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    List of Greek and Latin roots in English

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    The following is an alphabetical list ofGreekandLatinroots,stems,suffixes, andprefixescommonly used in English.

    Some of those used in medicine and medical terminology are not listed here but instead in Wikipedia'sList of medical roots,

    suffixes and prefixes.

    Contents:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZSee alsoReferencesExternal links

    [edit] A

    Root Meaning in English Originlanguage

    Etymology (root origin) English examples

    ab-, a-, abs- away Latin

    ab "away" abnormal,abrasion,

    absent, abstain,

    abstract, aversion

    ac- sharp or pointed Latin acere acupuncture

    acid- sour or acid Latin acidus acidosis

    acu- sharp Latin

    acutus, past participle ofacuere "to sharpen",

    fromacus"needle" acupuncture,acute,


    acr(i)- sharp, pungent, bitter Latin


    acrid, acrimony

    acr(o)- height, summit, tip Greek (kros) "high", "extreme"acrobatics,



    ad-, a-, ac-,

    af-, ag-, al-,

    ap-, ar-, as-,


    movement to or toward; in

    addition toLatin

    ad"to", "toward"

    the experience offeeling or emotion

    accept, adapt, affect,

    approximate, ascend

    adip- fat Latin

    adeps,adipis "fat"


    aer-, aero- air, atmosphere Greek (aer) "air" aeronautics, aerosol

    aesthet- feeling, sensation Greekaisthtikos "of sense perception" from

    (aisthanesthai) "to perceive"aesthetics, anaesthetic

    agri-, -egri- field Latin ager,agris "field, country" agriculture,peregrine

    agro- field Greek (agros) "field" agronomy

    alb- dullwhite Latin albusalbedo, albino,


    am-, amat-,

    amor-love, loved Latin amor"love" fromamre"to love" amateur,amorous

    ambi- both, on both sides Latin ambi"on both sides"



    amic-, -imic- friend Latin amicus amicable, inimical,_suffixes_and_prefixes,_suffixes_and_prefixes,_suffixes_and_prefixes,_suffixes_and_prefixes,_suffixes_and_prefixes,_suffixes_and_prefixes
  • 8/2/2019 List of Latin Roots


  • 8/2/2019 List of Latin Roots


    [edit] B

    Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples

    bac- rod-shaped Latin from baculum "rod" bacilla,bacteria

    baro- weight,pressure Greek (baros)barograph,barometer,


    basi- at the bottom Greekfrom ,I walk, march, "step"

    basic, basis


    batho-deep, depth Greek (baths, baths) batholith,bathyscaphe

    be-, beat- bless Latin beare, beatus beatification

    bell(i)- war Latin bellum,belliantebellum, bellicose,


    ben- good, well Latin bene(adverb) benefit,benignity

    bi- two Latin bis, "twice"; bini, "in twos"binary,binoculars,bigamy,


    bib- drink Latin bibere, bibitus imbibe

    bibl- book Greek (biblon) "book" bible,bibliography

    bi(o)- life Greek (bos) "life"biography,biology, biologist,


    blenn(o)- slime Greek (blennos) blennophobia,blennosperma

    blast-germ, embryo, bud, cell

    with nucleusGreek

    (blastain), "I putforth shoots"



    bon(i)- good Latin bonus bonify, bonitary

    bor- northGreek / Latin


    Greek(borras) "thenorth wind"


    botan- plant Greek, (botan,


    bov- cow,ox Latin bos, bovis bovine

    brachi(o)- arm Greek (brakhn) brachial artery,brachiosaurusbrachy- short Greek (brakhs, brakhs) brachydactyly

    brady- slow Greek (brads, brads) bradycardia

    branchi- gill Greek (brgkhion,


    brev(i)- brief, short (time) Latin brevis,breviare abbreviation, brevity

    briz- nod, slumber Greek (briz)

    brom- oats Greek, (brmos,brme) "oats"

    Bromus ramosus

    brom- stench Greek (brmos) "stench,clangor"


    bronch- windpipe Greek (brgkhos, brnkhos)bronchitis, bronchus,

    bronchiolebront- thunder Greek (bront) Brontosaurus

    bucc- cheek,mouth, cavity Latin bucca buccal,buccinator muscle

    bulb- bulbous Latin bulbus bulbous, bulbule

    bull- bubble,flask Latin bulla, "bubble" ebullient,ebullism

    burs- pouch,purse Latin bursa bursa,bursar,bursary,disburse

    [edit] C

    Root Meaning in EnglishOrigin

    languageEtymology (root origin) English examples

    cac(o)- bad Greek (kakos) cacophonycad-, -cid-, cas- fall Latin cadere, casus accident,cadence,case
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    Root Meaning in EnglishOrigin

    languageEtymology (root origin) English examples

    caed-, -cid-,

    caes-, -cis-cut Latin caedere, caesus caesura,incisor

    calc- stoneLatin and


    from Latin calx "lime", and from

    Greek (khalix) "pebble"



    calli- beautiful Greek from Greek kallos "beauty" calligraphy

    calor- heat Latin calor"heat" calorie

    calyp- cover Greek (kaluptein) apocalypse

    camer- vault Latin camera bicameral,camera

    camp- field Latin campus"field", "level ground" champion,campaign

    can(i)- dog Latin canis canine,Canis Major

    can-, -cin-, cant- sing Latin canere cantata,canto, cantor

    cand- glowing, iridescent Latin candere "to be white or glisten"candela, candid, candle,


    cap-, -cip-, capt-

    , -cept-

    hold, take Latin

    capere, captus "take or hold" (note

    the vowel change from a to i in


    capture, captive, conception,


    capit-, -cipit- head Latin caput,capitis "head"capital,decapitation,


    capr- goat Latin caper,capri Capricorn, caprine

    caps- box, case Latin capsa capsule

    carbo- coal Latin carbo,carbonis carbon

    carcer- jail Latin carcer, carcerare incarceration

    carcin- cancer (disease)Latin from


    Latin from Greek (karkinos) "crab"


    cardi(o)- relating to the heart Greek kardia "heart" cardiograph,cardiology

    cardin- hinge Latin cardo, cardinis cardinal

    carn- flesh Latin caro,carnis carnal, carnival,carnivore

    carp(o)- relating to fruit Greek from Greek(karpos) "fruit" carpology

    carp- relating to the wrist Greek from Greek(karpos) "wrist" carpal,carpal tunnel syndrome

    cata-, cat- down Greek

    from Greek (kat) "down",(kathodos) "descent" or"way down"




    caten- chain Latin catena catenary,concatenation

    cathar- pure Greek (katharos) catharsis

    caud- tail Latin cauda caudal

    caus-, -cus- cause or motive Latin causa causitive

    cav- hollow Latin cavus "hollow" cave, cavity, excavation

    ced-, cess- go Latin cedere, cessus procession, recede, secede

    celer- quick Latin celer, celerare acceleration, celeritycen(o)- new Greek (kainos) Cenozoic

    cen(o)- empty Greek (kenos) cenotaph

    cens- Latin censere "to estimate" census

    cent- hundred Latin centum cent,centennial,centurion

    centen- hundred each Latin centeni centenary

    centesim- hundredth Latin centesimus centesimal, centesimation

    centr- center Greek (kntron) "needle", "spur" eccentric

    cephalo- head Greek kephalecephalic,cephalopod,


    ceram- clay Greek (keramos) ceramic

    cerat- horn Greek, (keras, keratos)

    "horn" keratin

    cern- sift Latin cernere discern, secern
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    Root Meaning in EnglishOrigin

    languageEtymology (root origin) English examples

    cervic-relating to the neck,

    relating to thecervixLatin cervix,cervicis "neck" cervix, cervical

    ceter- other Latin ceterus et cetera

    chiro- of the hand or hands Greek kheir"hand" chiroptera,chiropractic, chiral

    chelono- relating to aturtle Greek khelone "tortoise" chelonia

    chloro- green Greek from Greekkhlros "green"chlorine,chlorophyll,


    choreo- relating todance Greek

    from Greekkhoreia "dancing

    in unison" from khoros"chorus"


    chord- cordLatin and

    Greekchorda"rope" from(chord) chordata

    chrom- color Greek chrma "color" chromosome,chromium

    chron- time Greek chronoschronic,chronometer,


    chryso- gold Greek khrusos "gold" chrysolite

    cili- eyelash Latin cilium cilia

    cine- motion Greek (kineo) cinema

    ciner- ash Latin cinis, cineris incineration

    cing-, cinct- gird Latin cingere, cinctus succinct

    circ- circle Latin circus circus

    circum- around Latin circum"around" circumference,circumcise

    cirr- orange Greek (kirros) cirrhosis

    cirr- curl,tentacle Latin cirrus cirrus

    civ- citizen Latin civis civility

    clad- branch Greek (klados) clade

    clar- clear Latin clarus,clarare clarity, declaration

    clast- broken Greek (klastos) iconoclast,osteoclastclaud-, -clud-,

    claus-, -clus-close Latin claudere, clausus clause, exclusion, include

    clav- key Greekfrom Greek kleis "key" from

    , kleiein "to close"conclave, clavicle

    cl(e)ist- closed Greek kleistos

    cleithr- bar, key Greek

    clement- mild Latin clemens,clementis clemency, inclement

    clin- bed, lean, recline Latin -clinare declination, inclined

    cochl- shell Greek (kochlos) cochlea

    coel- hollow Greek (koilos)spongocoel, coelom,


    cogn- know Latin cognoscerecognitive, cognizant,recognize

    col- strain Latin colare,colum colander

    coll- hill Latin collis

    coll- neck Latin collum collar

    color- color Latin color coloration,coloratura, tricolor

    con-, co-, col-,

    com-, cor-with, together Latin cum

    coagulate, collide, compress,

    connect, contain, corrode

    condi- season Latin condire condiment

    con(o)- cone Greek (konos) conic, conical, conoid

    contra- against Latin contracontradict ("say against"),


    copro- dung Greek (kopros)coprolite, coprophagia,

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    Root Meaning in EnglishOrigin

    languageEtymology (root origin) English examples

    corac- raven Greek , (korax, korakos) coracoid

    cord- heart Latin cor, cordis accord, cordial

    corn- horn Latin cornu cornea,cornucopia,unicorn

    coron- crown Latin corona,coronare corona,coronation

    corpor- body Latin corpus,corporis corporation, corpse, corpuscle

    cortic- bark Latin cortex,corticis corticosteriod

    cosm(o)- universe Greek (kosmos) cosmonaut

    cosmet(o)- Greek - (kosmet-) cosmetics,cosmetology

    cost- rib Latin costa costal

    cotyl- cup Greek (kotul) cotyledon

    -cracy, -cratgovernment, rule,

    authorityGreek (kratos) democracy

    crani- skull Greek (kranion) cranium

    crass- thick Latin crassus crassitude

    cre- make Latin creare, creatus creation,creature

    cred- believe, trust Latin credere, credituscredentials, credibility,

    creditor, incredible

    crep- boot,shoe Greek , (krpis, krpidos)

    cribr- sieve Latin cribrum,cribrare cribble, cribrate

    ring Greek (krikos)

    cris-, crit- judge Greek (crisis) crisis,critic

    crisp- curled Latin crispus crispate

    crist- crest Latin crista cristate

    cross(o)- fringe,tassel Greek (krossos)

    cruc(i)- cross Latin crux,cruciscrucial,crucifix, crucify,


    crur(i)- leg, shank Latin crus,cruris cruralcrypt- hidden Greek (kruptos) cryptic,cryptography

    cten(o)- comb Greek , (kteis, ktenos) ctenophore

    cub- cube Greek (kubos) cubic,cuboid

    cub- lie Latin cubare incubation, succuba

    culin- kitchen Latin culina culinary

    culp- blame, fault Latin culpa culpable, exculpate

    cune- wedge Latin cuneus cuneiform

    curr-, curs- run Latin currere, cursusconcurrent, current, cursive,


    curv- bent Latin curvus curvature

    cuspid- lance, point Latin cuspis,cuspidis bicuspid

    cut(i)- skin Latin cutis cuticle

    cyan- blue Greek (kuanos) cyanide

    cycl(o)- circular Greek (kuklos) bicycle, cycle,cyclone

    cylind- roll Greek (kulindros) cylinder

    cyn(o)- dog Greek , (kun, kunos) cynosure

    cyst- capsule Greek (kustis) cystic

    cyt(o)- cell Greek (kutos) cytoplasm, cnidocyte

    [edit] D

    Root Meaning In English Originlanguage Etymology (root origin) English examples

    dactyl- finger, toe, digit Greek (daktulos) dactylology,pterodactyl
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    Root Meaning In EnglishOrigin

    languageEtymology (root origin) English examples

    damn-, -demn- to inflict loss upon Latin damnre condemn,damnation

    de-from, away from,

    removing, downLatin d delete[disambiguation needed ],demented

    deb- owe Latin debere,debitus debit

    deca-, dec-,

    deka-, dek-ten Greek deka, ten decagram,decahedron

    decim- tenth part Latindecimus, tenth; from

    decem, tendecimal,decimate

    delt- Greek (delta) deltoid

    dem-, demo- people Greek (dmos) demagogue,democracy

    den- ten each Latin deni denarius, denary


    dendro-resembling a tree Greek

    (dendron): akin to, drys, "tree"


    dens- thick Latin densus condense,density

    dent- tooth Latin dens,dentis dental, dentifrice,dentures

    derm- skin Greek (derma) dermis, epidermis, hypodermic

    deuter- second Greek (deuteros) Deuteronomy, deuterostome

    dexter- right Latin dexter dexterity

    dextro- right Greek -, right dextrose

    di- two Greek dicot,diode,dipole

    dia- apart, through Greek (dia) dialysis,diameter

    dict- say, speak Latin dicere,dictuscontradict, dictation, dictionary, edict,


    digit- finger Latin digitus digital

    dino-terrible, fearfully

    greatGreek (deinos) dinosaur

    dipl- double; twofold Greek (diplos) diploid, diplosis

    doc-, doct- teach Latin docere,doctus docile, doctor

    dodec- twelve Greek (dodeka) dodecasyllabic

    dogmat-, dox- opinion, tenet Greek dogmatic, orthodox

    dom- house Latin domus dome

    dorm- sleep Latin dormire dormant,dormitory

    dors- back Latin dorsum dorsal

    du- two Latin duo dual

    dub- doubtful Latin dubius dubious

    duc-, duct- lead Latin dux,ducisabduction,conductor, introduction,

    production, reduction, deduction

    dulc- sweet Latin dulcis

    dur- hard Latin durus durable, duration, duress, endure,obdurate

    dy- two Greek (duo) dyad

    dynam- power Greek (dunam) dynamism,dynasty, dynamite

    dys- badly, ill Greek - dysentery, dysplasia, dystrophy

    [edit] E

    Root Meaning in EnglishOrigin

    languageEtymology (root origin) English examples

    ec- out Greek (ek) eccentric

    eco- house Greek (oikos)ecology,economics,


    ecto- outside Greek (ektos) ectoderm