Download - Light of Vedas September 2015 Issue

  • Light of the Vedas



    Bi-monthly newsletter published by

    American Institute of Vedic Studies

  • Message

    Light of the Vedas September 2015 ISSUE | AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES | PAGE 2

    Namaste Dear Friends and Students!

    It has been an amazing year for us and for our work, particularly in the international context.

    We wish to announce our upcoming India and related retreats for the next six months, for

    those who wish to join us for special programs and personal interaction.

    Vamadeva received the important Padma Bhushan award earlier this year from the President

    of India, Sri Pranab Mukherjee, one of India's highest national awards for distinguished

    service of a high order to the nation. Vamadeva and Shambhavi both spoke at the main

    international conference in Delhi to mark International Yoga Day on June 21 and later had a

    special meeting with the Prime Minister of India, Sri Narendra Modi, which also featured the

    PM honoring Vamadeva's new book, . Since then we have been busy Shiva: The Lord of Yoga

    with new programs and courses.

    We are happy to oer you an important new article of Dr. Frawley, Yoga as Samadhi, in this

    newsletter, which provides extensive new insight on spiritual experiences and altered states of


    For our upcoming programs we have a special year end retreat in Hawaii, on the beautiful

    garden island of Kauai, in a beautiful South Indian style retreat center near the north shore of

    the island, where we will focus on Shiva and Shakti teachings and empowerments. We will

    include a visit to the famous Hinduism Today temple and the world's largest crystal Shiva


    2016 we have two important events in India from late February to mid-March 2016, Shiva

    Ganga Yoga Shakti retreat, at the Glass House on the Ganga above Rishikesh. We also oer a

    Yoga Tandava tour organized by Kapha Collective for those who want to experience of the

    sacred places of Varanasi and Rishikesh and spend time in Delhi, India. Note below for more

    information immediately below.

    Jai Maa Guru!

    Hara Mahadeva!

    Vedacharya Vamadeva Shastri and Yogini Shambhavi Devi

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    Namaste! Aloha!

    We look forward to bringing in 2016 with a deeper

    understanding of our Yoga Shakti celebrations in

    the mystic environs of Kauai, one of the most

    beautiful places on Earth.

    You will be guided to understand the deeper

    teachings of Soma (Divine nectar), Ananda (Divine

    Bliss) and Transcendence through Shiva Jnana and

    Ananda Shakti in the celestial environs of the

    Garden Island of Kauai.

    Experience the blissful

    b e a u t y o f M o t h e r

    Nature in Kauai, tuning

    into the mystical secrets

    o f t r o p i c a l p l a n t s ,

    owers, mountains and

    waters, both around and

    within you. Learn the

    T a n t r i c a n d S o m a

    nature of the Goddess as delightful Sundari,

    celebrating her auspicious and colorful resonance

    through special rituals, mantra and meditation

    and the transformative Sri Vidya.

    The facilities consist of a beautiful India style

    retreat center, not far from the ocean. The last two

    days will be yours to explore this great island. Only

    a small group of dedicated students is allowed as

    the accommodations are limited.

    Yoga Tandava Experience February

    26 March 5, 2016 (7 Mystical

    Nights) Delhi Varanasi


    Immerse and participate in this Sacred sojourn to

    experience the deeper self, understanding one's

    Karma and the Lila or divine play of our individual

    spiritual journey through Delhi, Varanasi and


    We will begin the tour with Akshardham, the

    Swaminarayan temple that epitomizes serenity,

    amazing sacred art and the experience of a boat

    ride down the Saraswati River. The evening

    fountain display is a spectacular show of ancient

    lore of international renown.

    A visit to Shanidham, the Saturn temple on the

    outskirts of Delhi. Saturn represents the power of

    our own actions through discipline and

    conscientiousness. The discipline reinforced

    becomes our karmic

    i m p r i n t f o r s e v e r a l

    l i f e t i m e s . S a t u r n ' s

    initiation ensures we

    master our conscious

    nature to expand the

    powers of truth and

    harmony in lifetimes to


    Varanasi is Shiva's citadel and is unquestionably

    one of the oldest sacred inhabited settlements in

    the world and a contender for the oldest in Asia.

    Every moment in this ancient city unfolds as a

    sacred ritual.

    Rishikesh is the sacred pilgrimage site by the

    sacred Ganga River experiencing the humdrum in

    today's spiritual world.

    Our Main India Event at the Famous

    Glass House on the Ganga | Shiva

    Ganga Yoga Shakti Retreat, India,

    March 5-12, 2016

    Celebrate the auspicious night of Mahashivaratri,

    the great night of Lord Shiva, on the sacred banks

    of Ma Ganga above Rishikesh in the pristine quiet

    Light of the Vedas September 2015 ISSUE | AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES | PAGE 3


  • foothills of the Himalayas!

    Welcome to our divine celebrations, opening up to

    the deeper forces of Shiva as pure Light, and Shakti

    as the transformative Lightning force, by the ever

    owing grace of Ma Ganga.

    The Light of Shiva is the Supreme Universal Light

    of pure consciousness and bliss, from which all

    other forms of light, life and awareness arise.

    Experience the presence of Shiva as the Great Lord

    of Yoga, in the Himalayan foothills by the sacred

    Ganga River. Participate in an all-night celebration

    of Shivaratri with colorful traditional rituals and

    yogic empowerments.

    Discover how honoring Shiva within our hearts

    provides the key to Shakti Sadhana, Yoga Asana,

    Pranayama, Mantra, Meditation and Ayurvedic


    Create an amazing 10x10 foot Shiva-Shakti Yantra

    with just owers, energizing it with Mother

    Nature's ower power.

    Our prayer is for you to experience the sweet bliss

    and abundance of the ow of divine grace on the

    auspicious Mahashivratri puja and celebrations.

    Venue: Immerse in daily rituals, Ganga Arati, and

    Yoga practices at the Neemrana Glass House

    property above Rishikesh in the pristine, mystical

    silence of serene surroundings in the Himalayan



    We are blessed with three very

    auspicious dates during our Shiva

    Ganga celebrations - March 5

    (Saturday) Vijaya Ekadashi |

    March 7 (Monday) Maha Shivaratri

    | March 9 (Wednesday) Surya

    Grahan or Solar Eclipse

    The solar eclipse is a most powerful time to inspire

    and energize your Shakti sadhana. Those only

    attending the Shiva Ganga program will need to

    arrive at Delhi airport on the night of March 4.

    Those attending the Yoga Tandava Program will

    be driven from Rishikesh to the Glass House at 1:00


    For any further information please email :

    [email protected]

    Light of the Vedas September 2015 ISSUE | AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES | PAGE 4


    Classical Yoga is all

    about enabling us to

    access higher states

    of awareness, which

    is the true goal of

    Yoga practice. Yoga

    denes such higher

    states as samadhi,

    meaning a state of

    e q u i l i b r i u m ,

    a b s o r p t i o n a n d

    b a l a n c e a

    realization of bliss

    o r u n i t y


    Samadhi occurs by

    silencing of the mind,

    in which the mind

    comes to function like a

    mirror, only reecting

    rather than interpreting

    r e a l i t y . H o w e v e r ,

    e x a c t l y w h a t

    constitutes this higher

    yogic awareness is not

    something easy for us

    t o u n d e r s t a n d o r

    experience. And it is

    something we can easily confuse with other

    altered states of mind.

    Samadhi is the eighth limb of classical Yoga but

    also a term for Yoga as a whole. The Yoga Sutras

    denes Yoga as Samadhi and regards all other

    aspects of Yoga as preparatory for it. The

    denition of Yoga as citta vritti nirodha or the

    mastery of the movements of the mind is a

    denition of samadhi, as the prime commentator

    Vyaasa notes (YS.I.2).

    Samadhi is dened as nirodha, which is a very

    difcult term to translate and there is no

    satisfactory English equivalent. Terms like

    control, silencing, balancing, concreting,

    dissolving or surrendering have been used, but

    none are exact. Nirodha implies a deeper

    composure and focus for the mind than these

    Light of the Vedas September 2015 ISSUE | AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES | PAGE 6

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  • terms indicate. Samadhis involve changes in our

    mental, pranic (breath) and sensory functioning

    and an internalized state of awareness.

    The Yoga Sutras describes various types and

    degrees of Samadhi, leading to the highest

    Samadhi of pure Self-awareness, the Purusha or

    pure consciousness beyond the gunas or qualities

    of nature, known as Kaivalya, a state of


    But all such terminology is provisional. We could

    also use such terms for Samadhi as a higher,

    deeper, clearer or pure awareness. It is a state

    beyond all quantitative judgments, names and

    angles of approach, in which we transcend the

    mind, its concepts and coordinates. So whatever

    we say about it can only be indirect.

    Altered States

    There are many altered states of mind and

    consciousness, including those apart from higher

    yogic states. Most evident are altered states

    induced by drugs and herbs, such as we have easy

    access to today. There are groups that use

    botanicals from cannabis to ayahuasca for this

    purpose, including some Yoga practitioners.

    Some Yogis in India commonly use cannabis as is

    well known. Something of yogic states may be

    revealed in the process, but much illusion can also

    be there, particularly when the student is not

    properly prepared. The Yoga Sutras does refer to

    drug and herb based samadhis, but lists them

    among the lower and non-yogic samadhis (YS


    There are many other ways that we can access

    altered states, such as through music, drumming,

    chanting, deep breathing practices, heightened

    sensation, sensory deprivation, fasting, or various

    austerities. Such practices may be part of Yoga if

    performed along with the right guidance,

    intention and duration, but they can also be

    performed outside of a yogic understanding and

    may not be entirely wholesome in their effects.

    In the realm of occultism there are additional

    practices that involve visions, dreams, astral

    travel, channeling, and accessing the spirit world

    or departed souls, which may have elements of

    Yoga but may not. Yoga is open to experiencing

    the whole of existence but through developing

    our own deeper awareness, not through giving

    over our awareness to an outside force or entity.

    We should be free to experience the entire

    universe but not lose ourselves in the process.

    Even religious experiences, in which one can have

    communion with the Divine, God or Goddess, are

    usually regarded as preliminary to higher

    formless yogic states. Higher yogic states involve

    a deeper Self-awareness or Atmic consciousness


    Other people equate Samadhi, bliss or Ananda

    with emotional highs, states of ecstasy and

    possible dramatic bodily movements or

    expressions. We must remember that the Ananda

    or bliss born of Samadhi is rooted in peace and in a

    calm inner focus, and does not necessarily create

    any outer display.

    There are certain individuals, often imaginative or

    emotional in nature, who can easily have what

    they think are spiritual and yogic experiences,

    including colorful and emotional visions and

    inspirations, possibility involving deities, gurus

    or subt le wor lds . Some new or young

    practitioners can quickly move into various

    experiences they think are samadhis but these

    may instead reect lack of emotional control and

    instability in their prana. Samadhi implies an

    inner stillness, detachment, composure and


    Yoga does not always regard these altered states

    or unusual experiences as important or as

    necessarily positive. Yoga denes samadhi

    primarily as a deeper level of concentration and

    focus and aims at promoting a one pointed and

    discriminating state of awareness, in which one

    gradually moves beyond all outer experiences to

    an inner state of seeing beyond all name, form and

    action. Such a yogic focus can provide special

    experiences and powers (vibhutis and siddhis)

    but along with the maturity not to get taken in by


    Different Types of Samadhi

    Yoga discusses different states of samadhi though

    ultimately samadhi is of one taste or rasa only and

    is a development of unity consciousness. The

    main distinction is between Nirvikalpa Samadhi

    in which all the distortions, imaginations and

    interpretations of the mind come to an end, and

    Savikalpa Samadhi in which the mind continues

    to cast illusions and interpretations.

    Light of the Vedas September 2015 ISSUE | AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES | PAGE 7

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  • Another important way to understand Samadhi is

    relative to the four states of waking, dream, deep

    sleep, and the ever wakeful fourth or Turiya state

    that endures behind deep sleep and the other two

    states as well. Samadhi is like remaining in a

    conscious deep sleep state, rather than our normal

    unconscious deep sleep state. This is also the

    highest form of Yoga Nidra.

    There are states of astral awareness that bring in

    subtle and heightened artistic experiences,

    including visions of deities and subtle worlds.

    These are form-based samadhis, though the form

    is subtle. They are extensions of the dream state.

    Beyond these are states in which one experiences

    energies of eternity and innity through form

    based perceptions. This is like the mystic Blake's

    experience of innity in a grain of sand and

    eternity in an hour. There are entire lokas of this

    type. These experiences cross over into the causal


    Beyond these are purely formless states of

    a w a r e n e s s i n w h i c h o n e e x p e r i e n c e s

    consciousness, light, energy, vibration beyond

    any semblance of objects, forms or limitations,

    including a direct experience of cosmic law, truth

    and the ideal powers behind all manifestation.

    These are an extension of the deep sleep state.

    One can experience even deeper samadhis in the

    waking state and in the physical body, but in this

    case the physical world and body are seen as

    manifestations of light, energy and thought, not as

    real in their own right.

    Samadhi rst of all requires surrendering our

    sense of physical and form based reality. This

    means experiencing the world as light, energy,

    prana and consciousness, not as name, shape,

    number or structure. It requires an inner seeing

    and knowing that has no corresponding external

    object, thought, emotion or memory.

    The highest spiritual states or samadhis have no

    sensory or conceptual content. They do not

    involve seeing unusual lights, hearing unusual

    sounds, going to other worlds and so on. They

    simply involve being fully what one is, which is

    everything and nothing. Body, mind and ego as

    we know them are put into the background or

    forgotten altogether.

    Samadhi is like entering into the great unknown,

    yet it has its own self-knowing. Samadhi is a state

    of unknowing in which we go beyond the mind to

    a pure unmodied state of Self-awareness.

    The highest Nirvikalpa Samadhi occurs when it is

    sustained throughout waking, dream and deep

    sleep as ones natural state. This is also called

    Sahaja Samadhi or the natural state of Samadhi.

    Higher States of Awareness Who is There?

    Sometimes people ask me to describe samadhi,

    differences in samadhi or what is involved in

    higher yogic states. There are simple things like a

    deepening awareness, a slowing down and

    deepening of the breath, a release from body

    consciousness, and a falling away of thought that

    one can point to initially. Such states usually begin

    with a state of profound stillness of body and

    mind, but can continue during our daily activities.

    It is like a deep silence at the core of ones being.

    But in the highest truth, there is no one who goes

    into higher states of consciousness, which does

    not happen according to a formula. Rather these

    higher states arise when the veils created by the

    lower states of consciousness are removed,

    surrendered or let go of, or simply fall away as a

    result of long term practice. Such higher states

    usually occur unexpectedly or like a ow of grace

    but have enduring impacts on the state of


    In higher states of awareness, you are not there.

    There is no question of any person having an

    experience. There is no other or separate person

    apart from you either. There is no audience and no

    one to talk to or share the experience with. There is

    a unitary Self-awareness like space and light but

    with no boundaries and a condition not limited to

    a particular body or mind.

    One may experience what could be called God or

    guru or Nature but as part of the same unitary

    Self-awareness. In some states one can experience

    separate deities or teachers but these are usually

    not the highest.

    You must leave your body consciousness at the

    door to enter these higher realms of consciousness

    and understand yourself as pure spirit and light.

    You must leave your mind behind and move into

    thought free awareness. Samadhi is a journey in

    which the one taking the journey disappears early

    along the way.

    There are higher yogic experiences that relate to

    certain parts of the body, like the top of the head,

    Light of the Vedas September 2015 ISSUE | AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES | PAGE 8

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  • the heart or the third eye, but one is not conscious

    of these as parts of my body. One may

    experience that universal forces are present in

    what we call the body, which gradually merges

    into all of nature.

    In the highest Atmic states there is a knowledge by

    identity, pure awareness, or direct seeing for

    which names and concepts are peripheral. There

    is nothing to know and no one who could know it,

    as far as any informational knowledge goes. There

    is as it were a self-evident mystery that is full and

    overowing and of which the entire universe is

    but a reection.

    How Should We Pursue Spiritual Experiences?

    Actually there is no need to overtly pursue

    spiritual experiences, or to try to imagine what

    these might be like. What is necessary is to move

    into a deeper peace, perception and Self-

    awareness as ones natural state. This means

    giving up regarding

    external experiences

    as real or denitive.

    Yoga Sadhana and

    practice is certainly is

    necessary and must

    be done daily, but

    one should let any

    experiences come

    and go like clouds in

    the sky, and not run

    after them. This will

    naturally allow the

    e x p e r i e n c e s t o

    deepen as well.

    The prime experience

    of samadhi is as the

    state of pure being

    that is always there, if

    w e l e t g o o f o u r

    xation on the world

    of becoming, action

    and change. The bliss

    of Samadhi is behind

    and beyond all of our

    experiences with the

    mind, senses and

    body as a continuous


    To access the yogic samadhis, we must give up our

    attachment to our ordinary samadhis or

    emotional highs born of outer enjoyments and

    inner imaginations. Samadhi implies stillness,

    steadiness, composure and immutability. It is

    beyond the ups and downs of emotions and

    thoughts. You need not pursue samadhi; you

    simply need to let go of all your other pursuits!

    Samadhi is the owering of inner peace, which is

    an extension of the peace of nature that we all have

    a sense of. Yoga helps us develop that seed into a

    great banyan tree. May all beings reach the highest

    happiness and by the most direct path, which is to

    not deviate from who we really are! Let us not

    forget the bliss that is one's inmost Self and the

    deeper unitary Self-awareness behind the entire


    Light of the Vedas September 2015 ISSUE | AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES | PAGE 9

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