Download - LIVE-#3463653-v2-Agenda - Ordinary Meeting 21 March 2012 · recognises that greenspaces, whether a national park, surfing beach or local sport field, ... Agenda – Ordinary Meeting



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 21 March 2012 - #3463653


21 MARCH 2012

4 QUEENSLAND GREENSPACE STRATEGY 2011-2020 IMPACT ON CAIRNS REGIONAL COUNCIL Louise Dixon LD & Joan Crawford JD: 1/58/16: #3455951v4


That Council notes the Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011-2020.


The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the recently released State Government Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011-2020 and outlines the expected impacts on Council.


In March 2010, the Queensland Government held the Queensland Growth Management Summit to identify new ways to shape a prosperous, sustainable and liveable future for Queenslanders. A key outcome was the recommendation to develop the ‘Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011 – 2020’. The development of this strategy will also aid in achieving an ambition detailed in the Queensland Governments Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland Green environment target which aims to protect 50 per cent more land for nature conservation and public recreation by 2020.

COMMENT: The Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011-2020, a copy of which is available at (refer Attachment 1) recognises that greenspaces, whether a national park, surfing beach or local sport field, provide a range of opportunities to improve our health, wellbeing and quality of life and are fundamental to ensuring we have sustainable and vibrant communities. The strategy also recognises that access to quality greenspace for public recreation will also help Queenslanders to become Australia’s healthiest people by 2020. The Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011 – 2020 is a key tool to help secure and provide better public access to greenspace in Queensland. Key Strategic Directions outlined include: 1. Secure more greenspace for public recreation: 2. Improve greenspace outcomes through Queensland’s planning framework:


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3. Facilitate better access to state and private land for recreation: A statewide register of land for public recreation has been developed and a Parks 4 People website has been established, ( Council is collaborating with state government on the development of this website and has provided local parks data including identifying the facilities such as play equipment, drinking fountains, bbq’s, toilets etc which is found at each location. The public will be able to use interactive maps to find local parks and search for information on local parks via various criteria such as by suburb, by facility etc. It is envisaged that this tool will be fully developed and available for local use within the next few months. Implementation of the Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011 – 2020 will be led by the Department of Local Government and Planning. The strategy does recognise the critical role that local governments will continue to play in the acquisition and management of greenspace. Partnerships with state agencies, local governments, industry, and the community will help to implement the strategy. Planning principles in the strategy outline no net loss whereby greenspace which is unavoidably affected by essential development or infrastructure, is offset by securing additional greenspace. Therefore there is not identified major impact on council. Council’s current planning mechanisms to acquire land for open space which are influenced by a number of state and local government strategies will be further strengthened by this strategy. These documents provide strategic guidance on the community’s desires and needs in relation to green or open space. Details of specific actions and their impacts on councils are detailed in Attachment 3.


Corporate and Operational Plans: Goal 1: Caring for the Environment Achieve greater recognition of the natural environment as an integral part of the region’s identity and fundamental to quality of life Goal 2: Building Vibrant communities 2.2 Improve the quality and opportunities for use of public space across the region Statutory: Nil Policy: The strategy will be referred when Council undertakes its review of the current Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. Financial and Risk: No additional costs to council over and above the current planning mechanisms for acquiring open space are identified.


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Sustainability: A sustainability scorecard is not applicable for this report.


Collaboration in developing this report between staff from Community, Sport & Cultural Services, Infrastructure Services and Planning & Environment has been undertaken.


That Council notes the Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011-2020.


This report provides information about the Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011-2020 and how it impacts on Cairns Regional Council.


Attachment 1 - Queensland Greenspace Strategy 2011-2020 Attachment 2 – Greenspace Action Plan 2011-2012 Attachment 3 – Queensland Greenspace Strategy Impact on Council Louise Dixon Sport and Recreation Planner Ian Lowth General Manager, Community, Sport and Cultural Services


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Table 1: specified programs and the impacts on council

Programs Actions Responsible Agency Impact on Council

Strategic Direction 1: Secure more greenspace for public recreation. Active Trails Investigate and support implementation of new

regional trails. Department Local Government & Planning (DLGP) & Local Government

The strategy states that more than 80 per cent of all outdoor recreation activities relate to walking and cycling and that trails are a highly cost effective way to encourage active lifestyles. Impact: Council is currently completing planning for additional trails along Mount Whitfield with the recent acquisition of land. Council’s Parks & Recreation Strategic Plan supports future recreation trails to be investigated as well as undertaking a Regional Trail Strategy in partnership with Tablelands Regional Council and other stakeholders. This body of work is not CRC’s immediate priority. Impact: Once CRC are in a position to undertake additional planning work, there is an opportunity via this Strategy to lobby the State for contribution via money and/or land.

Regional Parks Open parks and declare state forest parks – 3 listed.

Partnership Large scale recreation parks and off-road motorcycling facility opened in other parts of the state. Impact: An opportunity for CRC to leverage this in future discussions with the State regarding a regional motorsport facility.

Urban parklands

Deliver urban parklands and waterfront esplanades in the following regional cities – Gladstone, Rockhampton & Cairns.

Department Public Works

Strategy states $23.3 million project to redevelop the Port of Cairns foreshores. Impact: No direct impact identified for council.

Major Development Areas

Plan and secure new community greenspace networks in the following major development areas – Mount Peter and 7 other identified areas

Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA)

Mount Peter has been fully master planned with identified sporting/local parks, cycle & walking networks including trails. The quantity of sporting fields and local parks is provided as per Council’s desired standards of service.


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Programs Actions Responsible Agency Impact on Council

Cairns Regional Council is currently the responsible agency, not ULDA. Impact: Minimal impact if above plans continue as drafted.

Scenic Amenity Assess prominent viewing points to expand the network of public lookouts

DLGP Impact: A Scenic Amenity Study has been commissioned and is underway for the whole of the Cairns region as part of the new planning scheme preparation.

Program Collaboration

Work within government programs to identify opportunities to deliver community greenspace networks, including:


a. Coordinator General – significant projects Significant projects declared by the Coordinator General of a complex nature, large capital investment, strategically important etc. Impact: No projects currently declared for CRC.

b. State infrastructure projects Impact: No direct impact on council identified c. State Development areas Impact: No direct impact on council identified d. USL disposal program Council’s greenspace network currently identified in the Plan

for Trunk Infrastructure – Public Parks & Land for Community Purposes. Impact: Ensure CRC identify potential state land suitable when acquiring land.

e. Government Land Policy Impact: unsure of future impact on council f. State natural resource management

framework Impact: Unsure of future impact on council

g. Toward Q2: Target delivery plans Impact: No direct impact on council identified. h. Queensland Infrastructure Plan (QIP) CRC sport & recreation projects identified within QIP to

deliver additional greenspace (eg Walker Rd sporting precinct etc). Impact: CRC well placed to lobby State Government for monetary contribution towards projects to deliver Strategy outcomes.

i. Local Government Grants Program Impact: Council continue to apply for grant funding under program.


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Programs Actions Responsible Agency Impact on Council

j. Integrated regional transport plans and cycle strategies.

Impact: Council will continue to work with State Government to implement these plans and strategies.

Strategic Direction 2. Improve greenspace outcomes through Queensland’s planning framework Regional Greenspace planning

a. Draft State Planning Regulatory Provisions to reduce barriers to the development of outdoor recreation facilities.

DLGP Impact: If State Planning Regulatory Provisions is introduced it will be considered at part of the new Cairns Regional Planning Scheme.

b. Complete three Greenspace Network Plans for the key growth regions of …Far North Queensland, including: A clear statement of the state interest in

community greenspace Community greenspace planning principles Regional maps of the existing and preferred

future community greenspace network

DLGP Council’s greenspace network currently identified in the Plan for Trunk Infrastructure – Public Parks & Land for Community Purposes. Impact: collaboration with DLGP required to understand hierarchy and implementation of proposed network plan including linkages with Council’s existing plan.

c. Produce a policy discussion paper investigating options to use greenspace offsets.

DLGP Impact: Ensure CRC contribute to paper.

Urban greenspace planning

Develop and implement a new Parks Planning and Design Guideline for application in Urban Development Areas.

ULDA Impact: Ensure CRC contribute to guidelines.

Strategic Direction 3. Facilitate better access to state and private land for recreation Surplus state land

Identify surplus state land capable of enhancing community greenspace networks in high growth areas.

DLGP Basis of successful lobbying by CRC to acquire free of charge land for Alley Park sporting precinct. Impact: CRC well placed to justify continued lobbying of state to acquire surplus State land adjacent to Petersen Park for sporting purposes.

State land inventory

Develop a state-wide inventory of: Land for public recreation Community greenspace networks

DLGP Council provided input into the inventory via GIS database. Impact: CRC to continue to provide updates to state via GIS database.

Parks4People website

Develop a web-based public display of the Land for Public Recreation Register and interactive systems.

DLGP Impact: Positive impact on community accessibility to information relating to parks.

Land for outdoor recreation

Investigate the establishment of a “Land for Outdoor Recreation” Program in conjunction with the Government’s Outdoor Recreation

DLGP & Department of Communities

Impact: No initial impact on council as it is expected to


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Programs Actions Responsible Agency Impact on Council

strategies (similar to the “Land for Wildlife” Program) to provide incentives for private landholders to provide high priority community greenspace opportunities eg trails across farms.

be state initiative.

School ovals Complete the Pilot Program addressing after hours access to state school sports fields by community organisations.

DET Impact: Council to continue to actively pursue opportunities for community use in schools.