Download - Lions Roar - Middletown Township Public School District · Fashion Tips -Winter Look Book By Maura Derose Turkey Day To emulate Kate Middleton‘s chic, classy, casual style, I belted

Page 1: Lions Roar - Middletown Township Public School District · Fashion Tips -Winter Look Book By Maura Derose Turkey Day To emulate Kate Middleton‘s chic, classy, casual style, I belted

and still some are in local shel-


Many things were lost during the

storm such as photos, cards,

games, windows, beds, personal

items and homes. Do you think

those losses are going to stop

local residents from rebuilding?

Not at all! Superstorm Sandy is

in the top ten highest damage

loses ever recorded but we will

rebuild out state, homes because

of hope. Areas that have under-

gone construction include:

Keansburg, Point Pleasant and

the Seaside Boardwalks. There

is still a lot more work to do but

New Jersey is moving in the right

direction. We are, truly

Stronger than the Storm.

It has been one year since Super-

storm Sandy hit and we are truly

―restoring the shore‖. Although

much of the damage is still not

repaired, many of the victims of

the storm look forward to the

upcoming holiday season. There

are still some things that can

never be replaced.

Superstorm Sandy brought with

it heavy rains, high winds and

storm surges. These surges

caused most of the damage along

the coastline. Water, in the Port

Monmouth area, came across

Route 36 in some areas. This

storm nationally, brought with it

285 deaths and hundreds injured.

Many people lost personal items

such as photo album's, and early

childhood mementos. Many

On December 8th, 2013, Mrs.

Hart, beloved substitute, passed

away. She was an amazing

teacher and human being. She

gave so much of herself and to

the Thorne community. Last

May and June she could be seen

walking the halls of Thorne, say-

ing hello to the students and

staff, and giving out her famous

―pearls of wisdom‖. Always a

smile and a kind word for staff

and students alike; she could put

a smile on your face instantly.

According the obituary from

John E. Day Funeral Home,

Patricia A. Hart, 86, lived a life filled

with all of the joys and blessings

anyone could ask for, with few

sorrows but no regrets, and so we

celebrate her life.

Born in beautiful Long Island City,

NY she had an idyllic childhood and

while attending Wagner College,

met and fell in love with George

Hart. They were married in 1948

and after a little more than a dec-

ade in Fords, NJ, they moved

their growing family to Middletown,


She lost the love of her life in 1986

and devoted the remainder of her

life to her family and her communi-

ty. As a longtime substitute teacher

in the Middletown Township School

District, she taught her last class in

June of this year, believing that the

daily interaction with her students,

kept her young. Known for her

kindness, patience and her 3 R’s;

respect, responsibility and resource-

fulness, former students would go

out of their way to greet her at any

chance encounter.….

We here at Thorne, are blessed

to have known and worked with

Patricia Hart who led a long and

wonderful life. She will be

missed at Thorne Middle School,

but certainly not forgotten.


T H I S I S S U E :




Peer Media-



NBA Article 4

Winter Fash-

ion tips




Snapple Facts 5

Snapple Facts 7

Horoscopes 8

Movie Re-



Lions Roar

W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 E D I T I O N




Movie Reviews


Snapple Facts

Winter Crossword

people said that they can not

wait to have their houses back.

They have been living with

local family members homes

Stronger Than the


Middletown Mayor and the Mid-

dletown Strong Shirt marking one year

anniversary of the storm

Thorne Remembers A Beloved Substitute Teacher

By Ms. Giordano

Page 2: Lions Roar - Middletown Township Public School District · Fashion Tips -Winter Look Book By Maura Derose Turkey Day To emulate Kate Middleton‘s chic, classy, casual style, I belted

PA G E 2 New Jersey Special and Governor Election

By Angelina Cohen

er, Frank Lonegan was a

mayor as well; of Bogata

NJ. Lonegan was in office

for many years, and then

resigned in 2008. After a

little time, he then again

decided to run for the

empty Senate seat.

Chris Christie was placed

in charge of the special

election. He spent approxi-

mately 24 million dollars so

that this election could take

place. Christie received

criticism on his decision to

hold the special election by

his opponents. His oppo-

nents accused him of wast-

ing taxpayer money to

avoid having to share the

ballot with the popular

democratic mayor of New-

ark, Cory Booker. Chris

Christie denied this accusa-


As Election Day ap-

proached, Cory booker and

Steve Lonegan each hope

to fill the one spot for Sen-

ator. When the results

came in it turned out that

Cory Booker has won with

54% of the vote. However

the special election made

On October 28th, a Special

Election took place in the

New Jersey, after NJ State

Senator Frank Lautenberg

died while still serving in

office at the age of 89. A

special election is an elec-

tion held to fill a political

office that has become va-

cant between regularly

scheduled elections. Usual-

ly, a special election would

occur when the incumbent

has died or resigned. The

two candidates for the

election were Cory Booker

and Steve Lonegan.

Before the election, Corey

Booker, a democrat, was

best known as the mayor of

Newark. After the oppor-

tunity of being a candidate

for the NJ Senate he quick-

ly resigned, even though he

said being the mayor of

Newark was one of the

―best experiences of his


Steve Lonegan was the re-

publican candidate for the

race to see who would take

Frank Lautenberg‘s place

for the US Senate. He is 57

years old. Like Cory Book-


history by having the low-

est voter turnout in NJ

State history. (24 %)

Soon after the special

election, Chris Christine

faced democrat Barbara

Buono to see who would

be governor for the next

term in NJ. Chris Chris-

tie won because of Gover-

nor Christies huge popu-

larity overshadowing the

weak democratic political

machine in New jersey.

He owes his victory to

baby boomers and the

elderly. Both victorious

candidates, democrat

Cory Booker and the

Governor Chris Christie

possibly may owe their

victories to the exception-

ally low voter turn out.

What does this say about

our democracy? Will out

generation care more

about who our leader are?

That remains to be seen.

Page 3: Lions Roar - Middletown Township Public School District · Fashion Tips -Winter Look Book By Maura Derose Turkey Day To emulate Kate Middleton‘s chic, classy, casual style, I belted

PA G E 3

―It was Jessie Eisen-

bergh with his

grandfathers watch

in Rome New

York.‖. The audi-

ence sat spell

bound as AJ stood

on the stage of the

Count Basie Thea-

ter holding the

―prediction‖. AJ was given the paper and

thanked for his cooperation by Mike Super

and then returned to his seat.

That night ,not only did the audience get an

amazing show of illusions, but also one of

our own became famous on the stage of

the Count Basie Theater.

On December 9, 2013, the Thorne Peer

Mediators, advised by Ms. Christine

Giordano, were busy at work assembling

holiday treat bags to donate to the

Bridges At The Shore program for their

December run.

The Bridges At The Shore Program, is a

non-profit organization that provides

clothing, toiletries, food and other sup-

plies to people who are homeless in Un-

ion Beach, Keansburg/North Mid-

dletown, Red Bank and Long Branch. In

one month, the volunteers sort dona-

tions, and then the following week, the

Thorne Peer Mediators 2nd Annual Candy Drive to Benefit Bridges At The

Shore Homeless Charity

volunteers do ―runs‖ to each of the

communities mentioned above.

Right before Halloween the Peer Medi-

ators made signs asking for donations

of left over Halloween candy. There

was a reminder during morning an-

nouncements and emails were sent to

staff. Teachers took up collections in

their classes; students saw the signs and

dropped off donations, staff brought in

candy that was not given out to chil-

dren on Halloween this year. By the

time the middle of November came,

over 10 pounds of candy was collected

Step #1—collect candy

Step #2—assemble bags Step #3—give bags to the Bridges


in room 114.

The Peer Mediators came together

again to assemble goodie bags. A

total over 80 bags were packed in

boxes to be handed over to the

Bridges program on December 12.

So to summarize, candy was col-

lected, bags were assembled at

Thorne in order to bring smiles to

the faces of the children who are

part of the Bridges Program.

On October 25, 2013, the Count Basie

Theater in Red Bank had a show where

the lead performer was Mike Super, an

internationally famous magician and win-

ner of Phenomena, which appeared on

NBC last year.

It was a sold out audience that evening.

At the start of the performance, the magi-

cian said he made a prediction back stage

and had it in his hand. He took the paper

and put it in a see through box that was

hanging from a free standing shepherd

hook on stage during the entire show. As

the show continued, people watched in

amazement at all the illusions that Mike

Super performed. He used many audi-

ence members for his illusions. He put a

woman into a long box and then made

the box a 13 inch by 13 inch box. Where

did she go? She made an older woman

levitate on the stage. At the end of the

night, Mike Super said he was going to reveal

his prediction. A ball was thrown backwards

and a gentleman in the audience caught it.

Mike asked him “what do you have in your

house that is special to you that others may

not have?”. The man said “my grandfathers

watch.” That man then threw the ball back-

wards over his head. Another man caught it.

Mike asked him “where was your last vaca-

tion or last time you were away from home?”

The man answered “Rome, New York.” This

man threw the ball backwards over his head

and that is when Thorne student Anthony (AJ)

Mule caught the ball

AJ stood up and was asked ―name your fa-

vorite actor.‖ AJ responded ―Jessie Eisen-

berg‖. Mike Super then asked AJ to come up

on stage. On stage he had AJ help him take

the paper out of the box and reveal the

―prediction‖. The prediction read like the

game Clue and as the paper was revealed it

read like this:

Thorne Student Makes Debut at Count Basie Theater

Page 4: Lions Roar - Middletown Township Public School District · Fashion Tips -Winter Look Book By Maura Derose Turkey Day To emulate Kate Middleton‘s chic, classy, casual style, I belted

P A G E 4

Fashion Tips -Winter Look Book

By Maura Derose

Turkey Day

To emulate Kate Middleton‘s chic, classy, casual style, I belted this sweater dress and threw this camel

coat over it. To combat the chilly weather I wore a cream scarf and gloves. I chose grey tights, cut out

booties and my Longchamp bag. I enjoyed how the cool grey tones of all of these items contrasted with

the warm toned dress and coat. To top off the thanksgiving look, I put on some simple gold jewelry

that tied in with the hardware on my bag and coat.


Decorating for the Holidays

It can be hard to pull of a puffy jacket, but you have to make it work to stay warm. I paired this navy

blue jacket with a plaid (On-trend, might I add!) scarf tied tightly around my neck. This combo was in-

spired by an outfit Olivia Palermo recently wore while walking her dog on a chilly day. I also wore the-

se mint colored jeans and some brown moto boots. This is a great way to transition your fun summer

jeans into the colder months.


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PA G E 5

Snowed In

This outfit was inspired by American Eagle Outfitters most recent ad campaign. I paired my favorite seasonal sweater with

jeans, warm knee-high socks and wintery rubber boots. I also added this fur head band a-la the American Eagle models. This

outfit is perfect for getting in the mood with your loved ones. Reading Christmas books, watching holiday classics, drinking

cocoa, and blasting your favorite carols.

Holiday Partying

This is the perfect outfit for any Christmas party or formal gathering you are attending. I took it a bit literally with the red,

green and gold color scheme, but ‗tis the season! I wore a red lace dress that fit perfectly with the ―fifties hostess‖ look I was

going for. I paired this with a bold green and gold necklace that tied in with my emerald green (the color of the year) clutch.

To tie in with my gold jewelry, I slipped on a gold belt and shoes. This was also the perfect excuse to break out the ultimate

confidence booster- red lipstick. I am looking forward to sporting this look as I host my Christmas party this year and feeling

glamorous as I celebrate with friends.

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P A G E 6

Fashion Tips for the Winter Season

By Amanda Krand


It‘s hard to believe that it is that time of the year again, but it‘s time to pull out

the winter wardrobe. So to help you get ready for the big chill, I‘ve comprised a

top 5 list for the girls and guys of Thorne. Don‘t be afraid to add your own flare

to my suggestions, individuality makes all fashions look great.

Top 5 Best Winter Fashion Tips


1. wear furry boots, not only do they keep you warm but they look great with

everything for the winter season.

2. Faux fur vests (white works great with anything) will dress up any outfit and

keep you cozy on those cold days.

3. Best outfit idea– go with a white tank top with an oversized sweater matched

with your favorite jeggings and a wide belt. (don‘t forget your boots). Plaid

works great for outside activities.

4. Hats and scarves; don‘t be afraid to mix and match for a different look every

day (can‘t go wrong with accessories)

5. Try adding a blazer to change up a pair of jeans and shirt.

Top 5 Best Winter Fashion Tips


1. A colorful and stylish overcoat completes the outfit, sports jacket will dress

up any pair of jeans.

2. Wet weather boots (make sure you have a couple of pairs so you can mix it

up a bit)

3. Sweatshirts and some heavy sweaters can be layered for warmth, a must

have this season.

4. Thick wool scarves (they keep you warm and are very fashionable)

5. Don‘t forget the winter hat; baseball caps are so last season!

Top 2 Fashion Tips For Your Pets

1. Sweaters (nothing wrong with the holiday spirit for pets)

2. Bows (keeps them adorable and ready for any photo opp)

Color Picks For The Season

Blues… any shade words, but look for dark teal, and deep aqua offset

with white to keep it bold.

Deep Reds mixed with black (plaids work great in this combo)

Dark Green matched with light browns and beige.

Light blue and white will go great for a small dog.

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PA G E 7

More than 180 countries celebrate

Earth Day together every April

22nd – True

Tug-of-war was an Olympic sport

in the early 1900s – True

Tigers have striped skin, not just

striped fur – True

Manatees‘ eyes close in a circular

motion, much like the a picture of

a camera – True

Queen Cleopatra of Egypt was not

actually Egyptian, but a Macedonian

Greek – True

Snapple Facts

By Gianna Todaro

History of Hanakkah

by Erica Caposello

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday. It is

celebrated because the victory of

Judah Maccabee‘s Jewish army over

the Greek soldiers and the rededica-

tion of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Hanukkah marks the religious free-

dom of the Jewish community. The

festival pays tribute to the miracle of

Oil. The story is that there was only

enough oil for one day to keep the

Menorah lit but it stayed lit for eight

continuous days. When people cele-

brate Hanukkah a gift is typically given

on each of the eight days. There is a

game called the dreidle game and a

candle is lit on each night of the holi-



By Stephen King

I give Carrie 5 stars. Carrie was honestly

the best book I‘ve ever read. Reading

Carrie sparked my interest to read other

Stephen King books. Carrie is about a

socially awkward 16 year old girl with an

extremely strict and religion centric

mother. Because of her home life every-

body thinks she is a freak and is bullied a

lot at school. In fact Carrie is probably

the main target for bullies at her school,

but unfortunately being pushed too hard

especially at prom leads to a tragedy

which reveals Carrie‘s hidden talent; tele-

kinesis aka the TK gene.The detail the

author used in Carrie such as the prom

scene was just so intense I couldn‘t put

the book down. Normally my parents

advise me to read more and want me to

stop being on my phone so much. For

the whole weekend I was reading Carrie

my parents actually had to ask me to put

the book down a few times. Although

this is a great book and I loved it, it was

a little creepy and may not be suitable

for some readers. There is some mild

language and some descriptions are very

gory. I recommend Carrie to horror

movie lovers like me. Actually if you are

thinking of getting into Stephen King

books I would highly recommend Carrie.

Carrie is Stephen Kings first book and

probably his shortest.

Review by Julia Fuchs

Ketchup was once sold as a medicine

– True

Your big toe only has 2 bones and the

rest have 3 – True

You burn more calories sleeping than

you do watching television – True

It is against the law to use ―The Star

Spangled Banner‖ as dance music in

Massachusetts - True

Meteorologists claim they‘re right 85%

of the time – True




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PA G E 8

Based on Dayita Rao’s 2014


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn (Not

the car company.) December 22 -

January 19

Cupid will certainly be visiting Capri-

corn in 2014! Suggestions of an ending

of a relationship and a new beginning

in relationships so choose your part-

ner wisely this time. Late summer and

early autumn months are the best

times for romance to flourish, but

don‘t let that stop you from going to

all the Thorne dances! Which reminds

me, be sensible with money, even

when you want to spend on lavish gifts

for loved ones. In school you will

continue to impress and make your

presence known: watch out for


Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (Don’t

crack any jokes!) January 20 - Feb-

ruary 18

Aquarius will be under pressure to

meet targets and to perform well in

2014, so place yourself, eat healthy,

exercise plenty and sleep well, be-

cause you could find yourself very

stressed. Anyone is higher authority

will be keeping a eye on you. You may

have to learn a lot of new lessons,

but if you stick to it, you will be fine

because you are smart and capable of

excellent grades. It will be an intense

scholastic year. Careful planning with

your allowance will keep the piggy

bank well fed. WHOAH! You will take

romance seriously on 2014. The sum-

mer months will be very favourable

for attraction and romance: but don‘t

hold back from going to the dances,

like Capricorn!

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (Nothing

fishy going on here!) February 19 -

March 20

Pisces, like Aquarius, you will be very

focused on school matters in 2014.

You will feel the pressures of meeting

deadlines and will be working long

hours. You may feel like you‘re so caught

up with homework, sports or after-

school clubs and not enough time for

video games, tv or hanging out with your

friends. Because of this, you may give

way to more daydreaming but stick to

hard work and it will pay off!

A wonderful opportunity will come

around the middle of the year making

you feel very blessed. You will be able to give friends good advice. You will be

feeling less EMO and more energetic and

happy, especially by avoiding anything not

considered good for you to keep a clear


Aries is ruled by Mars (Not the candy

company!) March 21 - April 19

Aries, you‘re likely to make dramatic

changes at school in 2014. Though you

will be brimming over with confidence,

you will be very concerned with your

self-image: becoming a fashionista, are

you? To others you will appear like Su-

perman or Supergirl, but you will be

trying to cover up weaknesses. Look to

yourself and trustworthy people to work

on those weaknesses and become strong

the right way. You will be very fiery from

July onwards. Take care not to over-

spend your savings this year just to show

off your new things. Your family and

friends will provide you with much relax-

ation and fun, but 2014 will be busy,

indeed, running at a terrific pace for you-

like track and field!

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Yeah baby,

she’s got it!) April 20 - May 20

Taurus can expect a tough year at school

since you will be under a lot of pressure

to perform. At times you will want to

turn your back on your schoolwork,

especially later in the cycle with plenty of

big projects ahead. However, keep your

nose to the grindstone (though that

cliche sounds painful!) and you will be

rewarded very well. Don‘t overspend

this year, even if at times your piggy bank

seems to be doing well and you‘re

tempted to be a shopaholic. There may

be a break-up but only to find someone new who shares your love of fun, laugh-

ter and happiness.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury (Leave

you seeing double.) May 21 - June


In 2014, Gemini will find school work

will require both discipline and structure

which will become challenging. So adapt-

able are you, this won‘t prove too prob-

lematic in the long run, but it will impose

time restraints on the more fun stuff! You will be extremely optimistic this

year about your academic achievements:

other people will be very impressed.

You may influence your friends and

classmates to do the same! Additional

cash may come, especially in the early

months of the year, through a windfall or

lucky break. This will improve your con-

fidence and well-being. Strong indications

of travel, hopefully BEYOND sports

tournaments! Cupid will be working on

you, too, this year and you may find

yourself complimenting others on their

outfits, eyes or dance moves! Keep in

mind that the most favored sign for

Gemini is Libra.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon

(Coyotes beware.) June 22 - July 22

Cancer will witness sudden and dra-

matic changes in school. You will work

extremely hard but enormous success

and rewards will come you way. You

will have your fair share of stress and

authority figures will seem overly criti-

cal, but you will forge ahead! You‘ll be

flexing your mental muscles (Red Bull for the brain?) but will achieve your

goals with your hard work It seems

you will be amassing your allowance

early in the year, but unforeseen ex-

penses may deplete it so hold off on

that shopping spree or new long

board! This will help you avoid feeling

down and withdrawn: seek the compa-

ny of good friends and family foregoing

the expensive outings. If at the dance

Cancer catches someone‘s eye in re-

turn, you will become very loving, and


Horoscope Predictions for 2014 by Yazmin Yilmaz

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P A G E 9


Leo is ruled by the Sun (Don’t forget

your sunscreen.) July 23 - August 22

Leo will face many challenges at school,

in 2014, but will also find new solutions

to problems and his teachers will be

delighted! Even with marked successes,

Leo is likely to completely change ca-

reer choices 2014. Many will try to

change your mind but you will stick to

your gut. The new choice will be very

different, but very fulfilling and deeply

satisfying: You will not look back. Leo

will have to budget more wisely, espe-

cially during the beginning of the year,

so maybe it‘s not time to upgrade to

that new phone. Difficulty in saving may

make you less arrogant. Later in the

year, finances will improve and Leo will

become a happier person, but feel free

to keep the arrogance at bay, The sav-ing period will make you appreciate the

value of things even more. You may

want to volunteer at a local organiza-

tion! The responsibility of a younger

sibling you will make you feel cramped

and as a result may have you making a

lot of fuss. Don‘t keep at this behavior

for long: calm down, talk honestly about

what you‘re feeling and harmony will be


Virgo is ruled by Mercury (Sharing

with Gemini, I guess.) August 23 -

September 22

Virgo will definitely not be shy in 2014,

expanding your social horizons!

Through ―networking‖, the internet

(use caution with this one, of course,)

or even volunteering in the community,

you will be meeting plenty of new

friends! School work will keep you busy,

but it will also be rewarding. You‘ll be

optimistic in 2014 and that will help you

meet challenges head on. Authority

figures bosses will be pleased and you

will be in their favor: You will be dis-

cussed by many in a good way and this

could help you in the future.

(Recommendation letter, maybe?) Plen-

ty of parties for you, which may help

build up your self-esteem, as you‘ll be

very popular: they‘ll be blowing up your


Libra is ruled by Venus (Taurus, too!)

September 23 - October 22

Libra, school will keep you be very busy

in 2014. You will feel challenged and

will have to work very hard to

achieve your goals. Be sure to discuss

any personal conflicts with trusted

authority figures going it alone isn‘t

always possible and seeking advice

may be best. You may also find your-

self in the spotlight for achievement

because of your hard work! Keep

from over-spending or you‘ll find an

empty piggy bank before long! Stay

disciplined with money and your fi-

nances are set to improve in the se-

cond part of 2014. Certain relation-

ships may break up, (friends count,

too!). You will try to keep the peace,

restore and create harmony, but may

need to go with the flow and accept

things for what they are: out with the

old, in with the new!

Scorpio is ruled by Mars (AND

Pluto!) October 23 - November 21

Scorpio will be highly creative in

2014, (look out, art class!) but you

will need determination and persever-

ance with school work. You will be

working long hours, so make sure you

get plenty of rest and avoid sleepless

nights. Scorpio can handle difficult and

complex situations, and your efforts

will be well rewarded in the second

half of the year. Watch your finances,

though they will most likely improve

the latter part of 2014. In love, you

will be happy . Enjoy time together

with family and friends,

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Just

like Pisces!) November 22 - Decem-

ber 21

LOTS of studying and travel are

strongly highlighted for Sagittarius in

2014.You, like Scorpio, will be in a

very creative phase and you may even

make money off of it! Also, you could

easily become engaged in volunteering

for your community, perhaps helping

with the elderly or giving advice to

younger kids. Watch out for a chance

meeting with an ex whom you dam-

aged emotionally in the past: that

friend may be holding a grudge still.

There may be an undercurrent of

jealousy, so its best to talk things out.

A small inheritance or gift is coming

your way in 2014, particularly in the

later summer early autumn months.

You will finding ways to save rather

spend it: You might even ask a parent

or relative to show you how to invest


Good Luck in 2014!

By the way, you may want to eat cer-

tain ―good luck‖ foods for year end,

such as grapes (I have 12: one for each

month), pork or fish and if you‘re vege-

tarian, black-eyed peas (not the group!),

lentils or greens. You‘ll have an excuse

to lay low and do (pretty much) noth-

ing. A lot of info out there said not to

do laundry or dishes (since you ―wash

away‖ luck, not to take anything out of

the house (including trash) and not to

wash your hair. So warn your parents

that you‘ll be postponing those chores!

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Restaurant Reviews

PA G E 1 0

Toscanella Village Café

By Gianna Todaro

Recently my family and I visited

the Toscanella Village Café lo-

cated on Kings Highway. This is

a family-friendly restaurant that

serves pizza, chicken, veal, sea-

food, and pasta. They also serve

a variety of European pastries

and gelato (Italian ice cream.)

This restaurant has good ser-

vice, great desserts, and big

portions. You will definitely be

bringing a doggy bag home with

you for dinner the next day. On

the other hand, it is not

inexpensive. Appetizers

were around $10, and

entrees were $16-$20.

Dinner for four could

easily exceed $100. If

you and your family are

on a budget consider

going by for just coffee and des-

sert. Overall my family gave the

food a B.

the message is like no other. It

shows the power of love be-

tween sister. So go see this

movie with your sibling or

friend. You will not be disap-


3 1/2 stars out of 5

Do not let the title fool you,

this move will warm your heart

and make you want to give your

sister a hug!

The soundtrack of this movie is

great! I guarantee the songs

will be stuck in your head. The

characters are funny and likable;

especially Olaf and Anna.

There are a lot of components

of a typical Disney movie but

Movie Review—Frozen—by Hailey Drake

Before I start ―Carrie‖ is an

R-Rated movie. This review

is not advising anybody to

see it. If you do want to go

see ―Carrie‖ go with your

parents. My parents went

with me, simply because I

read the book and I am a

Chloe Grace Moretz and

Stephen King fan.

Most people think remakes

of a movie are not as good

as the original. In my opinion

the 2013 version of ―Carrie‖

is a million times better than

the original movie. Carrie is

about a socially awkward 16

year old girl with an ex-

tremely strict and religion

centric mother. Because of

her home life everybody

thinks she is a freak and is

bullied a lot at school. In fact

Carrie is probably the main

Movie Review: Carrie Original vs. Remake By Julia Fuchs

target for bullies at her

school, but unfortunately

being pushed too hard espe-

cially at prom leads to a trag-

edy which reveals Carrie‘s

hidden talent; telekinesis aka

the TK gene. The 2013 ver-

sion is better in my opinion

too because it‘s more mod-

ern, and in my opinion 2013

Carrie is more accurate to

the book. My personal re-

view of the 1976 Carrie have

nothing to do with me being

a fan of Chloe Grace

Moretz fan, my only real

problem with the original

Carrie is that it‘s too out-

dated and a few parts were

very off in accuracy. All in

all they were both great

movies, however I would

give 2013 Carrie 5 stars

and 1976 Carrie 4 stars.

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Book worms and film fanatics are made up of

a large amount of people. There are mil-

lions of movie cons and book signings all

over the world. Now which is better?

Books or movies?

For myself, I would have to say while I am a

huge fan of movies, having been to a few

horror movie cons and met my favorite

movie stars, I also tend to be a huge book

worm. I have also attended many book sign-

ings. In my personal opinion, I believe that

no matter how good the movie is, the book

is always better. Who am I to voice my

opinion? I love books just as much as I love

movies. To get some closure, I have inter-

views from my best friend, Jasmine Emerson,

and my own brother Patrick Fuchs.

As always, the ―Q‖ stands for QUESTION

and the ―J‖ will stand for Jasmine and the ―P‖

will stand for Patrick.

Q. Which is better, books or movies?

J. ―books, always books.‖

P. ―It depends which series, but normally


Q. Have you ever watched a movie that was

better than the book it was based off of?

J. ―No.‖

P: ―no, as I said before in my opinion books

are always better.

P: What is your favorite book that was based

off of a movie?

J: ―Twilight. The books were better espe-

cially the third one (was my personal fa-


P: I actually prefer comics, so the Dark

Knight series is my favorite.

So it looks like the book worms win the battle!

Sorry film fanatics. Don‘t get me wrong, many

movies based off of books are great, but the

books are always better!



By Julia Fuchs

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Say What!

By James Davis

Many NFL teams have high hopes for

the Super bowl this year, but will they

have to play in the snow for what could

be a Storm bowl?!

Once the Super bowl was voted to be held

at met Life Stadium, much more was being

talked about than just who was going to play

there. Last February, more that a year away

from the actual date, thoughts were already

put in the air: What is there was going to be

bad weather? It was true that the Easter

coast of the US during February is known for

having snow storms and nor-easter. After

all, that‘s why it is called a nor‘easter. So

this year is bound to be a super bowl for the


Late August was when the first ―real‖ insane

prediction was made, this time by the Farm-

ers Almanac. Some of these predictions

described that day to be ―piercing and bitter-

ly cold‖. There could even be three feet of

snow from the Midwest all the way to New

England. This could result in even suspending

the Super Bowl for another week. This could

lead in destroying a huge tradition when the

Super bowl would be played on the first Sun-

day of February (this year it is on February

2nd). This may sound like it is crazy, but any-

thing can happen; even a single prediction

causing havoc around America‘s best sports


In the end, this could be a crazy year of foot-

ball. After all, it has been 47 years since the

Super bowl has been played in the snow. This

is just adding one more part of the puzzle that

has millions of pieces. Nobody really knows

what could happen in such a bizarre scenario

but there is more football to be played before

that! Maybe there can be a ―Storm Bowl‖ for

the ages but you really do not know until it

actually happens. This year the NFL is on

track to have a Super bowl for the ages.


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By James Davis

The NBA season is still in its prime, the playoffs

are not until late May! Still though, a lot of ques-

tions are to be answered and some questions are

just commencing. So far, the NBA is the third

largest sport in America and it could even go far-

ther up in the rankings. The NBA commissioner,

David Stern will retire after this season. Many

people want answers, and the 2013-2014 is pre-

dicted to be a magical tale with many stories to be


One of the main topics that people are asking is:

Can the Miami Heat successfully pull off the three

peat? Only two other teams have made this

achievement: the Chicago Bulls, twice in the Mi-

chael Jordan era. The Boston Celtics have also

pulled this off, eight times in a row! So far this

might be the Heat‘s last hope of greatness for

another decade. This is because the heat‘s big

three in Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade, and LeBron

James all have the freedom to leave Miami in free

agency this year. In this case for the heat, it‘s

three-peat or bust.

Another accruing question is how well the Chica-

go Bull‘s point guard Derrick Rose will return.

After his injury two years ago in the 2011-2012

NBA playoffs against the Philadelphia 76ers. The

Bulls lost that round 4-1 and ever since, Rose has

been training as hard as he could to get back out

on the court. Some thought that Rose would

come back late in the next regular season when

he pulled off an incredible dunk in pregame warm

ups. Sadly he did not return even in the playoffs!

He has made it back though in the 2013-2014 sea-

son. Former Bulls superstar Scottie Pippin has faith

in Rose coming back and winning the title with the

Bulls. There are many beliefs and doubts in the

come back from this NBA superstar.

There are many mixed emotions about whether

bad teams should hold back and maybe get a good

lottery pick in the next draft or if they should try

and maybe gain some luck. The next draft is filled

with start potential with Andrew Wiggins, Jabari

Parker, Doug McDermott, Marcus Smart, Aaron

Gordon, Julius Randle, and so many more top

prospects not just in the country but all around the

world! Some like Dario Saric from Croatia and

Mario Hezonja also from Croatia could be first

round draft picks that can help support teams.

Before the draft even being there is one final hot

topic to occur during the offseason: Free Agency.

Superstars such as LeBron James, Dwayne Wade,

Chris Bosh, Tony Parker, Kobe Bryant, Jamal

Crawford, lance Stevenson, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce,

Rudy Gay, Carmelo Anthony, Dirk Nowitzki, Zach

Randolph, and so many more players that could

make a huge impact on many teams in the NBA if

they leave their team.

Many new changes are coming to the NBA, some

might even have the ability to change the whole

league! With the MBA, many stories are till to be

written. As the legacy of one of American‘s best

leagues moves on into a very bright future.


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NFL Predictions from Week 12

By Anthony Mule

Hey all you football fans out there! It‘s time for the

first edition of ―NFL Overview‖, a overview of the 32

teams in the NFL as of week 12. with my predictions

for the playoffs and conference titles.


Patriots: The patriots have been a team to watch this

season. They have been sensational at home going 6-0

with some miraculous wins against the Saints and

Broncos. But it hasn‘t been so easy for the star QB

Tom Brady who lost almost all of his star wide outs.

They will be a team to watch in the playoffs, but with

the Broncos in the same conference, I think they lose

in the AFC Championship.

Projected record: 11-5

Playoffs: Make playoffs, 2 seed, Lose in AFC Champion-

ship to Broncos

Jets: The Jets have been a surprise to everybody this

year because they have a good chance of making the

playoffs after being ranked last in the preseason power

rankings. They are the most penalized team in the

NFL.. Their starting QB Geno Smith has the most

INT‘S in the league. It would take a miracle for the Jets

to make the playoffs.

Projected record: 7-9

Playoffs: Don‘t Make the playoffs

Miami: Miami isn‘t having the season everyone ex-

pected they would have. With bringing in Mike Wal-

lace and Dustin Keller on offense including their first

round draft pick Lamar Miller and all the weapons on

defense such as Cameron Wake and Brent Grimes, the

Miami dolphins were set to triumph the leader of the

AFC East for nearly a decade, New England Patriots. It

hasn‘t gone that way at all. Miami has a 5-6 record, 0-2

in the division, Dustin Keller out for the season and

not mention the conflict between Jonathan Martin and

Richie Incognito. With all that being said, I believe that

Miami will not make the playoffs this year, but next

year, they will most likely get a top 10 draft pick and

with all the QB‘S coming out, the Dolphins may have a

good chance next year.

Projected Record: 8-8

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Bills: The Bills, like the dolphins, also had high hopes

this year. With picking up EJ Manuel in the draft along

with CJ Spiller in the backfield that season and not to

mention the defensive weapons such as Mario Williams

and Jairus Byrd. That was all cast aside as the Bills are

now 4-7 with their playoffs hopes crushed. What hap-

pened? Well, EJ Manuel never lived up to the hype. He

got hurt during preseason so he was not 100% and did not put

that good of numbers for the offense. And they barely gave the

ball to CJ. They gave it to Fred Jackson who has been a consistent

player the entire year but not enough to save the offense. The

defense is ranked 23rd in rushing defense and 16th in total yards,

so the defense never produced the same as the offense. So with

that, the bills don‘t even get over .500 on the season.

Projected Record: 6-12

Playoffs: Don‘t make it


Bengals: The Bengals have had a pretty decent season so far go-

ing 7-4 through 12 games. But they‘ve had their ups and downs.

First off, Andy Dalton has not been consistent this year and

they‘ve lost 4 bad games to Chicago, Cleveland, Miami and Balti-

more. Not to mention they are 21st in rushing even with Benjar-

vus Green-Ellis and their 2nd round draft pick, Giovanni Bernard.

But, I still think the Bengals will win 4 out of 5 of the rest of their

games and win the AFC North. Don‘t get too excited Bengals

fans because your season ends in the Queen city from a visit from

the Chiefs.

Projected Record: 11-5

Playoffs: 3rd seed, Lose in Wild Card to Chiefs

Ravens: The reigning super bowl champs. Who would‘ve thought

that they would be 2nd in the division behind the Bengals. Maybe

it has to do with Ray Rice doing next to nothing this season and

the defense being atrocious after losing their hall of fame line-

backer Ray Lewis and Safety Ed Reed. Flacco hasn‘t done anything

this year with only 15 TD‘s and 14 INT‘s not to mention 37

sacks. So, will the Ravens be able to grab that last wild card spot?

Yes. They have the tiebreaker over the jets, Miami and Cincinnati.

But will lose to the AFC South champion Colts in the playoffs.

Projected Record: 9-7

Playoffs: 6th seed, lose in Wild Card to Colts

Steelers: 6 time super bowl winning Steelers aren‘t going there

this year. I think they will lose the rest of their games giving them

a 6-10 record. Why? Because Big Ben has done nothing, they got

no rushing game even with draft pick Le‘veon Bell and the de-

fense has been average when they needed to be above average.

And with the ravens and Bengals in the division, it‘s not looking

good for the Terrible Towel waving Steelers.

Projected Record: 6-10

Playoffs: Don‘t make it

Browns: It hasn‘t been a great season for the ―Dawg House‖.

With a 4-7 record, and no chance of making the playoffs, the

Browns should be looking to next year. They probably were

looking to next year in week 4 when they traded star running

back Trent Richardson and QB Brandon Hoyer and, Brandon

Weede. The browns should be looking for a QB in the draft, and

they won‘t be hard to find.

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Projected Record: 5-11

Playoffs: Don‘t make it


Colts: Colts have been a powerhouse team in the AFC this

year. With Andrew Luck under center and In the backfield

Trent Richardson and the surprise of Donald Brown not to

mention that stout line only giving up 24 sacks this year which is

average. But they have had some pretty ugly losses to the Rams

and Cardinals. And when i say ugly i mean ugly, giving up 35+

points in the two losses. Even with this, I believe the Colts will

win the AFC South over the titans and after beating the Ravens

in the Wild Card, they will lose to the patriots in the divisional


Projected Record: 11-5

Playoffs: Lost in Divisional round to Patriots

Titans: The titans have also been a surprise this year going 3-1

in the first 4 games. But, it was all downhill from there going 2-5

in the last 7 games. How? Well with Jake Locker out for the

season in week 4 and Chris Johnson being inconsistent, it went

all downhill. Their defense… they‘ve been having a good year by

going 11th in total defense and 8th in passing defense. But it is

too late to mount a playoff run. I have the Titans finishing a

game under .500.

Projected Record: 7-9

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Jaguars: Where did it go wrong for this team. They went 0-8

before the bye. From Gabbert being a terrible QB to Jones-

Drew doing nothing along with only having a scoring average of

12.9, the jaguars were doomed from week 1. They‘ve gotten

some pride the last few weeks going 2-1 but as you can imagine,

it is way too late for the Jaguars.

Projected Record: 4-12

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Texans: What happened with this team? The Texans last year

went 12-4 and a playoff berth. They beat Cincinnati in the Wild

Card but lost to the Patriots in the Divisional. Now, they‘re

looking forward to the draft. What happened to them? Well, for

starters, Schaub got hurt in week 5 and it might have been a

good thing. Let me put it this way. Schaub threw a pick 6 in 4

straight games for the Texans. Arian Foster got hurt in the mid-

dle of the season, and was done after surgery for the rest of the

season. Even with this The defense has been outstanding being

ranked 3rd in total yards defense and 2nd in passing de-

fense. But you can‘t win with only a defense, and that‘s why the

Texans are getting a top 5 draft pick.

Projected Record: 3-13

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs


Broncos: The Broncos have been better than good they‘ve been

absolutely outstanding. With soon to be hall of fame QB Peyton

Manning who is having the greatest season for a QB in NFL his-

tory and in the back field the speedy hands back Knowshon

Moreno and that offensive line who has only let up 15 sacks and

none against the Chiefs, I say this team going to the Super Bowl.

Why do I say this? Well first of all they are definitely making the

playoffs unless they lose the rest of their games and everyone else

loses. They will get a first round bye and then play the Kansas City

Chiefs in the Divisional. And since they already beat Kansas City

in Denver this season, I smell a deja vu moment in that game with

the Broncos coming out on top. Finally, the Broncos will have to

topple the 2 seed Patriots to get to the Super Bowl in the AFC

Conference Championship. Even though Brady got the better of

Manning and beat him in week 11 during the season, in Manning

vs. Brady 15 Manning pulls it out in the Mile High. To the Super

Bowl go the Broncos who face the NFC champion Seahawks.

What happens? Let‘s just say Manning needs to figure out where

to put another ring on his hand.

Projected Record: 13-3

Playoffs: make the playoffs, 1 seed, win in Super Bowl to Seahawks

Chiefs: What a surprise the Chiefs have been this year. With Alex

Smith having a decent year and Jamaal Charles having a breakout

year, and not to mention one of the best defenses in the league,

the Chiefs were the only undefeated team through 9 games. But it

has been slowed down by two losses to the Broncos and

Chargers. I still think that the Chiefs make the playoffs by grabbing

the 5 seed and beating the Bengals in the Wild Card but lose to

the Broncos in the Divisional.

Projected Record: 10-6

Playoffs: 5 seed, lose in Divisional to Broncos

Chargers: The Chargers have also been a team on the rise this

year being 5th in total offense, and 4th in passing behind the

throwing arm of Phillip Rivers and the running legs of Ryan Mat-

thews. with a 5-6 record, the Chargers have a good shot of mak-

ing the playoffs. But will they? I say no. look, the Chiefs are obvi-

ously getting the first wild card spot with a 3 game lead over the 6

seed. So that leaves the 6 seed to the Ravens, Jets, Chargers, Ti-

tans, and Dolphins. And like I said before, i believe that the Ravens

will grab that 6 seed.

Projected Record: 7-9

Playoffs: Don‘t Make the Playoffs

Raiders: The Raiders are not having a breakout season unlike oth-

er teams in the AFC. With a 4-7 record and an unheard of QB in

Matt McGloin. There‘s really nothing else to say about this team

because they‘ve been about average even with a bad record. All I

have to say is, get a qb Raiders! And look forward to next year


Projected Record: 5-11

Playoffs: Don‘t make the Playoffs


Cowboys: The Cowboys even with a 6-5 record is the leader of

the division. That right there tells you how bad this division is. Yet

I still think the Eagles will win this division. Why? The cowboys

have a tough schedule with the Bears, Packers, Redskins, Eagles,

also the Cowboys defense has been a disaster after firing defen-

sive coordinator Rob Ryan. So no, I don‘t think the Cowboys win

the division but, I still believe they grab the 6 seed and face the

Lions in the Wild Card, where Matthew Stafford gets his first

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Continued from page 9

playoff win.

Projected Record: 10-6

Playoffs: 6 seed, lose in wild card to Lions

Eagles: The Eagles did not jump out to a good start going

3-5 in their first 8 games with Mike Vick under center.

When Vick got hurt, Nick Foles came in and got hot. In

the last 3 games, he went 3-0 with 932 yards, 10 td‘s and

0 INT‘s. One game he got 406 yards and 7 TD‘sin the

first 3 quarters! So with Nick Foles under center and the

other weapons on offense such as Lesean McCoy and

Desean Jackson, it would be a miracle if they didn‘t win

the division. But in the playoffs, they have to first the 1

ranked defense Panthers. I say the streak ends here and

The Eagles season ends here.

Projected Record: 11-5

Playoffs: 4 seed, Lose in wild card to Panthers

Giants: The 4 time Super Bowl winning Giants are now

fighting for the 6 seed in the NFC Playoffs. But that was

probably interrupted by the loss to the Cowboys in week

12. So what happened to this team? Well first of ALL, the

offense is a complete mess. Eli has the most turnovers in

the league, they don‘t have a running back in David Wil-

son and Andre brown, and Hakeem Nicks hasn‘t scored

a td yet this season. The defense hasn‘t has the pass rush

they‘ve always had with only 20 sacks. So is it the end of

Big Blue? Well not entirely. Unless they get a new coach

and running back in the offseason, I don‘t see this team

going anywhere.

Projected Record: 7-9

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Redskins: I‘m feeling a little repetitiveness here. Because

it looks like the Redskins season is going the same as the

Giants. The QB is having a horrendous season and the

defense is doing terrible. It seems like the only thing that

the redskins can do is run because they have the 1 run-

ning game in the NFL. So what can this team do to save

their franchise? Well first off, RGIII needs to step up and

take control of that offense. And with the running game

alongside him, the offense will be unstoppable. Get a cou-

ple of defensive lineman in the draft or free agency, and I

like this team next year.

Projected Record: 4-12

Playoffs: Don‘t make playoffs

NFC North

Lions: The Lions have been hot and cold this season, win-

ning some great games but losing some close ones. Still,

they have a respectable 7-5 record and 1st place in the

NFC North. With Matthew Stafford, Calvin Johnson and

Reggie bush on offense and Ndamukong Suh, Nick Fairley

and the INT‘s leader Brandon Levy, I think this team makes it to

the playoffs. I already said that they would beat the Cowboys in

the Wild Card, so now on to the Divisional round to vs the

Saints. Even though the Lions have a stacked offense, Drew Brees

and the Saints can tear any defense apart in the passing game,

especially since Detroit has their pass defense at 26th in the

league. So that‘s where the Lions season ends.

Projected record: 10-6

Playoffs: 3 seed, lose to Saints in Divisional

Packers: The Packers were off to a hot start, as usual, going 5-2 in

the first 7 games. Then in week 8, something terrible happened.

Something that would ruin the Packers season. Aaron Rodgers

was hurt. A broken collarbone, out until the last few weeks of

the season. After Rodgers got hurt, the Packers went 0-3-1, yes

that 1 means a tie, after Rodgers got hurt. With Scott Tolzien

under center and Rodgers having a little bit of recovery but will

still be out for a while, I say the Packers playoff run is over.

Projected Record: 7-8-1

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Bears: The Bear‘s season has not gone as planned. With QB Jay

Cutler out for most of the season, Josh McCown has taken the

reigns as qb and has done a pretty good job. A good enough job

to propel the Bears to 2nd in the division with a 6-6 record. But I

don‘t think that the Bears will make it to the playoffs. The offense

isn‘t producing that big of numbers, and when they do, the de-

fense lets more up. Even though there are a lot of turnovers and

TD‘sfor the defense, they do let up a lot of points, giving up 20+

points in all of the games they‘ve played. I believe that the Bears

can only win when the defense prevails. And so far, that hasn‘t


Projected record: 8-8

Playoffs: don‘t make the playoffs

Vikings: The Vikings season has been dreadful. With a 3-8-1 rec-

ord, and no chance of making the playoffs, the Vikings have to

start looking for a QB. With one of the best running backs in

history Adrian Peterson, if they get a good QB, I can see this

team going to the playoffs next year.

Projected Record: 4-11-1



Saints: The Saints, who should be undefeated at this point, are

sitting pretty at 9-2 and first place in the division. They lost to the

Patriots in the final seconds and a bad loss on the road in the Big

Apple to the Jets. With soon to be Hall of Fame QB Drew Brees,

Darren Sproles and star tight end Jimmy Graham, the saints are

obviously making the playoffs. Now, on to the playoffs. They get a

first round bye in the Wild Card, and then the saints play the

Lions. And with the 2nd best passing offense against the 26th

ranked passing defense of the Lions, the Saints win easy in De-

troit. That brings us to the Seahawks in the NFC Conference

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Championship. Even with the Saints having Drew Brees and the

2nd best passing offense, the Legion of Boom and Russell Wil-

son prevail in Seattle.

Projected Record: 13-3

Playoffs: 2 seed, lose to Seahawks in NFC Championship

Panthers: Boy, have the Panthers been a surprise this year. after

the Panthers started out the season 1-3 and not looking good

with the Saints in the division, the Panthers got red hot going on

a 7 game win streak and holding a 5 seed. With Cam Newton

under center running and throwing the ball and then the #1

ranked defense on the other side of the ball, the Panthers are

going to the playoffs. In the playoffs, they take care of the Eagles

in the wild card and then go on to play the Seahawks in the Di-

visional. And lets be honest, even though they have the #1

ranked defense and Cam newton, the Seahawks are an unstop-

pable force on defense and offense. This is where the Cinderella

story ends for the panthers.

Projected Record: 12-4

Playoffs: 5 seed, lose to Seahawks in Divisional

Buccaneers: It hasn‘t been a good season this year for the Bucs

going 0-8 in the first half of the season. with Josh Freeman trad-

ed and rookie Mike Glennon at QB, not to mention Doug mar-

tin out for the season, it looked like the Bucs had given up. But

that wasn‘t the case. after the first half of the season, the Bucs

have gotten a 3 game win streak going on. It‘s obviously too late

but, at least they get a little pride before the season ends,

Projected Record: 4-12

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Falcons: What happened to the Falcons? After going to the NFC

Championship last year but losing to the 49ers, the hopes were

high for the Falcons. But those hopes were quickly crushed,

after going 1-4 before the bye then 1-6 after the bye. So what

exactly happened? The passing has been there with the 5th best

pass offense in the league. That‘s the only thing that's gone good

for the Falcons. they are 26th in total yards defense, 20th in

passing defense, 30th in rushing defense, and 29th in rushing

offense. you‘re not going to win many games with those stats.

And the Falcons are a fine example of that.

Projected Record: 3-13

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs


Seahawks: The Seahawks are an unbelievable team this year,

going 10-1 and having one of the best defensive and offensive

seasons i have ever seen. With one of the best QB-RB tandems

in the league in Wilson and Lynch, and the #1 pass defense in

the league, no team is going to stop the Seahawks, especially at

home. Since they are obviously going to be the 1 seed, they get

a first round bye and then play the Panthers in the Divisional. If

the Legion of Boom comes up big and the 12th man are a big

factor, which they always are, Seahawks win easy in Seattle.

That leaves the NFC Championship hosting a matchup between

the Seahawks and Saints. Who comes out? well, if the Seahawks

are home, they win. Simple as that. Because the Seahawks have-

n‘t lost a game at home in 2 years. But to make it more interest-

ing, if Wilson has a big game, then I think the Seahawks come out

on top. To the Super Bowl the Seahawks go to face the Broncos

and Peyton Manning. And like i/ mentioned before, Peyton Man-

ning picks apart the Legion of Boom and beats the Seahawks in a

close game 35-32 on a last second Matt Prater field Goal.

Projected Record: 14-2

Playoffs: 1 seed, lose to Broncos in Super Bowl

49ers: The start of the season didn‘t go as planned for the 49ers,

going 1-2 in the first 3 games. But then the 49ers, picked up their

game and won 5 straight games before the bye. But, even with a 7

-4 record and the 6 seed in the playoffs at this point, I still don‘t

think the 49ers make the playoffs. I think they go 2-3 in their last

5 games. Why? They have the 5th worst total yards average and

the 2nd worst pass offense in the NFL. That being said, it‘s the

end of the season for the red and gold.

Projected Record: 9-7

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Cardinals: the Cardinals have also been a surprise this year, going

7-4, and a good chance at a wild card spot. But with the Cowboys

going 10-6 and the Panthers going 12-4 in my book to grab the

last 2 wild card spots, the Cardinals are done. Even though they‘ve

had a pretty good season with good wins in Detroit, Carolina and

Colts, and in the middle of the pack in total yards offense and

passing offense. But those are not good enough numbers to get

into the playoffs, this year at least.

Projected Record: 9-7

Playoffs: Don‘t make the playoffs

Rams: It‘s been an OK season for the Rams going 5-6, but not a

good chance of making the playoffs. They‘ve had some impressive

wins ever since Sam Bradford got hurt against the Colts and

Bears, both games getting over 35 points and a defensive td. Zac

Stacy and Tavon Austin have also had breakout years, both being

absolute powerhouse in catching and running. But it is not enough

for the Rams to make it to the playoffs. Maybe they had to win

some more important games, but it is not happening this year.

Projected Record: 8-8

Playoffs: Don‘t make the Playoffs

Those are the reviews of all the teams and the predictions for

their seasons and the playoff predictions. Next edition will be a

recap of the playoffs and Super Bowl contenders.

Page 18: Lions Roar - Middletown Township Public School District · Fashion Tips -Winter Look Book By Maura Derose Turkey Day To emulate Kate Middleton‘s chic, classy, casual style, I belted

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Across 3. "Oh bring us some 'blank' pudding" 4. bundle up 9. snow-day companion 11. makes edible men 12. Santa's little helper 13. place to roast marshmallows 14. celebrated for eight days 15. "how lovely are your branches" 16. Santa's entryway 17. a gift to unwrap

Down 1. "warm woolen 'blank'" 2. festive, creamy beverage 5. stomach like bowl full of jelly 6. pulled by eight tiny reindeer 7. red-nosed reindeer 8. festive month 10. famous seasonal ballet


Winter Wonderland Crossword

By Maura DeRose

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this page

and enjoy!

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Photo by Dalia Habiby



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