sentence asks something. It needsanswers. It usually starts with a Wh- question

and ends with a question mark (?). 

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I Can Read Many Words

Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer.

rat mat

run mom

rug mug

net pin

wig box

 jam bug

I Can Do It

Give the missing letter to name the pictures.

Write the words in your notebook.

 __p f__n w__g

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Let’s Aim 

In the poem that I will read, guess the community

helper being described.

Who Do I See? 

Who do I see? 

I see a man who has a whistle.

I see him direct cars on the streets.

Who do I see?  I see a _____.

Who do I see? 

I see a woman who sells my favorite ice cream.

I see her almost everywhere every day.

Who do I see? I see a _____.

Who do I see? 

I see a man who knocks on our door.

I see him give mom or dad a letter.

Who do I see? I see a _____.

Who do I see? 

I see a woman who helps me get well.

I see her write the right pill for me to take.

Who do I see? I see a _____.

Who do I see? 

I see a man with a hammer.

I see him build shelves and big houses.

Who do I see? I see a ______.

Lesson 8 

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We Can Speak Up

Study the picture with a partner.

Take turns in giving asking and telling sentences

about it. You may use the following words in yoursentences: mug, bun, rug, jug, bud, bug, hum, fun.

I Can Do It

Listen as your teacher reads each sentence.Put a check mark () after each number if it isa telling sentence. Put a question mark (?) if it is

an asking sentence. Then, write the sentences with

the correct punctuation marks in your notebook.

1.  Did the mailman deliver a letter __

2.  The cop directs the cars to go and stop __

3.  Where is the street sweeper __4.  What does the vendor sell __

5.  The carpenters built our nice house __

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Let’s Try 

What sounds do you hear around? I hear _____.

Let’s Aim 

Listen as I read the story. Find out the different

sounds in the story.

Tak, tak, tak, tak, tak.

What is that I hear ? 

I hear hammer sounds all around.Many carpenters are in our house.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

What is that I hear ? 

I hear the paint brushes glide all around.

House painters are in our house.

Creak, creak, creak, creak.

What is that creaking sound? I hear that dangerous creaking sound.

Someone’s climbing the creaking ladder. 

Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash!

What is that crash I hear ? 

Oh no! Someone’s hurt! 

Someone fell off the ladder.

Quick! Quick! Quick!

What is that sound I hear ? 

Help! Help! Now! Now! Now!

C’mon! Let’s check it out! 

Lesson 9 

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We Can Do It

Listen to the asking sentences I will read

about the poem. Try to answer the questions.


What are the different sounds in the poem? 2.  Where is the setting of the poem? 

3.  What is happening in the poem? 

4.  What is the cause of the crash? 

5.  What do you think happened in the crash? 

How can you tell? 

6.  Who do you think is speaking in the poem? 

7.  What does the speaker feel at the end

of the poem?  How do you know that? 8.  What do you think will be the ending

of the poem? 

9.  What good title can you give for the poem? 

Let’s Aim 

Different Kinds of Sentences

Listen as I read the sentences from the story.

1. I hear hammer sounds all around.

2. What is that I hear ? 

3. What is that crash I hear 

4. Oh no!

5. Help!

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We Can Do It

Try to answer my questions after I read

each sentence in “Let’s Aim.” 


What kind of a sentence is in number 1?  Noticehow it begins and ends. Look at the

punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.

Yes, it is a telling sentence.

2.  What kind of sentences are in numbers 2 and 3? 

Notice how each begins and ends. Look at the

punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.

These are asking sentences. Each ends with a

question mark.3.  Notice the sentences in numbers 4 and 5. What

does each sentence express?  What is the

emotion or feeling in each sentence?  How does

each sentence end?  Look at the punctuation

mark at the end of each sentence. These are

called exclamatory sentences. Each sentence

expresses a strong emotion. Each ends with

an exclamation point.

We Can Speak Up

Exclamatory Sentences

Listen as your teacher reads the following

exclamatory sentences. Can you also say these

exclamatory sentences with a strong feeling? 1.  What a great man!

2.  Fire! Fire! Please call the fireman!

3.  Help! My mother fell! I need a doctor!

4.  Hurry! We are late! The bus driver is already here!

5.  Yipee! I am so happy! I got a high grade!

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Week 3: Sights in Our Community

Let’s Try 

What do you like to do with your friends?  Tell us.

Say: “I like to _____ with my friends.” 

Word Study

I will read and use the following groups of words insentences. Connect them to the correct picture with

a line.

get rid of

I want to get rid of the trash

on the table. I want

a clean table.

making her rounds

The nurse was making

her rounds in the hospital.

landed on the ground

My paper plane landed

on the ground.

Lesson 11 

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They saw the gardener planting beautiful

plants around. A street sweeper was putting

all the leaves in the trash can. A cop in a

motorbike was making his rounds.After biking for more than an hour, Mina

got tired. “Come on. Let’s buy some ice

cream.”  They approached the vendor. The

ice cream was perfect for a hot, tiring day!

Simon threw the ice cream wrapper on the


“Pick that up Simon! Let us help the street

sweeper. He must be tired cleaning up this

place all day.” 

“Ooops, sorry! I did not think about that! I

 just wanted to get rid of the wrapper,” said


“There is a trash can over there. Just shoot itthere. We need to help keep this place clean,”

said Nikki.

Simon pretended he was a basketball

player. He turned around many times to shoot

the wrapper in the trash can. He landed

on the ground. He was not moving.

“Oh, no! Simon, are you hurt? Hurry, Nikki

let us bring him to the barangay clinic,”

yelled Mina.

The clinic was just beside the plaza.

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The nurse washed the cut on Simon’s knee.

She put medicine and band-aid on it.

“That is just a small cut, brave boy,”

said the nurse.

“Thank you,” said Simon. “I am a brave

basketball star. And I did shoot the wrapper

in the trash can. Great shot!” 

“And great cut,” said his two friends. They

laughed as they all left the clinic.

We Can Do It

Listen to the questions I will read. Try to answer them.

1.  Who went to the plaza? 

2.  Why did they go there? 

3.  What did Mina promise Mama before she left? 

4.  Why did they get some ice cream? 


What did Simon do with the wrapper ?

 6.  What did his friends tell him? 

7.  If you were Simon, what would you do

if your friends tell you that? 

8.  What words describe the girls in the story? 

9.  What happened to Simon as he turned around

to throw the wrapper ? 

10.  Where did the girls bring him? 

11.  Who helped Simon in the clinic? 

I Can Do It

Draw in your notebook what the three friends

saw in the plaza.

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Let’s Try 

Main Idea

Look at the picture about our story yesterday. What

is happening in the picture? 

What is each one doing? 

We Can Do It

Speak Up Time

Use the sentence pattern to say what you see in the


With my beautiful eyes, I see ____. 

Lesson 12 

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We Can Do It

Describing Words: Words that Tell about the Number 

Listen as I read these sentences.1.  Three friends rode their bikes to the park.

2.  Five boys were in the swing.

3.  Two kids were on the seesaw.

4.  A cop was in a motorbike.

5.  A vendor sold ice cream.

Look at each sentence. What describing word

is used for:1. friends

2. boys

3. kids

4. cop

5. vendor

Write the word in each sentence that shows

the number of people being described. Do this

in your notebook.

Remember This 

Describing words are words that describe

persons, animals, places, things, or events.

We can use numbers to describe something. 

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I Can Read Phrases

Look at these pictures. Write in your notebook

the correct phrase that tells about each picture.

a big mug

a big pen

a big pot

get a ham

get a bud

get a wig

in the mud

in the box

in the pan

rub the leg

rub the jar

rub the pup

sell a mat

sell a pig

sell a mop

a fat man

a fat cat

a fat dog

a big gem

a big gum

a big van

a bad lad

a bad hag

a bad cat

a hot cupa hot mug

a hot can

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Choose the phrase which describes each picture.

Write your answers in your notebook.

mug in the tub

suds in the tub

bug in the cub

mud in the truck

bud in the truck

fun in the sun

bus in the mud

cat in the mud

boy in the mud

Let’s Recall 

Can you remember what happened in our story

“Biking in the Plaza”? 

Who said the following?  Choose your answer fromthe box.

Lesson 13 

Mina Simon Nikki

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Getting the Main Idea

Listen to the story. Choose the letter that best gives

the main idea of the short story.

My mom goes to the market every day.

She buys fish, vegetables, meat, and fruits from

the vendors. She loves to go to the market

to buy our food. She goes home happy to

cook our meals.

a.  Our Meals

b.  Vendors in the Marketc.  Mom’s Day in the Market 

I Can Do This

Listen to the stories carefully and think about the

main idea. Choose the best answer and write it

in your notebook.

We wake up early. My brother is excited.

My mother prepares our clothes. Dad cleansthe car. We will watch “Iron Man.” 

1.  Going on a picnic

2.  Watching a movie

3.  Cleaning the car

Remember This 

The main idea of the story tells us what

the story is about. It is called the big idea.

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When I grow up, I want to be an actor.

I can perform on T.V. and act on stage plays.

All my friends will watch me perform.

1. What I Want to Be

2. How to Be Healthy

3. My Manners

I Can Do It

Our school is a sight in our community. Be ready

for a walk inside our school. Your teacher will take

you around the campus and you will list all the thingsthat you see. Use the sentence pattern below. Bring

your notebook and pencil and use describing words

like number, size, and shape to complete the


I see ___________( things).



I see small trash cans.

I see large rooms.

I see a round clock.I see a square table.

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Describing words are words that describe

the naming words. They tell about the number, size,

or shape of the person, animal, place, or thing.

I Can Read More Phrases

Read the following phrases. Copy and then color

the pictures.

a hut under the

hot sunthe hot sun

runs to the hut a lucky lad

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Let’s Try 

The children went to the playground.

They rode the seesaw. Some tried

the swing. Others went up and down the slide.

They played all day and had so much fun

in the playground.

Read and listen to clues to get the main idea

of the short story. What is the main idea

of the short story? Choose the best answer

and write it in your notebook.

Lesson 14 

Planting Is the Best Having Fun

in the Playground

Going Home School Is Cool

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Let’s Aim 

Imagine that you are in a playground.

What do you see? Describe the size of the things

that you see.

The slide is _____.

The swing is _____.

The seesaw is _____.

How did you describe the things that you see

in a playground? You described the size of the things

that you see.

We Can Do It

Get some things in your bag then describe their size.

Describe them to your partner.

My pencil is long.

The ruler is ______.

My bag is ______.

My notebook is ______.

Remember This 

We can describe naming words by telling

about their size like large, small, big, long,

short, wide, narrow, and many more. 

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I Can Do It

Complete each sentence in your notebook. Fill in

each blank with the correct describing word about

the size of the naming word.1.  The building is _____.

2.  The mall is _____.

3.  The bus is _____.

4.  The hut is _____.

5.  The restaurant is _____.

I Can Read

the letter the magnet the ruler the barber

the cottonthe



carpenterthe hamper

lucky dog lucky bug lucky cub lucky men

I Can Do It

Write in your notebook the phrase that

the teacher says.

1.  the river the rubber the hammer

2.  the popcorn the pop star the lollipop

3.  Harry Potter Harry Rotter Harry Popper

4.  a laptop a ladder a present

5.  calendar coconut cabinet

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Let’s Try 

What is the main idea of the poem? Find out

as the teacher reads it.

Sights and Shapes

Look, look, look at the shapes and sights

of our environment.See the round sun shining like a ball of fire.

Look at the diamond kite which shines up

in the sky.

Yes, I love the oval petals of flowers

because they are so pleasant to the eyes.

How lovely the triangular roof of the nipa hut

But it is nothing compared to the cone-shaped

mountain,Oh how grand these beautiful sights

and shapes!

Lesson 15 

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What is the big idea of the poem? Choose from

the following:

1.  The Boy in a Farm


The Sights and Shapes in Our Community3.  I Love to Fly My Kite

A story has main ideas or big ideas.

Let’s Aim 

Describing Words: Shapes

Look at the poem again. Do you notice

the highlighted words? I will read them again.

Answer my questions.

1.  round sun What is round? 

2.  diamond kiteWhat is the shape

of the kite? 

3.  oval petals of flowers What is oval? 

4.  cone-shaped mountain What is cone-shaped? 

What are the words round, diamond, oval, and

cone-shaped?  They are shapes. They are used

to describe naming words.

Remember This 

Describing words describe people, animals,

places, and things.

When we describe objects, we can describe

them by looking at their shapes, numbers,

and sizes. 

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I Can Do It

I Can Read More Phrases

Draw each phrase in your notebook.

a fast car a fast van a fast bus

a big collar a dirty market a big cart

the sunset a summer day a sunny day

the carnival the carpet the cat naps

a hamburger a hammera hamburger


the bananas the banner the barber

a hospital a doctor a helicopter

Let’s Try 

Places in the Community

Talk about the places you love to go to

in the community.Pupil A will ask and Pupil B will answer. Then you

will switch roles. Pupil B will ask and Pupil A will


Time limit: 5 minutes only.

Lesson 16 

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“What is your favorite place in your community? 

“My favorite place in our community is the _____.

I like to go there because _____.” 

Get Set

Listen as your teacher uses the word/s in the box

in a sentence. Listen to the clues which will be given

to you and look at my action, too.

Let us try to find out what the words mean.

enjoyed visit swam

went home caught harvest

In our story, find out where the main characters went

and how they felt in their grandfather’s community. 

Let’s Aim 

 ____________________________(Title - Big Idea)

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Mat-Mat and Erica went to Batangas to visit

their grandma and grandpa. Lolo Ricardo

showed them several farm animals like the

carabao, hens, pigs, horses, and goats, too.They enjoyed feeding and playing with the

animals. They had fun watching bugs and

insects like lady bugs, beetles, spiders, and


The next day, Mat-Mat and Erica went to

the cool river. They swam in the crystal clear

river. Mat-Mat and his grandfather went fishing.Erica and her grandmother swam happily in

the river. Mat-Mat caught a big fish so Lola

Adela immediately went home to cook it.

Erica harvested fresh round tomatoes

and other vegetables in the backyard.

She picked the sweet fruits and went to thekitchen to help Lola Adela. They all ate

the delicious food for lunch.

Mat-Mat and Erica had a wonderful time

in the farm with their grandpa and grandma.

Listen to the questions about the story and try

to answer them:1.  Describe the things that Mat-Mat and Erica saw

in the farm.2.  What did they see in the farm? 

3.  Based on the story, how does the river look like? 

4.  Was the water of the river hot or cool? 

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5.  What did Mat-Mat catch? What was the size

of the fish? 


How did Lola Adela feel when she sawthe big fish?  What did she do with it? 

7.  How did Erica help her Lola Adela? 

8.  What did Erica harvest? 

9.  What was the taste of the fruits? 

10. How did Mat-Mat and Erica feel in the farm? 

Let’s Try 

Try to recall the story. Answer the spider chart.

Do this in your notebook.

Lesson 17 


Who When




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Let’s Aim 

Which of the three titles or main headings

is the main idea or big idea of the story? 

 The Water Animals that I See

  Fun Moments in Our Grandparents’ Farm

  Matthew and Erica Went to Market

Describing Words

Listen as I read each sentence.

1.  There were many animals in the farm.

2.  Mat-Mat caught a big fish.

3.  Erica harvested the round tomatoes.4.  Mat-Mat and Erica saw small bugs

in the backyard.

5.  They saw the oval body of the spider.

Write the word in each sentence above to answer

the questions correctly.

1.  How many animals were in the farm? 

2.  What is the size of the fish? 

3.  What is the shape of tomatoes? 

4.  What is the size of the bugs? 

5.  What is the shape of the spider ? 

Read the words you wrote. What do the words

talk about? These words tell something about

the naming words. They tell the number, size, andshape of animals and things. Many, big, round, small,

and oval are called describing words.

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What does many tell us? 

It is a describing word that tells about the number.

What are big and small?  These words tell about

what we see, hear, or feel.Oval and round are describing words that tell about

the shapes.

We Can Do It

Grab from the Bag Game

Get anything inside a bag which you would like

to describe. Tell about its number, size, and shape.

You may also give words that tell what you see,

smell, taste, feel, or hear.

Use this sentence to describe what you are holding.

Grab and say something about the following:

candy ball

3 stones 2 toy blocks

It is _____.

Remember This

There are many ways to describe people,

animals, places, and things. Describing words

tell us how a person, a place, or somethinglooks like. Describing words can tell about the

number, size, and shape of things. We can

also describe by using words that tell about

what we see, hear, taste, smell, or feel.

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Can you think of other possible titles or headings

for our game? 

What was our game all about? What was the big

idea of our game?


My Title for Our Activity: ___________________________

We Can Do It

I also have a nice title for our game, “Grab and Tell.” 

Why do you think did I choose this title? 

Let us support the main heading with small ideas.

Let’s read the other sentences which talk aboutthe big idea. Look at describing words in our

butterfly chart.


and Tell

candy stone

ball block







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More Sentences to Read

Read the story and answer the questions.

1.  This is Rendel the cub.

Who is the cub? 

2.  Rendel is in the hot tub.

Where is Rendel? 

3.  Rendel rubs his armpit.

What does Rendel do? 

What does Rendel rub? 4.  The tub is full of suds and bubbles.

What is the tub full of? 

5.  Rendel felt happy in the tub.

How did Rendel feel in the tub? 

Remember This

A story has a main idea or big idea.

It also has small ideas. The small ideas are

supporting ideas that talk about the main ideaor big idea.

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5.  How did the barber feel when the bug crawled

on his back ? He felt_____.

a.  scared


sadc.  happy

Think of the main idea of the song and then

change its title.

We Can Do It

Look for two describing words mentioned in the song.Write them in your notebook.

Read the questions to get a clue.

1.  How does the insect look like? 

It is ______.

2.  What is the size of the baby bug? 

It is ______.

The describing word ugly tells how the insect looked


The word little tells the size of the bug.

Can you use other describing words to describe

the baby bug? 

1. How many bugs were mentioned in the story?There was ______ bug on the bed.

2.  What do you think is the shape of the bug? 

I think it was a ______ bug.

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I Can Do It

Listen as I read the sentences. Complete each

sentence by writing a describing word for each

picture. You may use number, size, or shapeto describe the picture.

1.  _____ horses run


2.  Dad is _____.

3.   ____ caterpillars crawl.

4.  I see a _____ wheel.

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Let’s Try 

More Sentences to Read

Read the sentences and answer the questions.Write your answers in your notebook.

1.  Where did the boy run? 

2.  What is fun to do? 

3.  When is it fun to run? 

Read the sentences and then answer the questions.

1.  The bug is in the puddle.

a.  What is in the puddle? 

b.  Where is the bug? 

2.  The carpenter has a big coconut.

a.  What does the carpenter have? 

b.  Who has a coconut? 

3.  Jessica has a basketful of red ribbons.

a.  What does Jessica have? 

b.  Who has a basketful of ribbons? 

Run in the hot tub.

It is fun to run in summer.

Run to the bus driver.

Run, run, run!

Run under the sun.

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Let’s Try

Let us try to recall the story in the song, “The Bug on

the Barber’s Bed” by remembering and drawing

the events of the story. Do this in your notebook.

Lesson 19 

The Bug on theBarber’s Bed 

1 2

3 4

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We Can Do It

Listen as I read the following sentences. Match each

sentence with the correct picture.


The farmer hasfive hens in the


2.  We planted the

tall trees.

3.  There are several

buildings in


4.  They love to

watch the

playful clowns.

5.  She wears her



Write in your notebook the describing word

that talks about the underlined word in each


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I Can Do It

Think of a describing word for each picture.

Read the questions to help you complete

each sentence. Write the answers in your notebook.


There are ___


How many policemen

are there? 


Milo has a _____ picture


What is the shape of

the picture frame? 


Ted has ____ marbles.

How many marbles arethere? 

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More Sentences to Read

Write the sentence the teacher says.

Read aloud the following sentences.

The helicopter of Rodrigo is different from the rest.The big animals are in the carnival.

Teresa lit the lanterns.

Veronica visits the gardener in the hospital.

Let’s Try

Listen to me and give the big idea. Choose the letter

of the best answer.

Conrad’s hair is too long. His teacher told him

that he needed a haircut. Conrad went to his mom

because he would like to go to his barber.

He asked for money and then he went out.a.  Conrad Goes to the Bakery

b.  Conrad Goes to the Barber

c.  Conrad Stayed Home

We Can Do It

Listen to me and give the big idea. Choose the letter

of the best answer.

The teacher asked the children to get their bags.

Then, the children started to line up.

The teacher reminded everyone to do

their homework.

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a.  The class was starting.

b.  The class was ready to go home.

c.  They are going on a field trip.

I Can Do It

Describing Words

Listen as I read each sentence.

Write the correct describing word for each picture.

Do this in your notebook.

1.  The cake is

(large, circle, one).

2.  The man has

(little, four, square)


3.  Rita has

(wide, rectangular, 7)


4.  Jenny has a

(old, 5, big) doll.

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More Sentences to Read

Read the sentences and answer the questions.

Write your answers in your notebook.

1.  Isabel helps the sick.Who helps the sick ? 

2.  The doctor gives some medicine

to the sick man.

What does the doctor give? 

Who gives the medicine? 

3.  The boy gave the basket of canned goods.What did the boy give? 

Who gave the canned goods? 

4.  Teacher Anabel packed the old clothes.Who packed the old clothes? 

What did Teacher Anabel pack ? 

5.  The poor family was so thankful.

Who was thankful? 

How did the poor family feel? 

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Week 4: In the City and in the Country

Let’s Try 

Talk about where you live. Describe to us what you

see around.

Say: “I live in _  ____.

I see _  _____.” 

Learning New Words

Listen as your teacher uses the word/s in the boxin a sentence. Look at the pictures that will

be shown, too. Find out what the words mean.

fireflies adorn

groove dark

calm city and country

Let’s RecallWhat do you see in the place where you live?  Name

some things that you hear in this place.

Let’s Aim 

In the poem you are about to hear, you will find out

what the speaker sees and hears where he/shelives in. Listen as I read the poem. 

Lesson 21 

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I Like It Where I Liveby Teacher Nong

I like it in the city!

Bright lights all around me,

Red lights, green, blue,

and yellow, too!

The music makes me sing

and move.

Listen! Fun music makes

me groove!

And when city lights

adorn the dark nights,

Oh! The nights are not

so dark after all!

I like it in the country!The nights may be dark,

But fireflies adorn the


Frogs croak in the night

so calm.

Listen! Fun music makes

me hum!

And when the music playsin the quiet night,

Oh! The nights are not

so quiet after all!

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We Can Do It

Listen to the questions about the poem

and answer them.


In the poem, what can one see in the city?

 2.  What does one hear in the city? 

3.  Based on the poem, what can you see

and hear in the country? 

4.  Who do you think is speaking in each stanza? 

5.  How does the one in the city feel?  Which lines

tell you how he/she feels? 

6.  How does the one in the country feel? 

Which lines tell you how he/she feels? 

I Can Do It

Where do you like to live, in the city or in the country? 

Draw where you like to live in your notebook. Write

the following sentence below your picture.

I like to live in the _____.

Let’s Recall 

In our poem yesterday, we learned how it looks likein the city and in the country. I will read the poem

again. Make actions as I read the poem. You may

recite the poem with me the second time I read it.

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Describing Words

Listen as I read each sentence.

1.  The lights are green and red.


The lights are blue and yellow.3.  The lights are bright.

4.  The music is fun.

5.  The night is dark.

6.  The night is quiet.

Write the word in each sentence above that answers

the question that I will read.

1.  What color are the lights? (Numbers 1 and 2)2.  What word tells about the lights? (Number 3)

3.  What word tells about the music? (Number 4)

4.  What word tells about the night? (Numbers 5

and 6)

Read the words you wrote. What do the words

talk about? These words tell something about

the underlined words.

Green, red, blue, yellow, fun, dark, and quiet

are all describing words.

What are green, red, yellow, and blue? 

Describing words can tell about colors.

What are fun, dark, and quiet?  These words tell

about what we see, hear, or feel.

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Let’s Aim 

Reading Sentences

Study the following pictures.Say something about each picture.

5 + 2 = 7



Let us read these sentences.

Look for the correct picture in the boxes above for

each sentence. Write the letter of your answer

in your notebook.

1.  I have a ruler and a pen.

2.  Supper is also dinner.

3.  There is a coconut in the garden.

4.  I get the sum when I add numbers.

5.  Nelson has a rubber band.

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We Can Do It

Find a partner. Read each sentence to your partner.

Act out what each sentence says.


The coconut is on the rug.2.  The nun has a ruler.

3.  It is hot during summer.

4.  Ten and six are numbers.

5.  There is coco jam on the bun.

Let’s Aim 

Yesterday, we recited a poem about how it looks like

in the city and in the country. I will read the poem

again. Make actions as I read the poem. You may

recite the poem with me.

Outline: Big Ideas and Small Ideas

The poem talks about two big ideas. First, it tells what

it is like in the city. Second, it talks about what it is like

in the country. You will find these two big ideas

in Part I and Part II of the outline. I will read these

two big ideas.

There are small ideas under the big ideas in thepoem. You can see the small ideas in A, B, and C.

I will read the small ideas under each big idea.

Copy the following in your notebook.

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Let’s Aim 

Reading Sentences and Answering Questions 

Let us read these sentences. Make a picturein your mind as we read each sentence.

Can you find the correct picture in the box? 

Answer the questions that follow orally.

a. c.

b. d.


1.  The nuns are in the convent.

Who are in the convent? 

2.  The ruler is under the rug.

What is under the rug? 

3.  Number the pad one to ten.

What will we number one to ten? 

4.  The coconuts are all over the garden.

Where are the coconuts? 

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5.  Samson is in the river during summer.

When is Samson in the river ? 

You can now read sentences and answer questions

about them. Let us try to read some more.

We Can Do It

Find a partner. Take turns reading the sentences

and questions in the previous page. Then, your

partner will answer. He/She will then read and ask

the next question. Make sure that each one reads

and answers properly.

Let’s Aim 

Listen as I read these sentences. Match each

sentence with the correct picture.

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

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 ____1. The pillow is soft. ____ 4. The sun is hot.

 ____2. The rock is hard. ____ 5. The corridor is shiny.

 ____3. The music is loud. ____ 6. Len is beautiful.

Write in your notebook the describing word

that talks about the underlined word

in each sentence.

We Can Do It

Think of a describing word for each picture.

Complete the sentence for each picture orally.

1.  The kids are _____.

2.  Mom is ______.

3. The top on the desk

is _____.

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4.  The night is ______.

5.  The summer is _____.

I Can Do It

Listen as I read the sentences. Choose the correct

describing word for each picture. Write the complete

sentences in your notebook.


The ruler is

(soft, long, hot).


The mat is

(wet, warm, hot).


The lights are

(bright, dark, hard).

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The night is

(bright, dark, noisy).

5. The milk is

(wet, hot, soft).

Let’s Try

Making an Outline

Read the sentences in the box. Each sentence

is a small idea. Write each sentence on the blanks

under the correct main idea. Do this in yournotebook.

We jog in the park.

The doctor is in the hospital.

We water the garden.

The farmer has a hammer.

The cop has a gun.

The vet helps our sick pet.

We get bananas from the market.

We visit the sick.

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1.  Things We Do in Our Community

a.   ____________________________________

b.   ____________________________________

c.  ____________________________________d.   ____________________________________

2.  Our Community Helpers

a.   ____________________________________

b.   ____________________________________

c.   ____________________________________

d.   ____________________________________

I Can Do It

I will read the describing words in the box.

Use each word to write a sentence for each picture.

Do this in your notebook.

hard hot soft fat wet



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Week 5: People I Admire

in the Community

Get Set

Is there someone that you really like?  Perhaps that

person does things that you like. Maybe he/she does

something very well. Then you admire that person.

Let’s Try 

Who do you admire? 

Why do you admire that person? 

Say: “I admire _______.

I admire him / her because ________.” 

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We Can Do It

Look for a partner. Take turns asking the questions on

the previous page and in answering them. When

you hear the word STOP, everyone keeps quiet. Itmeans it is time to look for a new partner.

Let’s Aim 

In the poem you are about to hear, you will find out

about different people in the community.

Find out whom the speaker admires in the poem.

Listen as I read the poem aloud.

Try to create pictures in your mindas I read each line of the poem.

Lots of People around Meby Teacher Nong

Lots of people around me,

Lots of people in my community!I see the farmer in the field,

Busy and working so hard.

I see the vendor in the streets,

Tired from selling the whole day.

I see my teacher in school,

Always greeting me with a smile.

I see the doctor in the clinic,

Helping me get well when I am sick.Lots of people around me,

Lots of people I admire in my community!

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I Can Do It

Listen to the questions about the poem and try to

answer them. Choose the letter of the correct

answer. Write the answers in your notebook.1.  Who is NOT mentioned in the poem? 

a.  a doctor

b.  a farmer

c.  a carpenter

2.  Who is the vendor in the following pictures? 


3.  Where did the poem take place? (setting)


4.  Who do you think is speaking in the poem? 


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5.  What does the speaker feel in the poem? 


6.  What is another good title for the poem? 

a.  Many People Here and There

b.  Happy People in the Community


People I Admire in the Community

We Can Do It

Listen to more questions about the poem. Let us try

to answer them.

1.  Who are the people the speaker admires

in the poem? 

2.  Why do you think does the speaker in the poem

admire them?  Give describing words for thesepeople.

3.  What does the speaker in the poem feel? 

What part shows how the speaker feels? 

I Can Do It

Who among the people in the poem do you



 Draw the person that you admire in your notebook.

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Let’s Recall 

In our poem yesterday, we learned about

different people in the community we can admire.

I will read the poem again. Make actions as I read

the poem. You may recite the poem with me

the second time I read it.

Describing Words

Listen as I read each sentence.

1.  The doctor is busy.2.  The farmer is hardworking.

3.  The teacher is happy.

4.  The vendor is tired.

Write the word in each sentence that answers the

question that I will read. Do this in your notebook.

1.  What word tells about the doctor ? (Number 1)

2.  What word tells about the farmer ? (Number 2)

3.  What word tells about the teacher ?(Number 3)4.  What word tells about the vendor ? (Number 4)

Read the words you wrote. What do the words

talk about? These words tell something about

the underlined words.

Busy, hardworking, happy, and tired are all

describing words.

What kinds of words are busy and hardworking? 

These words tell about the character traits of persons.

These words tell us how a person acts

or does his work.

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Describing words tell about character traits.

What kinds of words are happy and tired? 

These words tell about what one feels.

Describing words tell about feelings.

We Can Do It

The following words tell about feelings.

Listen as I read the sentences.

When you get a good grade,

what do you say? 

I am happy.

I am glad.

When you are sick, what do

you say? 

I am sad.

I am unhappy.When someone breaks

your new toy, what do you say? 

I am mad.

I am angry.

Remember This 

Describing words tell about how a person, place,

or something looks like. Describing words tell

about feelings and character traits of people.

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We Can Do It

Reading a Short Story

Let us read the short story in the box.

Monina will have supper.

She has a hamburger in a bun.

She has milk in a cup.

Yummy, yummy supper!

I Can Do It

Draw in your notebook what the story is all about.

Answer the questions that follow.

1.  Who will have supper ? 

a.  Monina

b.  Marlonc.  Marissa

2.  What will she have for supper ? 

She will have a _____.

a.  ham on a bun

b.  ham and milk

c.  hamburger and milk

3.  What does she feel? a.  She is sad.

b.  She is mad.

c.  She is happy.

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Listen and look for the places I will mention.

Follow the instructions carefully.

1.  Look for the school.


What is the street name in front of the school? 3.  Name the two streets beside the school.

4.  Where will you go if you want to play? 

Where is the park ?  What is the name

of the street where you will find the park ? 

5.  What is in front of the school? What is the name

of the bridge? 

6.  Someone is sick. Where will we bring him? 

Where is the hospital? What is the name of the street where you will

find the hospital? 

7.  Point to the fire station. Which street can we find

the fire station? 

8.  Look for the city hall. It is beside the fire station.

9.  Point to the community center.

Many community events happen in this place.

10. Your teacher walks to get to school. She lives

in Rivera Street. Her house number is 180.

Look for it.

Look for Different Places in the Community

Look for a partner. Take turns telling your partner

where you will find the places I will mention.

Listen carefully. You may use the words beside, infront of, left, or right to describe where the place is.

You may also use the street name.

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Where is it? Look for the:

1.  park

2.  fire station


hospital4.  school

5.  community center

Let’s Recall 

In our poem the other day, we learned aboutdifferent people in the community we can admire.

I will read the poem again. Make actions as I read

the poem. You may recite the poem with me the

second time I read it.

Let’s Aim 

Describing WordsThe poem tells about words that describe the people

in the community. Write the describing words

in each sentence.

Remember This 

A map tells us where we can find

different places. It shows us the wayso that we will not get lost.

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The farmer is


The doctor is busy.

The describing words that you wrote talk about how

a person acts or does things. Describing words tell

about character traits of people.

We Can Do It

The following sentences use describing words that tell

about character traits of people. Listen as I read

each sentence.

When someone always helps,

we say: He is helpful. 

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When someone always

shares, we say: She is kind. 

When someone always greets

other people nicely, we say:

He is polite. 

When someone is always

clean and keeps her things in

order, we say: She is neat. 

When someone always gives

the correct answer in class,

we say: He is smart. 

When someone always tells

the truth, we say: She ishonest. 

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Let’s Play 

I will show pictures of children. Give the correct

describing word for the picture. Think of the correct

character trait of the child. Check the person

in the picture if you will use he or she.Use the sentence form in the box when you answer.

Answer together as a class.

Now I will call you by your lines. The line I will call will

give the describing word for the picture.

I Can Do It

Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the words

in the box. Write in your notebook the correct

describing word for each picture. Get your answer

from the box.

Remember This

Describing words tell about how a person acts

or does his or her work. Describing words tell

about character traits of people.

He / She is ______.

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1.  Nelson is _____.

2.  Pamela is _____.

3.  Rina is _____.

1.  Martin is _____.

2.  Elena is _____.

3.  Roberto is ______.

neat smart kind

honest polite helpful

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I Can Do It

Let us study the city map. Listen as I read

each question. Write your answers in your notebook.

Look for the school.1.  At which streets do we find the high school? 

2.  What building is at the left of the school? 

3.  What is between the hotel and the bank ? 

4.  What is the park along Estrella Street? 

5.  What building is between two parks? 

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2.  Who do you think is speaking in the poem? 

3.  What do you think does the speaker feel? 

Let’s Recall 

In our poem yesterday, we learned about the gifts of

mother earth to us. I will read the poem again.

Make actions as I read the poem. You may recite the

poem with me the second time I read it.

Let’s Aim 


Listen as I read each sentence.

1.  Mother earth has lots of gifts.

Mother earth has many gifts

2.  The rivers are clear.

The rivers are clean.

3.  The air is fresh.

The air is clean.

Look at the underlined describing words

in each number above.

1.  Lots and many tell about the gifts of mother


2.  Clear and clean tell about the rivers.3.  Fresh and clean tell about the air.

The underlined words in each number mean

the same thing. Words that mean the same thing

are called synonyms.

Let’s learn more synonyms. 

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1.  Melissa is a good friend. Melissa is a nice friend.

2.  Rona is a beautiful girl. Rona is a pretty girl.

3.  Don is a smart boy. Don is an intelligent boy.


Roman is quiet. Roman is silent.5.  The house is clean. The house is neat.

6.  The pet is happy. The pet is glad.

7.  The doctor is mad. The doctor is angry.

8.  The animal is big. The animal is large.

9.  The jet is tiny. The jet is small. The jet is little.

We Can Do It

Let’s use the synonyms in sentences.

Listen as I read the sentences.

Complete the sentence with the name

of your friends or classmates.

1.  ____ is a good friend.

 ____ is a nice friend.

2.  ____ is a beautiful girl.

 ____ is a pretty girl.

Remember This 

Synonyms are words with the same meaning.

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3.  ____ is a smart boy.

 ____ is an intelligent boy.

4.  _____ is quiet.

 _____ is silent.


The house of ____

is clean.

The house of ____

is neat.

6.  ____ is mad. ____ is angry.

7.  ____ is small.

 ____ is short.

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2.  What is the bar graph about? We can find the

title on top of the bar graph. It is about the ____.

a.  different schools


different grade levelsc.  pad paper used by the different grade levels

3.  How many grades are compared in the bar

graph?  Look at the bottom of the bar graph.

a.  two grade levels

b.  four grade levels

c.  three grade levels


Where will you look to find the numberof pad papers used? I will look at the _____.

a.  top of the graph

b.  left of the graph

c.  bottom of the graph

5.  Which grade level used the most pad papers? 

a.  Grade 2

b.  Grade 3

c.  Grade 4

6.  Which grade level used the least pad papers? 

a.  Grade 1

b.  Grade 2

d.  Grade 3

7.  How many pad papers did the Grade 2 pupilsuse? 

a.  60 pad papers

b.  70 pad papers

c.  80 pad papers

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Let’s Aim 


Let us give the synonym of each underlined wordthat describes the picture. Select from the words in

the box. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. She is a cute girl.

She is a ____ girl.

2. The house is neat.

The house is _____.

3. They are angry.

They are _____.

mad small clean pretty intelligent

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4.  The kids are short.The kids are ____.

5. Arnel is smart.

Arnel is _____.

I Can Do It

Look at the words in the box. Find the synonym

of the underlined word in each sentence. Write it

in your notebook.

1. The kids were in a large room.

They were in a _____ room.

2. The kids were glad.

They were _____.

happy big silent little many good

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3. The kids are small.

They are _____.

4. There are lots of kids.

There are ____ kids.

5. The children are quiet.They are ____.

6. The teacher is nice.

She is _____.

I Can Do It

Reading a Short Story

Read the short story in the box.

There are coconut trees.

There are coconut trees by the river.

The vendor gets the coconuts.

The coconuts are big.

There are many big coconuts.

The vendor sells the coconuts in themarket.

The vendor works hard to sell the coconuts.

The vendor sells all the coconuts.

The vendor is happy.

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Read the questions. Write the correct answers

in your notebook.

1.  Who gets the coconuts? 


Where did the vendor get the coconuts? 3.  What two words tell about the coconuts? 

4.  Where will the vendor sell the coconuts? 

5.  What describing word tells about the vendor

who works hard?  h__ r __ w__ __ king

6.  Give a title for the story.

Let’s Recall

Let us recite the poem about the gifts of mother

earth. Make actions as I read the poem.

Recite the poem with me the second time I read it.

Let’s Aim 

Reading a Bar Graph

The fruits we eat come from mother earth. Study the

bar graph. Find out how many vegetables

the vendor sells in a day.

Lesson 35 

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Mang Jose’s Vegetable Sales 

I Can Do It

Listen to the questions about the bar graph. Choose

the letter of the correct answer.

1.  How many baskets of did Mang Jose sell? 

a.  3 baskets

b.  4 baskets

c.  5 baskets

2.  How many baskets of did Mang Jose sell? 

a.  3 baskets

b.  4 baskets

c.  5 baskets







ampalayapechay eggplant tomato onion

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3.  Which vegetable did he sell the least? 

a. pechay

b. tomato

c. ampalaya

4. Which vegetables had the same baskets sold?

a. onion and pechay

b. eggplant and onion

c.  eggplant and pechay

5. Which vegetable should he sell more tomorrow? 

a. pechay

b. tomato

c. ampalaya

Week 7: Care for Mother Earth

Let’s Recall The other week we learned a poem about the gifts

of mother earth to us. Let us recite the poem

together with proper actions.

Lesson 36 

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Let’s Try 

Look around you. What can you say about how the

hills, mountains, rivers, and forests look like? 

Describe them. You may use the describing wordsthat you already know.

Say: “The hills are ____.” 

“The forests are _____.” 

Learning New Words

Listen as your teacher uses the word/s in the boxin a sentence. Look at the pictures that will be

shown, too. Let us try to find out what the words


Let’s Aim 

The poem you are about to hear is a longer version

of our poem last week. Find out what happened

to the gifts of mother earth to us. Try to create

pictures in your mind as I read each line of the poem.

bare breathe polluted air

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Care for Mother Earthby Teacher Nong

Mother earth has lots of giftsTo us she brings and offers!

See the clean rivers and the seas.

See the clear falls and the springs.

See the tall mountains and the forests.

See the green hills all around.

Feel the fresh air that abounds.

But look once more and see!Look at the dirty seas and rivers.

Look at the bare forests and mountains.

Look at the polluted air we breathe.

Look once more and see!

Mother earth has lots of gifts

Gifts we enjoyed and forgot to care for!

I Can Do It

Draw in your notebook how the poem described

the gifts of mother earth at the end of the poem.

We Can Do It

Listen as I read the questions. Try to answer them.

1.  Compare the gifts of mother earth at the startand at the end of the poem.

2.  What do you think is the cause why the gifts from

mother earth look like this now? 

3.  How do you feel about how mother earth looks

like now? 

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4.  If mother earth can talk, what do you think is she

saying to us? 

5.  What are you willing to do to save mother



Are you ready to make a pledge to save mother

earth? A pledge is a promise that we make. It shows

that we are willing to do what we say.

My Pledge by Teacher Nong

Small as I am, I will do my best!

I will pick up trash,

To keep mother earth clean.

I will care for plants,

And make mother earth green.

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Let’s Recall 

In our poem yesterday, we learned about what

happened to mother earth. I will read the poem

again. Make actions as I read the poem. You may

recite the poem with me the second time I read it.

Let’s Aim 

AntonymsListen as I read each sentence. Look at the

underlined describing words in each number.

1.  The rivers are clean. Now, these are dirty.

2.  The air is fresh. Now, it is polluted.

3.  Mother earth is happy. Now, she is sad.

Clean and dirty tell about the river.

Polluted and clean tell about the air.

Happy and sad tell about mother earth.

The underlined words in each number say opposite

things. Words with opposite meanings are called


Lesson 37 

Remember This 

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

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We Can Do It

Let us learn more antonyms. Listen as I read each

sentence. Repeat after me as you point to the

picture and the sentence.

1. The tree is low.

The building is


2. The mouse is small.The elephant is


3. The jug is new.

The cup is old.

4. Ramon is young.

Lolo is old.

5. The man is rich.

Lola is poor.

Now take turns reading the sentences with a partner.

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We Can Do It

Reading a Story

I Can Do ItHow well did you remember the story? Read the

questions. Put a  if the sentence is correct.

Put a  if it did not happen in the story. Do this

in your notebook.

1. Lola has fish for supper.

2. Mom has hamburger in a bun.

3. Little baby naps in a corner.

4. I order egg for supper.

5. Kuya has corn on the cob.

It is time for supper!

Yummy, yummy supper!

We order what we want.

Lola has a fish on her dish.

Dad has hamburger in a bun.

Mom has a ham sandwich!

Kuya has corn on a cob.

I have an egg in my fork.

And little baby has her milk.

Yummy, yummy supper for all!

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Let’s Recall 

Let us recite the poem “Care for Mother Earth.” 

Let’s Aim 

Reading a Table

We show we care for mother earth by keeping

our surroundings clean. The pupils in a school helped

clean the community.

Let us study the table. A table can give us a lot ofdetails. It can help us see how much trash the

different grades collected for two months.

We Can Do It

Look at the title of the table as I read it.

Point to the part that shows how many sacks of trash

were collected in March. It is in bold.

Point to the part that shows how many sacks of trash

were collected in April. It is underlined.

Trash Collected by Pupils

March April

Grade 1 2 sacks 1 sack

Grade 2 3 sacks 2 sacksGrade 3 2 sacks 2 sacks

Grade 4 3 sacks 2 sacks

Grade 5 5 sacks 3 sacks

Grade 6 4 sacks 3 sacks

Total 19 sacks 13 sacks

Lesson 38 

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Listen to the questions about the details in the table.

Write the letter of the correct answer in your



What is the title of the table?

 a.  Trash of the Pupils

b.  Trash Collected by the Pupils

c.  Pupils’ Collection of Trash 

2.  How many months of trash collection are shown

in the table? 

a.  one month

b.  two months

c.  three months3.  In which months were trash collected? 

a.  March and May

b.  March and July

c.  March and April

4.  Which grade level collected the most number

of sacks of trash in March? 

a.  Grade 4

b.  Grade 5

c.  Grade 6

5.  Which grade level collected the least number

of sacks of trash in March? 

a.  Grade 4

b.  Grade 5

c.  Grade 6

6.  Which grade level collected the most numberof sacks of trash in April? 

a. Grades 4 and 5

b. Grades 6 and 5

c. Grades 4 and 6

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4.  Warm and sunny are antonyms.

5.  Bad and good are antonyms.

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Let us study the table. Let us see the different kinds

of trash collected in two months.

Trash Collected in Barangay Malinis

Kind of Trash June July

Paper 1 sack 0

Plastic 3 sacks 2 sacks

Tin Cans 1 sack 1 sack

Bottles 5 sacks 3 sacks

Cardboard 1 sack 0

Total 11 sacks 6 sacks

We Can Do It

Listen to the questions I will read. Write the letter

of the correct answer in your notebook.

1.  What is the title of the table? 

a.  Trash in Barangay Malinisb.  Trash Collected in Barangay Malinis

c.  Collection of Trash in Barangay Malinis

2.  In which months were trash collected? 

a.  June and May

b.  June and July

c.  July and April

3.  Which kind of trash had the most numberof sack collection in June? 

a.  tin cans

b.  bottles

c.  cardboard

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4.  Which kind of trash had the least number

of sack collection in July? 

a.  paper and bottles


cardboard and tin cansc cardboard and paper