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Agenda – Planning & Environment Committee 10 November 2010 - #2779931


10 NOVEMBER 2010





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Agenda – Planning & Environment Committee 10 November 2010 - #2779931


RECOMMENDATION: A. That Council approves the development application for a Self-Storage Facility

over land described as Lot 8 on SP114491, located at 8L Oleander Street, Holloways Beach, subject to the following:

APPROVED DRAWING(S) AND / OR DOCUMENT(S) The term ‘approved drawing(s) and / or document(s)’ or other similar expressions means:

Drawing or Document Reference Date Site Plan S & G Davis ‘Unit Mix for

Development’ 10 March 2010

Elevations S & G Davis EP- 0802 22 June 2010 Floor Plan S & G Davis FP- 0803 22 June 2010 Landscaping Plan S & G Davis LP08-04

‘Landscaping Plan for Development Application’

22 June 2010

Plan of Staged Development

‘Crown Secure Storage – Staged Development’


Front Elevation Design Features

G Davis ‘Crown Secure Storage - Design Features – Three Storey Building’

1 November 2010

Street Fence Design G Davis ‘Crown Secure Storage – Street Fence’

1 November 2010

Security Access Gates Unnumbered Undated

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ASSESSMENT MANAGER CONDITIONS 1. Carry out the approved development generally in accordance with the

approved drawing(s) and/or document(s) and in accordance with: a. The specifications, facts and circumstances as set out in the

application submitted to Council; and b. The following conditions of approval and the requirements of

Council’s Planning Scheme and the FNQROC Development Manual.

Except where modified by these conditions of approval. Timing of Effect 2. The conditions of the Development Permit must be effected prior to

Commencement of Use, except where specified otherwise in these conditions of approval.

Specific Approval 3. The approved use is specifically for a Self-Storage Facility. As such, the

site cannot be occupied by an alternative Industry A or other use unless a Development Application for a Material Change of Use is submitted to Council for assessment.

Air-Conditioning Screens 4. Air-conditioning units located above ground level and visible from

external properties and the street must be screened with appropriate materials to improve the appearance of the building. Such screening must be completed prior to the Commencement of Use.

Developer Contributions 5. Pay a monetary contribution to Council in accordance with the Planning

Scheme Policy towards the provision of water supply, sewerage infrastructure, traffic management and road upgrading, and community purpose infrastructure.

Contributions must be paid at the rates applicable at time of payment.

Payment is required prior to issue of a Development Permit for Building


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Water Supply and Sewerage Works Internal 6. Undertake the following water supply and sewerage works internal to

the subject land:

a. The development must be serviced by a single internal water and sewerage connection made clear of any buildings or structures;

b. Extend sewer from manhole located in adjoining Lot 21 on SP188684 to the north eastern boundary of Lot 8 on SP114491 in accordance with sewer plan from McPherson Maclean Wargon Chapman K7320 drawing No 2. The drawing must be formally approved and submitted with an “Application for Permission to carry out alterations to sewer mains” prior to commencement of works.

All the above works must be designed and constructed in accordance

with the FNQROC Development Manual. All works must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans,

to the requirements and satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer prior to Commencement of Use.

Sewer Easement 7. Create an easement in favour of Council having a nominal width of

three (3) metres over the proposed sewer within the site to the requirements and satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer. A copy of the easement document must be submitted to Council for the approval by Council's solicitors at no cost to Council prior to registration.

The approved easement document must be lodged and registered with

the Department of Environment and Resource Management prior to change in ownership of the property. This condition must be noted on the property file prior to issue of a development permit for Building Works.

Damage to Infrastructure 8. In the event that any part of Council’s existing sewer/water

infrastructure is damaged as a result of construction activities occurring on the site, including but not limited to, mobilisation of heavy earthmoving equipment, stripping and grubbing, the applicant/owner must notify Cairns Water & Waste immediately of the affected infrastructure and have it repaired or replaced by Cairns Water & Waste, at the developer’s cost, prior to the Commencement of Use.

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Drainage Study of Site 9. Undertake a local drainage study of the site to determine the drainage

impacts on upstream and downstream properties and the mitigation measures required to minimise such impacts. In particular, the study must address the following:

a. The contributing catchment boundaries; b. The extent of the 100 year ARI flood event in relation to the site

both pre and post development; c. Primary and secondary flow paths for the 5, and 100 year ARI flood

events; d. Identify any requirement for drainage easements; e. Identify the need and tenure for stormwater detention areas to

ensure a no worsening impact on downstream properties for the entire development;

f. As an alternative to providing on-site stormwater detention the

study may investigate alternative means such as the installation of cross drainage on Holloways Beach Access Road to mitigate against potential worsening impact on downstream properties;

g. Information on the proposed works and any impacts proposed at

the drainage outlet from the proposed development; h. Demonstrate that any proposed stormwater receiving area has

sufficient capacity to cater for major flows from the development site;

i. Lawful point of discharge.

The study must be endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer prior to the issue of a Development Permit for Building Work with the necessary works being undertaken prior to Commencement of Use or approval and dating of the Building Format Plan, whichever occurs first.

External Works 10. Undertake the following works external to the land at no cost to

Council: a. Provision of a industrial / commercial concrete crossover and

apron in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual Standard Drawing 1015 with a maximum six (6) metre crossover otherwise demonstrate a requirement for additional width with the provision of swept path diagrams;

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b. Undertake road widening and line marking generally in accordance

with PDR Engineers Drawing 10365-SK1.

c. Repair any damage to existing kerb and channel, footway or roadway (including removal of concrete slurry from footways, roads, kerb and channel and stormwater gullies and drain lines) that may occur during and works carried out in association with the construction of the approved development.

d. Install any additional stormwater infrastructure in the road reserve

in accordance with the drainage study, if required.

The external works outlined above require approval from Council in accordance with Local Law 22 – (Activities on Roads) or as part of an Operational Works application for the site. Three (3) copies of a plan of the works at A1 size and one (1) copy at A3 size must be endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer prior to commencement of such works. Such work must be constructed in accordance with the endorsed plan to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer prior to Commencement of Use.

Lawful Point of Discharge 11. All stormwater from the property must be directed to a lawful point of

discharge such that it does not adversely affect surrounding properties or properties downstream from the development, all to the requirements and satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer.

Acid Sulfate Soils Treatment 12. Any soils, sediments and fill materials excavated or otherwise disturbed

between Holloways Beach Access road and Test Pit 2 must be treated with six (6) Kg fine agricultural lime per tonne cubic meter of material (refer Golder Associates Report 001-07763010, March 2007). Liming must be conducted in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Queensland Acid Sulfate Soil Technical Manual – Soil Management Guidelines. A minimum of four (4) validation samples must be collected from the treated soils and submitted to DERM to confirm that appropriate treatment and incorporation of lime has been achieved. Treatment, incorporation and validation works must be conducted under the supervision of a person or persons who are suitably qualified in the treatment and management of acid sulfate soils.

Acid Sulfate Soils and Infrastructure 13. To ensure longevity of buried infrastructure in AASS fill, any new

trenches carrying underground services must be dusted with nine (9) Kg of fine agricultural lime per linear metre of trench prior to backfilling.

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Sediment and Erosion Control 14. Soil and water management measures must be installed / implemented

prior to discharge of water from the site, such that no external stormwater flow from the site adversely affects surrounding or downstream properties (in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, and the FNQROC Development Manual).

Street Lighting and Power 15. The applicant is to undertake the following works:

a. At least two (2) spans of Category V5 street lighting designed in accordance with the Road Lighting Standard AS/NZS 1158 and FNQROC Development Guidelines D8 are to be provided either side of the access driveway and along Oleander Street / Holloways Access Road. New street lighting columns are to be of steel construction with an underground service;

Ergon Energy must be notified of these requirements when making

application for power supply. All works must be completed prior to Commencement of Use

Vehicle Parking 16. The amount of vehicle parking must be as specified in Council's

Planning Scheme which is a minimum of two (2) spaces. The car parking layout must comply with the Australian Standard AS2890.1 2004 Parking Facilities – off-street car parking and be constructed in accordance with Austroads and good engineering design. In addition, all parking, driveway and vehicular manoeuvring areas must be imperviously sealed, drained and line marked.

Bicycle Parking 17. Provide secured, on-site bicycle parking in accordance with Table 10-1

of AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice Part 14 – Bicycles. Based on the provisions in Table 10-1 (page 133) the minimum number of parking spaces required for this development is one (1) space. The bicycle parking area must be constructed prior to Commencement of Use.

Protection of Landscaped Areas from Parking 18. Landscaped areas adjoining the parking area must be protected by a

150 mm high vertical concrete kerb or similar obstruction. The kerb must be set back from the garden edge sufficiently to prevent vehicular encroachment and damage to plants by vehicles.

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Security Fencing and Access Gates 19. All proposed side and rear boundary/security fencing and access gates

must be constructed in accordance with the plans and details submitted on drawing ‘Crown Secure Storage – Staged Development’, undated.

All fencing is to be treated with anti-graffiti treatment in accordance with the details submitted to Council (#2778540). All fencing along the road frontage must be completed prior to the Commencement of Use. All fencing to the western side and rear boundaries must be completed in accordance with the approved details prior to issue of the Certificate of Classification of the buildings that form the final stage of the development.

Street Fencing 20. The proposed front fence must be constructed and finished in

accordance with the plans and details submitted on drawing ‘Crown Secure Storage – Street Fence’, dated 1 November 2010.

The entire length of front fencing is to be treated with anti-graffiti treatment in accordance with the details submitted to Council (#2778540). All works to construct the fence must be completed prior to Commencement of use in order to ensure that an attractive streetscape and views into the site are provided.

Landscaping Plan 21. The site must be landscaped in accordance with details included in

Landscaping Plan ‘Amended Plant Schedule 14 July 2010’ and Drawing LP08-04 ‘Landscaping Plan for Development Application’ S & G Davis, dated 22 June 2010. Specifically the approved landscaping incorporates the following:

a. artificial turf along the entire street frontage to either side of the

footpath; b. the small leafed variety of Lilly Pilly (Syzygium australe) of a

maximum height three (3) metres along the road frontage in proximity to power lines;

c. mature variegated small leaf variety Topiary Figs (Figus

Benjamina) to be potted only.

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All landscaping works must be undertaken in accordance with the

endorsed plan. All landscaping within the front setback area and within the road reserve must be completed prior to the Commencement of Use. All landscaping to the side and rear boundaries must be completed prior to issue of the Certificate of Classification of the buildings that form the final stage of the development. Landscaped areas must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer at all times.

Weed Management Plan

22. A Weed Management Plan detailing the methods to prevent the import

and/or export of weeds onto or from the site and methods proposed for the control or eradication of the Class 3 Weeds Sickle Pod (Senna obtusifolia) and Singapore Daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata) must be submitted and approved by the Chief Executive Officer prior to the issue of a Development Permit for Building Work. All control measures detailed in the submitted plan must be in place prior to the commencement of building works.

Ant Plants 23. An Ecoaccess approval must be obtained from the Department of

Environment and Resource Management for the relocation of all specimens of Ant Plant (Myrmecodia beccarii) prior to the removal of any host trees. Ant Plants are listed as Vulnerable under both the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Information on Ecoaccess approvals may be obtained at or by contacting the Ranger Flora at the Cairns office of QPWS on phone: 4046 6609.

Acoustic Insulation 24. The three-storey building containing the office must be designed and

constructed to incorporate adequate sound insulation to at least the minimum standards as required by AS2021 – Acoustics – Aircraft Noise Intrusion – Building Siting and Construction.

Structural Certification 25. All retaining walls or structures higher than one (1) metre must be

structurally certified prior to the issue of a Development Permit for Building Work.

Where the profile or height of the wall is redesigned during structural

certification, amended plans must be endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer prior to the issue of a Development Permit for Building Work.

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Lighting 26. All lighting installed upon the premises including car parking areas

must be certified by Ergon Energy (or such other suitably qualified person). The vertical illumination at a distance of 1.5 metres outside the boundary of the subject land must not exceed eight (8) lux measured at any level upwards from ground level.

Impact on Airport 27. The buildings and structures forming part of the development must not

contain reflective cladding; upwards shining lights or flashing or sodium lights.

Stockpiling and Transportation of Fill Material 28. Soil used for filling or spoil from the excavation is not to be stockpiled

in locations that can be viewed from adjoining premises or a road frontage for any longer than one (1) month from the commencement of works.

Transportation of fill or spoil to and from the site must not occur within:

a. peak traffic times; b. before 7:00 am or after 6:00 pm Monday to Friday; c. before 7:00 am or after 1:00 pm Saturdays; or c. on Sundays or Public Holidays.

29. Dust emissions or other air pollutants, including odours, must not

extend beyond the boundary of the site and cause a nuisance to surrounding properties.

Details of Development Signage 30. The development must provide clear and legible signage incorporating

the street number for the benefit of the public. Advertising Signage 31. Advertising signage is limited to one illuminated sign no greater than

1.2 metres in height and two (2) metres in width to be affixed to the front boundary fence on Access Easement C. Details of all signage associated with the use must be submitted to and approved by the Chief Executive Officer prior to Commencement of Use.

All proposed signs on the subject land must also conform with

Council's Local Law No 28 (Control of Advertising).

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Crime Prevention through Environmental Design 32. The applicant/owner must ensure that all lighting and landscaping

requirements comply with Council’s General Policy Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED).

B. That the following notation will be placed on Council's future rates record:

1. The approved use is specifically for a Self-Storage Facility. As such, the

site cannot be occupied by an alternative Industry A or other use unless a Development Application for a Material Change of Use is submitted to Council for assessment.

2. The applicant must create an easement in favour of Council having a

nominal width of three (3) metres over the proposed sewer within the site to the requirements and satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer. A copy of the easement document must be submitted to Council for the approval by Council's solicitors at no cost to Council prior to registration.

The approved easement document must be lodged and registered with

the Department of Environment and Resource Management prior to change in ownership of the property.

FURTHER ADVICE 1. This approval granted under the provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act

2009, shall lapse four (4) years from the day the approval takes effect in accordance with the provisions of Section 339 and Section 341 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.

2. All building site managers must take all action necessary to ensure building materials and/or machinery on construction sites are secured immediately following the first cyclone watch and that relevant emergency telephone contacts are provided to Council officers, prior to commencement of works.

3. This approval does not negate the requirement for compliance with all

relevant Local Laws and statutory requirements. 4. Headwork contribution calculations are attached as Appendix 2. Please note

that the contributions must be paid at the rates applicable at the time of payment. Updated calculations must be requested prior to payment.

5. For information relating to the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 log on to To access the FNQROC Development Manual, Local Laws and other applicable policies log on to

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Agenda – Planning & Environment Committee 10 November 2010 - #2779931

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council is in receipt of a Development Application for a Self Storage Facility at 161-165 Holloways Beach Access Rd, Holloways Beach. The site falls within the following CairnsPlan, 2009 Overlays: Flood Management, Operational Aspects of Cairns International Airport and Acid Sulphate Soils. The proposed development includes the construction of nine (9) single-storey and one (1) three-storey buildings to contain a total of 585 self storage units. These buildings will be constructed in three stages over a period of approximately one year as funds become available. Two (2) car parking spaces are proposed, as well as provision of landscaping within the site and road reserve. The proposed development is considered to be suitable within the Commercial Planning Area and would not result in any impact on the amenity of the adjoining properties or general locality. The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Background The site is vacant, cleared and 5,449m2 in area with ground levels ranging from 2.8 metres AHD at the rear to 3.8 metres at the front. The lot originally formed part of a parcel of land that was rezoned in 1984, from Residential A to Special Facilities (Indoor Sports & Games, Child Care and Shops). This Special Facilities development was never implemented. The land was subject of an approval in 1999 for Reconfiguring a Lot (1 Lot into 2 Lots) to create Lots 7 & 8 on SP114491 (Development Permit 8/17/37). This development included the provision of a 100 mm wide, Council-controlled access restriction strip along 37.34 metres of the road frontage, leaving 10 metres of frontage unrestricted. A Development Permit (8/30/63) for Reconfiguring a Lot (3 Lots into 4 Lots) and Material Change of Use for Shopping Facilities 501 – 10,000m2 GFA was issued 15 December 2005, with a Negotiated Decision issued 9 February 2006. The Reconfiguration component involved land adjoining the western boundary of Lot 8 and created a new lot (Lot 20 on SP188684) fronting Oleander Street with a battleaxe lot behind (Lot 21 on SP188684). The Shopping Facilities development is contained within the newly created lot and includes four tenancies including one flagship tenancy (IGA). The application incorporated Lots 7 & 8 on SP114491 only for the purpose of removing the Special Facilities Approval for those lots to ensure that the development would not result in an over supply of retail facilities in the locality. An associated Operational Works Permit approved filling on the site (Lot 8) to bring the ground level to the Q100 level of 4.6 metres AHD. On 17 August 2006 Council at its Planning & Environment Meeting resolved to adopt the CairnsPlan amendment (2006, No. 3) which removed the Special Facilities Map Overlay from Lot 7 and Lot 8 on SP114491 to leave these lots zoned as Commercial only.

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Vehicular access is gained via Easement C within Lot 21 on SP188684. This Easement was created as part of a Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot (8/13/1525), issued 1 March 2010 that also created a Service Easement (Easement B); both in favour of Lot 8 on SP114491. Easement B would accommodate a stormwater culvert and an existing sewer, while the intention of Easement C was intended to provide Lot 8 with safer and more convenient lawful access than previously provided. Proposal The proposal is for establishment of a self-storage facility comprising 585 units on Lot 8 on SP114491 at 8L Oleander Street, Holloways Beach. The proposal includes: (a) Three rows (in nine modules) single storey (3.7 metres in height) buildings and

one three-storey (8.65 metres in height) building, with a total Gross Floor Area of 3,100m2 to be constructed from white-painted, concrete tilt walls incorporating ‘parapet’ tops, wrought iron and inlayed stone features;

(b) A covered, unidirectional ring road to serve the nine single-storey buildings; (c) Two (2) car parking spaces to the front of the three-storey building; (d) Works within Easement C on adjoining Lot 21 on SP188684 to create a sealed

access to the site (e) Provision of landscaping within the site and road reserve, in accordance with the

submitted landscape plan and including the use of artificial turf. (f) A white-painted, 1.8 metre high, reinforced concrete panel fence with openings at

intervals to incorporate vertical, black metal bars, a ‘parapet’ feature along the top to extend along the full length of the road frontage and 27 metres of the frontage of Easement C.

(g) A 1.8 metre high, treated timber screen fence along the length of the western

boundary up to Easement C; a 1.8 metre high, white painted, reinforced concrete fence along the rear boundary.

(h) Two (2) custom-made, 1.8 metre high, black-painted, wrought iron security access

gates at each end of the unidirectional ring-road within the site. The development is proposed to be constructed in three stages, with three storage buildings completed in each stage. It is envisaged it will take approximately one year to fully complete the development. A moveable, 1.8 metre high, white painted, reinforced concrete fence will be constructed between the end of the buildings at the completion of Stages 1 and 2 to provide security for the site while the use is in operation.

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Agenda – Planning & Environment Committee 10 November 2010 - #2779931

CairnsPlan Assessment

CairnsPlan Barron Smithfield Planning District

Code Applicability Compliance

Planning Area Commercial Complies (see below) Land Use Industry A Complies

Hillslopes r - Vegetation Conservation & Waterway Significance r - Character Precinct r - Potential or Actual Acid Sulphate Soil Material Complies Bushfire Management r - Flood Management Conditioned to comply Height and Impact of Buildings r - Operational Aspects of the Cairns International Airport Conditioned to comply


Local Heritage Code r - Excavation and Filling Code Complies Infrastructure Works Code Complies Landscaping Code Conditioned to comply Parking & Access Code Complies Reconfiguring a Lot Code r -


Development Near Major Transport Corridors & Facilities r -

Commercial Planning Area Code The Acceptable Measures of the Code suggest that the minimum setback from the side and rear boundaries where it adjoins land in the Residential 1 Planning Area is 2.5 metres. In this instance, a setback of only 1.775 metres is to be provided to Lot 21 on SP188638. Lot 21 contains only a single House which is located in the western part of the site, approximately 70 metres away from the common boundary with mature trees on that site forming a visual screen in addition to proposed planting along the boundary within the site. In this respect it is considered that the siting of the proposed buildings would not adversely impact on the amenity of the adjoining residential use. Furthermore, the owner of Lot 21 has provided written advice that they do not object to a 0 metre setback from this boundary. The setback to adjoining residential land to the rear (Lot 1 on RP736335) would be the required 2.5 metres with a 2 metre buffer of landscaping along the majority of this boundary. It is acknowledged that the external design of the proposed buildings is unusual but as they fully comply with the height and setback provisions of the Code it is difficult to argue that the development would have a significant adverse impact on the amenity of the Planning Area. The ‘parapet’ feature top is included only on the front elevation of the buildings and on the eastern side elevation that abuts commercial land and will therefore not impact on the visual amenity of any residential properties. The front and side elevations of the three-storey building are broken up through the use of inlayed slate bricks around each window and entrance door; stone trim to the parapet tops; and inlayed slate at random intervals within the façade. The front elevation would also incorporate a wrought iron, water proof hood over the main entrance door.

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The front façade of the building and access gates would incorporate the company logo as wrought iron features and the extent of advertising signage would restricted to only one illuminated sign to the front fence within Easement C. Potential issues of graffiti on the expanse of wall along the eastern boundary would be minimised through the use of a clear, silicon-based anti-graffiti treatment which minimises graffiti adhesion and allows for easy removal. This treatment would be used for all external walls including the front, side and rear boundary fences. It should also be noted that the on-street landscaping works would incorporate mature Lilli Pilly trees at 6 metre intervals that would enhance the visual amenity of the streetscape and that mock-orange trees will be planted in a 1 metre wide landscaped buffer along the entire frontage within the site in addition to deeper areas of planting at either end and landscaped areas to the front of the buildings further into the site. It should be noted that the Code does not specify a minimum depth of planted buffer to the street frontage only that the setback areas contain deep planting. Operational Aspects of Cairns International Airport Overlay Code The site falls within the 30 -35 ANEF contour for Cairns International Airport which means that under Table 1 of the Operational Aspects of Cairns International Airport Overlay Code the site is only suitable for a ‘Light Industry’ use if adequate sound insulation is incorporated into the construction (to at least the minimum standards as required by AS2021 – Acoustics – Aircraft Noise Intrusion – Building Siting and Construction). The majority of the buildings associated with the proposed use will be used only for storage and will not be occupied at any time. As such, it is considered that the requirement for acoustic insulation to these buildings would be unreasonable. However a condition of approval would require that the three-storey building containing the office must be designed and constructed to incorporate adequate sound insulation to at least the minimum standards as required by AS2021. The site is within Airport Primary Light Zone B where lighting levels are restricted to 50 Candela. It is considered that the proposed use is unlikely to produce significant levels of light emissions beyond that which is typical of such a development. Notwithstanding, a condition would be added to any approval to ensure that the development does not incorporate reflective cladding, upwards shining lights or flashing/sodium lights to avoid interference with the operational aspects of Cairns International Airport with regards to light emission. Flood Management Overlay The Flood Management Overlay Code requires that flood immunity for Industry uses be provided to Q100 level. There is an existing Operational Works approval for filling on the site to bring the ground level to 4.6 metres AHD which would satisfy the provisions of the Flood Management Overlay Code, subject to a Condition requiring a Drainage Study of the site that relates specifically to this proposed development.

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Parking and Access Code The Code requires that two (2) car parking spaces are provided for self-storage facilities. The proposed development incorporates two (2) spaces, including one (1) space for disabled persons to the front of the three-storey building containing an office and internal storage lockers. The site is located close to a right-angled bend in the road which is defined a Collector Road under CairnsPlan, 2009. To ensure traffic safety, direct access to this road is constrained by a Council controlled access-restriction strip along the majority of the frontage. Easement C was created within Lot 21 on SP188684 to assist in creating a greater distance between the traffic ingress/egress point and the right-angled corner, thereby improving traffic safety. The proposed development would utilise this access easement and works would be carried out within the Easement area to provide a bitumen sealed or concrete driveway, landscaping and fencing along the frontage in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Easement Registered Details. It should be noted that adjoining, vacant, Commercial-zoned lot (Lot 7 on SP114491) also has a Council controlled access-restriction strip along the majority of its frontage. A 20 metre length of this frontage remains un-restricted where it is adjacent to the boundary with the adjoining residential lot to the north (Lot 1 on RP736335). In this respect, the proposed development that is subject of this Development Application on Lot 8 would not impede vehicular access to any potential future development on Lot 7. Excavation and Fill Filling of the site to bring the ground level to Q100 immunity level of 4.6 metres has already been approved under Operational Works Permit 8/30/63. No further earthworks are proposed as part of this application. Landscaping A landscaping plan has been submitted to Council which takes into account the constraints of the site including low overhead power lines in the road reserve and narrow strips either side of the public footpath. Council’s Environmental Officer has advised that the landscaping plan and ‘Amended Plant Schedule 14th July 2010’ are acceptable subject to Conditions and Council’s Infrastructure Management department have endorsed the use of artificial turf within the road reserve in this location with regards to site constraints and maintenance. The proposed white-painted, reinforced concrete fence would be 1.8 metres in height (not including minor ancillary design features such as parapet detail and lights) and would extend for a length of 75 metres along a highly visible road frontage. The fence has been designed with four, 1.2 metre high openings within each panel that would incorporate 9 vertical, black painted metal bars. This would allow each panel to be 48.5% transparent and therefore to provide views of the buildings and planted buffers from the road, contributing to an attractive streetscape while providing an adequate level of security to the proposed use.

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Notwithstanding the above comments, the provision of Lilly Pilly trees at 6 metre intervals within the road reserve will assist with providing an attractive streetscape. A Condition of approval would require that these trees be of a specific variety which grow to a maximum 3 metres in height due to the presence of the overhead power lines, Council’s Environment Officer has requested that a Weed Management Plan be submitted prior to any works being carried out.

Staging Although the development is proposed to be constructed in three stages, due to the small scale of the proposal it is not considered that any specific consideration needs to be given to this fact except for in the timing for required compliance with certain conditions relating to fencing and landscaping. The majority of the works associated with the development, including external works will need to be carried out prior to commencement of use in order to enable the proposed use to operate.

Public Notification / Submissions The Application is Code Assessable and no public notification is required. External Referrals The Application was referred to the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) as an Advice Agency because the site contains potential Acid Sulfate Soils and because it is within 100 metres of a referable wetland. Acid Sulfate Soils The Advice Agency response was that a Condition should be included that requires that any materials excavated or disturbed within the site be treated with agricultural lime and samples submitted to DERM. A Condition to this effect has been incorporated in the recommendation of this report. Referrable Wetland The Advice Agency response was that the buildings will be approximately 60 metres from the Wetland Management Area and as the site is separated from the wetland by Lot 7 on SP1 14491, Holloways Beach Road and Oleander Street, the development is unlikely to significantly impact on the values of the Wetland Management Area. HEADWORKS/CONTRIBUTIONS The proposed development triggers Developer Headwork Contributions. Refer to Appendix 2 to view calculations. Under Trunk Infrastructure Contributions Policy 4:04:05 no demand for stormwater infrastructure is generated where a site can potentially contain a Self Assessable use. This provision applies for Development Applications submitted on or before 12 May 2012.

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Under the same Policy, while Road Network contributions have been calculated and included as a condition of approval, the development will be considered to have a NIL Transport Supply Demand if works on site have been completed and the use commenced by 30 June 2012. This is highlighted in an Advice statement to be included in the Decision Notice.

While the proposed development is to be constructed in stages the applicant has advised that they proposed to pay the developer contributions prior to issue of a Building Permit for the first stage of development. In this respect, the contributions are not calculated per stage. Claire Garner Planning Officer Action Officer Kelly Reaston Manager Development Assessment

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