Download - List of Journals 2009[1]

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * Acta Crystallographica, Section A(Foundations of Crystallography)

    Acta Crystallographica, Section B (StructuralScience)

    Acta Crystallographica, Section C (CrystalStructure Communications)

    * Acta Crystallographica, Section D (BiologicalCrystallography)

    Acta Crystallographica, Section E (StructureReports Online)

    Acta Crystallographica, Section F (StructuralBiology and Crystallization Communications)

    * Acta Cybernetica

    *Acta Electronica Sinica

    Acta Graphica

    * Acta Informatica

    * Acta Materialia

    Acta Mathematica Sinica

    Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica

    * Acta Mechanica

    * Acta Mechanica Sinica

    * Acta Mechanica Sinica (English Series)

    Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica

    Acta Metallurgica Sinica

    Acta Meteorologica Sinica

    Acta Numerica

    Acta Oceanologica Sinica

    Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics* Acta Optica Sinica

    * Acta Photonica Sinica

    * Acta Physica Polonica A

    * Acta Physica Polonica B

    * Acta Physica Sinica

    * Acta Physica Slovaca

    Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica

    Acta Polytechnica, Czech Technical Universityin Prague

    Acta Scientiarum Naturalium UniversitatisPekinensis

    Acta Scientiarum Naturalium UniversitatisSunyatseni

    Acta Seismologica Sinica

    Acta Universitatis Pontica Euxinius

    Active & Passive Electronic Components

    Ad Hoc Networks

    * Ada Letters

    Ada User Journal

    Adaptive Behavior


    Advanced Composite Materials

    Advanced Composites Letters

    * Advanced Engineering Informatics Advanced Engineering Materials

    Advanced Functional Materials

    Advanced Manufacturing

    Advanced Materials

    Advanced Materials & Processes

    Advanced Materials Research

    Advanced Powder Technology

    * Advanced Robotics

    * Advanced Technology of ElectricalEngineering and Energy

    Advances in Acoustics and Vibration

    Advances in Applied Ceramics

    Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras

    Advances in Applied Probability

    Advances in Artificial Neural Systems

    Advances in Astronomy

    Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

    Advances in Building Energy Research

    Advances in Cement Research

    * Advances in Computational Mathematics

    Advances in Data Analysis and Classification

    Advances in Difference Equations

    * Advances in Engineering Software

    Advances in High Energy Physics

    Advances in Modelling & Analysis A:Mathematical, General MathematicalModelling

    * Advances in Modelling & Analysis B:Signals, Information, Patterns, Data

    Acquisition, Transmission, Processing,Classification

    Advances in Modelling & Analysis C: Systems Analysis, Control & Design Simulation, CAD

    Advances in Optical Technologies

    Advances in Optics and Photonics

    * Advances in Physics

    Advances in Polymer Technology

    Advances in Production Engineering &Management

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    Revised November 2009

    Advances in Space Research

    Advances in Structural Engineering

    Advancing Microelectronics

    Aerospace America

    Aerospace Engineering

    Aerospace Engineering & Manufacturing Aerospace Instrument Engineering

    Aerospace Science and Technology

    * AEU-International Journal of Electronics andCommunications

    African Journal of Library, Archives &Information Science

    Against the Grain

    * AI & Society

    * AI Communications

    * AI Magazine

    AIAA Journal

    * AIP Conference Proceedings

    Air Quality, Atmosphere &; Health

    Aircraft Engineering and AerospaceTechnology

    AISB Quarterly


    Algebra and Logic

    Algebra i Logika

    Algebras and Representation Theory

    * Algorithmica American Ceramic Society Bulletin

    American Journal of Applied Sciences

    American Journal of Distance Education

    American Journal of ElectroneurodiagnosticTechnology

    American Journal of Engineering and AppliedSciences

    American Journal of Environmental Sciences

    American Journal of Mathematical andManagement Sciences

    American Journal of Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation

    * American Journal of Physics

    American Journal of Science

    American Machinist

    Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias

    Analele Universitatii Ovidius Seria:InginerieMecanica

    Analog Dialogue

    * Analog Integrated Circuits and SignalProcessing

    Analysis and Applications

    Angewandte Chemie International Edition

    * Annalen der Physik

    Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae,Mathematica

    Annales de Chimie (Science des Materiaux)

    Annales de la Faculte des Sciences deToulouse, Mathematiques

    * Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie

    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare Probabiliteset Statistiques

    * Annales de Physique

    * Annales des Telecommunications

    * Annales Geophysicae

    * Annales Henri Poincare

    Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita

    * Annals of Biomedical Engineering

    Annals of Geophysics

    Annals of Glaciology

    * Annals of Mathematics and ArtificialIntelligence

    Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology

    * Annals of Nuclear Energy

    Annals of Occupational Hygiene

    * Annals of Operations Research

    * Annals of Physics

    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic

    Annual Report of Engineering ResearchInstitute, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo

    Annual Report of the Institute of Physics Academia Sinica

    Annual Review of Earth and PlanetarySciences

    Annual Reviews in Control

    Anritsu Technical Bulletin

    Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

    APII-JESA Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises

    APL Quote Quad

    * Applicable Algebra in Engineering,Communication and Computing

    Application Development Advisor

    Application Research of Computers

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    Revised November 2009

    * Astronomy Letters

    * Astronomy Reports

    * Astroparticle Physics

    Astrophysical Bulletin

    * Astrophysical Journal

    Astrophysical Journal Letters* Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

    * Astrophysical Journal, Letters

    * Astrophysics

    * Astrophysics and Space Science


    Asymptotic Analysis

    ATC Review

    Atmospheric Research

    * Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables

    * Atomic Energy Atomization and Sprays

    Atoms for Peace

    Atti della Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istitutodi Bologna, Classe di Scienze Fisiche,Rendiconti, Serie XIII

    Atti della Accademia Ligure di Scienze eLettere

    Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei,Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche eNaturali, Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e


    Atti della Accademia Nazionali dei Lincei,Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche eNaturali, Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche eNaturali

    Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi

    Atti della Societa Peloritana di Scienze FisicheMathematiche e Naturali

    Atw. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Kernenergie

    Audio Engineering

    Australasian Journal of EducationalTechnology

    * Australasian Physical & EngineeringSciences in Medicine

    Australasian Public Libraries and InformationServices

    Australian & New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal

    Australian Academic & Research Libraries

    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Audiology

    * Australian Journal of Electrical & ElectronicsEngineering

    * Australian Journal of Information Systems

    Australian Journal of Multi-DisciplinaryEngineering

    Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

    Australian Mining

    Australian Physics

    * Automated Software Engineering

    * Automatic Control and Computer Sciences

    Automatic Documentation and MathematicalLinguistics

    * Automatica


    Automation & Instrumentation

    Automation and Modern Technologies

    * Automation and Remote Control* Automation in Construction

    * Automation of Electric Power Systems

    Automation, Communications, Informatics


    Automatisierungstechnische Praxis


    Automazione e Strumentazione

    Automotive Engineer

    Automotive Engineering International

    * Autonomous Agents and Multi-AgentSystems

    * Autonomous Robots

    AV Magazine

    Badania Operacyjne i Decyzje

    Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications

    Baltic Journal of Management

    Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering

    Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and IndustrialResearch

    * Bank Systems + Technology* Banking Technology

    BARC Newsletter

    Battery Bimonthly

    Behavior Research Methods

    Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian

    Behavioral and Brain Sciences

    * Behaviour and Information Technology

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    Revised November 2009

    * Bell Labs Technical Journal

    Beskontaktnye Elektricheskie Mashiny

    Best's Review

    BHEL Journal

    * Bioelectromagnetics

    BiofabricationBiofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining

    Bioinspiration & Biomimetics

    Biointerphases Journal

    * Biological Cybernetics

    Biomagnetic Research and Technology


    Biomechanics and Modeling inMechanobiology

    Biomedical Engineering Applications, Basisand Communications

    Biomedical Engineering OnLine

    Biomedical Engineering, Applications BasisCommunications

    Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal

    Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology

    Biomedical Materials

    Bio-medical Materials and Engineering

    Biomedical Microdevices

    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

    Biomedical Technologies and RadioElectronics

    Biomedizinische Technik


    * Biophysical Journal



    * Biorheology

    * Biosensors & Bioelectronics

    * BIT

    * Boundary-Layer Meteorology

    * Brazilian Journal of Physics

    Brick Bulletin

    Bridge Structures

    British Astronomical Association: Variable Star Section Circulars

    British Journal of Audiology

    British Journal of Educational Technology

    British Journal of Radiology

    * BT Technology Journal


    * Building Acoustics

    Building Research & Information

    Building Services Engineering Research &Technology

    Building Services Journal

    Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, SectiaIII (Electrotehnica, Energetica, Electronica)

    Buletinul ISPE

    * Bulgarian Journal of Physics

    Bulletin of Aichi Institute of Technology, Part A

    Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

    Bulletin of Hiroshima Institute of TechnologyResearch Volume

    Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics

    Bulletin of Kazakh National TechnicalUniversity

    Bulletin of Kurume Institute of Technology

    Bulletin of Materials Science

    Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

    Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology andGeochemistry

    Bulletin of Nagoya Institute of Technology

    Bulletin of Osaka Prefecture University, Series A (Engineering and Natural Sciences)

    Bulletin of Precision and IntelligenceLaboratory

    Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

    Bulletin of the American Society for InformationScience and Technology

    Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India

    Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

    Bulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus

    * Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering,Hiroshima University

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, IbarakiUniversity

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, theUniversity of Tokushima

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering,University of the Ryukyus

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering,Yokohama National University

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    Revised November 2009

    Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, University of Alexandria

    Bulletin of the Indian National Science Academy

    Bulletin of the Indian Vacuum Society

    Bulletin of the International Section of the ISSAfor the Prevention of Occupational Risks due toElectricity

    * Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society

    Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology(Pure and Applied Mathematics)

    Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology(Science and Technology)

    * Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute

    Bulletin of the National Technical University of Kharkov Polytechnic Institute

    Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences,Technical Sciences

    Bulletin of the Research Institute for ScientificMeasurements, Tohoku University

    Bulletin of the Research Institute of Electronics,Shizuoka University

    Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors

    Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Physics

    Bulletin of the School of Engineering, KyushuTokai University

    * Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

    Bulletin of the Technical University of Is tanbulBulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series A

    Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications

    Bulletin of the Yamagata University(Engineering)

    Bulletin of the Yamagata University (NaturalScience)

    Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University, Series IV(Mathematics and Natural Sciences)

    Bulletin Scientifique de l'Association desIngenieurs Electriciens sortis de l'InstitutMontefiore

    Business Communication Quarterly

    Business Communications Review

    Business Computer World

    Business Equipment Digest

    Business Forms, Labels & Systems

    Business Horizons

    Business Info

    Business Information alert

    Business Information Review

    Business Process Management Journal

    Business Strategy Review

    Business Strategy SeriesCA Magazine

    CA Magazine

    CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems

    * Calcolo

    * CALICO Journal

    California Management Review

    CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of PhaseDiagrams and Thermochemistry

    * Campus-Wide Information Systems

    Canadian Acoustics

    Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences andSpectroscopy

    Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

    Canadian Journal of Chemistry

    Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering

    Canadian Journal of Communication

    * Canadian Journal of Electrical andComputer Engineering

    Canadian Journal of Information and LibraryScience

    * Canadian Journal of Physics

    Cape Librarian


    Cardiovascular Ultrasound

    Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

    * CC-AI, The Journal for the Integrated Studyof Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and

    Applied Epistemology


    * Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy

    Cement and Concrete Composites

    Cement and Concrete Research

    Cement Engineering

    Central European Journal of Physics

    Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings

    Ceramics International

    CERN Courier

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    Revised November 2009

    CFI - Ceramic Forum International - Berichteder Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft

    Chain Store Age

    * Chaos

    * Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

    Chemical and Biochemical EngineeringQuarterly

    Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

    Chemical Engineering

    Chemical Engineering and Processing

    Chemical Engineering Journal

    Chemical Engineering Progress

    Chemical Engineering Research & Design

    Chemical Engineering Science

    * Chemical Physics

    * Chemical Physics Letters

    Chemical Vapor Deposition

    Chemical Week

    Chemistry of Materials

    Chemometrics and Intelligent LaboratorySystems


    Chiang Mai Journal of Science

    China Agricultural Economic Review

    China Environmental Science

    China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    China Mechanical EngineeringChina Surfactant Detergent & Cosmetics

    China Textile Leader

    China Textile Leader

    Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

    Chinese Journal of Applied EnvironmentalBiology

    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences

    Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering

    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics

    Chinese Journal of Chemistry

    * Chinese Journal of Computers

    * Chinese Journal of Electron Devices

    * Chinese Journal of Electronics

    Chinese Journal of Geochemistry

    Chinese Journal of Geophysics

    Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging andTherapy

    * Chinese Journal of Lasers

    * Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals andDisplays

    * Chinese Journal of Low TemperaturePhysics

    * Chinese Journal of Luminescence

    Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering

    Chinese Journal of Medical ImagingTechnology

    Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

    Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

    Chinese Journal of Optometry &Ophthalmology

    * Chinese Journal of Physics

    * Chinese Journal of Power Sources

    * Chinese Journal of Quantum ElectronicsChinese Journal of Radiology

    * Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument

    * Chinese Journal of Semiconductors

    * Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators

    Chinese Journal of Space Science

    Chinese Management Studies

    * Chinese Physics

    Chinese Physics B

    Chinese Physics C

    * Chinese Physics Letters

    Chinese Science Bulletin

    Christian Librarian


    * Ciencia da Informacao

    Ciencias de la Informacion

    CINDE Journal

    Circuit Cellar

    * Circuit World


    Circuits Assembly

    * Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing

    Circulation Management

    * Classical and Quantum Gravity

    Clean Air

    Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy

    Cleanroom Technology

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    Revised November 2009


    Climate Dynamics

    Climatic Change

    Clinical Neurophysiology

    * Cluster Computing

    CMA ManagementCoDesign

    Cognition, Technology & Work

    Cognitive Neurodynamics

    Cognitive Science

    * Cognitive Systems Research

    Coke and Chemistry

    Collection Building

    College & Undergraduate Libraries

    College & University Media Review

    Colloid & Polymer ScienceColloids and Surfaces A (Physicochemical andEngineering Aspects)

    Colloids and Surfaces B (Biointerfaces)

    * Color Research & Application

    Colorado Libraries


    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing

    Combustion and Flame

    Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves

    * Combustion, Theory and Modelling


    Communication Outlook

    * Communications Engineer

    Communications in Computational Physics

    * Communications in Mathematical Physics

    * Communications in Nonlinear Science andNumerical Simulation

    Communications in Numerical Methods inEngineering

    Communications in Statistics - Simulation andComputation

    Communications in Statistics - Theory andMethods

    * Communications in Theoretical Physics

    Communications International

    Communications Law

    Communications News

    * Communications of the ACM

    Community & Junior College Libraries

    * COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical andElectronic Engineering

    Competitiveness Review: An InternationalBusiness Journal

    * Complex Systems

    * Complexity

    Composite Structures

    Composites Part A (Applied Science andManufacturing)

    Composites Part B (Engineering)

    Composites Science and Technology

    Compound Semiconductor

    * Comptes Rendus de l'Academie desSciences Serie II b/Mecanique

    Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences,Serie I (Mathematique)

    * Computational & Mathematical OrganizationTheory

    * Computational Biology and Chemistry

    * Computational Complexity

    * Computational Economics

    * Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications

    * Computational Intelligence

    * Computational Linguistics

    * Computational Materials Science

    Computational Mathematics and MathematicalPhysics

    Computational Mathematics and Modeling

    Computational Methods in AppliedMathematics

    * Computational Optimization and Applications

    Computational Science and Discovery

    * Computational Statistics

    * Computational Statistics & Data Analysis

    Computattional Mathematics and MathematicalPhysics

    * Computer

    * Computer Aided Design

    Computer Aided Engineering

    * Computer and Composition

    * Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds

    * Computer Applications in EngineeringEducation

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    Revised November 2009

    Computer Architecture News

    * Computer Assisted Language Learning

    Computer Assisted Mechanics and EngineeringSciences

    * Computer Communication Review

    * Computer Communications

    * Computer Economics Report (InternationalEdition)

    Computer Engineering

    Computer Engineering and Applications

    Computer Engineering and Design

    Computer Fraud & Security

    * Computer Graphics

    * Computer Graphics Forum

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems

    * Computer Journal

    * Computer Languages, Systems & Structures

    * Computer Law and Security Report

    Computer Measurement & Control

    * Computer Methods and Programs inBiomedicine

    * Computer Methods in Applied Mechanicsand Engineering

    * Computer Modeling in Engineering &Sciences

    * Computer Music Journal

    * Computer Networks

    Computer Optics

    * Computer Physics Communications

    * Computer Science Education

    * Computer Security Journal

    * Computer Speech and Language

    * Computer Standards & Interfaces

    * Computer Supported Cooperative Work:The Journal of Collaborative Computing

    * Computer Systems Science andEngineering

    * Computer Vision and Image Understanding

    * Computer-Aided Civil and InfrastructureEngineering

    * Computer-Aided Geometric Design

    * Computerized Medical Imaging andGraphics

    * Computers & Chemical Engineering

    * Computers & Education

    * Computers & Fluids

    * Computers & Geosciences

    * Computers & Graphics

    * Computers & Industrial Engineering

    * Computers & Mathematics with Applications

    * Computers & Operations Research

    * Computers & Security* Computers & Structures

    Computers and Concrete

    * Computers and Electrical Engineering

    * Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

    * Computers and Geotechnics

    Computers and Law

    * Computers in Biology and Medicine

    * Computers in Education Journal

    * Computers in Human Behavior

    * Computers in IndustryComputers in Libraries

    Computers in the Schools

    * Computers, Environment and UrbanSystems

    * Computing


    * Computing & Control Engineering

    * Computing and Informatics

    * Computing and Information Systems

    Computing and Information Systems TechnicalReport

    * Computing and Visualization in Science

    * Computing in Science & Engineering

    * COM-SAC, Computer Security, Auditing andControls

    Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A

    Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, Part B,Magnetic Resonance Engineering

    * Concurrency and Computation: Practice andExperience

    * Concurrent Engineering: Research and

    Applications* Condensed Matter Physics

    Connecting Industry.Com/ElectricalEngineering

    * Connection Science

    * Conspectus


    Construction & Building Materials

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    Construction Computing

    Construction Innovation

    Consultants Advisory

    Contemporary Issues in Technology andTeacher Education

    Contemporary Physics

    * Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics

    Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging

    * Contributions to Plasma Physics


    * Control & Automation

    * Control and Cybernetics

    * Control and Decision

    * Control and Intelligent Systems

    Control Engineering

    Control Engineering China

    Control Engineering Europe

    * Control Engineering Practice

    Control Systems and Information Technologies

    * Control Theory & Applications

    * Controle & Automacao

    Corporate Communications

    Corporate Governance

    Corporate Social Responsibility andEnvironmental Management


    Corrosion Engineering, Science andTechnology

    Corrosion Prevention & Control

    Corrosion Science

    Corrosion Science and Protection Technology

    Cosmic Research

    Cotton Textile Technology

    * Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering

    Cross Cultural Management


    * CryogenicsCryptologia

    Crystal Growth & Design

    * Crystal Research and Technology

    Crystallography Reports

    Cuadernos de Economia

    Current Applied Physics

    Current Opinion in Solid State & MaterialsScience

    Current Science

    Current Topics in Acoustical Research

    Current Topics in Biotechnology

    Current Topics in Colloid & Interface Science

    Current Topics in Crystal Growth Research

    Current Topics in Electrochemistry

    Current Trends in Polymer Science

    * Cutter IT Journal

    Cutting Tool Engineering

    Cybernetics and Information Technologies

    * Cybernetics and Systems

    * Cybernetics and Systems Analysis

    * Czechoslovak Journal of Physics

    Damutskts Stsmem'i

    * Data & Knowledge Engineering

    * Data Base for Advances in InformationSystems

    * Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

    Database and Network Journal

    DB2 Magazine

    * Decision Sciences

    * Decision Support Systems

    Deep-Sea Research, Part I (OceanographicResearch Papers)

    Deep-Sea Research, Part II (Topical Studies inOceanography)

    Defect and Diffusion Forum

    Defence Science Journal

    Defense Complex to Scientific- andTechnological Advance of Russia

    DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology

    DESIDOC Journal of Library & InformationTechnology

    * Design Automation for Embedded Systems

    Design Engineering

    Design NewsDesign Studies

    Designed Monomers and Polymers

    * Designs, Codes and Cryptography

    Detergent & Cosmetics

    Dialogoye Sistemy

    * Diamond and Related Materials

    Die Casting Engineer

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    Revised November 2009

    Diesel Progress

    Differential Equations

    Differential Geometry and its Applications

    Differentsial'nye Uravneniya

    Diffusion and Defect Data Part B (Solid StatePhenomena)

    Digital Creativity

    * Digital Signal Processing

    Direct Marketing

    Direct Marketing: an International Journal



    Discrete & Computational Geometry

    Discrete Applied Mathematics

    Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

    Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory & Applications

    * Discrete Mathematics & TheoreticalComputer Science

    Discrete Mathematics and Applications

    Discussiones Mathematicae DifferentialInclusions, Control and Optimization

    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebraand Applications

    Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

    Discussiones Mathematicae: Probability andStatistics

    * Displays* Distributed and Parallel Databases

    * Distributed Computing

    D-Lib Magazine

    DM Review

    * Document Manager

    Documenta Ophthalmologica

    Documentaliste - Sciences de l'Information

    Documentation et Bibliotheques

    * Doklady Physics

    DOPS-NYTDr. Dobb's Journal

    Drives & Controls


    Dynamic Systems and Applications

    Dynamical Systems

    Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Magazine

    Earth and Planetary Science Letters

    Earth Science

    Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

    * Earth, Moon, and Planets

    * Earth, Planets and Space

    Earthquake Engineering and EngineeringVibration

    Earthquake Science

    Earthquake Spectra

    East China Electric Power

    * EBU Technical Review



    Ecological Systems and Devices

    Economic and Financial Computing

    * Economic Computation and EconomicCybernetics Studies and Research



    EDN (US Edition)

    EDN Europe



    Education + Training

    * Education and Information Technologies

    Education for Information

    Educational Media International

    Educational Technology

    Educational Technology & Society

    Educational Technology Review

    Educational Technology, Research andDevelopment

    EDUCAUSE Quarterly

    EDUCAUSE Review

    EE Evaluation Engineering

    * Egyptian Computer Journal

    Egyptian Journal of PhysicsEgyptian Journal of Solids

    Egyptian Journal of Textile and Polymer Sciences & Technology


    e-Journal of Surface Science andNanotechnology

    Ekonomie a Management

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    Revised November 2009

    El & Energi

    El Profesional de la Informacion


    * Electric Machines and Control

    Electric Power

    * Electric Power Automation Equipment* Electric Power Components and Systems

    Electric Power Science and Engineering

    * Electric Power Systems Research

    Electric Welding Machine

    Electrical Construction and Maintenance

    * Electrical Engineering

    * Electrical Engineering in Japan

    Electrical Review

    * Electrical Technology Russia

    Electrical World* Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters

    Electrochemical Society Interface


    Electrochemistry Communications

    * Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine

    Electromagnetic Waves and ElectronicSystems

    * Electromagnetics

    * Electromotion

    Electromyography and ClinicalNeurophysiology

    * Electronic Commerce Research

    Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

    Electronic Components & Materials

    Electronic Design

    Electronic Government

    * Electronic Journal of Information Technologyin Construction

    Electronic Journal on Information Systems inDeveloping Countries

    * Electronic Library

    * Electronic Markets

    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science

    Electronic Product Design

    Electronic Production

    Electronic Science and Technology

    * Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis


    * Electronics and Communications in Japan,Part 1 (Communications)

    * Electronics and Communications in Japan,Part 2 (Electronics)

    Electronics Information and Planning

    * Electronics Letters

    Electronics Manufacture & Test

    Electronics Optics & Control

    Electronics Weekly

    Electronics World


    Electroplating & Finishing

    Electroplating & Pollution Control

    Electrotehnica, Electronica si Automatica* Elektrichestvo

    * Elektrische Bahnen





    Elektronik Industrie

    Elektronik Praxis


    Elektronika ir ElektrotechnikaElektronnoe Modelirovanie



    Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

    * Elektrotechnika

    * Elektrotehniski Vestnik

    Elektrowarme International


    Elettronica Oggi

    Embedded System EngineeringEmbedded Systems Design

    Embedded Systems Europe

    Embedded Systems Programming

    EMedia Magazine

    * Empirical Software Engineering



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    Revised November 2009

    Energia Elettrica





    Energy & Environmental ScienceEnergy and Buildings

    * Energy Conversion and Management

    Energy Exploration & Exploitation

    Energy Policy

    Energy Sources Part B


    Engineer IT


    * Engineering & Technology

    Engineering & Technology* Engineering Analysis with BoundaryElements

    * Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence

    * Engineering Computations

    Engineering Design Graphics Journal

    Engineering Designer

    * Engineering Economist

    Engineering Education

    * Engineering Fracture Mechanics

    * Engineering Intelligent Systems for ElectricalEngineering and Communications

    Engineering Journal of Wuhan University

    Engineering Letters

    * Engineering Management

    Engineering Physics

    Engineering Review

    Engineering Sciences Reports, KyushuUniversity

    Engineering Transactions

    * Engineering with Computers

    Engineering, Construction and ArchitecturalManagement

    Engineers Australia

    Enriching Communications

    Enterprise Information Systems

    * Entropy

    Environment Protection Engineering

    Environmental Engineering

    Environmental Information Science

    * Environmental Modelling & Software

    Environmental Policy and Governance

    Environmental Practice

    Environmental Research LettersEnvironmental Research, Engineering andManagement

    Environmental Technology


    * EPE Journal

    Equal Opportunities International

    Ergonomics in Design

    * Ericsson Review

    ESA Bulletin

    ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

    ESARDA Bulletin

    ESRF Newsletter

    Estonian Journal of Engineering

    * Ethics and Information Technology

    * ETRI Journal


    EURASIP Journal on Applied SignalProcessing

    EURASIP Journal on WirelessCommunications and Networking

    EuroAsia Semiconductor

    * European Biophysics Journal

    European Journal of Economic and SocialSystems

    * European Journal of Engineering Education

    European Journal of Industrial Engineering

    European Journal of Industrial Relations

    European Journal of Innovation Management

    European Journal of International Management

    European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids

    * European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids

    European Journal of Mineralogy

    * European Journal of Operational Research

    * European Journal of Physics

    European Management Journal

    * European Physical Journal A

    * European Physical Journal B

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * European Physical Journal C

    * European Physical Journal D

    * European Physical Journal E

    European Physical Journal Special Topics

    * European Physical Journal, Applied Physics

    European Plastics NewsEuropean Production Engineer

    European Semiconductor

    European Supply Chain Management

    * European Transactions on Electrical Power

    * European Transactions onTelecommunications

    * Europhysics Letters

    Europhysics News

    * Evolutionary Computation

    EX Magazine

    Experimental Astronomy

    Experimental Economics

    * Experimental Heat Transfer

    Experimental Mechanics

    Experimental Techniques

    * Experiments in Fluids

    * Expert Systems

    * Expert Systems with Applications

    Facilities Business

    Faraday Discussions

    Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materialand Structures


    * Fernmelde-Ingenieur

    Fernseh- und Kino-Technik

    * Ferroelectrics

    * Ferroelectrics Letters Section

    * Few-Body Systems

    * Fiber and Integrated Optics


    Fibers and Polymers

    Fibre Chemistry

    Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe

    Financial Director

    Financial Executive

    Financial Management

    Financial World

    * Finite Elements in Analysis and Design

    Finite Fields and their Applications

    Fire Control and Command Control

    First Monday

    Fixed Point Theory and Applications

    * Fizika A* Fizika B

    * Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

    * Flow, Turbulence and Combustion

    * Fluid Dynamics

    Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing

    * Fluid Dynamics Research

    Fluid Phase Equilibria

    Food Control

    Food Manufacturing Efficiency

    Food MicrobiologyForesight

    * Formal Aspects of Computing

    * Formal Methods in System Design

    * Fortschritte der Physik

    Foundations and Trends in Communicationsand Information Theory

    Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphicsand Vision

    Foundations and Trends in Databases

    Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design

    AutomationFoundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship

    Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction

    Foundations and Trends in InformationRetrieval

    Foundations and Trends in Marketing

    Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics

    Foundations and Trends in Networking

    Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing

    Foundations and Trends in Stochastic Systems

    Foundations and Trends in Technology,Information and Operations Management

    Foundations and Trends in TheoreticalComputer Science

    Foundations and Trends in Web Science

    * Foundations of Computational Mathematics

    Foundations of Computing and DecisionSciences

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * Foundations of Physics

    Fra Fysikkens Verden

    * Fractals

    * Frequenz

    Frontiers of Agriculture in China

    Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineeringin China

    Frontiers of Business Research in China

    Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China

    Frontiers of Computer Science in China

    Frontiers of Earth Science in China

    Frontiers of Economics in China

    Frontiers of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering in China

    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering inChina

    Frontiers of Environmental Science andEngineering in China

    Frontiers of Materials Science in China

    Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China

    Frontiers of Physics in China

    Fuel Cells

    * Fuji Electric Review

    Fujikura Giho

    * Fujikura Technical Review

    * Fujitsu

    * Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal

    Fukuoka University Review of TechnologicalSciences

    Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and CarbonNanostructures

    * Fundamenta Informaticae

    Furukawa Review

    * Fusion Engineering and Design

    * Fusion Science and Technology

    * Future Generation Computer Systems

    Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making

    * Fuzzy Sets and SystemsGalilean Electrodynamics


    * Games and Economic Behavior

    Gaming Research & Review Journal

    Gas Turbine World

    * General Relativity and Gravitation

    * Genetic Programming and EvolvableMachines

    Geocarto International

    Geochemical Transactions

    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


    Geological Journal

    Geological Science and TechnologyInformation

    Geology of Ore Deposits

    * Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

    Geomatics and Information Science of WuhanUniversity

    * Geophysical Journal International

    * Geophysical Research Letters


    Geotechnical Testing JournalGeotechnique



    Giornale di Fisica

    Glasnik Matematicki, Serija III

    Glass and Ceramics

    Glass International

    Glass Physics and Chemistry

    Glass Science and Technology

    Glass TechnologyGlobal and Planetary Change

    Global Business & Economics Review

    Global Journal of Engineering Education

    Global SMT & Packaging

    Gold Bulletin

    Government Information Quarterly

    Graphic Arts Monthly

    * Graphical Models

    Graphs and Combinatorics

    * Gravitation & CosmologyGreener Management International

    Ground Improvement

    * Hadronic Journal

    * Hankook Kwanghak Hoeji

    Harvard Business Review

    Health & Safety at Work

    Health Information and Libraries Journal

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    Health Management Technology

    Health Physics

    Health Service Journal

    Healthcare Financial Management

    Hearing Research

    * Heat and Mass Transfer * Heat Transfer Research

    * Heat Transfer-Asian Research

    Hebei Journal of Industrial Science &Technology

    HFSP Journal

    High Energy Density Physics

    * High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics

    High Performance Polymers

    * High Power Laser and Particle Beams

    High Pressure Research

    High Technology Letters

    High Technology Letters (English LanguageEdition)

    * High Temperature

    High Temperature Material Processes

    High Temperatures - High Pressures

    High Voltage Apparatus

    High Voltage Engineering

    Higher Education

    * Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation

    * History and Computing

    Hitachi Zosen Technical Review

    Hong Kong Engineer

    Horological Journal

    Human Brain Mapping

    Human Capital Management

    Human Factors

    Human Factors and Ergonomics inManufacturing

    Human Movement Science

    Human PerformanceHuman Resource Management Journal

    Human Resources Management Review

    Human Systems Management

    * Human-Computer Interaction

    Hydraulics and Pneumatics

    Hydrocarbon Processing

    Hydrological Processes

    * Hyperfine Interactions

    IAEA Bulletin

    IAENG International Journal of AppliedMathematics

    IAENG International Journal of Computer Science

    IASLIC Bulletin

    IATUL Proceedings, New Series


    IBM Database Magazine

    * IBM Journal of Research and Development

    * IBM Systems Journal

    * Icarus

    ICIC Express Letters

    i-com Zeitschrift fur Interaktive und KooperativeMedien

    * IEEE Aerospace and Electronic SystemsMagazine

    * IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

    * IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine

    * IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters

    * IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine

    * IEEE Communications Letters

    * IEEE Communications Magazine

    IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

    IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine

    * IEEE Computer Architecture Letters

    * IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

    * IEEE Control Systems Magazine

    * IEEE Design & Test of Computers

    IEEE Distributed Systems Online

    * IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

    * IEEE Electron Device Letters

    IEEE Embedded Systems Letters

    IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology

    * IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology

    MagazineIEEE Engineering Management Review

    * IEEE Geoscience and Remote SensingLetters

    IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

    * IEEE Industry Applications Magazine

    * IEEE Instrumentation & MeasurementMagazine

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * IEEE Intelligent Systems

    IEEE Intelligent Transportation SystemsMagazine

    * IEEE Internet Computing

    * IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

    * IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics In AppliedEarth Observations And Remote Sensing

    * IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in QuantumElectronics

    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in SignalProcessing

    * IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

    * IEEE Journal on Selected Areas inCommunications

    IEEE Latin America Transactions

    * IEEE Micro

    * IEEE Microwave and Wireless ComponentsLetters

    * IEEE Microwave Magazine

    * IEEE Multimedia

    IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine

    * IEEE Network

    * IEEE Pervasive Computing

    IEEE Photonics Journal

    * IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

    * IEEE Potentials

    * IEEE Power & Energy MagazineIEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering

    * IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine

    IEEE Security & Privacy

    * IEEE Sensors Journal

    * IEEE Signal Processing Letters

    * IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

    * IEEE Software

    IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine

    * IEEE Spectrum

    IEEE Systems Journal* IEEE Technology and Society Magazine

    * IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging

    * IEEE Transactions on Aerospace andElectronic Systems

    * IEEE Transactions on Antennas andPropagation

    * IEEE Transactions on AppliedSuperconductivity

    * IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech andLanguage Processing

    * IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

    * IEEE Transactions on Automation Scienceand Engineering

    IEEE Transactions on Autonomous MentalDevelopment

    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits andSystems

    * IEEE Transactions on BiomedicalEngineering

    * IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting

    * IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systemsfor Video Technology

    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I:Regular Papers

    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II:Express Briefs

    * IEEE Transactions on Communications* IEEE Transactions on Components andPackaging Technologies

    IEEE Transactions on ComputationalIntelligence and AI in Games

    * IEEE Transactions on Computer-AidedDesign of Integrated Circuits and Systems

    * IEEE Transactions on Computers

    IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

    * IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology

    * IEEE Transactions on Dependable andSecure Computing

    * IEEE Transactions on Device and MaterialsReliability

    * IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics andElectrical Insulation

    * IEEE Transactions on Education

    * IEEE Transactions on ElectromagneticCompatibility

    * IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

    * IEEE Transactions on Electronics PackagingManufacturing

    * IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion* IEEE Transactions on EngineeringManagement

    * IEEE Transactions on EvolutionaryComputation

    * IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

    * IEEE Transactions on Geoscience andRemote Sensing

    IEEE Transactions on Haptics

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

    * IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

    * IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

    * IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

    * IEEE Transactions on Information Forensicsand Security

    * IEEE Transactions on InformationTechnology in Biomedicine

    * IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

    * IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation andMeasurement

    * IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems

    * IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and DataEngineering

    IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

    * IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

    * IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging* IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theoryand Techniques

    * IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

    * IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

    * IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience

    * IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology

    IEEE Transactions on Network and ServiceManagement

    * IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

    * IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and

    Rehabilitation Engineering* IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

    * IEEE Transactions on Parallel andDistributed Systems

    * IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis andMachine Intelligence

    * IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

    * IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

    * IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

    * IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

    * IEEE Transactions on Professional

    Communication* IEEE Transactions on Reliability

    * IEEE Transactions on Robotics

    * IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing

    IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

    * IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

    * IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

    * IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man &Cybernetics, Part A (Systems & Humans)

    * IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man andCybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics)

    * IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man andCybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews)

    * IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics,Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control

    * IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

    * IEEE Transactions on Very Large ScaleIntegration (VLSI) Systems

    * IEEE Transactions on Visualization andComputer Graphics

    * IEEE Transactions on WirelessCommunications

    * IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine

    * IEEE Wireless Communications

    IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine

    * IEEE/ACM Transactions on ComputationalBiology and Bioinformatics

    * IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

    * IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

    IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications& Networking

    * IEEJ Transactions on Electrical andElectronic Engineering

    IEEMA Journal

    IEICE Electronics Express

    * IEICE Transactions on Communications

    * IEICE Transactions on Electronics

    * IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences

    * IEICE Transactions on Information andSystems

    * IET Circuits, Devices & Systems

    * IET Communications

    * IET Computer Vision

    * IET Computers & Digital Techniques

    * IET Control Theory & Applications

    * IET Electric Power Applications

    * IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

    * IET Image Processing

    * IET Information Security

    * IET Intelligent Transport Systems

    * IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation

    * IET Nanobiotechnology

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * IET Optoelectronics

    * IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation

    * IET Renewable Power Generation

    * IET Science, Measurement & Technology

    * IET Signal Processing

    * IET Software* IET Synthetic Biology

    * IET Systems Biology

    IETE Journal of Education

    * IETE Journal of Research

    IETE Technical Review

    IFLA Journal

    IIE Transactions

    IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics

    IMA Journal of Management Mathematics

    * IMA Journal of Mathematical Control andInformation

    * IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

    Image Analysis & Stereology

    * Image and Vision Computing

    Imaging Science Journal

    IMIS Journal

    Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal

    In Silico Biology


    Indian Growth and Development Review

    Indian Journal of Chemical Technology

    Indian Journal of Engineering and MaterialsSciences

    Indian Journal of Marine Sciences

    Indian Journal of Physics

    Indian Journal of Pure and AppliedMathematics

    * Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics

    * Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics

    * Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics

    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry ResearchIndustrial Automated Control Systems andControllers

    Industrial Engineer

    * Industrial Engineering and Management

    Industrial Engineering Journal

    Industrial Heating

    Industrial Lubrication and Tribology

    * Industrial Management + Data Systems

    Industrial Marketing Management

    * Industrial Robot

    Industrie Management

    Industry and Mine Automation

    Industry Week* Info

    INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science

    * INFOR

    Informacije MIDEM

    Informacion Tecnologica

    * Informatica

    * Informatica

    Informatica Economica

    Informatics for Health and Social Care

    Informatics in Education* Informatie

    Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung

    Informatik Spektrum

    Information & Communications TechnologyLaw

    Information Age

    * Information and Computation

    * Information and Control

    Information and Innovations

    * Information and Management

    Information and Organization

    Information and Referral: Journal of the Alliance of Information Referral Systems

    * Information and Software Technology

    Information Communication & Society

    Information Design Journal

    Information Development

    Information Display

    * Information Economics and Policy

    Information Fusion

    Information Management

    * Information Management & Computer Security

    Information Management & Consulting

    * Information Management Journal

    Information Outlook

    * Information Polity

    * Information Processing & Management

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * International Communications in Heat andMass Transfer

    International Electronic Finance

    International Information and Library Review

    International Innovative Computing and Applications

    International Journal for Engineering Modelling

    International Journal for MultiscaleComputational Engineering

    International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics

    International Journal for Numerical Methods inEngineering

    * International Journal for Numerical Methodsin Fluids

    International Journal of Abrasive Technology

    * International Journal of AccountingInformation Systems

    International Journal of Accounting, Auditingand Performance Evaluation

    * International Journal of Acoustics andVibration

    International Journal of Actor-Network Theoryand Technological Innovation

    * International Journal of Ad Hoc andUbiquitous Computing

    International Journal of Adaptive andInnovative Systems

    * International Journal of Adaptive Control andSignal Processing

    International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives

    International Journal of Advanced IntelligenceParadigms

    International Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology

    International Journal of Advanced MechatronicSystems

    International Journal of Advanced Media andCommunication

    International Journal of Advanced OperationsManagement

    International Journal of Advanced Pervasiveand Ubiquitous Computing

    International Journal of Advanced RoboticSystems

    International Journal of Aeroacoustics

    International Journal of Aerospace Engineering

    International Journal of Agent Technologies &Systems

    International Journal of Agent-OrientedSoftware Engineering

    International Journal of Agile Systems andManagement

    International Journal of Agricultural Resources,Governance and Ecology

    International Journal of Algebra andComputation

    International Journal of Alternative Propulsion

    International Journal of Ambient Computingand Intelligence

    International Journal of Ambient Energy

    International Journal of Applied CeramicTechnology

    International Journal of Applied Cryptography

    International Journal of Applied DecisionSciences

    * International Journal of Applied

    Electromagnetics and MechanicsInternational Journal of Applied ManagementScience

    * International Journal of Applied Mathematicsand Computer Science

    International Journal of Applied Mechanics

    International Journal of Applied Mechanics andEngineering

    International Journal of Applied SystemicStudies

    * International Journal of ApproximateReasoning

    International Journal of Artificial Intelligenceand Soft Computing

    International Journal of Arts and Technology

    International Journal of Automation andComputing

    International Journal of Automation and Control

    International Journal of Automomous and Adaptive Communications Systems

    International Journal of Automotive Technologyand Management

    International Journal of Banking, Accountingand Finance

    International Journal of Banking, Accountingand Finance

    International Journal of Behavioural andHealthcare Research

    * International Journal of Bifurcation andChaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering

    International Journal of BioinformaticsResearch and Applications

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    International Journal of Biomedical Engineeringand Technology

    International Journal of Biotechnology

    International Journal of Business and EmergingMarkets

    International Journal of Business andGlobalisation

    International Journal of Business and SystemsResearch

    International Journal of Business DataCommunications and Networking

    International Journal of Business Environment

    International Journal of Business Excellence

    International Journal of Business Forecastingand Marketing Intelligence

    International Journal of Business Governanceand Ethics

    International Journal of Business Information

    and Computer SecurityInternational Journal of Business InformationSystems

    International Journal of Business Innovationand Research

    International Journal of Business Intelligenceand Data Mining

    International Journal of Business PerformanceManagement

    International Journal of Business ProcessIntegration and Management

    International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging

    International Journal of Cases on ElectronicCommerce

    International Journal of Cast Metals Research

    International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering

    * International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications

    International Journal of Climate ChangeStrategies and Management

    * International Journal of Climatology

    International Journal of Clothing Science andTechnology

    International Journal of Cognitive Informaticsand Natural Intelligence

    International Journal of CollaborativeEnterprise

    International Journal of COMADEM

    International Journal of Commerce &Management

    International Journal of CommunicationNetworks and Distributed Systems

    * International Journal of CommunicationSystems

    * International Journal of ComputationalGeometry & Applications

    International Journal of ComputationalIntelligence and Applications

    International Journal of ComputationalIntelligence in Bioinformatics and SystemsBiology

    International Journal of ComputationalMaterials Science and Surface Engineering

    International Journal of Computational Scienceand Engineering

    International Journal of Computer & InformationScience

    International Journal of Computer AidedEngineering and Technology

    * International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology

    * International Journal of Computer IntegratedManufacturing

    * International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages

    * International Journal of Computer Vision

    * International Journal of Computers & Applications

    * International Journal of Computers andTheir Applications

    * International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning

    International Journal of Computing Science andMathematics

    International Journal of Conflict Management

    * International Journal of ContinuingEngineering Education and Life-Long Learning

    * International Journal of Control

    International Journal of Control, Automation,and Systems

    * International Journal of CooperativeInformation Systems

    International Journal of Crashworthiness

    International Journal of Critical Infrastructures

    International Journal of Damage MechanicsInternational Journal of Data AnalysisTechniques and Strategies

    International Journal of Data Mining andBioinformatics

    International Journal of Data Mining, Modellingand Management

    International Journal of Data Warehousing andMining

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    International Journal of Decision SupportSystem Technology

    International Journal of Design Engineering

    International Journal of Digital Crime andForensics

    International Journal of Digital Earth

    * International Journal of Distance EducationTechnologies

    International Journal of Doctoral Studies

    International Journal of Dynamical Systemsand Differential Equations

    International Journal of E-Adoption

    International Journal of E-Business Research

    International Journal of e-Collaboration

    International Journal of Economics andBusiness Research

    International Journal of Economics Policy inEmerging Economics

    International Journal of Electric and HybridVehicles

    International Journal of Electrical Engineering

    * International Journal of ElectricalEngineering Education

    * International Journal of Electrical Power &Energy Systems

    International Journal of Electronic Banking

    International Journal of Electronic Business

    * International Journal of ElectronicCommerce

    International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management

    International Journal of Electronic Democracy

    International Journal of Electronic Governance

    International Journal of Electronic GovernmentResearch

    International Journal of Electronic Healthcare

    International Journal of Electronic Marketingand Retailing

    International Journal of Electronic Security andDigital Forensics

    * International Journal of ElectronicsInternational Journal of Embedded Systems

    International Journal of EmergencyManagement

    International Journal of Emerging Markets

    International Journal of Emerging Technologiesin Learning

    International Journal of Energy Research

    International Journal of Energy Sector Management

    International Journal of Energy Technology andPolicy

    International Journal of Engine Research

    * International Journal of EngineeringEducation

    * International Journal of Engineering Science

    International Journal of Enterprise InformationSystems

    International Journal of Enterprise NetworkManagement

    International Journal of EntrepreneurialVenturing

    International Journal of Entrepreneurship andInnovation Management

    International Journal of Entrepreneurship andSmall Business

    International Journal of Environment andHealth

    International Journal of Environment andPollution

    International Journal of Environment andSustainable Development

    International Journal of Environment andWaste Management

    International Journal of Environment,Workplace, and Employment

    International Journal of EnvironmentalTechnology and Management

    International Journal of E-Services & Mobile Applications

    International Journal of Exergy

    International Journal of Experimental andComputational Biomechanics

    International Journal of Fatigue

    International Journal of Financial ServicesManagement

    * International Journal of FlexibleManufacturing Systems

    * International Journal of Fluid MechanicsResearch

    International Journal of Food Safety, Nutritionand Public Health

    International Journal of Forecasting

    International Journal of Foresight andInnovation Policy

    * International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science

    * International Journal of Fracture

    * International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations

    International Journal of Gender andEntrepreneurship

    * International Journal of General Systems

    * International Journal of GeographicalInformation Science

    International Journal of Geometric Methods inModern Physics

    International Journal of Global Energy Issues

    International Journal of Global EnvironmentalIssues

    International Journal of Globalisation and SmallBusiness

    International Journal of Green Economics

    International Journal of Green Energy

    International Journal of Grid and HighPerformance Computing

    International Journal of Grid and UtilityComputing

    International Journal of Healthcare DeliveryReform Initiatives

    International Journal of Healthcare InformationSystems and Informatics

    International Journal of Healthcare Technologyand Management

    International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

    * International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer

    International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems

    International Journal of High PerformanceComputing and Networking

    * International Journal of High PerformanceComputing Applications

    International Journal of High PerformanceSystems Architecture

    * International Journal of High SpeedComputing

    * International Journal of High SpeedElectronics and Systems

    International Journal of Human FactorsModelling and Simulation

    International Journal of Human ResourcesDevelopment and Management

    * International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

    * International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

    International Journal of Humanities and ArtsComputing

    * International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

    International Journal of Hyperthermia

    International Journal of Imaging Systems andTechnology

    International Journal of Impact Engineering

    International Journal of Indian Culture andBusiness Management

    International Journal of Industrial and SystemsEngineering

    International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

    International Journal of Industrial Organization

    International Journal of Information andCommunication Technology

    International Journal of Information andCommunication Technology Education

    International Journal of Information andComputer Security

    International Journal of Information andDecision Sciences

    International Journal of Information andOperations Management Education

    International Journal of InformationCommunication Technologies and HumanDevelopment

    * International Journal of InformationManagement

    International Journal of Information Quality

    * International Journal of Information Security

    International Journal of information Securityand Privacy

    International Journal of Information Studies

    International Journal of Information Systemsand Change Management

    International Journal of Information Systemsand Supply Chain Management

    International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

    International Journal of Information Systems inthe Service Sector

    International Journal of InformationTechnologies and Systems Approach

    International Journal of Information Technology& Decision Making

    International Journal of Information Technologyand Management

    International Journal of Information Technologyand Web Engineering

    * International Journal of Infrared andMillimeter Waves

    International Journal of Innovation andLearning

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    International Journal of Innovation andSustainable Development

    International Journal of Innovation andTechnology Management

    International Journal of Innovative Computing,Information & Control

    International Journal of Integrated SupplyManagement

    International Journal of Intellectual PropertyManagement

    International Journal of Intelligent DefenceSupport Systems

    International Journal of Intelligent InformationTechnologies

    International Journal of Intelligent InformationTechnology Application

    * International Journal of Intelligent Systems

    International Journal of Intelligent SystemsTechnologies and Applications

    International Journal of Intercultural InformationManagement

    International Journal of InterdisciplinaryTelecommunications and Networking

    International Journal of Internet and EnterpriseManagement

    International Journal of Internet Manufacturingand Services

    International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising

    International Journal of Internet ProtocolTechnology

    International Journal of Inventory Research

    International Journal of IT Standards &Standardization Research

    International Journal of Knowledge andLearning

    International Journal of Knowledge Engineeringand Soft Data Paradigms

    International Journal of KnowledgeManagement

    International Journal of KnowledgeManagement Studies

    * International Journal of Knowledge-Basedand Intelligent Engineering Systems

    * International Journal of Law and InformationTechnology

    International Journal of Law and Management

    International Journal of Learning and Change

    International Journal of Learning andIntellectual Capital

    International Journal of Learning Technology

    International Journal of Liability and ScientificEnquiry

    International journal of Logistics Economicsand globalisation

    International Journal of Logistics Management

    International Journal of Logistics Systems andManagement

    International Journal of Low Radiation

    International Journal of Machine Tools &Manufacture

    International Journal of Machining andMachinability of Materials

    International Journal of Management andDecision Making

    International Journal of Management andEnterprise Development

    International Journal of Management andNetwork Economics

    International Journal of Management Conceptsand Philosophy

    International Journal of Management inEducation

    International Journal of Management Practice

    International Journal of Managerial andFinancial Accounting

    International Journal of ManufacturingResearch

    International Journal of ManufacturingTechnology and Management

    International Journal of Mass Customisation

    * International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

    International Journal of Materials & ProductTechnology

    International Journal of Materials and StructuralIntegrity

    International Journal of Materials EngineeringInnovation

    * International Journal of Materials Research

    International Journal of MathematicalCombinatorics

    International Journal of Mathematics inOperational Research

    International Journal of MechanicalEngineering Education

    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

    International Journal of Mechanics andMaterials in Design

    International Journal of Medical Engineeringand Informatics

    * International Journal of Medical Informatics

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    International Journal of Medical Robotics andComputer Assisted Surgery

    International Journal of Metadata, Semanticsand Ontologies

    International Journal of Metalcasting

    International Journal of Micrographics andOptical Technology

    International Journal of Microstructure andMaterials Properties

    International Journal of Mining and MineralEngineering

    International Journal of Mining, Reclamationand Environment

    International Journal of Mobile and BlendedLearning

    International Journal of MobileCommunications

    International Journal of Mobile Computing andMultimedia Communications

    International Journal of Mobile HumanComputer Interaction

    International Journal of Mobile Learning andOrganisation

    * International Journal of Mobile NetworkDesign and Innovation

    * International Journal of Modelling andSimulation

    International Journal of Modelling, Identificationand Control

    * International Journal of Modern Physics A

    * International Journal of Modern Physics B* International Journal of Modern Physics C

    * International Journal of Modern Physics D

    * International Journal of Modern Physics E

    * International Journal of Multiphase Flow

    International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials

    International Journal of Nanomanufacturing

    International Journal of Nanoparticles

    International Journal of Nanoscience

    International Journal of Nanotechnology

    International Journal of Nanotechnology andMolecular Computation

    * International Journal of NetworkManagement

    International Journal of Networking and VirtualOrganisations

    * International Journal of Neural Systems

    International Journal of Non-EquilibriumProcessing

    * International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

    * International Journal of Nonlinear Sciencesand Numerical Simulation

    * International Journal of Nuclear Desalination

    International Journal of Nuclear EnergyScience and Technology

    International Journal of Nuclear Governance,Economy and Ecology

    International Journal of Nuclear HydrogenProduction and Applications

    International Journal of Nuclear KnowledgeManagement

    International Journal of Nuclear Law

    * International Journal of Numerical Methodsfor Heat & Fluid Flow

    * International Journal of Numerical Modelling:Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields

    International Journal of Ocean SystemsManagement

    International Journal of Online Engineering

    International Journal of Open Source Software& Processes

    International Journal of Operational Research

    International Journal of Operations &Production Management

    International Journal of Organizational Analysis

    International Journal of OrganizationalInnovation

    International Journal of OrganizationalInnovation

    * International Journal of ParallelProgramming

    * International Journal of Pattern Recognitionand Artificial Intelligence

    International Journal of Pervasive Computingand Communications

    International Journal of Pharmaceutical andHealthcare Marketing

    International Journal of Physical Distribution &Logistics Management

    * International Journal of Plasticity

    International Journal of PostharvestTechnology and Innovation

    * International Journal of Power and EnergySystems

    International Journal of Power Electronics

    International Journal of Precision Engineeringand Manufacturing

    International Journal of Precision Technology

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    International Journal of Pressure Vessels andPiping

    International Journal of Private Law

    International Journal of Process Managementand Benchmarking

    International Journal of ProcurementManagement

    International Journal of Product Development

    International Journal of Product LifecycleManagement

    * International Journal of ProductionEconomics

    * International Journal of Production Research

    International Journal of Productivity and QualityManagement

    International Journal of Project Management

    International Journal of Project Organisationand Management

    International Journal of Public Policy

    International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management

    International Journal of Quality & ReliabilityManagement

    International Journal of Quality and ServiceSciences

    International Journal of Quantum Information

    International Journal of Radiation Biology

    International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiology Physics

    * International Journal of Radio FrequencyIdentification Technology and Applications

    International Journal of Refractory Metals &Hard Materials

    International Journal of Refrigeration

    International Journal of Reliability and Safety

    International Journal of Remote Sensing

    International Journal of Revenue Management

    * International Journal of RF and MicrowaveComputer-Aided Engineering

    International Journal of Risk Assessment &Management

    * International Journal of Robotics & Automation

    * International Journal of Robotics Research

    * International Journal of Robust andNonlinear Control

    International Journal of Rotating Machinery

    * International Journal of SatelliteCommunications and Networking

    International Journal of Security and Networks

    International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis

    * International Journal of Sensor Networks

    International Journal of Services andOperations Management

    International Journal of Services and Standards

    International Journal of Services Operationsand Informatics

    International Journal of Services Science

    International Journal of Services Technologyand Management

    International Journal of Services, Economicsand Management

    International Journal of Shipping and TransportLogistics

    International Journal of Signal and ImagingSystems Engineering

    International Journal of Simulation & ProcessModelling

    International Journal of Simulation Modelling

    International Journal of Simulation: Systems,Science & Technology

    International Journal of Six Sigma andCompetitive Advantage

    International Journal of Social and HumanisticComputing

    International Journal of Society SystemsScience

    International Journal of Sociotechnology andKnowledge Development

    * International Journal of SoftwareEngineering and Knowledge Engineering

    International Journal of Software Science andComputational Intelligence

    * International Journal of Solar Energy

    International Journal of Solids and Structures

    International Journal of Space Structures

    International Journal of Sport Management andMarketing

    International Journal of Strategic Change

    ManagementInternational Journal of Strategic PropertyManagement

    International Journal of Structural Stability andDynamics

    International Journal of Surface Mining,Reclamation and Environment

    International Journal of Surface Science andEngineering

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    International Journal of Sustainable Design

    International Journal of SustainableDevelopment

    International Journal of Sustainable Economy

    International Journal of SustainableManufacturing

    International Journal of Sustainable Society

    International Journal of Sustainable StrategicManagement

    International Journal of SustainableTransportation

    International Journal of Systems of SystemsEngineering

    * International Journal of Systems Science

    International Journal of Systems, Control andCommunications

    International Journal of Teaching and CaseStudies

    International Journal of Technological Learning,Innovation, and Development

    International Journal of Technology and DesignEducation

    International Journal of Technology andGlobalisation

    International Journal of Technology and HumanInteraction

    International Journal of Technology EnhancedLearning

    * International Journal of TechnologyManagement

    International Journal of TechnologyManagement & Sustainable Development

    International Journal of Technology Marketing

    International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation

    International Journal of Technology, Policy andManagement

    International Journal of Theoretical and AppliedFinance

    International Journal of Theoretical and AppliedMultiscale Mechanics

    * International Journal of Theoretical Physics

    International Journal of Thermal Sciences

    International Journal of Thermophysics

    International Journal of Trade and GlobalMarkets

    International Journal of Trade and GlobalMarkets

    *nternational Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzzinessand Knowledge-Based Systems

    International Journal of Value ChainManagement

    International Journal of Vehicle AutonomousSystems

    International Journal of Vehicle Design

    International Journal of Vehicle Information andCommunication Systems

    * International Journal of Vehicle Noise andVibration

    International Journal of Vehicle Safety

    International Journal of Vehicle SystemsModelling and Testing

    International Journal of Vehicular Technology

    International Journal of Virtual Communitiesand Social Networking

    * International Journal of Virtual Reality

    International Journal of Virtual Technology andMultimedia

    International Journal of Water

    International Journal of Wavelets,Multiresolution and Information Processing

    International Journal of Web and Grid Services

    International Journal of Web BasedCommunities

    International Journal of Web Engineering andTechnology

    International Journal of Web InformationSystems

    International Journal of Web Portals

    International Journal of Web ServicesResearch

    International Journal of Web-Based Learningand Teaching Technologies

    International Journal of Wine BusinessResearch

    * International Journal of Wireless and MobileComputing

    * International Journal of Wireless InformationNetworks

    International Journal of Work Organisation andEmotion

    International Journal of Workplace HealthManagement

    * International Journal on Artificial IntelligenceTools (Architectures, Languages, Algorithms)

    * International Journal on Digital Libraries

    * International Journal on Document Analysisand Recognition

    International Journal on Hydropower & Dams

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    * International Journal on Information andManagement Sciences

    International Journal on Interactive Design andManufacturing (IJIDeM)

    International Journal on Semantic Web andInformation Systems

    * International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer

    International Materials Reviews

    International Oil & Gas Engineering

    International Review of Applied Economics

    International Small Business Journal

    * International Transactions in OperationalResearch

    International Water Power and DamConstruction

    * Internet and Higher Education

    * Internet Reference Services Quarterly

    Internet Research

    * Inverse Problems

    Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa


    IOP Conference Series: Earth andEnvironmental Science

    * Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Iron & Steel Technology

    Ironmaking & Steelmaking

    * ISA TransactionsIshikawajima-Harima Engineering Review


    ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and RemoteSensing

    Israel Journal of Chemistry

    * Issues in Science & TechnologyLibrarianship

    IT Now

    * IT Professional

    IT Week



    IT-Information Technology

    Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika

    Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Elektromekhanika

    Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Energetika

    Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics

    Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth


    Japan and the World Economy

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

    * Japanese Journal of Medical Electronicsand Biological Engineering

    Japanese Railway Engineering

    JEMIC Technical Report

    * JETP Letters

    * JHEP-Journal of High Energy Physics

    JILT-Journal of Information Law & Technology

    JIOS. Journal of Information andOrganizational Sciences

    * JNMM

    * JoDI - Journal of Digital Information

    John Marshall Journal of Computer &Information Law

    * Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest

    Joho Shori


    Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Societyof New South Wales

    Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings)

    Journal for Electrochemistry and PlatingTechnology

    Journal for General Philosophy of Science

    Journal for Global Business Advancement

    Journal for International Business andEntrepreneurship Development

    Journal of Academic Librarianship

    Journal of Academy of Armored ForceEngineering

    Journal of Access Services

    Journal of Accounting and OrganizationChange

    Journal of Accounting Research

    Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology

    Journal of Advanced Materials

    Journal of Aeronautical Materials

    Journal of Aerospace Engineering

    Journal of Aerospace Power

    Journal of Aerospace Quality and Reliability

    Journal of Agricultural & Food Information

    Journal of Aircraft

  • 7/28/2019 List of Journals 2009[1]


    Revised November 2009

    Journal of Algebra and its Applications

    Journal of Algebra and its Applications

    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics

    Journal of Algorithms

    * Journal of Alloys and Compounds

    Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics* Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics

    * Journal of Applied Computer Science

    * Journal of Applied Crystallography

    Journal of Applied Econometrics

    Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

    Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics

    Journal of Applied Information Technology

    Journal of Applied Mathematics and DecisionSciences

    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

    * Journal of Applied Mechanics and TechnicalPhysics

    Journal of Applied Meteorology andClimatology

    Journal of Applied Optics

    * Journal of Applied Physics

    Journal of Applied Polymer Science

    Journal of Applied Probability

    Journal of Applied Sciences

    Journal of Applied Sciences

    * Journal of Applied SpectroscopyJournal of Approximation Theory

    Journal of Architectural and Planning Research

    Journal of Archival Organization

    * Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

    Journal of Asian Economics

    Journal of ASTM International

    Journal of Astronautics

    * Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy

    Journal of Atmospheric and EnviromentalOptics

    Journal of Atmospheric and OceanicTechnology

    * Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-TerrestrialPhysics

    * Journal of Automata, Languages andCombinatorics

    Journal of Automated Methods & Managementin Chemistry

    * Journal of Automated Reasoning

    * Journal of Automation and InformationSciences

    * Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

    Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology