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    the bookwormThe Bookworm

    "Old books are best--how tale and rhymeFloat with us down the stream of time!"

    The Bookworm Bookshopd.1 USA.(415)555-0034Contents

    About the Bookworm Bookshop

    Recent Books

    Upcoming Occasion

    About the Bookworm Bookshop

    From the past early History of the shop, the shop has offered rare and hard-to-find titles for the discerning reader.The shop offers:

    knowledgeable and Motivational.Free coffee and juice for its customersA well-lit reading room so you can "try before you buy"Four Rats trapped in a rattrap

    Working Hours : 11 am to 9 pm on weekdays, 1 pm to 7 pm on weekends,

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    Recent Books(as of 11-March-2013)

    Dan Brown,Angels and Demons

    Jeffery Archer,Sons of Fortune

    Natasha Mostert,Season of the witch

    Dan Brown,The Da vinci Code

  • 7/28/2019 Link on a web page


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    Upcoming Occasion

    The Bookworm will be closedMarch 25 to remove a family of bats that has nested in the tower.We like the company,but not the mess they leave behind!

    The Wednesday Evening Book Reviewmeets,appropriately,on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm for coffee and a round-table discussion.Call the Bookworm for information on joining the group and this week's reading assignment.

    The Children's Hourhappens every Saturday at 1pm and includesreading,games,and other activities.Cookies and milk are served.

    Carole Fenneywill be at the Bookworm on Friday,March21,to read from her book of poemsSpiders in the Web

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    Last updated: 11-March-2013
    Webmaster:Rohit Khatri [email protected]
    copyright 1992 the Bookworm