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Page 1: Lindt Media Plan


Page 2: Lindt Media Plan

Executive Summary 3

Situation Analysis 4

Creative History 6

Media Analysis 7

Geography 8

Timing and Purchase Cycle 9

SWOT Analysis 10

Problem Statement 11

Target Audience 12

Creative Brief 17

Media Mix 18

Works Cited 31

Table of C!tents

Page 3: Lindt Media Plan

The following report was conducted in order to gain valuable insight on key characteristics of Lindt Excellence chocolate bar. The information offers a closer look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Lindt, as well as its main consumer. Research was conducted to analyze geography, timing and purchase cycle, and media analysis. This report will help Lindt Excellence bars increase brand awareness, achieve national distribution, and be seen as a high quality chocolate bar.

For this study we utilized Mintel, MRI+, Ad Spender, Simply Map and other softwares to gain more insight on the brand and its market. We also conducted interviews and questionnaires with the target audience in the form of brand contact audit charts and personal media network charts.

Lindt’s main competitors are Ritter Sport, Ghirardelli, and Godiva. Chocolate is most heavily consumed in the North East region, making this a key market to target. The primary target audience are working women ages 25-54 and the secondary target audience is working men ages 25-54. These consumers value high quality products and often reward themselves for their hard work.

Based on the data, there are a number of suggestions that may help Lindt Excellence achieve the objectives. We plan to advertise using TV, magazines, digital marketing, and point of purchase. We plan to increase reach and frequency in months that have holidays with high candy consumption. With this we intend to reach the target audience in the peak months for chocolate buying.

The majority of the budget will go to traditional media to reach a large portion of the audience at key times. The rest of the budget will go to non-traditional media. Overall this will increase awareness of the brand. Lindt will be seen as a high quality product throughtout the nation using this carfully crafted plan.

Executive Summ"y


Page 4: Lindt Media Plan

Situati! Analysis


• Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars would like to be seen, in the minds of the consumers, as a high quality, premium chocolate bar that can be enjoyed during a special occasion, as well as year-round. Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars want to have a loyal following that not only enjoy an array of gourmet chocolate bars, but also crave them.

• Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars would like to achieve national distribution in 90% of US food and convenience store outlets.• Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars would like to improve brand awareness from 35% to 45% during next calendar year.

Indus#y TrendsMarket size:• Grew 24% from 2009-2014 to reach $21 billion• Sales in box/bag/bar greater than 3.5 oz. lead the category with 41.3% shareIndustry trends: • Growing• Chocolate confectionary growth forecasts $24,921 million by 2019 (Mintel,2014)• Best case: $28,168 million• Worst case: $21,674Marketing Trends:• 0RRG�WR�2UGHU��FRPPXQLFDWH�IXQFWLRQDO�EHQHƓWV�WR�LPSURYH�PRRG�• Let’s Make a Deal- promotional discounts• Never Say Die- updated/revived products

M"keting Objectives

Page 5: Lindt Media Plan

Situati! Analysis


Product,price, place, pr$oti!sLindt Ritter Sport Ghirardelli Godiva

Product High quality, ingredients�(OLPLQDWHV�ELWWHU�ŴDYRUEngages all senses 3.5 oz. bar10 piecesApproximately 20ŴDYRUV

High quality ingredients3.5 oz. bar16 pieces���ŴDYRUV

High quality ingredientsVelvety smooth3.5 oz. bar8 piecesApproximately���ŴDYRUV


Price $3.99* - Standard bar$5.00* - 99% CocoaExcellence Bar

$2.99* $3.95* - Standard bar $4.55*- Intense Dark


Place Grocery StoresOnline Discount Retailers DrugstoresLindt Stores

Online Grocery Stores Discount RetailersDrugstores2IƓFH�6XSSO\�6WRUH

Online Grocery Stores Discount RetailersDrugstores 2IƓFH�6XSSO\�6WRUH Ghirardelli Stores

OnlineDiscount retailersDepartment and specialty storesDrugstoresGodiva stores

Promotions TelevisionPrintSocial Media

TelevisionPrintSocial Media

TelevisionPrintSocial Media

PrintOut of homeTelevisionSocial media

Figure 1: Competition among the Premium Chocolate Industry *Price from company website; could vary at retail stores

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Creative Hist%y


Page 7: Lindt Media Plan

Compared to competitor brands, Lindt Excellence Chocolate spends the most total advertising dollars. Information for Godiva chocolate bars is unavailable, however, Lindt spends the most advertising dollars across all media channels except outdoor advertising compared to Ritter Sport and Ghirardelli bars. These media include network television, cable television, syndication, spot television, and magazine.

Product Total $(000)

Net TV $(000)

Cable TV$ (000)

Syn TV$(000)

Spot TV(000)

Magazine$ (000)


Lindt Excellence 13,743.0 2,860.3 3,670.7 383.1 163.4 6665.5

Ritter Sport 139.5 15 124.4

Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate

4248.1 4,248.1

Grand Total 18,130.6 2,860.3 3,670.7 383.1 178.5 10,913.5 124.4Figure 2: Competitor Spending Chart (AdSpender)


Media Analysis

Page 8: Lindt Media Plan

Ranking Zip CodesCandy and chewing gum (HH Avg)

1 07939, Lyons, NJ $131.82

2 64092, Waldron, MO $131.25

3 22066, Great Falls, VA $129.46

4 07078, Short Hills, NJ $129.28

5 22039, Fairfax Station, VA $129.06

6 10501, Amawalk, NY $128.91

7 94539, Fremont, CA $128.74

8 60043, Kenilworth, IL $127.55

9 76092, Southlake, TX $127.14

10 10514, Chappaqua, NY $127.06

Figure 3: Simply Map HH average for Candy and chewing gum, 2014 by counties)

Figure 4:10 Zip Codes that Spend the Most on Candies


Geo&aphyThis map of the United States shows the Household Averages of 2014 for the amount of money spent on candy and chewing gum. The lighter colors represent lower amounts ($52.84-$89.00) and the darker reds represent higher amounts ($97.82-$116.99). By viewing this map it is clear that the North East region is the highest spending when it comes to candy. The spending is also heavy in certain areas like Northern Nevada, Utah, and Southern California. These household averages represent how much a family/house spent in a year on candy. You can also to tell certain cities with high spending, demonstrated by the darkest red squares. Analyzing MRI+ the Census Region of the North East has an index of 170 making it the region that has the highest consumption of chocolate in the Nation.

Page 9: Lindt Media Plan

Figure 5:Top Weeks Sales for Candy (Nielsen)

Timing and P'chase Cycle


Chocolate confectionery has a loyal consumer base, with leading brands that are widely familiar worldwide (Mintel, Chocolate Confectionary, Feb. 2014) Chocolate is a regularly consumed item in the United States, with heavier demand on key occasions. These times would be holidays that are associated with candy consumption such as, Valentines, Easter, Halloween and Christmas.(See table below).

According to our research, only slightly more than half of consumers eat chocolate weekly (Mintel, Chocolate Confectionary, Feb. �������2XU�ƓQGLQJV�GHPRQVWUDWH�WKDW�����RI�FRQVXPHUV�HDW�FKRFRODWH�DV�D�WUHDW��IROORZHG�E\�����RI�WKHP�HDWLQJ�LW�WR�VDWLVI\�D�craving. This means that people are not buying chocolate all the time, just during a special time or when then really want it, not for every day snacking or enjoyment (Chocolate Confectionary). Also, we found out that millennials are the group less likely to consume chocolate weekly, and people 55-64 are the most likely to eat chocolate in a weekly basis.

Rank Week Ending $ Sales for the week % of total anual sales Season

1 April 19, 2014 $812,674,639 3.9% Passover/Easter

2 Nov. 1, 2014 $787,344,861 3.8% Halloween

3 Feb. 15, 2014 $785,124,148 3.8% Valentine’s Day

4 Dec. 20, 2014 $687,060,284 3.3% Pre-Christmas/Hanukkah

Page 10: Lindt Media Plan


Has an online retail site

Has physical stores

Highest advertising budget in the category


Prices of bars are higher than competitors

There is not a unique element to the product that stands

out in the consumers’ minds

The gourmet chocolate industry has a lot of competition


The industry is expected to grow

Can expand on social media presence

Actively seek to attract male consumers

Can make healthier chocolate bars such as gluten-free,

organic, and low-calorie


High quality cocoa is getting more expensive, which could

affect chocolate prices

No health-conscience edge

Figure 6: SWOT Analysis10

SWOT Analysis

Page 11: Lindt Media Plan

Problem Statement


Increase Brand AwarenessLindt Excellence is a high quality chocolate bar prepared using the most premium ingredients. The brand has been around since 1845; it has reached a certain level of brand equity, but regardless it needs to improve its marketing efforts in order to reach its objective of improving brand awareness to 45% during the next calendar year.

Low Customer LoyaltyThere is a medium level of competition in the chocolate industry, but the trend is increasing. In this industry, consumers usually GHYHORS�D�OR\DOW\�WRZDUGV�FHUWDLQ�EUDQGV��PDNLQJ�LW�GLIƓFXOW�IRU�VPDOOHU�DQG�QHZ�SURGXFHUV�WR�JDLQ�PDUNHW�VKDUH��%HFDXVH�PRVW�RI�the chocolate brands in this category are made from premium ingredients, it is hard to differentiate their brands and gain repeat customers. Lindt Excellence does not have a large loyal customer base continually buying the product and advocating it to others.

Positioning Problem Lindt Excellence’s biggest challenge is to position itself as the favorite brand in the mind of the consumer by differentiating itself from the competition. We want to reach a loyal consumer base that enjoys the product not only during special occasions such as 9DOHQWLQHōV�'D\�RU�&KULVWPDV��EXW�DOVR�RQ�D�GD\�WR�GD\�EDVLV��/LQGW�([FHOOHQFH�LV�QRW�RIWHQ�FKRVHQ�ƓUVW�ZKHQ�LW�FRPHV�WR�FRQVXPHUV�and has the image of being overpriced for the quality.

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T"get Audience


S#ategy and Rati!aleLindt should aim to reach consumers who are willing to pay a premium price for higher quality chocolate. Additionally, they PXVW�EH�ZLOOLQJ�WR�WU\�QHZ�ŴDYRUV�DQG�DSSUHFLDWH�JRRG�FKRFRODWH��2YHUDOO��FKRFRODWH�LV�RIWHQ�XVHG�DV�DQ�HPRWLRQDO�HVFDSH��WKXV�women are the primary target audience. This audience is between the ages of 25 to 54 male and female with a moderate to high paying job. This group is then broken into two types of women; younger, newly engaged women, and older, married women. The engaged women strive to succeed in their careers; they are constantly on the move and enjoy being in love. As for the older women, they have families composed of husbands and two to three children. They work 9-5 jobs and enjoy spending time with WKHLU�IDPLOLHV�RQ�ZHHNQLJKWV�DQG�ZHHNHQGV��7KH\�DUH�RIWHQ�EXV\�UXQQLQJ�HUUDQGV�IRU�WKH�KRXVHKROG�DQG�\RX�FDQ�ƓQG�WKHP�GXULQJ�their free time watching the evening news and reading magazines. Both of these women like to reward themselves for all their hard work by picking up chocolate at the store.

As for the secondary target audience, we move towards men ages 25-54. These men are either engaged or married to the women PHQWLRQHG�HDUOLHU��7KH\�HQMR\�VZHHWV�IURP�WLPH�WR�WLPH��WKHUHIRUH�WKH\�DUH�RIWHQ�IRXQG�LQŴXHQFLQJ�WKHLU�VLJQLƓFDQW�RWKHU�ZKHQ�it comes to the type of sweets the eat. These men are busy with 9-5 jobs, raising the kids, and trying to maintain balance in their OLYHV��7KH\�DOVR�OLNH�WR�UHZDUG�WKHPVHOYHV�IRU�DOO�WKH�KDUG�ZRUN�WKH\�GR�ZLWK�FKRFRODWH��'XULQJ�WKHLU�IUHH�WLPH��\RX�FDQ�ƓQG�WKHP�watching a sports game or reading a business magazine.

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T"get Audience


Prim"y T"getMeet SallySally, age 40, wakes up at 6 A.M. to prepare breakfast for her two children and husband. Her children are ages 7 and 12. She lives in a nice suburban house in the North East region. Sally next drives her children to school while on the way to her business related job. While at work she is likely to venture into the break room for a snack throughout the day. Sally browses through the Internet heavily and plans her next vacation for her family during this break. On her way back home from work, Sally stops at the Mall to pick up some new clothing for her children. She passes by chocolate and sweets stands and picks up some chocolate for her and her family. She comes home and watches Oprah on her DVR while preparing dinner for the family. After dinner they all watch a family show together on TV and she gives her husband and children some chocolate and enjoys a few pieces as well. Sally is very pleased with her family lifestyle. She enjoys being the caretaker, but also treating herself to indulgences when she gets the chance in her busy life. She uses chocolate as an escape from reality to reward herself from the busy day of taking care of her family.

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T"get Audience


Prim"y T"getMeet M(ly0ROO\��DJH�����ZDNHV�XS�LQ�KHU�ORIW�ZLWK�KHU�QHZ�ƓDQF«��6KH�begins to make gluten-free chocolate pancakes for her and KHU�ƓQDQFH�XVLQJ�FKRFRODWH�VKH�ERXJKW�DW�WKH�JURFHU\�VWRUH��She then ventures off to work at a local business. While on her EUHDN�VKH�LV�ŴLSSLQJ�WKURXJK�%ULGDO�0DJD]LQHV�DQG�VQDFNLQJ�LQ�WKH�EUHDN�URRP��'XULQJ�OXQFK�\RX�FDQ�ƓQG�0ROO\�DJDLQ�UHDGLQJ�Bridal Magazines to get ideas for her upcoming wedding. While on her way home from work Molly stops at an outdoor mall to gather items for goody bags for her wedding. While there she decides to pick up some chocolate for herself and for her cooking. When she gets home she watches the news DQG�HQMR\V�WDNH�RXW�GLQQHU�ZLWK�KHU�ƓDQF«��ƓQLVKLQJ�WKH�QLJKW�ZLWK�D�IHZ�PRUH�FKRFRODWHV��$IWHU�GLQQHU��\RX�FDQ�ƓQG�0ROO\�scrolling through online discount sites for new furniture for her loft. Molly is happy with her new life and freedom from college, which she expresses through her individuality and making her own decisions.

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T"get Audience


Bill is a 49-year-old man living in the New York. He has been married for quite some time and has 2 children. Bill is a traveling sales man making a high salary but is often away from home. He spends most of his time in airports and hotels, missing his family. Bill often turns to chocolate for comfort while away from his family. He knows the brand of chocolate he likes and tells his wife to have it for him when he returns KRPH��WKXV�LQŴXHQFLQJ�WKH�SULPDU\�VSHQGHU��%LOO�UHDGV�D�ORW�of magazines and watches a lot of movies due to his long KRXUV�RQ�WKH�SODQH��:KHQ�KH�LV�LQ�WKH�RIƓFH�\RX�FDQ�ƓQG�Bill sneaking to the break room to grab a bar of his favorite chocolate that he told his secretary to get. When arriving home at night, Bill watches a family show and rejoices being home with a sweet treat to end the night.

Meet JeffJeff is a 27-year-old man living in the North East region. He is newly engaged and is madly in love. When he is not thinking, DERXW�KLV�ƓDQF«�KH�LV�DW�WKH�RIƓFH��ZRUNLQJ�D������PRGHUDWHO\�KLJK�SD\LQJ�MRE��'XULQJ�KLV�EUHDN�\RX�FDQ�ƓQG�-HII�UHDGLQJ�through sports and business magazines while shopping online for new basketball shoes. After work Jeff heads to the gym to meet up with his buddies for some basketball. On his way home from the gym, Jeff stops by the drug store to pick up some household necessities. While there, he passes by WKH�FDQG\�VHFWLRQ�DQG�UHDFKHV�GRZQ�WR�JUDE�WKH�ƓUVW�EDU�WKDW�catches his eye. On the way home, he eats the bar, knowing he earned it after his hard day at work and working out. When he gets home he realizes that was the best chocolate bar he had WDVWHG�LQ�D�ZKLOH��+H�WHOOV�KLV�ƓDQF«�DERXW�WKH�EUDQG��DQG�WR�make sure she buys it next time she goes shopping. Jeff ends KLV�QLJKW�VQXJJOHG�RQ�WKH�FRXFK�ZDWFKLQJ�+%2�ZLWK�KLV�ƓDQF«�

Sec!d"y T"getMeet Bill

Page 16: Lindt Media Plan

T"get Audience


Post PurchaseBehavior

Fl)ch"tWorking Women, ages 25-54

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decision

Post PurchaseBehavior

I am craving something sweet, what should I eat?

Problem Recognition Talk to family

about what sweets they like.

Looking for high quality.

Compare Lindt to other brands.

Recognize high price as better


Consumer chooses Lindt

based on quality and attractive


Consumer and her family are happy with the taste of

Lindt.Share their

thoughts with friends.

Info Search

Evaluation of Alternatives

Purchase Decision

I am craving something

sweet but maybe I should get

something for my wife

Problem Recognition Attracted to better

prices, but also wants quality.

Thinks about what his wife would


Compares Lindt to other cheaper

candy.Realizes his wife

would like higher quality.

Looks at the attractiveness of

the Lindt package.Consumer

chooses Lindt due to quality and


Shares Lindt with his wife, gets

good feedback. Continues to buy Lindt and tells his coworkers about


Info Search

Working Men, ages 25-54

Figure 7: Consumer Behavior Chart for primary target audience

Figure 8: Consumer Behavior Chart for secondary target audience

Page 17: Lindt Media Plan

Creative Brief


ProductLindt Excellence Chocolate Bars

Why are we advertising?Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars want to have a loyal following of consumers that not only enjoy an array of gourmet chocolate bars, but also crave them. The brand of chocolate bars would like to achieve national distribution in 90% of US food and convenience store outlets, as well as improve brand awareness from 35% to 45% during next calendar year.

What is the single most important thing we can convey?Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars would like to be seen, in the minds of the consumers, as a high-quality, premium chocolate bar that can be enjoyed during a special occasion, as well as year-round.

Who is our target?Our target is women and men ages 25 to 54 who are educated, engaged or married, working professionals with young children.

Who is our competition?Godiva Chocolate Bars, Ghirardelli Chocolate Bars, and Ritter Sport Chocolate Bars are all bars that have an array RI�ŴDYRUV�DQG�ƓOOLQJV��$V�D�FKRFRODWH�EDU��/LQGW�([FHOOHQFH�must compete amongst all other chocolate and candy products in the industry as well.

How is the brand seen?Lindt Excellence bars would like to continue to be seen as a high-quality, premium chocolate bar, but would like to be seen as the best on the market compared to Ghirardelli, Godiva, and Ritter Sport chocolate bars.

Mandatories: Advertising will be conducted by branding all DGYHUWLVHPHQWV�ZLWK�WKH�EUDQGōV�FKRFRODWH�EDU�VSHFLƓF�ORJR�Tone: Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars are high-quality and premium, which will be conveyed by using an elevated and mature tone of voice that conveys the bars as a luxurious indulgence that can be enjoyed any time.

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Media M*


Traditi!al MediaObjectives:• To increase awareness of Lindt Excellence bars by promoting the product through the usage of TV and Magazines• To make Lindt Excellence chocolate bars desirable in the minds of the consumers by using traditional media that effectively

demonstrates the product’s quality.

1. TVStrategy: We want to use television’s ability to engage audiovisual senses to increase cravings among both the primary and secondary target audiences.Tactic: We will place up to 25 monthly 15-seconds TV spots depending on the month, in early morning talk shows, early morning news shows, news specials and late night talk/variety shows.Rationale: Television is a highly audiovisual medium that can successfully portray Lindt as a premium product and involve the audience’s senses and thus increasing desirability among consumers.

2. MagazinesStrategy: We are using frequently read magazines by women 25-54 to raise awareness about Lindt Excellence bars among the primary target audience.Tactic:�:H�ZLOO�SODFH�IRXU�FRORU��IXOO�SDJH�DGYHUWLVHPHQWV�LQ�&RXQWU\�/LYLQJ��(OOH�'«FRU�DQG�:RUNLQJ�0RP��:H�ZLOO�SODFH�VHYHUDO�units depending on the month, during a year round campaign.Rationale: Magazines are a popular medium among our women 25-54. Furthermore, we believe that magazines printing quality FDQ�VKRZFDVH�/LQGW�([FHOOHQFH�TXDOLW\��:H�FKRVH�VSHFLƓFDOO\�WKHVH�PDJD]LQHV�EHFDXVH�DFFRUGLQJ�WR�05,��RXU�WDUJHW�DXGLHQFH�heavily uses these magazines.

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Media M*


N!-Traditi!al Media

Objectives:• To utilize non-traditional media to interact with consumers hoping to built a relationship with them.

3. Digital MarketingStrategy 1: Use Geotargeting online banner ads and to interact with Lindt consumers in hopes of turning them into loyal users.

Tactic: Geotargeting digital ads are able to directly send an ad to consumers who are around certain areas, so by targeting people LQ�VSHFLƓF�FLWLHV�RU�QHDU�FHUWDLQ�VWRUHV��ZH�FDQ�EHWWHU�UHDFK�RXU�WDUJHW�DXGLHQFH�Rationale: Our target audience, especially the younger spectrum, spends a lot of time online, so geotargeting ads are a great way to get reach those consumers that are close to a purchase point for Lindt Excellence.

Strategy 2: Use YouTube pre-roll ads to interact with Lindt consumers in hopes of turning them into loyal users.

Tactic: By buying pre-roll ads on YouTube, we will be able to reach certain consumers. By having the maximum bid for CPV pre-roll ads at $1, we have the opportunity to reach at least 1,000,000 people.

Rationale: Our non-traditional media is intended to reach the part of our target audience that is not consuming traditional me-dia. Millenials are turning away from television and turning to the internet to satisfy their enterntaiment needs, which is why we think YouTube is a vital component of this campaing.

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Media M*


N!-Traditi!al MediaObjective: • To support Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bars’ national campaign through Point of Purchase advertising, an interactive phone

and PoP structure promotion will kick off in February and end in March, then start back October through December.

Strategy 1:The PoP promotion will be a cardboard structure that features graphics and the logo of the brand, as well as shelves to place the bars. When someone, whose phone is set to accept incoming messages walks by the structure, that person is sent a coupon of 50 cents off one Lindt Excellence Bar.Along with the coupon, a link will also be sent, where people can access Lindt’s website so that consumers can learn more about the brand and product.

Rationale:This PoP promotion will encourage people to try and buy Lindt Excellence Bars because the price is discounted and will potential-ly cost less than competitor brands. It will also put the brand and chocolate bars in the minds of the consumers while shopping. The promotion will occur during October through December because of holidays that take place during those months, including Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. February and March are great months to advertise because of Valentine’s Day and the weeks leading up to Easter. try the variety of bars, and put the brand in their head over other competitor bars that they may not have tried before.

Strategy 2:Lindt will work with grocery stores and discount outlets to have samples of Lindt Chocolate Excellence Bars in stores. The bars will also be placed in close proximity to the tasting area. A buy 2 get one free coupon will also be handed out to people who try the bars.

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Media M*


N!-Traditi!al MediaRationale: Lindt Chocolate Excellence Bar sampling point of purchase advertisements will allow the consumer to try the variety of bars, and put the brand in their head over other competitor bars that they may not have tried before. Since competitor brands have similar EDU�ŴDYRUV��EHLQJ�DEOH�WR�WDVWH�/LQGWōV�EDUV�LV�LPSRUWDQW�VR�WKDW�FRQVXPHUV�FDQ�ƓUVW�KDQG�H[SHULHQFH�WKH�SUHPLXP�TXDOLW\�RI�WKH�bar.

Strategy:On February 13th, Lindt will work with discount retailers to have a Valentine’s Day themed pop-up booth outside of stores. At the booth, shoppers can try the variety of Lindt Excellence bars.After sampling the bars at the branded booth, consumers can go inside the store and buy a bar, and when checking out at the UHJLVWHU��DUH�JLYHQ�D�IUHH�ERXTXHW�RI�ŴRZHUV���:KLOH�DW�WKH�ERRWK��FRQVXPHUV�DUH�WROG�DERXW�WKH�SURPRWLRQ��EX\�D�EDU��JHW�D�bouquet free. Consumers will be encouraged to post on social media to spread the word and use #TheExcellenceOfLove

Rationale9DOHQWLQHōV�'D\�LV�D�KROLGD\�WKDW�FHQWHUV�DURXQG�FKRFRODWH��8VXDOO\��SHRSOH�WKLQN�RI�WUXIŴHV�RU�ER[HG�FKRFRODWH��EXW�E\�OHWWLQJ�FRQVXPHUV�WU\�/LQGW�([FHOOHQFH�EDUV�DQG�KDYLQJ�WKH�LQFHQWLYH�RI�D�IUHH�ERXTXHW�RI�ŴRZHUV�JLYHQ�WR�FRQVXPHUV��/LQGW�LV�encouraging consumers to buy Lindt bars for their Valentine.After trying the bars, Lindt bars are put into the minds of the consumers after having a positive experience and will think about the brand for other holidays as well. By encouraging consumers to use social media, more people will become aware of the booth as well as Lindt Excellence bars.

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Media M*


Reach and Frequency

Objectives:• To obtain a national reach of 70 with a frequency of 3; and spot reach of 80 with a spot frequency of 5 during the medium

consumption months• To obtain a national reach of 80 with a frequency of 4; and spot reach of 85 with a spot frequency of 4 during the high con-

sumption months

Rationale:Based on our budget and campaign goals, we decided to position our reach on the higher end of the spectrum. One of the objectives of the campaign is to achieve national distribution in 90% of US food and convenience store outlets, which is why we believe we need a high reach. Chocolate is a low involvement and low emotion commodity and because of this we need to be aggressive when marketing this type of product. We used the Ostrow Model to decide an effective frequency for the campaign. We planned our campaign based on consumption months. There will be no spot advertising during medium consumption months. Additionaly, there will be no traditional advertising during low consumption months and we will rely solely on non-traditional media to reach our target market during those months. See timing for our rationale of consumption months.

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Media M*


Media BudgetObjective:To effectively use Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bar’s budget through traditional and nontraditional media that prop-erly increases awareness and interest amongst our target market.

Strategies:We are using the majority of our budget on more traditional media such as magazine and television ads in order to reach a large portion of our audience at one time. The rest of the budget is allocated to non- traditional media such as in-store displays and online video.

Rationale:Because of a cluttered and competitive market, we have decided to use the budget on media that will best reach our target audience. We believe that using television, print, point of purchase promotions, and online video will best attract women and en ages 25 to 54 based on their activities and lifestyles.

Media % Alloted $ Allotted $ Used $ Totals Traditional Media

Magazine 25 6,500,000 9,433,200 -2,933,200Natl TV 30 7,800,000 10,312,700 -2,512,700Spot TV 10 2,600,000 1,656,400 943,600

Non-TraditionalDigital Marketing 10 2,600,000 1,030,000 1,570,000YouTube Pre-Roll 1,000,000

Geotargeted Display 30,000Point of Purchase 20 5,200,000 900,000 4,300,000

Contingency 5 1,300,000 1,300,000Total Available 100 26,000,000 24,362,300 2,667,700

Figure 9: Budget Breakdown

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Media M*


Geo&aphyObjective:To increase awareness of Lindt Excellence, the media buys for the brand will be national, but also spot in 7 markets with the highest household average spent on candy and chewing gum.

Strategy:After examining a map of the United States showing the Household Averages of 2014 for the amount of money spent on candy and chewing gum, it was decided to use the top 7 markets that have the greatest average household spending on candy and chewing gum. The 7 markets are: New Jersey, Missouri, Virginia, New York, California, Illinois and Texas. Because Lindt is a well-known brand and top leader in the chocolate industry, a defensive strategy will be utilized. This is to ensure that Lindt remains a leader and maintains its spot within the industry. It does appear as though climate does affect sales. The household averages in the southeast are low compared to other areas, which can be a result of the relatively warm climate. Consumers may worry that the chocolate will melt before they can consume it, so they choose a different type of candy.

Rationale:A national strategy was chosen because Lindt Excellence is sold nationwide, but a spot-strategy was included as well because there are areas that have households with higher averages spent on candy and chewing gum. This information was found from a map of the United States showing the Household Averages of 2014 for the amount of money spent on candy and chewing gum.

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Media M*


Scheduling and TimingObjective:To increase the awareness of Lindt Excellence among men and women ages 25-54 during key months using a pulsing schedule.

Strategy:Because of chocolate seasonality, we will use a pulsing schedule. For the Lindt Excellence schedule, the highest peaks will be during January, February, October, November and December. These months have higher purchase rates because of the holidays during this time. The next highest peaks will be during March, April, May and September, months with holidays where chocolate is purchased but not as often. We will not use traditional media, during June, July, and August.

Rationale:We decided to use a pulsing schedule to make sure our money will be effecetively spend based on chocolate consumption months. There will be peaks with higher amounts of reach and frequency and months with lower reach and frequency; there will be months where traditional media is not purchased, in order to make our budget last. Our research shows that summer is a lower chocolate consumption period due to the heat. We chose a pulsing schedule because there are key times during the year when chocolate consumption is higher, but chocolate is still purchased year round. The highest reach and frequency will be achieved during January, February, October, November and December due to the candy consuming holidays and the increased competition during that time. High reach and frequency will be used to ensure that Lindt Excellence maintains high consumer awareness during these months when many competitors are advertising. March, April, May and September will have a high reach and frequency but not as high as the months previously stated. This is because these months have holidays where chocolate is often purchased, but not as frequent.

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Media M*


Sales Pr$oti!s

Strategy 1A coupon for 50 cents off a Lindt Excellence Chocolate Bar will be sent to shoppers at spot market location stores after passing by a store end cap display.

RationaleBy sending a promotion to shoppers near where Lindt bars are displayed, consumers will be encouraged to try the bar because of the discounted price and the person being near the product.

Strategy 2A buy two get one free promotion will be offered to consumers in spot market locations who taste a sample of Lindt bars.

RationaleAfter trying a bar, consumers will be more likely to buy a bar if their experience is positive. However, to further encourage consumers to buy Lindt, a promotion will make Lindt more attractive to people on the fence who are not sure if they want to spend a higher price for premium chocolate bars.

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Media M*


Sales Pr$oti!s


RationaleValentine’s Day can be a stressful holiday that many people wait last minute to buy gifts for. The promotion will encourage consumers to buy Lindt bars because it is part of a full package gift that is stress-free because it is already thought out. A FKRFRODWH�EDU�DOVR�SURPLVHV�WKH�FRQVXPHU�D�ERXTXHW��VR�WKH\�GR�QRW�KDYH�WR�ZRUU\�DERXW�QRW�EHLQJ�DEOH�WR�ƓQG�RQH�GXULQJ�WKH�busy holiday.

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Goal Sheet


National Goals Budget Spot Goals Budget

Reach Freq GRPS Share Reach Freq [AD] GRPS Share

January 80.0 4.0 320.0 12.6 85.0 4.0 20.0 0.8February 80.0 4.0 320.0 12.6 85.0 4.0 20.0 0.8

March 70.0 3.0 210.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0QTR 1 850.0 33.5 40.0 1.6April 70.0 3.0 210.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0May 70.0 3.0 210.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0June 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0QTR 2 420.0 16.5 0.0 0.0July 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

August 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0September 70.0 3.0 210.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

QTR3 210.0 8.3 0.0 0.0October 80.0 4.0 320.0 12.6 85.0 4.0 20.0 0.8

November 80.0 4.0 320.0 12.6 85.0 4.0 20.0 0.8December 80.0 4.0 320.0 12.6 85.0 4.0 20.0 0.8

QTR 4 960.0 37.8 60.0 2.4Natl totals 2440.0 96.1 Spot totals 100.0 3.9

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Reach Avg Freq GRPS $(000)

Goal Est Goal Est Goal Est Balance Goal Est Balance

Jan 85 84.7 4 3.5 340 295 45 2784.3 2908.1 -123.8Feb 85 84.7 4 3.5 340 295 45 2784.3 2908.1 -123.8Mar 70 69.1 3 2.4 210 165 45 1719.7 1715.5 4.2Apr 70 69.1 3 2.4 210 165 45 1719.7 1715.5 4.2May 70 69.1 3 2.4 210 165 45 1719.7 1715.5 4.2Jun



Sep 70 69.1 3 2.4 210 165 45 1719.7 1715.5 4.2Oct 85 84.7 4 3.5 340 295 45 2784.3 2908.1 -123.8Nov 85 84.7 4 3.5 340 295 45 2784.3 2908.1 -123.8Dec 85 84.7 4 3.5 340 295 45 2784.3 2908.1 -123.8Total 2540 2135 20800 21402.315 -602.315

National Contingency $(000): 3,900

Spot Contingency $(000): 1,300

Current reach and frequency estimation shows traditional portion only


Ye"ly Summ"y

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W%ks Cited


Bars. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from, B. (2015, February 1). Chocolate Confectionery - US - February 2015. Retrieved February 22, 2015, from, B. (2014, April 1). Chocolate Confectionery - US - April 2014. Retrieved February 22, 2015, from, C., & Blatter, R. (2014, January 1). Memberportrait Lindt. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from;&(//(1&(�)ODYRUV���Q�G����5HWULHYHG�)HEUXDU\�����������IURP�KWWS���ZZZ�OLQGWXVD�FRP�VKRS�OLQGW�H[FHOOHQFH��ŴDYRUVAbout EXCELLENCE. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2015, from aboutThe Ghirardelli Difference. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from story/ghirardelli-differenceMRI+ MediaMark. Fall 2013 Product Report. Candy/Sweets/Snacks – Boxed Chocolates: Bought in Last 6 Months Lindt (Original). Retrieved March 1, 2015, from MRI+ MediaMark.Ritter Sport Classic Bars. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2015, from oz./c/RitterSport@ClassicTransport. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from http://www.ritter-

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Diana AbadAlexis CoonsCady Roberts

Shelby Roberts