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BY TESZ CABAGAYVital C Health Products


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Keep fit and live a wellness lifestyle

Rest and sleep, pure water, clean fresh air, healthy amounts of sunshine, and fresh wholesome foods are all essential ingredients to vibrant health.

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Take Vitamin C to protect you against the harmful effects of free radicals, helps to prevent cancer, protect against infection and enhances your immunity.

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Bring forth relaxation response

Stress comes from many sources and taxes our nervous systems. Excessive environmental stimulation -- noise, traffic, and especially commercial advertising -- causes stress. Unexpressed negative feelings are stressors, too. They feed on themselves -- anger can turn against the self and emerge as depression or severe anxiety.

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Becoming deeply relaxed in mind and body is something for which we must work. Learn deep relaxation techniques, such as meditation, visualization, yoga, stretching, and breathing exercises, so that your stress levels will be under control.

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Spend a few minutes every day visualizing, not only your goals, but also how you would like your life to be.

Find time each day to be alone, visualize, and meditate

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In addition to visualizing, assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Spend time in meditation daily. Listen to your intuition. Notice that your mind is constantly chattering. Allow your mind to become still and open. Meditation establishes a quiet, dynamic mind.

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Simplify life and slow down

Don't take yourself and life so seriously. Laugh and smile more and play at this game of life. Laughter is one of the best ways to quell stress; it's an elixir for the soul

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Find joy in simple pleasures. Breathe deeply, smell the flowers, talk to the animals, sing with the birds, be with friends, greet the sun, scratch behind your dog's or kitty's ear, and make someone smile. Tell someone you love them, and laugh out loud—often!

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Nurture and develop your intuition

Sometimes it just takes slowing down and turning within to see more clearly. Remember, within you is a power so magnificent, so eager to support you; it just requires your attention and request for help. If the answer does not come immediately, be patient.

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Embrace an attitude of gratitude

It’s the single most important inner trait for happiness. So be grateful for everything that's going on in your life, no matter the circumstances. This kind of attitude will help foster happiness and peace of mind, and assist you in living more fully.

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It's like a bridge -- a connecting link -- between you and every possible avenue of good in your life.

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Become more childlike

Be more flexible, practice forgiveness, and leave time for spontaneity in daily activities. Choose to be less critical and judgmental. Let faith and trust light your path and invite joy to be your constant companion. And don't forget to let your inner child come out to play.

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8.Learn to live in the present

Living in the moment is different from living for the moment. Don't compare the present with the past. Be fully present each moment -- be mindful -- and free yourself from the past. Choose to be positive, happy, and appreciative every hour of the day.

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Today is a new day. There is no other day like today. It is unique and special. It is also an opportunity to begin anew, to experience a clean slate, a new beginning — in this very moment.

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Share your love and kindness

We all need love – it’s not just about romantic attraction. The warm, loving feeling you get from hugging a child, counseling a friend, being a good listener, or even treating a day at the spa, will boost your self-esteem and your immune system.

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To be loving and kind to others, you must first be loving and kind to yourself. It always begins with you and how you feel about yourself. Whether we succeed or fail, enjoy our lives or struggle, depends  largely on our self-image. Be your own best friend. Out of that friendship all your other relationships form. A happy, successful life flows from the inside out.

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Live peacefully and nourish your spirit

There is no better evidence of spiritual strength than a peaceful mind and a joyful heart. To create more peace in your life, turn within.

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Love is who we are. And when we are loving ourselves, by taking care of ourselves, and by living a balanced life, we are loving God. Like an eagle, you are meant to soar. Reach out beyond the parameters you have set for yourself, aspiring to realize your divine potential.

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Exercise your spiritual strength each time you do something new. Always say a prayer before you begin. It will be the very act of beginning, and affirm: I place my faith in God and my spirit soars to new heights.

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Kindness is the language we all understand. Even the blind can see it and the deaf can hear it.

~ Mother Teresa